Joe Biden records lowest "Confidence level" in history. 23%. Never worse.

Looking over the Biden disaster news today on Dems getting wiped out this Nov...

Better than W. Bush, and of course, far better than the worst in history, Donald Trump.

What other President brazenly tried to steal an election and conferred secretly with America's enemies?

Fantasize much?

Meanwhile, Biden told Putin a little incursion into Ukraine wasn't really a problem.

Same Biden who withheld lethal aid to Ukraine at least twice in 2021 and was still doing so in February 2022.

Biden admin holds back extra military aid to Kyiv amid diplomatic push

Same Biden who sold American oil to the ChiComms.
Although I voted for our current President because the alternative was unthinkable, I am not a Democrat. Indeed, until Trump drove me out with his ludicrous, later seditious, behavior, I was a Republican for a quarter of a century. Today, I am officially a conservative Independent.

I am not fond of Democrats primarily because they can be quite stupid. For example, in 2016, young Democrats who were offended that Bernie didn't get the Democratic nomination, voted for Trump in large enough numbers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to give Trump the Presidency. Can anyone think of anything more stupid?

Now a number of Democrats are blaming the wrong party for inaction -- theirs!

ABC reports, "As Sen. Michael Bennet sought to encourage a small crowd of fellow Democrats not to give up the fight for abortion rights, Maryah Lauer stepped forward, bullhorn in hand, to exhort him to do more.

“Do you support ending the filibuster and expanding the court?” the 28-year-old called out from a quartet of fellow activists. “The Democrats are not doing enough.”

"The confrontation was a sign of the frustration among many Democrats after the Supreme Court's decision last month to strip women of the constitutional right to abortion. The question heading into this year's midterm elections is whether the outrage will energize Democrats to vote or leave them disillusioned and staying home."

Notwithstanding Democratic extremism such as ending the filibuster which can come back to haunt the party, packing the court, and putting abortion clinics on federal land, there is very little the Democratic Party can do in the face of the Supreme Court decision.

The crazy Democrats should be blaming the Republican Party which is responsible for the unwise decision in the first place along with a few other extremist far-right decisions with more coming. A Republican President was able to name three conservative judges which made all this possible.

But Democrats are blaming Democrats instead.

In addition, Senate Republicans along with two Democrats who think like Republicans are blocking everything our President is trying to do!

Senate Republicans will not allow meaningful gun control laws to be passed. Instead, we got a weak gun law that will do nothing to stop killers like Robert Crimo, Salvador Ramos, or Payton S. Gendron.

Senate Republicans will not allow a ban on assault rifles to be passed, the kind of weapon used in the massacres at Buffalo, Uvalde, and now Highland Park. The NRA, the proud sponsor of the Republican Party, would not be pleased with a restriction on a rifle that was designed for the military for the expressed purpose of killing people, which it does very efficiently as we all know.

Senate Republicans will not allow Roe vs. Wade to be codified into law. The religious right would be very displeased should that happen.

President Biden wants all of these things accomplished, but it is not going to happen in the near term.

So, Democrats are blaming our President. Combined with Republicans, President Biden's poll numbers are in the toilet. Because Democrats are casting blame on a Democratic President for the gridlock, these same Democrats are like to lose control of the House and Senate in November.

I guess Democrats think Republicans can do a better job.

I did say Democrats were quite stupid at times.
Demscum are stupid all the time. Especially on gun control. Not one of those shootings you stated was an assault weapon used. Taking or restricting gun rights of honest gun owners is stupid.
Although I voted for our current President because the alternative was unthinkable, I am not a Democrat. Indeed, until Trump drove me out with his ludicrous, later seditious, behavior, I was a Republican for a quarter of a century. Today, I am officially a conservative Independent.

I am not fond of Democrats primarily because they can be quite stupid. For example, in 2016, young Democrats who were offended that Bernie didn't get the Democratic nomination, voted for Trump in large enough numbers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to give Trump the Presidency. Can anyone think of anything more stupid?

Now a number of Democrats are blaming the wrong party for inaction -- theirs!

ABC reports, "As Sen. Michael Bennet sought to encourage a small crowd of fellow Democrats not to give up the fight for abortion rights, Maryah Lauer stepped forward, bullhorn in hand, to exhort him to do more.

“Do you support ending the filibuster and expanding the court?” the 28-year-old called out from a quartet of fellow activists. “The Democrats are not doing enough.”

"The confrontation was a sign of the frustration among many Democrats after the Supreme Court's decision last month to strip women of the constitutional right to abortion. The question heading into this year's midterm elections is whether the outrage will energize Democrats to vote or leave them disillusioned and staying home."

Notwithstanding Democratic extremism such as ending the filibuster which can come back to haunt the party, packing the court, and putting abortion clinics on federal land, there is very little the Democratic Party can do in the face of the Supreme Court decision.

