Joe Biden Goes Rogue at Union Meeting, Grabs the Mic and Starts Rambling Before Feed Abruptly Cuts! (VIDEO)


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It's getting brutal out there.

I think the only reason that Xi has not attacked Taiwan by now is he has paid attention to the drag the Russo-Ukraine has turned into.

Joe Biden on Wednesday dropped by a meeting of national union leaders at the AFL-CIO headquarters in DC.

There was no enthusiasm for Biden at the union meeting (even though they were paid to be there). It had a ā€˜funeral-likeā€™ atmosphere.

ā€œI think of you as my domestic NATO ā€” not a joke,ā€ Biden said.

ā€œI said Iā€™m going to be the most pro-union president in American history,ā€ Biden said. ā€œWell guess what? I am.ā€

As usual, Biden was incoherently rambling about a bunch of different topics.

At one point Biden went off-script in an attempt to be relatable and it went down hill from there.

ā€œYou know, I come from a household with a three-bedroom ā€“ we werenā€™t poor, but we didnā€™t have anything left over at the end of the month and uh, you know, three-bedroom house, four kids, grandpop lived with usā€¦ā€ Biden said.

ā€œI look back now and wonder how my dad handled those thin walls,ā€ Biden said.

Biden wasnā€™t finished after he wrapped up his remarks. He went rogue, grabbed the microphone and started rambling about DEI before the feed abruptly cut.

ā€œMore minorities! More women! More labor! Iā€™m serious! Think about it! Thatā€™s who we are! Thatā€™s why weā€™re strong! Thatā€™s why weā€™re diverse!ā€ Biden shouted before the feed abruptly cut.

Bidenā€™s handlers herded the press out of the room as Biden rambled about DEI.

This is what happens when Biden speaks without a teleprompter.


It's getting brutal out there.

I think the only reason that Xi has not attacked Taiwan by now is he has paid attention to the drag the Russo-Ukraine has turned into.

Joe Biden on Wednesday dropped by a meeting of national union leaders at the AFL-CIO headquarters in DC.
There was no enthusiasm for Biden at the union meeting (even though they were paid to be there). It had a ā€˜funeral-likeā€™ atmosphere.
ā€œI think of you as my domestic NATO ā€” not a joke,ā€ Biden said.
ā€œI said Iā€™m going to be the most pro-union president in American history,ā€ Biden said. ā€œWell guess what? I am.ā€
As usual, Biden was incoherently rambling about a bunch of different topics.
At one point Biden went off-script in an attempt to be relatable and it went down hill from there.
ā€œYou know, I come from a household with a three-bedroom ā€“ we werenā€™t poor, but we didnā€™t have anything left over at the end of the month and uh, you know, three-bedroom house, four kids, grandpop lived with usā€¦ā€ Biden said.
ā€œI look back now and wonder how my dad handled those thin walls,ā€ Biden said.
Biden wasnā€™t finished after he wrapped up his remarks. He went rogue, grabbed the microphone and started rambling about DEI before the feed abruptly cut.
ā€œMore minorities! More women! More labor! Iā€™m serious! Think about it! Thatā€™s who we are! Thatā€™s why weā€™re strong! Thatā€™s why weā€™re diverse!ā€ Biden shouted before the feed abruptly cut.
Bidenā€™s handlers herded the press out of the room as Biden rambled about DEI.
This is what happens when Biden speaks without a teleprompter.

Oh boy, I just hope Jill and Hunter can drag Joe's carcass across the finish line to November. America needs to drink in just how fucked up the Bidens and the Democratic Party really are.
Derangement on parade

Unions won big in 2023. With Biden's help. So the blue collar workers doing the best are in union companies and blue states.

Auto unions, writers, casino workers, healthcare workers. All these union workers got raises last year. Millions of workers.

And my nephew does commercial construction. He's a project manager/intern while going to school. He bosses the manual labor around. He told me they've been on strick most of the summer. They make low $20's and they want high $20's. An hour. That's like $58,000 a year. That's above the median wage in Michigan.

This is how the middle class fixes itself. And they had Biden's support. Trump didn't support the unions in 2023 when they went on strike.

