Joe Biden records lowest "Confidence level" in history. 23%. Never worse.

Demscum are stupid all the time. Especially on gun control. Not one of those shootings you stated was an assault weapon used. Taking or restricting gun rights of honest gun owners is stupid.
Another Trump fan speaks. Trump's fans gave us the Trump Presidency. Trump is now being investigated for sedition while he was President.

Assault rifles, AR-15 and others like it, were used in all three massacres, Buffalo, Uvalde, and Highland Park.

Trump's followers are clueless. They don't know and they want to stay that way. Instead, they make up fantasies, much like this poster. For example, no one is talking about restricting the gun rights of honest gun owners. That is a myth, told and retold by Trump devotees.
Although I voted for our current President because the alternative was unthinkable, I am not a Democrat. Indeed, until Trump drove me out with his ludicrous, later seditious, behavior, I was a Republican for a quarter of a century. Today, I am officially a conservative Independent.

I am not fond of Democrats primarily because they can be quite stupid. For example, in 2016, young Democrats who were offended that Bernie didn't get the Democratic nomination, voted for Trump in large enough numbers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to give Trump the Presidency. Can anyone think of anything more stupid?

Now a number of Democrats are blaming the wrong party for inaction -- theirs!

ABC reports, "As Sen. Michael Bennet sought to encourage a small crowd of fellow Democrats not to give up the fight for abortion rights, Maryah Lauer stepped forward, bullhorn in hand, to exhort him to do more.

“Do you support ending the filibuster and expanding the court?” the 28-year-old called out from a quartet of fellow activists. “The Democrats are not doing enough.”

"The confrontation was a sign of the frustration among many Democrats after the Supreme Court's decision last month to strip women of the constitutional right to abortion. The question heading into this year's midterm elections is whether the outrage will energize Democrats to vote or leave them disillusioned and staying home."

Notwithstanding Democratic extremism such as ending the filibuster which can come back to haunt the party, packing the court, and putting abortion clinics on federal land, there is very little the Democratic Party can do in the face of the Supreme Court decision.

The crazy Democrats should be blaming the Republican Party which is responsible for the unwise decision in the first place along with a few other extremist far-right decisions with more coming. A Republican President was able to name three conservative judges which made all this possible.

But Democrats are blaming Democrats instead.

In addition, Senate Republicans along with two Democrats who think like Republicans are blocking everything our President is trying to do!

Senate Republicans will not allow meaningful gun control laws to be passed. Instead, we got a weak gun law that will do nothing to stop killers like Robert Crimo, Salvador Ramos, or Payton S. Gendron.

Senate Republicans will not allow a ban on assault rifles to be passed, the kind of weapon used in the massacres at Buffalo, Uvalde, and now Highland Park. The NRA, the proud sponsor of the Republican Party, would not be pleased with a restriction on a rifle that was designed for the military for the expressed purpose of killing people, which it does very efficiently as we all know.

Senate Republicans will not allow Roe vs. Wade to be codified into law. The religious right would be very displeased should that happen.

President Biden wants all of these things accomplished, but it is not going to happen in the near term.

So, Democrats are blaming our President. Combined with Republicans, President Biden's poll numbers are in the toilet. Because Democrats are casting blame on a Democratic President for the gridlock, these same Democrats are like to lose control of the House and Senate in November.

I guess Democrats think Republicans can do a better job.

I did say Democrats were quite stupid at times.
Sry my friend, you were as stupid as Dems by voting for Biden. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Another Trump fan speaks. Trump's fans gave us the Trump Presidency. Trump is now being investigated for sedition while he was President.

Assault rifles, AR-15 and others like it, were used in all three massacres, Buffalo, Uvalde, and Highland Park.

Trump's followers are clueless. They don't know and they want to stay that way. Instead, they make up fantasies, much like this poster. For example, no one is talking about restricting the gun rights of honest gun owners. That is a myth, told and retold by Trump devotees.
Ok. Define arms. At the time the Constitution was written. It was muzzle loading black powder flint lock.

So why can’t we pass a law that says you are free to keep and bear arms as the Founders intended?

The founders embraced a lot of restrictions. Even our ancestors did. In Texas when the State was formed. You had to have a permit from a Judge to buy a pistol. To buy a pistol. This was during the frontier days when threats were far greater than today.

For thirty years that was the law in Texas.

Even at the time of the Constitution firearms that shall not be infringed. Guns were in fact restricted. White men. Property owners. And they didn’t carry a gun around every day.

In the old west. The first thing lawmen did was put up a sign. No guns allowed. You had to check your guns at the city limits. See any history about Wyatt Earp as one example.

