Joe Biden's Top 5 lies from the debate.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
When he wasn't babbling incoherent drivel, he was lying. But he has been doing both his entire pathetic career on the public dole.

  1. Biden repeated the old charge that Trump refused to visit the graves of fallen U.S. soldiers in France and called them “suckers and losers.” Trump once again denied having done so, whereupon Biden said: “You had a four-star general stand at your side, who was on your staff, who said you said it, period.” Old Joe was referring to Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, who said in Oct. 2023, three years after the claim was first made, that Trump “rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.”
  1. Biden claimed that Trump said that Hitler did some good things. Once again, the source for this is John Kelly, who has already been shown to be an unreliable witness. Trump’s spokesperson Liz Harrington said: “This is totally false. President Trump never said this. It is made-up fake news, probably by a general who was incompetent and was fired.” Kelly claims that Trump praised Hitler during his Nov. 9-11, 2018 trip to Paris. Yet Kelly remained Trump’s chief of staff. Only nearly a month later, on Dec. 8, 2018, did Trump announce that he was replacing Kelly, who remained in the position until Jan. 2, 2019. Would you have kept working for a man who praised Hitler? I wouldn’t have.
  1. Old Joe also dragged out his oft-repeated claim that National Socialists demonstrating in Charlottesville were “fine people.” This lie is particularly galling, for at the press conference where Trump supposedly made this statement, he said: “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.
  1. Biden claimed that Trump “wants to get rid of Social Security.” Yet this was after Trump had said of the alleged president: “This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they’re trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security.” Warning that Biden regime policies are endangering Social Security would be strange coming from a man who wanted to get rid of it.
  1. Biden said: “The pandemic are so badly handled, many people were dying. All he said was, it’s not that serious. Just inject a little bleach in your arm. It’d be all right.” As cartoonist-turned-pundit Scott Adams has explained in detail, Trump was referring to “the concept of killing Covid on external surfaces using sunlight and UV light. Light as a ‘disinfectant’ was collectively mentioned 21 times by the experts – Dr. Bryan and Dr. Birx – and by Trump.” Trump’s exact words bear this out.

When he wasn't babbling incoherent drivel, he was lying. But he has been doing both his entire pathetic career on the public dole.

  1. Biden repeated the old charge that Trump refused to visit the graves of fallen U.S. soldiers in France and called them “suckers and losers.” Trump once again denied having done so, whereupon Biden said: “You had a four-star general stand at your side, who was on your staff, who said you said it, period.” Old Joe was referring to Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, who said in Oct. 2023, three years after the claim was first made, that Trump “rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.”
  2. Biden claimed that Trump said that Hitler did some good things. Once again, the source for this is John Kelly, who has already been shown to be an unreliable witness. Trump’s spokesperson Liz Harrington said: “This is totally false. President Trump never said this. It is made-up fake news, probably by a general who was incompetent and was fired.” Kelly claims that Trump praised Hitler during his Nov. 9-11, 2018 trip to Paris. Yet Kelly remained Trump’s chief of staff. Only nearly a month later, on Dec. 8, 2018, did Trump announce that he was replacing Kelly, who remained in the position until Jan. 2, 2019. Would you have kept working for a man who praised Hitler? I wouldn’t have.
  3. Old Joe also dragged out his oft-repeated claim that National Socialists demonstrating in Charlottesville were “fine people.” This lie is particularly galling, for at the press conference where Trump supposedly made this statement, he said: “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.
  4. Biden claimed that Trump “wants to get rid of Social Security.” Yet this was after Trump had said of the alleged president: “This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they’re trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security.” Warning that Biden regime policies are endangering Social Security would be strange coming from a man who wanted to get rid of it.
  5. Biden said: “The pandemic are so badly handled, many people were dying. All he said was, it’s not that serious. Just inject a little bleach in your arm. It’d be all right.” As cartoonist-turned-pundit Scott Adams has explained in detail, Trump was referring to “the concept of killing Covid on external surfaces using sunlight and UV light. Light as a ‘disinfectant’ was collectively mentioned 21 times by the experts – Dr. Bryan and Dr. Birx – and by Trump.” Trump’s exact words bear this out.

1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
Democrats lie about essential matters ("the Southern Border is secure," "This was the most secure election in history"), Trump exaggerates but is essentially truthful. Does it matter whether Biden invited 20 million or 10 million illegals into the country? With 30 million already here? I think not. It was an essentially truthful point.
When he wasn't babbling incoherent drivel, he was lying. But he has been doing both his entire pathetic career on the public dole.

  1. Biden repeated the old charge that Trump refused to visit the graves of fallen U.S. soldiers in France and called them “suckers and losers.” Trump once again denied having done so, whereupon Biden said: “You had a four-star general stand at your side, who was on your staff, who said you said it, period.” Old Joe was referring to Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, who said in Oct. 2023, three years after the claim was first made, that Trump “rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.”
  2. Biden claimed that Trump said that Hitler did some good things. Once again, the source for this is John Kelly, who has already been shown to be an unreliable witness. Trump’s spokesperson Liz Harrington said: “This is totally false. President Trump never said this. It is made-up fake news, probably by a general who was incompetent and was fired.” Kelly claims that Trump praised Hitler during his Nov. 9-11, 2018 trip to Paris. Yet Kelly remained Trump’s chief of staff. Only nearly a month later, on Dec. 8, 2018, did Trump announce that he was replacing Kelly, who remained in the position until Jan. 2, 2019. Would you have kept working for a man who praised Hitler? I wouldn’t have.
  3. Old Joe also dragged out his oft-repeated claim that National Socialists demonstrating in Charlottesville were “fine people.” This lie is particularly galling, for at the press conference where Trump supposedly made this statement, he said: “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups, but not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.
  4. Biden claimed that Trump “wants to get rid of Social Security.” Yet this was after Trump had said of the alleged president: “This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they’re trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security.” Warning that Biden regime policies are endangering Social Security would be strange coming from a man who wanted to get rid of it.
  5. Biden said: “The pandemic are so badly handled, many people were dying. All he said was, it’s not that serious. Just inject a little bleach in your arm. It’d be all right.” As cartoonist-turned-pundit Scott Adams has explained in detail, Trump was referring to “the concept of killing Covid on external surfaces using sunlight and UV light. Light as a ‘disinfectant’ was collectively mentioned 21 times by the experts – Dr. Bryan and Dr. Birx – and by Trump.” Trump’s exact words bear this out.


Joe Biden's Top 5 lies from the debate.​

You pretend an issue with lying? Donald Trump has been lying since he announced:

Washington CNN November 16, 2022
Former President Donald Trump began his 2024 presidential campaign just as he ended his presidency in 2021: with a whole lot of inaccuracy.

Like many of Trump’s speeches as president, his announcement speech at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Tuesday was filled with false claims about a variety of topics – from his record in office to his Democratic opponents to the economy, the environment and foreign policy.

Here is a fact check of 20 false or misleading things he said. This is not a comprehensive list.

1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
1. I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump big fat gaping maw.
Can you name 1 Trump lie from the debate?

Brandon, your hero, told many.

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