Joe Biden Reveals Plan To Replace Obamacare With 'Badakathcare'

The memes are already flowing...





Meanwhile, at FOX News...

...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

You have been getting warning signs from Biden for a couple of years. And he still is the Prog candidate. Why? Your young Progs are unlikable. Nasty and mean crumb snatchers who take and give little back.
...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


Healthcare Dummy! Trump Terd! Enroll FFace!

...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Dementia and Alzheimers according to whom? Lefties with an agenda? Reagan was a great President who lifted the country out of the malaise of the 70's economic stagnation, defeatism lingering from Vietnam and managed the strategy that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
All while being abused & accused by the Dems & MSM allies.
Prove me wrong
...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Dementia and Alzheimers according to whom? Lefties with an agenda? Reagan was a great President who lifted the country out of the malaise of the 70's economic stagnation, defeatism lingering from Vietnam and managed the strategy that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
All while being abused & accused by the Dems & MSM allies.
Prove me wrong
Reagan got lucky. He was POTUS just as Baby Boomers entered their descretionary income earning years. Beamers ring a bell? "Reagan was a great President ." No he was not. LMFAO!

...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Dementia and Alzheimers according to whom? Lefties with an agenda? Reagan was a great President who lifted the country out of the malaise of the 70's economic stagnation, defeatism lingering from Vietnam and managed the strategy that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
All while being abused & accused by the Dems & MSM allies.
Prove me wrong
Can you name me one president in the entire history of the US that wasn't criticized? Why do you whine s o much considering what a tough guy you is? Those presidents(except Trump) were man enough to take it..
...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Dementia and Alzheimers according to whom? Lefties with an agenda? Reagan was a great President who lifted the country out of the malaise of the 70's economic stagnation, defeatism lingering from Vietnam and managed the strategy that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
All while being abused & accused by the Dems & MSM allies.
Prove me wrong
Can you name me one president in the entire history of the US that wasn't criticized? Why do you whine s o much considering what a tough guy you is? Those presidents(except Trump) were man enough to take it..
I'm guessing John Quincy Adams!

...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Dementia and Alzheimers according to whom? Lefties with an agenda? Reagan was a great President who lifted the country out of the malaise of the 70's economic stagnation, defeatism lingering from Vietnam and managed the strategy that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
All while being abused & accused by the Dems & MSM allies.
Prove me wrong
Can you name me one president in the entire history of the US that wasn't criticized? Why do you whine s o much considering what a tough guy you is? Those presidents(except Trump) were man enough to take it..
I'm guessing John Quincy Adams!

Senior or junior?
...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Dementia and Alzheimers according to whom? Lefties with an agenda? Reagan was a great President who lifted the country out of the malaise of the 70's economic stagnation, defeatism lingering from Vietnam and managed the strategy that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
All while being abused & accused by the Dems & MSM allies.
Prove me wrong
Can you name me one president in the entire history of the US that wasn't criticized? Why do you whine s o much considering what a tough guy you is? Those presidents(except Trump) were man enough to take it..
Who is whining here? You sound like a petulant child.
I notice you once again refuse to even attempt to prove me wrong.
Is it because you don't really know what you are talking about on many things when you post?
Would debating me just reinforce your own feelings of inadequacy you project upon others with a fake persona of being the "reasonable" person attacking everyone with juvenile remarks over their own partisan bickering?
Are you smart enough to know sometimes it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt?
Whatcha got moonglow?
...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Surely I can.. Yet it would matter little.
...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Dementia and Alzheimers according to whom? Lefties with an agenda? Reagan was a great President who lifted the country out of the malaise of the 70's economic stagnation, defeatism lingering from Vietnam and managed the strategy that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
All while being abused & accused by the Dems & MSM allies.
Prove me wrong
Can you name me one president in the entire history of the US that wasn't criticized? Why do you whine s o much considering what a tough guy you is? Those presidents(except Trump) were man enough to take it..
Who is whining here? You sound like a petulant child.
I notice you once again refuse to even attempt to prove me wrong.
Is it because you don't really know what you are talking about on many things when you post?
Would debating me just reinforce your own feelings of inadequacy you project upon others with a fake persona of being the "reasonable" person attacking everyone with juvenile remarks over their own partisan bickering?
Are you smart enough to know sometimes it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt?
Whatcha got moonglow?
I have humility and humanity, what do you have?
...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Surely I can.. Yet it would matter little.

you know of course this wouldnt be an issue if he wasnt running for the highest office in the land???
...which must cover pre-existing DEMENTIA...


The president with dementia and alzheimers...Now, make a crude joke to show again how you care not for those afflicted.

Dementia and Alzheimers according to whom? Lefties with an agenda? Reagan was a great President who lifted the country out of the malaise of the 70's economic stagnation, defeatism lingering from Vietnam and managed the strategy that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
All while being abused & accused by the Dems & MSM allies.
Prove me wrong
Can you name me one president in the entire history of the US that wasn't criticized? Why do you whine s o much considering what a tough guy you is? Those presidents(except Trump) were man enough to take it..
Who is whining here? You sound like a petulant child.
I notice you once again refuse to even attempt to prove me wrong.
Is it because you don't really know what you are talking about on many things when you post?
Would debating me just reinforce your own feelings of inadequacy you project upon others with a fake persona of being the "reasonable" person attacking everyone with juvenile remarks over their own partisan bickering?
Are you smart enough to know sometimes it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt?
Whatcha got moonglow?
I have humility and humanity, what do you have?
You're a crybaby.

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