Joe and Kamala Hold Campaign Rally In Arizona And Nobody Turns Up For It EXCEPT Biden Staffers And Random Journalists

Okay so here we have Joe and Kamala having some type of Campaign Rally in Arizona and nobody turned up for it except Biden Campaign Staffers and some random journalists. WHERE are ALL the ENTHUSIASTIC SCREAMING Joe and Kamala supporters?

The below is a news report that was live outside the building that Joe and Kamala were having their Campaign Rally in yet ANOTHER random parking lot, the end footage shows Joe and Kamala walking in said random parking lot with the Whore of that Neo-Conservative Warmonger Turned Worm Food John McInsane and there is TOTAL SILENCE, no CHEERING and no CLAPPING and so we seem to have ANOTHER empty parking lot event for Creepy Joe like that one he had last week in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The below news report is 2 minutes and 8 seconds in duration:

To just remind everyone RealClearPolitics Poll Average for Arizona, that 2.7% for Biden is within the Margin of Error:

View attachment 399857

To also just remind everyone the below is the RealClearPolitics Poll Average for the SAME POINT in the 2016 Election and it shows Hillary 43% and Trump 38% that's a 5% Hillary lead and another shows Hillary 44% and Trump 42% that's a 2% Hillary lead and the last one shows both Hillary and Trump on 42%

View attachment 399865

The actual result was Trump 48.1% and Hillary 44.6% and you notice that the RCP above Polls of Biden vs Trump are ALL Head to Head, they are NOT including the Libertarian or the Green this time. Why? Well IF they did it would probably show Trump in the lead which is SOMETHING ALL these MSM Polls do NOT want to show, they want to show Trump losing everywhere as a way to discourage and/or demoralise Trump Supporters. DON'T fall for IT, go out in person and vote like your life depends on it.

View attachment 399866

At this time my Electoral College Map looks like this:

View attachment 399903

^^^^ I consider that only 5 States are going to decide this thing. I have Georgia and North Carolina as Likely Republican, I think that Biden is 96% going to win Michigan and Minnesota and I have 5 Toss Up's Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Right this moment if I was asked to fill the rest of the map in on pure instinct, this would be it, Pennsylvania to Biden and Arizona, Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin to Trump:

View attachment 399907

You called Nevada right!
Californicated transplants combined with illiterate casino workers have turned us blue.
That's also why we have a Governor in Sisolak who is overwhelmed with his elected job!

The Biden Campaign are obviously not as confident as some would think though, they have sent out Campaign Workers to literally knock on doors in Nevada AND also in New Hampshire, that is a sign they are not so sure if they are as far ahead in those States as the Polls are saying.

There is another new Poll now saying Biden ahead by 5% but again they have over Polled Democrats and under Polled Republicans:




^^^^ Not ALL Polls SHOW there Weighted Sampling but when they DO what you find is that they ALWAYS Poll MORE Democrats than Republicans, this below is the Weighted Sampling for the above Poll:


^^^^ So again we see they have Polled 5% more Democrats than Republicans. If you did a Poll and you Polled 37% Republicans and 32% Democrats then you might well get the Republican ahead in that Poll. These Polls consistently under Poll Republicans and over Poll Democrats, it's literally nearly EVERY Poll they do this in.

Pardon me while I laugh at your ignorance (Ben Thompson)..

It's not funny. It's pathetic. It's destroying America. It's killing innocent, unborn babies, young blacks, innocent passersby, and white victims of black rage created by the Democrat "racist" mantra, a vicious, deadly, destructive lie.
Not only are you cons adept at lacing your posts with vulgarity, your not bad when it comes to hyperbole.
Okay so here we have Joe and Kamala having some type of Campaign Rally in Arizona and nobody turned up for it except Biden Campaign Staffers and some random journalists. WHERE are ALL the ENTHUSIASTIC SCREAMING Joe and Kamala supporters?

The below is a news report that was live outside the building that Joe and Kamala were having their Campaign Rally in yet ANOTHER random parking lot, the end footage shows Joe and Kamala walking in said random parking lot with the Whore of that Neo-Conservative Warmonger Turned Worm Food John McInsane and there is TOTAL SILENCE, no CHEERING and no CLAPPING and so we seem to have ANOTHER empty parking lot event for Creepy Joe like that one he had last week in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The below news report is 2 minutes and 8 seconds in duration:

To just remind everyone RealClearPolitics Poll Average for Arizona, that 2.7% for Biden is within the Margin of Error:

View attachment 399857

To also just remind everyone the below is the RealClearPolitics Poll Average for the SAME POINT in the 2016 Election and it shows Hillary 43% and Trump 38% that's a 5% Hillary lead and another shows Hillary 44% and Trump 42% that's a 2% Hillary lead and the last one shows both Hillary and Trump on 42%

View attachment 399865

The actual result was Trump 48.1% and Hillary 44.6% and you notice that the RCP above Polls of Biden vs Trump are ALL Head to Head, they are NOT including the Libertarian or the Green this time. Why? Well IF they did it would probably show Trump in the lead which is SOMETHING ALL these MSM Polls do NOT want to show, they want to show Trump losing everywhere as a way to discourage and/or demoralise Trump Supporters. DON'T fall for IT, go out in person and vote like your life depends on it.