The crazy Democrats should be blaming the Republican Party which is responsible for the unwise decision in the first place along with a few other extremist far-right decisions with more coming. A Republican President was able to name three conservative judges which made all this possible.

But Democrats are blaming Democrats instead.

In addition, Senate Republicans along with two Democrats who think like Republicans are blocking everything our President is trying to do!

Senate Republicans will not allow meaningful gun control laws to be passed. Instead, we got a weak gun law that will do nothing to stop killers like Robert Crimo, Salvador Ramos, or Payton S. Gendron.

Senate Republicans will not allow a ban on assault rifles to be passed, the kind of weapon used in the massacres at Buffalo, Uvalde, and now Highland Park. The NRA, the proud sponsor of the Republican Party, would not be pleased with a restriction on a rifle that was designed for the military for the expressed purpose of killing people, which it does very efficiently as we all know.

Senate Republicans will not allow Roe vs. Wade to be codified into law. The religious right would be very displeased should that happen.

President Biden wants all of these things accomplished, but it is not going to happen in the near term.

So, Democrats are blaming our President. Combined with Republicans, President Biden's poll numbers are in the toilet. Because Democrats are casting blame on a Democratic President for the gridlock, these same Democrats are like to lose control of the House and Senate in November.

I guess Democrats think Republicans can do a better job.

I did say Democrats were quite stupid at times.
Funny thing, the AR-15 was NOT designed as a military rifle, it was always a CIVILIAN rifle, only later being adopted and adapted for military use. In fact, it is one of very few weapons not first designed for military use. You know, details and all that.

Oh, and they are right to blame democrats, who control Washington, for refusing to work with the opposition.
Stop trying to derail the thread retard. 88% of the country hates you. Enjoy the Republican landslide.
Biden may have a low approval rating but he beat Trump's ass which drives you crazy.

For you it's a short trip, halftard.
Better than W. Bush, and of course, far better than the worst in history, Donald Trump.

What other President brazenly tried to steal an election and conferred secretly with America's enemies?
America disagrees with you, Hack.
Funny thing, the AR-15 was NOT designed as a military rifle, it was always a CIVILIAN rifle, only later being adopted and adapted for military use. In fact, it is one of very few weapons not first designed for military use. You know, details and all that.

Oh, and they are right to blame democrats, who control Washington, for refusing to work with the opposition.
Riiiiiiiiight. Now it's the weapon of choice for CIVILIANS who want to shoot up schools, parades, churches etc.
ABC reports, "The European Union's parliament on Thursday overwhelmingly condemned the end of constitutional protections for abortion in the United States and called for such safeguards to be enshrined in the EU's fundamental rights charter.

“It teaches us a lesson: Women’s and girls’ human rights can never be taken for granted, and we must always fight to defend them,” Swedish politician Helene Fritzon said.

"Underscoring fears that anti-abortion movements might expand in Europe, some legislators said they wanted to see EU-wide protections adopted."

“The United States has clearly shown why we must use every tool available to safeguard abortion rights in the European Union," said Stéphane Séjourné the president of the Renew Europe group in the EU Parliament.

Congratulations to the Republican Party. Because of the powerful influence of the religious right. the Republican Party has made the United States a pariah among nations.

Once again Vladimir Putin is pleased that he helped Donald Trump become President in 2016. Trump's three selections to the Supreme Court made all this possible.

The forum's Republicans will probably remain silent about these issues. They rarely talk about their own party. It is off-limits. Also, they don't care, and they don't have the background to respond.

Most will have to consult the nearest Webster's to find out what pariah means.

Republicans are expected to win control of Congress in November because the Democrats are busy blaming the Democratic President because his goals are being blocked by Senate Republicans.

I am proud to be an Independent.
You just wasted a lot of time whan all you had to say is "Orange man Bad"
Although I voted for our current President because the alternative was unthinkable, I am not a Democrat. Indeed, until Trump drove me out with his ludicrous, later seditious, behavior, I was a Republican for a quarter of a century. Today, I am officially a conservative Independent.

I am not fond of Democrats primarily because they can be quite stupid. For example, in 2016, young Democrats who were offended that Bernie didn't get the Democratic nomination, voted for Trump in large enough numbers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania to give Trump the Presidency. Can anyone think of anything more stupid?

Now a number of Democrats are blaming the wrong party for inaction -- theirs!

ABC reports, "As Sen. Michael Bennet sought to encourage a small crowd of fellow Democrats not to give up the fight for abortion rights, Maryah Lauer stepped forward, bullhorn in hand, to exhort him to do more.

“Do you support ending the filibuster and expanding the court?” the 28-year-old called out from a quartet of fellow activists. “The Democrats are not doing enough.”

"The confrontation was a sign of the frustration among many Democrats after the Supreme Court's decision last month to strip women of the constitutional right to abortion. The question heading into this year's midterm elections is whether the outrage will energize Democrats to vote or leave them disillusioned and staying home."

