Joe Biden is the Democrats only hope.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
The Democratic Party better hope Joe Biden is serious about running for president, he's their only chance at holding on to the presidency.

Patrick O' Malley is a weak man, his presidential run was finished as soon as he apologized for saying all lives matter to a bunch of black racists.

Bernie Sanders, I dint agree with him on much, but I respect his honesty. While he is currently getting some attention, let's be real, Bernie is a novelty, not a contender.

Hillary Clinton, never-mind the long list of scandals, let's talk about her personality. Hillary is so cold, that she makes the Antarctic look like Death Valley. Hillary is so rehearsed, scripted and pretentious. When Hillary speaks, it's like her advisors tell her - okay Hillary when you say this, make sure you make this motion with your right arm, nod your head this way and have this facial expression. Her extreme arrogance, the way she talks down to people with her slow speaking because she thinks they are so dumb; I mean, it's just flat out nauseating. Hillary is an android, not a human being.

Joe Biden, love him or hate him; in spite of his brutal honesty, gaffes, and average at best intelligence; Joe comes off as a real personable person. Joe comes off as real, genuine and he does have a warmth to him, he has a good personality. Just look into Joe's eyes and his face, the way he carries himself compared to Hillary, it won't to long to see.
I truly like Biden. He's a nice man but as POTUS he would be another Carter.

Maybe, maybe not. What I do believe about Biden is this: unlike the current asshole dictator in the White House, he won't be anywhere near as divisive, and I believe he will be more willing to reach across the aisle and work with the other side.
Unfortunately no one reads policy positions or actual legislation. If you would read into the actual substance of legislation that Bernie Sanders is proposing you would not call him a novelty
Why to you is Sanders not a contender? People are taking him serious enough to put him ahead in Iowa and New Hampshire and at the rate Clinton's campaign is falling apart if he wins both she will be done.
The Democratic Party better hope Joe Biden is serious about running for president, he's their only chance at holding on to the presidency.

Patrick O' Malley is a weak man, his presidential run was finished as soon as he apologized for saying all lives matter to a bunch of black racists.

Bernie Sanders, I dint agree with him on much, but I respect his honesty. While he is currently getting some attention, let's be real, Bernie is a novelty, not a contender.

Hillary Clinton, never-mind the long list of scandals, let's talk about her personality. Hillary is so cold, that she makes the Antarctic look like Death Valley. Hillary is so rehearsed, scripted and pretentious. When Hillary speaks, it's like her advisors tell her - okay Hillary when you say this, make sure you make this motion with your right arm, nod your head this way and have this facial expression. Her extreme arrogance, the way she talks down to people with her slow speaking because she thinks they are so dumb; I mean, it's just flat out nauseating. Hillary is an android, not a human being.

Joe Biden, love him or hate him; in spite of his brutal honesty, gaffes, and average at best intelligence; Joe comes off as a real personable person. Joe comes off as real, genuine and he does have a warmth to him, he has a good personality. Just look into Joe's eyes and his face, the way he carries himself compared to Hillary, it won't to long to see.
Just keep him away from little girls.
The Democratic Party better hope Joe Biden is serious about running for president, he's their only chance at holding on to the presidency.

Patrick O' Malley is a weak man, his presidential run was finished as soon as he apologized for saying all lives matter to a bunch of black racists.

Bernie Sanders, I dint agree with him on much, but I respect his honesty. While he is currently getting some attention, let's be real, Bernie is a novelty, not a contender.

Hillary Clinton, never-mind the long list of scandals, let's talk about her personality. Hillary is so cold, that she makes the Antarctic look like Death Valley. Hillary is so rehearsed, scripted and pretentious. When Hillary speaks, it's like her advisors tell her - okay Hillary when you say this, make sure you make this motion with your right arm, nod your head this way and have this facial expression. Her extreme arrogance, the way she talks down to people with her slow speaking because she thinks they are so dumb; I mean, it's just flat out nauseating. Hillary is an android, not a human being.

