Joe Biden Is At War Against America & Israel


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

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There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

He didn't give Iran anything. It was their money!
There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

Trump bears much of the responsibility for this attack. The two-state solution has been the backbone of any proposed peace agreement in the Middle East. It was front and center of US policy and it is still supported by the majority of the citizens of Israel.

From the moment Trump was elected the hard right immediately began dismissing the two state solution. Attacks by Jewish settlers exploded and those settlements expanded. There have been Israeli cabinet members and legislators in the Knesset openly calling for the extermination of the Palestinian people. The irony is thick here.

This emboldened right wing has now pushed Israel to the point of open civil revolt, by Israelis fed up with their actions. Military members vowing not to fight. Doctors refusing to treat patients. And funny enough, the very orthodox Jews that are behind this move to the right have been given an exemption to mandatory military service that every other Jewish citizen in Israel must participate in. They want the government to support them, to protect them, but they want the "other people" to do the fighting.
Trump bears much of the responsibility for this attack. The two-state solution has been the backbone of any proposed peace agreement in the Middle East. It was front and center of US policy and it is still supported by the majority of the citizens of Israel.

From the moment Trump was elected the hard right immediately began dismissing the two state solution. Attacks by Jewish settlers exploded and those settlements expanded. There have been Israeli cabinet members and legislators in the Knesset openly calling for the extermination of the Palestinian people. The irony is thick here.

This emboldened right wing has now pushed Israel to the point of open civil revolt, by Israelis fed up with their actions. Military members vowing not to fight. Doctors refusing to treat patients. And funny enough, the very orthodox Jews that are behind this move to the right have been given an exemption to mandatory military service that every other Jewish citizen in Israel must participate in. They want the government to support them, to protect them, but they want the "other people" to do the fighting.
Yes, Trump invented the Nazis back in the 1920's , had them forge strong bonds with Arabs in the Levant, and had teach them all the Arabs about the Nazi philosophy.

In fact, Trump was sitting there nodding approvingly as Hitler promised Al Husseini that he would exterminate Middle Eastern Jews after he finished them off in Europe!!
Trump bears much of the responsibility for this attack. The two-state solution has been the backbone of any proposed peace agreement in the Middle East. It was front and center of US policy and it is still supported by the majority of the citizens of Israel.

From the moment Trump was elected the hard right immediately began dismissing the two state solution. Attacks by Jewish settlers exploded and those settlements expanded. There have been Israeli cabinet members and legislators in the Knesset openly calling for the extermination of the Palestinian people. The irony is thick here.

This emboldened right wing has now pushed Israel to the point of open civil revolt, by Israelis fed up with their actions. Military members vowing not to fight. Doctors refusing to treat patients. And funny enough, the very orthodox Jews that are behind this move to the right have been given an exemption to mandatory military service that every other Jewish citizen in Israel must participate in. They want the government to support them, to protect them, but they want the "other people" to the fighting.

Leftists just can't avoid deflecting the TOPIC from Biden's idiocy, to Trump. Fact is, while Trump was president, there generally was peace. Now, 600 Israelis are DEAD. Get a brain.

Back to the topic. You support Biden giving Iran $6 Billion ? If so, will you still support that, if/when nuclear bombs start exploding in US cities ? Possibly as soon as 3 months from now ?
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Leftists just can't avoid deflecting the TOPIC from Biden's idiocy, to Trump. Fact is, while Trump was president, there generally was peace. Now, 600 Israelis are DEAD. Get a brain.

Back to the topic. You support Biden giving Iran $6 Billion ? If so, will you still support that, if/when nuclear bombs start exploding in US cities ? Possibly as soon as 3 months from now ?
Obviously, you are incapable of understanding. I repeat, Trump's actions emboldened the ultra-Orthodox Jews and ultranationalist Jews within Israel. Especially the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem. From the moment he was elected, settlements expanded, settler attacks on Palestinians increased significantly, and every single year since Trump was first elected Israeli troops have attacked worshipers at the Al-Asga mosgue, the third holiest site in Islam, during Ramadan.

Netanyahu’s ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox religious allies say the package is meant to restore power to elected officials. Critics say it is a power grab fueled by various personal and political grievances by Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption charges, and his partners, who want to deepen Israel’s control of the occupied West Bank and perpetuate controversial draft exemptions for ultra-Orthodox men.

That is what is driving this Palestinian attack. They have made that quite clear.

Regarding Iran and nuclear weapons. Again, this is clearly in Trump's court. He is the one that withdrew from the agreement, causing Iran to kick out IAEA inspectors, rip out the closed circuit monitoring system, and begin to enrich uranium at a richer level. Exactly the same action that Bush initiated with North Korea and the withdrawal from the Carter agreement.

The six billion dollars, every dime of it is still sitting in a bank in Qatar, under the eyes of the US Treasury.
Obviously, you are incapable of understanding. I repeat, Trump's actions emboldened the ultra-Orthodox Jews and ultranationalist Jews within Israel. Especially the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem. From the moment he was elected, settlements expanded, settler attacks on Palestinians increased significantly, and every single year since Trump was first elected Israeli troops have attacked worshipers at the Al-Asga mosgue, the third holiest site in Islam, during Ramadan.

Netanyahu’s ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox religious allies say the package is meant to restore power to elected officials. Critics say it is a power grab fueled by various personal and political grievances by Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption charges, and his partners, who want to deepen Israel’s control of the occupied West Bank and perpetuate controversial draft exemptions for ultra-Orthodox men.

That is what is driving this Palestinian attack. They have made that quite clear.