And even then. Guns were restricted further. No Indians could own guns. No matter that they were born here. Didn’t matter.

Even now. You support restrictions. Just not on yourself.

Assault rifles, AR-15 and others like it, were used in all three massacres, Buffalo, Uvalde, and Highland Park.
Wrong. I bet you don't even know what the AR stands for?
Another Trump fan speaks. Trump's fans gave us the Trump Presidency. Trump is now being investigated for sedition while he was President.

Assault rifles, AR-15 and others like it, were used in all three massacres, Buffalo, Uvalde, and Highland Park.

Trump's followers are clueless. They don't know and they want to stay that way. Instead, they make up fantasies, much like this poster. For example, no one is talking about restricting the gun rights of honest gun owners. That is a myth, told and retold by Trump devotees.
The clueless asswipes are Biden voters, like you.
Although I voted for our current President because the alternative was unthinkable, I am not a Democrat. Indeed, until Trump drove me out with his ludicrous, later seditious, behavior, I was a Republican for a quarter of a century. Today, I am officially a conservative Independent.

I am not fond of Democrats primarily because they can be quite stupid. For example, in 2016, young Democrats who were offended that Bernie didn't get the Democratic nomination, voted for Trump in large enough numbers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to give Trump the Presidency. Can anyone think of anything more stupid?

Now a number of Democrats are blaming the wrong party for inaction -- theirs!

ABC reports, "As Sen. Michael Bennet sought to encourage a small crowd of fellow Democrats not to give up the fight for abortion rights, Maryah Lauer stepped forward, bullhorn in hand, to exhort him to do more.

“Do you support ending the filibuster and expanding the court?” the 28-year-old called out from a quartet of fellow activists. “The Democrats are not doing enough.”

"The confrontation was a sign of the frustration among many Democrats after the Supreme Court's decision last month to strip women of the constitutional right to abortion. The question heading into this year's midterm elections is whether the outrage will energize Democrats to vote or leave them disillusioned and staying home."

Notwithstanding Democratic extremism such as ending the filibuster which can come back to haunt the party, packing the court, and putting abortion clinics on federal land, there is very little the Democratic Party can do in the face of the Supreme Court decision.

The crazy Democrats should be blaming the Republican Party which is responsible for the unwise decision in the first place along with a few other extremist far-right decisions with more coming. A Republican President was able to name three conservative judges which made all this possible.

But Democrats are blaming Democrats instead.

In addition, Senate Republicans along with two Democrats who think like Republicans are blocking everything our President is trying to do!

Senate Republicans will not allow meaningful gun control laws to be passed. Instead, we got a weak gun law that will do nothing to stop killers like Robert Crimo, Salvador Ramos, or Payton S. Gendron.

Senate Republicans will not allow a ban on assault rifles to be passed, the kind of weapon used in the massacres at Buffalo, Uvalde, and now Highland Park. The NRA, the proud sponsor of the Republican Party, would not be pleased with a restriction on a rifle that was designed for the military for the expressed purpose of killing people, which it does very efficiently as we all know.

Senate Republicans will not allow Roe vs. Wade to be codified into law. The religious right would be very displeased should that happen.

President Biden wants all of these things accomplished, but it is not going to happen in the near term.

So, Democrats are blaming our President. Combined with Republicans, President Biden's poll numbers are in the toilet. Because Democrats are casting blame on a Democratic President for the gridlock, these same Democrats are like to lose control of the House and Senate in November.

I guess Democrats think Republicans can do a better job.

I did say Democrats were quite stupid at times.
You were such a dumbass you could not get past trumps annoying behavior thst you put a commie who hates America first before him ignoring the mountains of great accomplishments of trumps,first president to not start a war sense carter,lowest gas prices in several years if not decades,brought back more jobs to the country than any president in sixty years and pissed off the establishment sticking up fir doctors saying thst hydroxchroquine needed to be distributed worldwide.thanks a lot asshole for helping put a commie in office who hates America and Americans over a president who stuck up for the little guy and loves America.All because you were a dumbass who could not get past his annoying personality and ignored his great achievements and how he loved America,beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
The clueless asswipes are Biden voters, like you.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: The understatement of the year JusticeHammer assholes like him who only focused on trumps annoying personality instead of looking at his policys and great achievements,if he had any humanity left in him fir being a dumbfuck in choosing commie joe over trump he would the world a favor and put a gun to his head.
Anyone who committed election fraud and got this fuckstick into office should be forced to clean up the shit in the California streets with their bare hands.
That’sthe norm for trollboy,when he is getting an ass beating he retreats and deflects.:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Seems to be all the Bidenista Cultists have............deflection from the disaster their Vegetable Messiah is.

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