Joe Biden's Age Not A Problem If He Runs.He Works Out Regularly."Including His Brain?"

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:itsok::iagree: That's what a spokesman brought up today on Fox News Sunday. He was asked about this matter being he would be the oldest, or close to the oldest man to ever run for President. His spokesman said that it was not a factor. Joe Biden works out, he is always in great shape, etc, etc. Yah? Really? Has his spokesperson seen all of his gaffes and attempted fondling of much younger females? Working out after the age of 70 will not bring anyone back from their "Memory Loss Ailments". And working out over the age of 70 will also put you at risk of being attacked by your own weight machines!:shock::wtf:
what if in the end, we have a President Warren, who will be her first lady? Sasquatch?
I can see that clown on the campaign trail. 20 gaffes a day.
I can see that clown on the campaign trail. 20 gaffes a day.
i can see that clown on the campaign trail forgetting what city he is in, so when he campaigns in Colorado, we will hear Joe say,,,,It's great to be back in the great state of North Carolina!!!! yahhhh,,,,Stand Up Chuck !!!
He's certifiable, he's a genuine nut case
hey, wasnt it Joe Biden that once spoke in front of an audience of his constitchuancy (yah, i know its spelled wrong) when he claimed that if the GOP doesnt go along with a proposed bill, all white and sexy females are going to be raped?
I just cannot fathom Biden trying to debate Trump, it would be like Trump VS Elmer Fudd.
I just cannot fathom Biden trying to debate Trump, it would be like Trump VS Elmer Fudd.

Really? well look at his performance on "This Week"

"STEPHANOPOULOS: Where are you going to get the money, where are you going to get the forces? Exactly how are you going to do it? What are the specifics here?

TRUMP: George, it's called management. And the first thing we have to do is secure the border. But it's called management. And we'll get people back in, the really good ones, we're going to expedite it so they get back in, so they can at least come in legally.

But we have to do it...

STEPHANOPOULOS: You keep declaring how you're going to do it...

TRUMP: It's management.

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- but you don't say...

TRUMP: We don't...


TRUMP: Excuse me, George?

STEPHANOPOULOS: You declare how you're going to to it, but you don't say how.

TRUMP: George, I'm telling you, it's called management. You can do this and we can expedite the good ones to come back in. And everybody wants that. But they have to come in legally.

We have a country, we have to have -- we're a country of laws. We're a country of borders. How can you have a country without a border? How can you have a country without laws?

We have to do it. And by the way, what you said in your piece initially is the gang members. You look at the gang members in Baltimore, Chicago, in Ferguson, these people, a lot of them, are illegals. These are rough dudes. And we're going to get them to hell out fast.

STEPHANOPOULOS: I -- I understand that you think it's a huge problem, but I still don't hear specifics on how you're going to do this.

TRUMP: Well, you'll see...

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- for example...

TRUMP: -- my specifics, George. But my specifics are very -- I'm going to get great people that know what they're doing, not a bunch of political hacks that have no idea what they're doing, appointed by President Obama, that doesn't have a clue. I mean that man doesn't have a clue."

He can't even obfuscate well future debate are going to be fun.
I just cannot fathom Biden trying to debate Trump, it would be like Trump VS Elmer Fudd.

Biden may get the nomination anyway. That might provide a better pretext for Obama to leave office early and let Biden pardon him, Hillary and all of their accomplices.
I just cannot fathom Biden trying to debate Trump, it would be like Trump VS Elmer Fudd.

Biden may get the nomination anyway. That might provide a better pretext for Obama to leave office early and let Biden pardon him, Hillary and all of their accomplices.
well if Biden becomes President, I guess he can appoint Hillary the "White House PC Technician".
I just cannot fathom Biden trying to debate Trump, it would be like Trump VS Elmer Fudd.

Biden may get the nomination anyway. That might provide a better pretext for Obama to leave office early and let Biden pardon him, Hillary and all of their accomplices.
well if Biden becomes President, I guess he can appoint Hillary the "White House PC Technician".
She can wipe the servers (with a cloth).

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