Joe Biden’s Far-Left “Climate” Plan Seeks To Limit Americans To 4 Lbs Of Beef Per Year

It's fascinating, that supposedly rational people can look at something like the OP's story, and _not_ understand that it's fake news designed to keep cult morons hysterical and obedient.

That's the Trump cult for you. They're literally all that stupid.
What? 1.231 ounces per week isn't enough for you? :cool:

I hope the Biden voters are satisfied.
We will feed them to wild pigs before we submit to one steak per year, and half of them will deny they mailed in 10 ballots.

It's fascinating, that supposedly rational people can look at something like the OP's story, and _not_ understand that it's fake news designed to keep cult morons hysterical and obedient.

That's the Trump cult for you. They're literally all that stupid.

So liberal climate morons aren't concerned with cow farts...
That MSN article got it's info from this Dailymail article.

I honestly don't know why the left and Biden's followers think this is conspiracy or fake news.

On the one hand, yeah, you can't exactly mandate this in a free society. On the other? You sort of have to take them at their word that the government bureaucrats want to restrict supply.

What does that mean? It means that meat will no longer be cheap. Only the very rich, and the elite will be able to afford it.

COST OF ECO-JOE Biden climate pledge could limit Americans to one burger a MONTH, hike taxes and force you to spend $55k on electric car

How Biden's climate plan could limit you to eat just one burger a MONTH, cost $3.5K a year per person in taxes, force you to spend $55K on an electric car and 'crush' American jobs
  • Joe Biden announced the goal to cut emissions by 2030, compared with 2005 levels, at the start of a two-day climate summit on Thursday
  • He vowed the plan, which would set the US on a path of a zero emissions economy by no later than 2050, would create jobs and boost economies
  • But he is yet to release any firm details on exactly how such a plan will affect the daily lives of ordinary Americans
  • It could prompt sweeping changes that could affect how Americans eat, drive and heat their homes
  • While Biden hasn't released details, experts and recent studies have laid out what would need to change by 2030 to reach the goal

"Here's how it could affect every day Americans:

Cutting red meat consumption by 90% and animal products by 50%

Americans may have to cut their red meat consumption by a whopping 90 percent and cut their consumption of other animal based foods in half.

Gradually making those changes by 2030 could see diet-related greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 50 percent, according to a study by Michigan University's Center for Sustainable Systems.

To do that, it would require Americans to only consume about four pounds of red meat per year, or 0.18 ounces per day.

It equates to consuming roughly one average sized burger per month.

Americans may have to cut their red meat consumption by a whopping 90 percent and cut their consumption of other animal based foods in half. To do that, it would require Americans to only consume about four pounds of red meat per year, or 0.18 ounces per day

Americans may have to cut their red meat consumption by a whopping 90 percent and cut their consumption of other animal based foods in half. To do that, it would require Americans to only consume about four pounds of red meat per year, or 0.18 ounces per day. . ."
It's fascinating, that supposedly rational people can look at something like the OP's story, and _not_ understand that it's fake news designed to keep cult morons hysterical and obedient.

That's the Trump cult for you. They're literally all that stupid.

So liberal climate morons aren't concerned with cow farts...

. . . no, at this point, they are gas-lighting.

Sort of when Trump did something stupid, and the Trumpanzees had their egos so tied to the GOP and Trump, they would either deny something happened, or tried to spin it to something good.

These folks on the left know what is occurring is draconian authoritarianism.

They know it is absurd and foolish. . . at this point? All they are left to counter the criticism with is gas-lighting and denial.

They deny to themselves, and to us what is reported is real, or that it will happen.

When folks told them that industry was going to try to roll out COVID passports, they told everyone that we were "conspiracy theorists." Now? It is on the news and well known that government and industry wants to throw out HIPAA protections just so you can watch a concert or buy some groceries. These folks are nuts.
Threads like this answer the question "how did Trump con so many rubes?".

Because they'll believe anything.

Biden’s ambitious plan would mean Americans will be forced to cut 90% of red meat from their diets which equates to about one average-sized hamburger per month.
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Yes, big brother is here and he knows what is good for you and what isn't. And the expanding facilities for illegal immigrants may be your destination one day if you do not comply.

