Joe Biden’s America: People Turning Off Their Heat as Prices Skyrocket, ‘Like Living in an Igloo’

They won't, I'm all electric and use wood heat.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're killing trees to heat your home. You're just another false greenie, polluting the atmosphere with all that carbon. You're another -Do Sayer- Do as I say, not what I do.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're killing trees to heat your home. You're just another false greenie, polluting the atmosphere with all that carbon. You're another -Do Sayer- Do as I say, not what I do.
No, I use the ones that fall down go boom.
Please explain how Biden's position and policies against fossil fuels has not influenced it's cost. Biden has only championed policies and executive orders that discourage / stop the development of fossil fuels (eg leases, shutting down pipeline development, sanctions in foreign countries). Biden only cared about fuel prices leading up to the midterm elections, and drained the strategic oil reserves to manipulate futures so fuel prices would be lower.
Ha ha.
Biden like all smart people know that fossil fuels are limited to between 50 and 100 years before we begin to run out. . With every decade that passes, more wars like in Ukraine, and all the Middle East will be fought over fossil fuels. Even if there were no AGW, sitting back and burning it up till you run out with no alternatives is absolutely stupid. That’s what you want, right ? No alternatives, just keep burning this shit till it’s all gone. What a stupid idea. Geesus, the right is stupid.
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It's paid into, dumbass
That’s how you pay for socialism, with your taxes dufus. We have payroll taxes we give to the govt so they then provide SOCIAL SERVICES. You’re funny. It’s called, “social” security and you don’t think it’s socialism. You’re hilariously ignorant.
As an example, when everyone is educated, the value of an education is meaningless. I
Let’s hear it for the ignorant. You’re arguing for more dumb, less educated people, so Trump can have more votes….. I bet you’re in favor of in breeding.
You do realize more people died of covid under Biden and he had the vaccine? Yes, before covid we were doing great, under Trump.
The vast majority were inbred Trump supporters who weren’t vaccinated. That’s One big reason he lost continues to be a loser.
Guess who brought us covid, the recession that went with it and drop in gdp and biggest deficits ever…..Trump.
Ha ha.
Biden like all smart people know that fossil fuels are limited to between 50 and 100 years before we begin to run out. . With every decade that passes, more wars like in Ukraine, and all the Middle East will be fought over fossil fuels. Even if there were no AGW, sitting back and burning it up till you run out with no alternatives is absolutely stupid. That’s what you want, right ? No alternatives, just keep burning this shit till it’s all gone. What a stupid idea. Geesus, the right is stupid.
That's called a logical fallacy -- creating an argument and then questioning me on that argument. How ironic you to reference stupid ideas. lol.
Let’s hear it for the ignorant. You’re arguing for more dumb, less educated people, so Trump can have more votes….. I bet you’re in favor of in breeding.
You sure do like logical fallacies .. is that the only way you're able to argue -- by creating the argument and then challenging it?
The vast majority were inbred Trump supporters who weren’t vaccinated. That’s One big reason he lost continues to be a loser.
Guess who brought us covid, the recession that went with it and drop in gdp and biggest deficits ever…..Trump.
You do realize, more died under Biden? Biden had the vaccine, Trump didn't till a couple months before he left.

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