Notwithstanding Democratic extremism such as ending the filibuster which can come back to haunt the party, packing the court, and putting abortion clinics on federal land, there is very little the Democratic Party can do in the face of the Supreme Court decision.

The crazy Democrats should be blaming the Republican Party which is responsible for the unwise decision in the first place along with a few other extremist far-right decisions with more coming. A Republican President was able to name three conservative judges which made all this possible.

But Democrats are blaming Democrats instead.

In addition, Senate Republicans along with two Democrats who think like Republicans are blocking everything our President is trying to do!

Senate Republicans will not allow meaningful gun control laws to be passed. Instead, we got a weak gun law that will do nothing to stop killers like Robert Crimo, Salvador Ramos, or Payton S. Gendron.

Senate Republicans will not allow a ban on assault rifles to be passed, the kind of weapon used in the massacres at Buffalo, Uvalde, and now Highland Park. The NRA, the proud sponsor of the Republican Party, would not be pleased with a restriction on a rifle that was designed for the military for the expressed purpose of killing people, which it does very efficiently as we all know.

Senate Republicans will not allow Roe vs. Wade to be codified into law. The religious right would be very displeased should that happen.

President Biden wants all of these things accomplished, but it is not going to happen in the near term.

So, Democrats are blaming our President. Combined with Republicans, President Biden's poll numbers are in the toilet. Because Democrats are casting blame on a Democratic President for the gridlock, these same Democrats are like to lose control of the House and Senate in November.

I guess Democrats think Republicans can do a better job.

I did say Democrats were quite stupid at times.

Putin has made Biden a laughing stock and invaded Ukraine, inflation is headed over 10%, our economy in the tank, everything Biden touches goes to crap, plus he going senile! - Should we impeach Joe Biden?​

ABC reports, "The European Union's parliament on Thursday overwhelmingly condemned the end of constitutional protections for abortion in the United States and called for such safeguards to be enshrined in the EU's fundamental rights charter.

“It teaches us a lesson: Women’s and girls’ human rights can never be taken for granted, and we must always fight to defend them,” Swedish politician Helene Fritzon said.

"Underscoring fears that anti-abortion movements might expand in Europe, some legislators said they wanted to see EU-wide protections adopted."

“The United States has clearly shown why we must use every tool available to safeguard abortion rights in the European Union," said Stéphane Séjourné the president of the Renew Europe group in the EU Parliament.

Congratulations to the Republican Party. Because of the powerful influence of the religious right. the Republican Party has made the United States a pariah among nations.

Once again Vladimir Putin is pleased that he helped Donald Trump become President in 2016. Trump's three selections to the Supreme Court made all this possible.

The forum's Republicans will probably remain silent about these issues. They rarely talk about their own party. It is off-limits. Also, they don't care, and they don't have the background to respond.

Most will have to consult the nearest Webster's to find out what pariah means.

Republicans are expected to win control of Congress in November because the Democrats are busy blaming the Democratic President because his goals are being blocked by Senate Republicans.

I am proud to be an Independent.
Who cares what Europe thinks.

We are not Europe.

We will never BE Europe.

We don't look to Europe for social models, because every single social model they've come up with in the last 150 years has been a complete disaster.
ABC reports, "The European Union's parliament on Thursday overwhelmingly condemned the end of constitutional protections for abortion in the United States and called for such safeguards to be enshrined in the EU's fundamental rights charter.

“It teaches us a lesson: Women’s and girls’ human rights can never be taken for granted, and we must always fight to defend them,” Swedish politician Helene Fritzon said.

"Underscoring fears that anti-abortion movements might expand in Europe, some legislators said they wanted to see EU-wide protections adopted."

“The United States has clearly shown why we must use every tool available to safeguard abortion rights in the European Union," said Stéphane Séjourné the president of the Renew Europe group in the EU Parliament.

Congratulations to the Republican Party. Because of the powerful influence of the religious right. the Republican Party has made the United States a pariah among nations.

Once again Vladimir Putin is pleased that he helped Donald Trump become President in 2016. Trump's three selections to the Supreme Court made all this possible.

The forum's Republicans will probably remain silent about these issues. They rarely talk about their own party. It is off-limits. Also, they don't care, and they don't have the background to respond.

Most will have to consult the nearest Webster's to find out what pariah means.

Republicans are expected to win control of Congress in November because the Democrats are busy blaming the Democratic President because his goals are being blocked by Senate Republicans.

I am proud to be an Independent.
EU countries have more strict abortion laws than the US, Stupid.
Funny thing, the AR-15 was NOT designed as a military rifle, it was always a CIVILIAN rifle, only later being adopted and adapted for military use.
I am a Marine officer (ret.) and I am somewhat familiar with the M-16.

You are right. The AR-15 is a civilian assault rifle. The M-16 was developed for the military and can become an auto by flipping a switch.

The AR-15 is the civilian version of the M-16. It has a semi-auto design.

I didn't want to explain all that, but you forced my hand.

Just kidding.

About the forced hand part.

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