Jimmy Carter's grandson: Family honor prompted him to help leak Romney video


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well well, what a fine UPSTANDING guy...gutter politics is the Democrat party people

By Julian Pecquet - 09/18/12 01:50 PM ET

The grandson of former president Jimmy Carter told NBC News that he was motivated by Republican attacks on his grandfather's foreign policy record to help leak a secretly recorded video that has become Mitt Romney's latest headache.

James Carter IV, who is 35 and unemployed, said he helped persuade the person who filmed the May 17 fundraiser in Boca Raton, Fla., to leak the video to the press. Carter described himself as a “partisan Democrat” devoted to getting president Obama reelected, but he also told NBC that he had a personal stake in going after Romney.

all of it here
Jimmy Carter's grandson: Family honor prompted him to help leak Romney video - The Hill's Global Affairs
The first 3 words of the title of the thread is embarrassing enough for any human to bare...Jimmy Carter's grandson...:D
Jimmy Carter has done more for humanity than the entire Romney family.
well well, what a fine UPSTANDING guy...gutter politics is the Democrat party people

By Julian Pecquet - 09/18/12 01:50 PM ET

The grandson of former president Jimmy Carter told NBC News that he was motivated by Republican attacks on his grandfather's foreign policy record to help leak a secretly recorded video that has become Mitt Romney's latest headache.

James Carter IV, who is 35 and unemployed, said he helped persuade the person who filmed the May 17 fundraiser in Boca Raton, Fla., to leak the video to the press. Carter described himself as a “partisan Democrat” devoted to getting president Obama reelected, but he also told NBC that he had a personal stake in going after Romney.

all of it here
Jimmy Carter's grandson: Family honor prompted him to help leak Romney video - The Hill's Global Affairs

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Jimmy Carter is well known as the worst President.. that was until Obama took office.
Paybacks are hell.

What payback you idiot hack?! What did anyone do to that little punk??? Jimmy Carter was the worst President in history and is known for that.. If anyone deserves to get payback, it's us the taxpayer for what they no good for nothing MALAISE President did.
Paybacks are hell.

What payback you idiot hack?! What did anyone do to that little punk??? Jimmy Carter was the worst President in history and is known for that.. If anyone deserves to get payback, it's us the taxpayer for what they no good for nothing MALAISE President did.

you're wasting your time dear..
they just let the troll derail every thread
well well, what a fine UPSTANDING guy...gutter politics is the Democrat party people

By Julian Pecquet - 09/18/12 01:50 PM ET

The grandson of former president Jimmy Carter told NBC News that he was motivated by Republican attacks on his grandfather's foreign policy record to help leak a secretly recorded video that has become Mitt Romney's latest headache.

James Carter IV, who is 35 and unemployed, said he helped persuade the person who filmed the May 17 fundraiser in Boca Raton, Fla., to leak the video to the press. Carter described himself as a “partisan Democrat” devoted to getting president Obama reelected, but he also told NBC that he had a personal stake in going after Romney.

all of it here
Jimmy Carter's grandson: Family honor prompted him to help leak Romney video - The Hill's Global Affairs

well well, what a fine UPSTANDING guy...gutter politics is the Democrat party people

By Julian Pecquet - 09/18/12 01:50 PM ET

The grandson of former president Jimmy Carter told NBC News that he was motivated by Republican attacks on his grandfather's foreign policy record to help leak a secretly recorded video that has become Mitt Romney's latest headache.

James Carter IV, who is 35 and unemployed, said he helped persuade the person who filmed the May 17 fundraiser in Boca Raton, Fla., to leak the video to the press. Carter described himself as a “partisan Democrat” devoted to getting president Obama reelected, but he also told NBC that he had a personal stake in going after Romney.

all of it here
Jimmy Carter's grandson: Family honor prompted him to help leak Romney video - The Hill's Global Affairs

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Jimmy Carter is well known as the worst President.. that was until Obama took office.

No he isn't.
Hell, even the Canadian Free Press reports that Hussein is worse than that loser Carter!

Move over, Jimmy Carter

The race is over, Jimmy Carter can rest easy. Until this feckless administration, the hapless 39th President of the United States was safely ensconced as the worst President in U.S. history. Now, Carter who gave us double digit inflation and interest rates, a national malaise and a military in decline has been surpassed in the race for the bottom.

President Barack Obama is now the undisputed “Worst President in U.S. History.” He can place this award on his mantle next to the Noble Peace Prize.
Cater's grandson is the man for getting the footage of Willard trash talking half of america (including himself) :up:
You should read the comments at the site with the article

Obama is losing folks, lets let him go...:eusa_clap:
Hell, even the Canadian Free Press reports that Hussein is worse than that loser Carter!

Move over, Jimmy Carter

The race is over, Jimmy Carter can rest easy. Until this feckless administration, the hapless 39th President of the United States was safely ensconced as the worst President in U.S. history. Now, Carter who gave us double digit inflation and interest rates, a national malaise and a military in decline has been surpassed in the race for the bottom.

President Barack Obama is now the undisputed “Worst President in U.S. History.” He can place this award on his mantle next to the Noble Peace Prize.

Funny. Canada Free Press is a radical NaziCon publication.
You should read the comments at the site with the article

Obama is losing folks, lets let him go...:eusa_clap:

LOL .. I like this one:

The nut didn't fall far from the tree. Unemployed, not looking for a job, and living off grandpa's money no doubt.

James Carter IV, who is 35 and unemployed, said he helped persuade the person who filmed the May 17 fundraiser in Boca Raton, Fla., to leak the video to the press. Carter described himself as a “partisan Democrat” devoted to getting president Obama reelected, but he also told NBC that he had a personal stake in going after Romney. [/url]

I could see why he's unemployed. He didn't look too bright!

This video shouldn't hurt Romney. It show's he's more direct and hides nothing.

Obama isn't direct and seems to hide everything...
Romney is also unemployed. And it looks like he'll stay that way for a very long time.
Romney is also unemployed. And it looks like he'll stay that way for a very long time.

Using your STUPID logic, Bill Clinton is unemployed also.. LOL

You're so thoroughly dumb that you make it all too easy..

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