Yes, union contracts negotiated in 2023 resulted in higher wages for unionized workers, with the average first-year increase reaching 6.6%. This was the highest average pay raise since Bloomberg Law began tracking union wage settlements in 1988, and when including signing bonuses and other lump-sum payments, the average figure was 7.3%, also a record high.
Unions won big in 2023. With Biden's help. So the blue collar workers doing the best are in union companies and blue states.

Auto unions, writers, casino workers, healthcare workers. All these union workers got raises last year. Millions of workers.

And my nephew does commercial construction. He's a project manager/intern while going to school. He bosses the manual labor around. He told me they've been on strick most of the summer. They make low $20's and they want high $20's. An hour. That's like $58,000 a year. That's above the median wage in Michigan.

This is how the middle class fixes itself. And they had Biden's support. Trump didn't support the unions in 2023 when they went on strike.

Yes, union contracts negotiated in 2023 resulted in higher wages for unionized workers, with the average first-year increase reaching 6.6%. This was the highest average pay raise since Bloomberg Law began tracking union wage settlements in 1988, and when including signing bonuses and other lump-sum payments, the average figure was 7.3%, also a record high.
Union laborers in construction make over 40 dollars an hour.
Union laborers in construction make over 40 dollars an hour.

I think it was these guys

About 400 people representing roofers, waterproofers and other construction professionals are picketing area businesses after their contract expired on June 1.

Negotiations are stalled over a $1 difference in hourly pay over the course of a proposed 2-year contract, according to sources on both sides of the negotiations. Current hourly pay ranges between $21-an-hour for apprentices to $40-an-hour for experienced workers. The two sides will meet again in early July.

This is the peak season for roofers.
Oh boy, I just hope Jill and Hunter can drag Joe's carcass across the finish line to November. America needs to drink in just how fucked up the Bidens and the Democratic Party really are.
I don't think the hardcore left cares. They know Biden isn't running the country. That was illustrated in huge neon flashing letters when Special counsel Hur said Biden wouldn't be indicted for crimes he committed with the clear implication he was mentally incompetent to stand trial. Too mentally incompetent to stand trial but he remains the man with the nuclear football and power to deploy the military for any reason and responsible for effective decisions should a national or international crisis occur? And that doesn't seem to bother anybody.
It's getting brutal out there.

I think the only reason that Xi has not attacked Taiwan by now is he has paid attention to the drag the Russo-Ukraine has turned into.

Joe Biden on Wednesday dropped by a meeting of national union leaders at the AFL-CIO headquarters in DC.
There was no enthusiasm for Biden at the union meeting (even though they were paid to be there). It had a ā€˜funeral-likeā€™ atmosphere.
ā€œI think of you as my domestic NATO ā€” not a joke,ā€ Biden said.
ā€œI said Iā€™m going to be the most pro-union president in American history,ā€ Biden said. ā€œWell guess what? I am.ā€
As usual, Biden was incoherently rambling about a bunch of different topics.
At one point Biden went off-script in an attempt to be relatable and it went down hill from there.
ā€œYou know, I come from a household with a three-bedroom ā€“ we werenā€™t poor, but we didnā€™t have anything left over at the end of the month and uh, you know, three-bedroom house, four kids, grandpop lived with usā€¦ā€ Biden said.
ā€œI look back now and wonder how my dad handled those thin walls,ā€ Biden said.
Biden wasnā€™t finished after he wrapped up his remarks. He went rogue, grabbed the microphone and started rambling about DEI before the feed abruptly cut.
ā€œMore minorities! More women! More labor! Iā€™m serious! Think about it! Thatā€™s who we are! Thatā€™s why weā€™re strong! Thatā€™s why weā€™re diverse!ā€ Biden shouted before the feed abruptly cut.
Bidenā€™s handlers herded the press out of the room as Biden rambled about DEI.
This is what happens when Biden speaks without a teleprompter.

Your link does not work

I tried to use YouTube but I got over a thousand hits when I typed in Joe Biden rambling incoherently

Which one is it?
It's getting brutal out there.

I think the only reason that Xi has not attacked Taiwan by now is he has paid attention to the drag the Russo-Ukraine has turned into.

