Joe Biden did not recieve one penny from his son's biz deals

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Your TDS is a debilitating disease.

Any list of dalliances committed by the Biden crime family syndicate you would care to post?

"TDS" is a thought-terminating cliché and has no argumentative value

Any data point which is supported by only one party cannot be a valid data point, it is therefore a propaganda technique

I gave you evidence that included government documents and first hand testimony from people directly connected,,

if thats not good enough for you nothing is,,,

the least you can do is stop lying and just say you dont care,,

Because it's not evidence. It's ONLY the kind of evidence predicating a query.

But where is the query? Where are the transcripts from the Biden family being subpoenaed to Congress?


US Attorney Delaware, David Weiss, appointed to investigate Hunter Biden by Bill Barr, agrees.

No indictments after three years of having the same information.

Let that be your answer.

It is time for YOU to be honest.

And, IF you were honest, you'd know that the Biden wild goose chase is merely to deflect away from these facts:

Trump org, indicted
Trump CFO, in prison
Trump campaign mngr, convicted.
Trump, 34 felony counts in NYC
Trump, sued for $250 million in NY.
Trump, found liable for sex abuse and defamation, must pay $5 million
Trump, being investigated for obstruction relating to the theft of national defense information documents
Trump, being investigated for election fraud in GA
Trump, being investigation for crimes related to Jan 6 attack, Jan 6 attempt to overturn the election by delaying the joint session fo congress.
Trump, settled for $25 million having scammed thousands out of millions in a fake university scam
Trump, fornicated with a porn star just after his newly wed wife gave birth and threw his long time dedicated lawyer under the bus.
Trump charity, shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump fined $2 million.
That has nothing to do with your thread title, in which you provide zero evidence besides your own ignorant opinion. Try again, your TDS does not excuse your obvious lies.

No, it is republicans making the claim that Biden is corrupt.

Therefore, it is YOU who have to provide evidence.
"TDS" is a thought-terminating cliché and has no argumentative value

Any data point which is supported by only one party cannot be a valid data point, it is therefore a propaganda technique

View attachment 785708.
On the contrary, you are obsessed with Trump. Did you know he's not the current president?
On the contrary, you are obsessed with Trump. Did you know he's not the current president?

He is the de facto nominee. He is a threat to US National Security.

If you can't understand why Democrats are concerned about Trump, you are not paying attention.

Do you have a valid counter argument?

apparently not.
He is the de facto nominee. He is a threat to US National Security.

If you can't understand why Democrats are concerned about Trump, you are not paying attention.

Do you have a valid counter argument?

apparently not.
Baseless claims from someone who is obsessed with Trump.
until joey xiden releases his corp tax returns we will never know. There is a reason he is hiding them
He is the de facto nominee. He is a threat to US National Security.

If you can't understand why Democrats are concerned about Trump, you are not paying attention.

Do you have a valid counter argument?

apparently not.
no we get it…he is a direct threat to the demafasict agenda…that’s why you view him the way you do
You sure go to a lot of trouble to attack Donald Trump and cover for Joe Biden.. The truth is Joe Biden's father was a failure who lost the family fortune and forced the Bidens back into a poor lifestyle when Joe Biden was still a boy. The pain and shame of that stuck with him and that is what drove him into a career in politics. He knew that he was of average intelligence at best and wouldn't amount to much so he thought politics was his best bet to become wealthy. He knew that all he had to do was stay in office so he played the game well enough to that for over 40 years.

When he got to the Vice Presidency, he knew that was going to be the big payoff so he exploited his drugged out criminal son to be the front man for the pay for play enterprise. There are dozens of official bank records proving all of it and plenty of email and documentation to prove that Joe Biden is definitely involved, is a pathological liar and a traitor to his country.

