Jobs creation through the SCOTUS decision on gay marriages


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Free market advocates should rejoice over the SCOTUS decision on gay marriages.

Now, thousands of jobs will be created for bakeries, florists, caterers, photographers, etc., who will welcome the business of providing services to gay couples wishing to be married.

Vendors who object to gay couples' marital business will not be forced to do what they wish not to do, leaving a large opening to entrepreneurial individuals who will welcome the business.

Don't you agree???
Free market advocates should rejoice over the SCOTUS decision on gay marriages.

Now, thousands of jobs will be created for bakeries, florists, caterers, photographers, etc., who will welcome the business of providing services to gay couples wishing to be married.

Vendors who object to gay couples' marital business will not be forced to do what they wish not to do, leaving a large opening to entrepreneurial individuals who will welcome the business.

Don't you agree???


You are disregarding opposing effects ... more married people means more folks living together and cutting cost through economies of scale - so its good for the florists and caterers - bad for the landlords and utility companies.
You are disregarding opposing effects ... more married people means more folks living together and cutting cost through economies of scale - so its good for the florists and caterers - bad for the landlords and utility companies.

LOL.........but don't forget anniversary and fathers/mothers' cards' sales will increase....
and as someone earlier stated, HIS & HIS or Hers & HERS towel sets sales; etc.
All in all, a boon to new and existing businesses.
You are disregarding opposing effects ... more married people means more folks living together and cutting cost through economies of scale - so its good for the florists and caterers - bad for the landlords and utility companies.

LOL.........but don't forget anniversary and fathers/mothers' cards' sales will increase....
and as someone earlier stated, HIS & HIS or Hers & HERS towel sets sales; etc.
All in all, a boon to new and existing businesses.

It will cause social security costs to go up.

Just more unfunded liability... bla bla bla federal reserve private bank bitcoin
Gay weddings are going to be FABULOUS!

Actually NO joke...I attended a friend's gay wedding a while back and, on the fun-scale, they put traditional, stuffy other weddings to shame....My wife and I had a blast.
Legal status and all the privileges provided by the marriage contract is settled.

Next will come the commercial, economic process. What vendors would not want to see a 10% growth in their customer base? What real estate agent would say no to an increase of their business? Gays live openly. But as a married couple, their net worth increases and they will enter the housing market as your neighbors tomorrow, if not already.

Does heterosexual marriage have an impact on the economy? You're damn right it does. How could expanding the base of customers who aresober, responsible fellow American citizens damage the economy?

There will be those steadfast merchants who will, in an ethical lapse of judgment, refuse to love his neighbor as he would have himself loved and turn away customers because of his faith. That's okay. The decision did not mandate private business etiquette or adherence to the greatest principles this nation is at it's foundation. But those businesses will be cutting off their noses to spite their face.

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