Joe Biden on Wednesday dropped by a meeting of national union leaders at the AFL-CIO headquarters in DC.
There was no enthusiasm for Biden at the union meeting (even though they were paid to be there). It had a ā€˜funeral-likeā€™ atmosphere.
ā€œI think of you as my domestic NATO ā€” not a joke,ā€ Biden said.
ā€œI said Iā€™m going to be the most pro-union president in American history,ā€ Biden said. ā€œWell guess what? I am.ā€
As usual, Biden was incoherently rambling about a bunch of different topics.
At one point Biden went off-script in an attempt to be relatable and it went down hill from there.
ā€œYou know, I come from a household with a three-bedroom ā€“ we werenā€™t poor, but we didnā€™t have anything left over at the end of the month and uh, you know, three-bedroom house, four kids, grandpop lived with usā€¦ā€ Biden said.
ā€œI look back now and wonder how my dad handled those thin walls,ā€ Biden said.
Biden wasnā€™t finished after he wrapped up his remarks. He went rogue, grabbed the microphone and started rambling about DEI before the feed abruptly cut.
ā€œMore minorities! More women! More labor! Iā€™m serious! Think about it! Thatā€™s who we are! Thatā€™s why weā€™re strong! Thatā€™s why weā€™re diverse!ā€ Biden shouted before the feed abruptly cut.
Bidenā€™s handlers herded the press out of the room as Biden rambled about DEI.
This is what happens when Biden speaks without a teleprompter.

When does he get formally nominated?
Unions won big in 2023. With Biden's help. So the blue collar workers doing the best are in union companies and blue states.

Auto unions, writers, casino workers, healthcare workers. All these union workers got raises last year. Millions of workers.

And my nephew does commercial construction. He's a project manager/intern while going to school. He bosses the manual labor around. He told me they've been on strick most of the summer. They make low $20's and they want high $20's. An hour. That's like $58,000 a year. That's above the median wage in Michigan.

This is how the middle class fixes itself. And they had Biden's support. Trump didn't support the unions in 2023 when they went on strike.

Yes, union contracts negotiated in 2023 resulted in higher wages for unionized workers, with the average first-year increase reaching 6.6%. This was the highest average pay raise since Bloomberg Law began tracking union wage settlements in 1988, and when including signing bonuses and other lump-sum payments, the average figure was 7.3%, also a record high.
Apparently, you got the talking points, but you didn't actually look at the reality of what Xiden's America looks like for Union members:

For Embattled Biden, Union Members Arenā€™t the Reliable Support They Used to Be​

Even before the presidentā€™s disastrous debate performance, a contingent of unionized workers in battlegrounds such as Michigan said they prefer Trumpā€™s record on trade, immigration and culture​

Joe is thrashing out making himself look DESPERATE. Somebody in his party needs to have a talk with him and STOP having him look like a fool on talk radio and all the other media outlets. I mean, I don't care either way, he is an idiot but his party must be CRINGING about now! :p
Unions won big in 2023. With Biden's help. So the blue collar workers doing the best are in union companies and blue states.

Auto unions, writers, casino workers, healthcare workers. All these union workers got raises last year. Millions of workers.

And my nephew does commercial construction. He's a project manager/intern while going to school. He bosses the manual labor around. He told me they've been on strick most of the summer. They make low $20's and they want high $20's. An hour. That's like $58,000 a year. That's above the median wage in Michigan.

This is how the middle class fixes itself. And they had Biden's support. Trump didn't support the unions in 2023 when they went on strike.

Yes, union contracts negotiated in 2023 resulted in higher wages for unionized workers, with the average first-year increase reaching 6.6%. This was the highest average pay raise since Bloomberg Law began tracking union wage settlements in 1988, and when including signing bonuses and other lump-sum payments, the average figure was 7.3%, also a record high.
Unions are very 50 years ago so no wonder you are all into
I don't think the hardcore left cares. They know Biden isn't running the country. That was illustrated in huge neon flashing letters when Special counsel Hur said Biden wouldn't be indicted for crimes he committed with the clear implication he was mentally incompetent to stand trial. Too mentally incompetent to stand trial but he remains the man with the nuclear football and power to deploy the military for any reason and responsible for effective decisions should a national or international crisis occur? And that doesn't seem to bother anybody.
Well let's hope there are enough real Americans who have had enough of the Stalinist LiarCrats. The debate pulled back the curtain and exposed the gaslighting that they and the Media have pushed on the American people.

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