The man you hate with so much passion has his faults, to be sure. But there is ZERO EVIDENCE of Donald Trump selling out the country to a hostile foreign country the way Biden has done. So what if made hundred million in this business or that business. He will pay that much in legal fees for all the frivolous law suits being thrown at him by the ChinaCrats.
Very true. Unfortunately we have a corrupt government today in the D.C. Swamp and the Biden Crime Family will waltz away scot-free as usual. They are not outsiders like Trump so they are above the law. Hunter might get a light slap on the wrist but it will be a no big deal type punishment.
First, if you are going to whine about this being too long, go away. This is a complicated subject, and it can't be dealt with in 25 words or less. Have fun reading the constitution, for the federalist papers, they are a lot longer than my post.

Now then, for you serious folks......

Repubs are so disingenuous, they say 'Biden family this' Biden family that' trying to IMPLY Joe Biden is part of it.

HE isn't.

Joe Biden received nothing. No one anywhere, let alone on this forum, have produced evidence Joe Biden recieved money from his sibling's biz deals.

As for 'influence peddling' that's just an opinion, not a fact. You'll need to prove one of Hunter's associates benefitted directly from policies made by Joe Biden that were the result of meetings and deals made. I haven't seen any evidence of it, so far.

If it is your opinion, fine, say it is your opinion, you are entitled to it, but don't allege as fact without evidence.

Hunter is a private citizen, who is allowed to do business wherever he pleases. It is not illegal.

Trading off the family name? Okay, Hunter admits that, so do a lot of siblings of famous people do this, it's common, and not illegal.

You want to argue he didn't register as FARA? Fine, but it is not likely the DOJ will prosecute Hunter for just that one, they'll want more serious crimes to go with it and the DOJ (US atty Delaware David Weiss) ahs been investigating Hunter Biden for over 3 years, and so far, they haven't indicted him for anything.

A few of you were whining that Hunter has '20 LLCs'.


Trump has 500 LLCs

Hunter made foreign business deals.

so? He's a private citizen.

Trump was president.

Trump made $160,000,000 off of foreign business deals when he was in office

Remember he promised not to do this?

As for shell companies.....

Trump has 500 such accounts.

What Trump's disclosure of his 500 LLCs can and can't tell us

Trump org was INDICTED for "tax fraud'.

Trump's charity was shut down for 'illegal activity' Trump was fined $2million bucks for 'embezzling funds for private use'.

Trump had to settle for $25,000,000 for a fake university which scammed thousands out of millions.

Trump was made liable for sexual abuse and defamation and must pay $5,000,000 and is indicted on 34 felony counts in NY.

Jared filed with the FEC, he's got $3 billion in the fund, and most of it came from the Saudis.

You'll find Jared's name on the document on page 28. The fund's holdings are listed in several places.

The Saudi documents obtained by The Times say that in return for its investment, the Saudi fund would receive a stake of at least 28 percent in Mr. Kushner’s main investment vehicle.

But, speaking of China, it appears the Kushners are doing fine over there, as well:

Kushner Family Stands to Gain From Visa Rules in Trump’s First Major Law (Published 2017)

In fact, Kushner Companies — when Mr. Kushner was still at the helm — had received $50 million in EB-5 financing for a separate New Jersey project, a Trump-branded luxury high-rise tower in Jersey City that opened late last year.

On Monday, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, called the visa program “a stark conflict of interest for the Trump White House.” Meanwhile, the ethics watchdog group Democracy 21 called for Mr. Kushner to recuse himself from all policy dealing with China. The group had previously called for Mr. Kushner to make public a full list of his family firm’s overseas business partners and lenders as well as a full divestiture of his business assets into a blind trust.

See, the difference is that Jared was a Senior WH official.

Hunter Biden was and is a private citizen.

But, of course, you on the right don't seem to give a damn about pertinent facts.


You BlueMAGAs are hilarious.
The Zionist Fascists and the Democrats tried to impeach a President for trying to



It is so obvious that all of these DNC talking points parrots are hyper scared of the truth, that Traitor Joe is a top 10 all time traitor and climbing rapidly, an election cheater, a sellout etc...

WHY are they so scared of an INVESTIGATION if Traitor Joe is really innocent as they claim??
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