View attachment 399866

The below is why all these Polls do a Head to Head Biden vs Trump instead of like they did in 2016 and do either a 3 Way or a 4 Way, the below is a recent Poll for Arizona and it's a 3 Way it includes the Libertarian Candidate and this is what happens when a Poll doesn't do a Head to Head, it shows Trump leading:



Kamala Harris and her running mate Sleepy Joe help a major campaign event in Arizona but no one showed up? lol.
I just came across this on you tube. and this seems to be the pattern these last two or so month. Biden shows up to his rally, and all he gets is crickets and various small animals waiting for him.

Ridiculous isn't it? That being said, I would not underestimate the collective democrat hatred for our man Trump. Biden could be (and likely is) a walking, talking animatronic corpse and tens of millions would still vote blue. Hell of thing, ain't it?
I just came across this on you tube. and this seems to be the pattern these last two or so month. Biden shows up to his rally, and all he gets is crickets and various small animals waiting for him.

Ridiculous isn't it? That being said, I would not underestimate the collective democrat hatred for our man Trump. Biden could be (and likely is) a walking, talking animatronic corpse and tens of millions would still vote blue. Hell of thing, ain't it?

No don't take it for granted, but don't be depressed by this obviously fake polls.
I just came across this on you tube. and this seems to be the pattern these last two or so month. Biden shows up to his rally, and all he gets is crickets and various small animals waiting for him.

Ridiculous isn't it? That being said, I would not underestimate the collective democrat hatred for our man Trump. Biden could be (and likely is) a walking, talking animatronic corpse and tens of millions would still vote blue. Hell of thing, ain't it?

We have a bunch of California transplants here, and they are the only reason AZ is ever “in play”.
I just came across this on you tube. and this seems to be the pattern these last two or so month. Biden shows up to his rally, and all he gets is crickets and various small animals waiting for him.

It could be that a lot of voters are not voting for Biden; they're voting against the blob....

We'll see. I think the race here is a lot tighter than the polls indicate. Trump may win on McSally's coat tails. She was very good in the debate against Kelly.
Hillary didn't get the crowds trump got but she still won the popular vote by close to 3 million. Could be that republicans have nothing better to do with their time? They also overwhelm on this here forum. They must really lead boring lives. Millions of hours spent sucking up to and defending a piece of shit like trump who wouldn't piss on them even if they were on fire.

Hillary's Popular Vote win of nearly 3 millions was PURELY down to TWO States California and New York and I expect Biden to also win the Popular Vote for the same reason.
And 30 million of them are illegals.............they will say that is BS but they have been doing identity theft for decades..........Since Reagan passed the law for the I-9 forms...........they set up a network to steal identities to work here..............The IRS and the Social Security Administration KNOW IT.........They say they don't care as long as they pay taxes.

Now the left would say...........THEY DON'T VOTE.......they aren't citizens........yet the same people can get a job with fake id's that even E-verify will not catch.

What we learned is that ... the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns, and say that's not really our job. We also learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number, and you use your own system to determine whether a number is valid."

Yes, yet another gang of criminals who need to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting fraud, along with Biden's and Obama's extortion rackets, Feinstein's Red Chinese espionage front, Hillary's treason and bribe taking from foreign govts., etc., etc., etc., all down the line.
Hillary didn't get the crowds trump got but she still won the popular vote by close to 3 million. Could be that republicans have nothing better to do with their time? They also overwhelm on this here forum. They must really lead boring lives. Millions of hours spent sucking up to and defending a piece of shit like trump who wouldn't piss on them even if they were on fire.
Hillary won CA with their 5 million votes Illegal Alien votes, that's her popular vote margin
Hillary didn't get the crowds trump got but she still won the popular vote by close to 3 million. Could be that republicans have nothing better to do with their time? They also overwhelm on this here forum. They must really lead boring lives. Millions of hours spent sucking up to and defending a piece of shit like trump who wouldn't piss on them even if they were on fire.

Hillary's Popular Vote win of nearly 3 millions was PURELY down to TWO States California and New York and I expect Biden to also win the Popular Vote for the same reason.
And 30 million of them are illegals.............they will say that is BS but they have been doing identity theft for decades..........Since Reagan passed the law for the I-9 forms...........they set up a network to steal identities to work here..............The IRS and the Social Security Administration KNOW IT.........They say they don't care as long as they pay taxes.

Now the left would say...........THEY DON'T VOTE.......they aren't citizens........yet the same people can get a job with fake id's that even E-verify will not catch.

What we learned is that ... the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns, and say that's not really our job. We also learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number, and you use your own system to determine whether a number is valid."

Yes, yet another gang of criminals who need to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting fraud, along with Biden's and Obama's extortion rackets, Feinstein's Red Chinese espionage front, Hillary's treason and bribe taking from foreign govts., etc., etc., etc., all down the line.
Barr is all over it...I'm sure of it
I just came across this on you tube. and this seems to be the pattern these last two or so month. Biden shows up to his rally, and all he gets is crickets and various small animals waiting for him.

It could be that a lot of voters are not voting for Biden; they're voting against the blob....

We'll see. I think the race here is a lot tighter than the polls indicate. Trump may win on McSally's coat tails. She was very good in the debate against Kelly.

Xi and the CCP are up day and night printing up mail in ballots for their Joe! Make China Great Again! Xi/Harris 2020

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