Joe Biden, love him or hate him; in spite of his brutal honesty, gaffes, and average at best intelligence; Joe comes off as a real personable person. Joe comes off as real, genuine and he does have a warmth to him, he has a good personality. Just look into Joe's eyes and his face, the way he carries himself compared to Hillary, it won't to long to see.

Let's elect someone with above average intelligence for a change. America deserves better. Sweet face should be last on the list of reasons to elect someone to the oval office. Biden will just advance Obama's goal of millions of Muslims invading America. No thanks.
If everything stays as it is without more dirt coming up on the candidates, Joe Biden is the only Democrat who can hold the Whitehouse, no matter of what the lefties say on here.; and that is not even a given!

If Sanders were to win the Democratic nomination, it would be over before it started, lol. 10 to 20% of Democrats would not even vote because he is a self proclaimed socialist. Believe it or not, some Democrats have morals too, they just don't post here, or probably anywhere!

The far left is 20% of the populace, proven by polls. They snuck Obama in because like all solid leftists, they have to pretend to be centrist. The same goes for the far right. They are around 20% of the electorate.

But here is where the rubber meets the Bernie, an avowed socialist, able to carry enough of his own party, let alone 1 or 2% of the other party to win? OK, I know you aren't going to like it, but NO!!!!!!!!

Is Hillary going to be able to carry enough of her party (and when I say that, I mean are they going to be excited to come out and vote) to push her to victory? You aren't going to like this either, but NO!

I know, I know, the poll Nazis are going to post this, that, and the other. But here is the get the answer the pollsters got, they called them. Are the people polled going to trudge out and vote? No way, unless they are pissed; and anyone pissed is not voting Democratic, so the guy who started the poll that Democrats have 246 to start is in for a very rude awakening.
Why to you is Sanders not a contender? People are taking him serious enough to put him ahead in Iowa and New Hampshire and at the rate Clinton's campaign is falling apart if he wins both she will be done.

Let's be real, the only chance the phrase: "president elect, Bernie Sanders" has of being stated is if Jeb Bush rigs the primaries and is Republican nominee. Outside of Jeb, any of the other Republican candidates will trounce Sanders the way Obama did McCain.
Why to you is Sanders not a contender? People are taking him serious enough to put him ahead in Iowa and New Hampshire and at the rate Clinton's campaign is falling apart if he wins both she will be done.

Let's be real, the only chance the phrase: "president elect, Bernie Sanders" has of being stated is if Jeb Bush rigs the primaries and is Republican nominee. Outside of Jeb, any of the other Republican candidates will trounce Sanders the way Obama did McCain.
Well 1 person's fantasy is not the rest of the countries facts.
The Democratic Party better hope Joe Biden is serious about running for president, he's their only chance at holding on to the presidency.

Patrick O' Malley is a weak man, his presidential run was finished as soon as he apologized for saying all lives matter to a bunch of black racists.

Bernie Sanders, I dint agree with him on much, but I respect his honesty. While he is currently getting some attention, let's be real, Bernie is a novelty, not a contender.

Hillary Clinton, never-mind the long list of scandals, let's talk about her personality. Hillary is so cold, that she makes the Antarctic look like Death Valley. Hillary is so rehearsed, scripted and pretentious. When Hillary speaks, it's like her advisors tell her - okay Hillary when you say this, make sure you make this motion with your right arm, nod your head this way and have this facial expression. Her extreme arrogance, the way she talks down to people with her slow speaking because she thinks they are so dumb; I mean, it's just flat out nauseating. Hillary is an android, not a human being.

Joe Biden, love him or hate him; in spite of his brutal honesty, gaffes, and average at best intelligence; Joe comes off as a real personable person. Joe comes off as real, genuine and he does have a warmth to him, he has a good personality. Just look into Joe's eyes and his face, the way he carries himself compared to Hillary, it won't to long to see.
Just keep him away from little girls.