Regarding Iran and nuclear weapons. Again, this is clearly in Trump's court. He is the one that withdrew from the agreement, causing Iran to kick out IAEA inspectors, rip out the closed circuit monitoring system, and begin to enrich uranium at a richer level. Exactly the same action that Bush initiated with North Korea and the withdrawal from the Carter agreement.

The six billion dollars, every dime of it is still sitting in a bank in Qatar, under the eyes of the US Treasury.
Israeli intelligence is supposed to be first rate. I would never be laxed living in that nation with the venom of people living around them. And I refuse to believe they were unless told to.
There is no such thing as "Palestinian land". Israel needs to wipe Hamas, Hezbollah, and all the rest of that rat pack off the face of the earth. An attack on Iran could be coming soon too, as they are 3 months from having nuclear weapons.

Well, Joe Biden, who never does anything right, has really f'kd up again. The idiot gave $6 Billion to Iran, and consequently we now are seeing attacks coming from Iran's proxies. Biden also gave hundreds of Million$$$ to the Palestinians.

In summation, on the one side, we have the American people and Israel. On the other is Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinians, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Joe Biden. We, as always, are firmly united with Israel. We are at war against our "own" president.

Trump's prediction from Sep 11th:

Biden's funding of the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism will result in deadly terrorist attacks and American hostages...

Obviously, you are incapable of understanding. I repeat, Trump's actions emboldened the ultra-Orthodox Jews and ultranationalist Jews within Israel. Especially the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem. From the moment he was elected, settlements expanded, settler attacks on Palestinians increased significantly, and every single year since Trump was first elected Israeli troops have attacked worshipers at the Al-Asga mosgue, the third holiest site in Islam, during Ramadan.

Netanyahu’s ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox religious allies say the package is meant to restore power to elected officials. Critics say it is a power grab fueled by various personal and political grievances by Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption charges, and his partners, who want to deepen Israel’s control of the occupied West Bank and perpetuate controversial draft exemptions for ultra-Orthodox men.

That is what is driving this Palestinian attack. They have made that quite clear.

Regarding Iran and nuclear weapons. Again, this is clearly in Trump's court. He is the one that withdrew from the agreement, causing Iran to kick out IAEA inspectors, rip out the closed circuit monitoring system, and begin to enrich uranium at a richer level. Exactly the same action that Bush initiated with North Korea and the withdrawal from the Carter agreement.

The six billion dollars, every dime of it is still sitting in a bank in Qatar, under the eyes of the US Treasury.
So you choose to keep on dodging. If there is anything wrong with Israel,s actions, it is agreeing to a 2 state scenario. They should have driven the Palestinians out of Israel, and annihilated any who remain, just as Republicans should have driven Democrat lunatics out of the US.

For that matter, the whole Middle East is land stolen by Muslims, on the conquest orders of Mohammed and the Koran. All that still remains, as not one word of the Koran has been changed in 1400 years.
Obviously, you are incapable of understanding. I repeat, Trump's actions emboldened the ultra-Orthodox Jews and ultranationalist Jews within Israel. Especially the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem. From the moment he was elected, settlements expanded, settler attacks on Palestinians increased significantly, and every single year since Trump was first elected Israeli troops have attacked worshipers at the Al-Asga mosgue, the third holiest site in Islam, during Ramadan.

Netanyahu’s ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox religious allies say the package is meant to restore power to elected officials. Critics say it is a power grab fueled by various personal and political grievances by Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption charges, and his partners, who want to deepen Israel’s control of the occupied West Bank and perpetuate controversial draft exemptions for ultra-Orthodox men.

That is what is driving this Palestinian attack. They have made that quite clear.

Regarding Iran and nuclear weapons. Again, this is clearly in Trump's court. He is the one that withdrew from the agreement, causing Iran to kick out IAEA inspectors, rip out the closed circuit monitoring system, and begin to enrich uranium at a richer level. Exactly the same action that Bush initiated with North Korea and the withdrawal from the Carter agreement.

The six billion dollars, every dime of it is still sitting in a bank in Qatar, under the eyes of the US Treasury.

Wrong on every single level. Hamas will never, ever agree to a 2 state solution. That is just another pipe dream from left minded drones, including many indoctrinated youth in Israel. Peace through strength. The threat of being annihilated is the only thing these animals understand. Don’t be so naive.

Iran was not being throughly inspected. Another pipe dream by spoiled, gullible people.

Great, we are monitoring the 6 billion. Does it make sense to you that they could use the 6 billion we gave them to build hospitals and such and then use the unmonitored money they previously had earmarked for such endeavors to be reallocated to terrorism. I know that most Democrats are few cards short of a full deck, but at least make an effort to think things through.
Trump bears much of the responsibility for this attack. The two-state solution has been the backbone of any proposed peace agreement in the Middle East. It was front and center of US policy and it is still supported by the majority of the citizens of Israel.

From the moment Trump was elected the hard right immediately began dismissing the two state solution. Attacks by Jewish settlers exploded and those settlements expanded. There have been Israeli cabinet members and legislators in the Knesset openly calling for the extermination of the Palestinian people. The irony is thick here.

This emboldened right wing has now pushed Israel to the point of open civil revolt, by Israelis fed up with their actions. Military members vowing not to fight. Doctors refusing to treat patients. And funny enough, the very orthodox Jews that are behind this move to the right have been given an exemption to mandatory military service that every other Jewish citizen in Israel must participate in. They want the government to support them, to protect them, but they want the "other people" to do the fighting.
There cannot be a two state solution if one of the states has a core goal the complete elimination of the other state. The Palestinian constitution has a goal, the abolishing of Israel. The Muslim religion has killing Jews as a religious obligation.

Continuing to discuss a two state solution is nothing short of abysmal ignorance.

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