Now, eat that fake meat burger as if you like it! Or else. :omg:

From the Montana Daily Gazette – Biden’s climate proposal includes significant cuts to our carbon emissions by 2030, with zero carbon emissions by 2050. The latter goal would require humanity to become extinct because humans produce carbon dioxide naturally just by breathing. But aside from wishing we would all just die off so the algae and spotted owls can prosper, Biden’s climate goals include no more red meat.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told the media, “We are making an aggressive reduction target for the country. Part of our effort will focus on enhancing climate-smart agricultural practices, the development of biofuels, carbon capture and sequestration, better forest management and reforestation.” He later went on to say that farmers and ranchers would be “given incentives” (welfare) to stop farming and ranching.
Democrats have been setting their sights on ranchers for some time, with some politicians urging their constituents to have “Meatless Mondays,” believing that limiting meat consumption one day a week can save the planet. But Biden’s ambitions are far heavier than just one-day-a-week abstinence from protein.
The supposed damage to the environment by cattle production is their release of methane by passing gas. The geniuses in the Beltway, empowered by an endless amount of cash from the public tax rolls, are now trying to solve the all-important problem of cattle breaking wind.
Matthew Holliday nailed the Biden-Obama’s new nanny-state with this tweet:


We had "liver on Tuesdays, fish on Fridays" from 1942-1946. Meat was rationed and hard to get even when stores had it. We were "meatless" for weeks and months sometimes. But politicians fattened up on meat and they would again.

I remember my dad telling us one Sunday that mom cooked a roast of horsemeat with potatoes, carrots with gravy .. I ate it ... It was delicious...
Yes, big brother is here and he knows what is good for you and what isn't. And the expanding facilities for illegal immigrants may be your destination one day if you do not comply.

Now, eat that fake meat burger as if you like it! Or else. :omg:

From the Montana Daily Gazette – Biden’s climate proposal includes significant cuts to our carbon emissions by 2030, with zero carbon emissions by 2050. The latter goal would require humanity to become extinct because humans produce carbon dioxide naturally just by breathing. But aside from wishing we would all just die off so the algae and spotted owls can prosper, Biden’s climate goals include no more red meat.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told the media, “We are making an aggressive reduction target for the country. Part of our effort will focus on enhancing climate-smart agricultural practices, the development of biofuels, carbon capture and sequestration, better forest management and reforestation.” He later went on to say that farmers and ranchers would be “given incentives” (welfare) to stop farming and ranching.
Democrats have been setting their sights on ranchers for some time, with some politicians urging their constituents to have “Meatless Mondays,” believing that limiting meat consumption one day a week can save the planet. But Biden’s ambitions are far heavier than just one-day-a-week abstinence from protein.
The supposed damage to the environment by cattle production is their release of methane by passing gas. The geniuses in the Beltway, empowered by an endless amount of cash from the public tax rolls, are now trying to solve the all-important problem of cattle breaking wind.
Matthew Holliday nailed the Biden-Obama’s new nanny-state with this tweet:


We had "liver on Tuesdays, fish on Fridays" from 1942-1946. Meat was rationed and hard to get even when stores had it. We were "meatless" for weeks and months sometimes. But politicians fattened up on meat and they would again.

I remember my dad telling us one Sunday that mom cooked a roast of horsemeat with potatoes, carrots with gravy .. I ate it ... It was delicious...

You cannot do that today as horsemeat is illegal for human consumption.
Not enough heating oil to get you through the winter? Jimmy Carter's advice was to wear a sweater. It doesn't matter what the product, the democrat strategy has always been to "limit Americans" for the greater good.
But you DO have to admit that it's hilarious that the Fucktard wants to eliminate the Democrats' jobs flipping burgers!!!
Meat contains vitamin B12. Plants do not.

Vitamin B12 deficiency causes brain damage and makes people stupid.

That's obviously why the Democrats want to cut meat out of Americans' diets. The stupider people are, the more likely it is that they will vote Democrat.
Not enough heating oil to get you through the winter? Jimmy Carter's advice was to wear a sweater. It doesn't matter what the product, the democrat strategy has always been to "limit Americans" for the greater good.
But you DO have to admit that it's hilarious that the Fucktard wants to eliminate the Democrats' jobs flipping burgers!!!
They will just change to flipping plant based burgers... see where this is leading
If all of the cows in the world got together and farted at the same time, it wouldn't phase our heater/the sun one bit. This is a UN directive...

So. . . Biden tells the nation what his administration's goals are, UMich has a study about what it would take to reach those goals. . . . a media source publishes those findings, and you think that has nothing to do with the government's long term agenda?

Is that it?

Unless the government spells it out, exactly what they plan to do to read their goals for you, you don't believe what they are implying, is that it? You are only allowed to speculate about cause and effect when someone you don't like is in office. . . is that it?

You are the most disingenuous, STUPID, partisan hack on the planet.

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