The GIFT to the Republicans that KEEPS GIVING!!!! Called "tactile cuckholding!!!"

Why to you is Sanders not a contender? People are taking him serious enough to put him ahead in Iowa and New Hampshire and at the rate Clinton's campaign is falling apart if he wins both she will be done.

Let's be real, the only chance the phrase: "president elect, Bernie Sanders" has of being stated is if Jeb Bush rigs the primaries and is Republican nominee. Outside of Jeb, any of the other Republican candidates will trounce Sanders the way Obama did McCain.
Well 1 person's fantasy is not the rest of the countries facts.

And a fantasy is exactly what you are living if you truly believe Sanders is presidential. He's no more presidential than McCain was. In spite of Hillary's long list of scandals and flaws, she's more presidential than him.

Like it or not, Biden is your only chance.
Why to you is Sanders not a contender? People are taking him serious enough to put him ahead in Iowa and New Hampshire and at the rate Clinton's campaign is falling apart if he wins both she will be done.

Let's be real, the only chance the phrase: "president elect, Bernie Sanders" has of being stated is if Jeb Bush rigs the primaries and is Republican nominee. Outside of Jeb, any of the other Republican candidates will trounce Sanders the way Obama did McCain.
Well 1 person's fantasy is not the rest of the countries facts.

And a fantasy is exactly what you are living if you truly believe Sanders is presidential. He's no more presidential than McCain was. In spite of Hillary's long list of scandals and flaws, she's more presidential than him.

Like it or not, Biden is your only chance.
And I asked you WHY you believe that. Because of what he believes? Because he is actually believes in what he says? Because he is honest? Because he is for the little man instead of the banks and corporations?
So far Mad Old Uncle Bernie is the MOST presidential candidate The Democrat Party has to offer. Once upon a time electing a Vermonter might have meant free cheese (Coolidge family still has a cheese factory). But this Vermonter is a Democrat so you can expect free EVERYTHING when you elect him.
So far Mad Old Uncle Bernie is the MOST presidential candidate The Democrat Party has to offer. Once upon a time electing a Vermonter might have meant free cheese (Coolidge family still has a cheese factory). But this Vermonter is a Democrat so you can expect free EVERYTHING when you elect him.
You republicans still not grasping how simple it is eh? Its like this. Take away the foreign aide,military adventurism,foreign bases,corporate welfare,make the rich actually PAY their share instead of using loopholes and shift all that to education,healthcare and infrastructure rebuilding. VERY SIMPLE.
Just out of curiosity, why do you feel everyone who is not a Democrat Party adherent is a Republican?


Or just following orders?
Conservative/republican whatever...same shit.

Oh, OK, you vass just followwwinnnnngggg orderrrrrs.....

Seriously. Democrats and Republicans seem to share a loathing for all that made America great. But I'm sure they're enjoying your company.
Why to you is Sanders not a contender? People are taking him serious enough to put him ahead in Iowa and New Hampshire and at the rate Clinton's campaign is falling apart if he wins both she will be done.

Let's be real, the only chance the phrase: "president elect, Bernie Sanders" has of being stated is if Jeb Bush rigs the primaries and is Republican nominee. Outside of Jeb, any of the other Republican candidates will trounce Sanders the way Obama did McCain.
Well 1 person's fantasy is not the rest of the countries facts.

And a fantasy is exactly what you are living if you truly believe Sanders is presidential. He's no more presidential than McCain was. In spite of Hillary's long list of scandals and flaws, she's more presidential than him.

Like it or not, Biden is your only chance.
And I asked you WHY you believe that. Because of what he believes? Because he is actually believes in what he says? Because he is honest? Because he is for the little man instead of the banks and corporations?

Sanders will be done once Hillary runs with this war on women quote by Sanders: "A woman enjoys intercourse with her man--as she fantasizes about being raped by 3 men simultaneously."

Like I said, Sanders is a novelty, not a contender.

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