Joe Blames Corporate Greed for His Inflation

Of course, coming from a RW rag, bird cage liner.

Most are combined BS.

None of those listed would constitute the price rise the US is experiencing.

So, what about the rest of the world?

Some are experiencing worse inflation than the US is.
IF Biden actually had sanctions on the massive 10%. of the oil the US government has control over, it wouldn't raise the price of fuel 10 cents.

Oil company greed is doing that every week.

So, you want Biden to nationalize and put price controls on all those industries/goods you listed?

Since Biden is causing inflation throughout the entire world, Biden could put price controls on their products and services too.
America was self sufficient in oil under Trump.
Now we must compete for terrorist oil.

Only crazy people think every company in America suddenly conspired after 4 decades to all raise their prices.
Of course, coming from a RW rag, bird cage liner.

Most are combined BS.

None of those listed would constitute the price rise the US is experiencing.

So, what about the rest of the world?

Some are experiencing worse inflation than the US is.

Two possibilities.
1. Brandon’s sanctions forced prices up
2. After 4 decades every company saw Brandon as weak and pathetic so conspired to raise prices.

Your pick.
America was self sufficient in oil under Trump.
No, we weren't.
The US still had to import oil.
Now we must compete for terrorist oil.
We always have.
Only crazy people think every company in America suddenly conspired after 4 decades to all raise their prices.
Only crazy people think only American company prices are causing inflation of ALL products throughout the entire world.
IF Biden actually had sanctions on the massive 10%. of the oil the US government has control over, it wouldn't raise the price of fuel 10 cents.

Oil company greed is doing that every week.

So, you want Biden to nationalize and put price controls on all those industries/goods you listed?

Since Biden is causing inflation throughout the entire world, Biden could put price controls on their products and services too.
At this point the oil companies would have to be careful because of the threat of being nationalized and controlled. It is to their best interest to not muddle things up. Our politicians over the years have interfered with oil. And this is the Progs doing. The green agenda is their baby. No matter if the United States suffers even a depression.
At this point the oil companies would have to be careful because of the threat of being nationalized and controlled. It is to their best interest to not muddle things up. Our politicians over the years have interfered with oil. And this is the Progs doing. The green agenda is their baby. No matter if the United States suffers even a depression.
Leftards think a 6% profit margin is outrageous.
In 4th quarter of 2021 they were down several billion.

Then in 2022 Biden cuts off Russian oil and ExxonMobil goes up because of increased demand. If he hadn't sanctioned Russia and hadn't hampered domestic oil production ExxonMobil wouldn't be seeing such high profits right now.

So again, Biden did that.

Look these feel good save the planet climate change policies have a cost. Well here you go gas north of $5 a gallon and out of control inflation. You didn't really think Dems could wreck shit without feeling the pain did you.
Of course, coming from a RW rag, bird cage liner.

Most are combined BS.

None of those listed would constitute the price rise the US is experiencing.

So, what about the rest of the world?

Some are experiencing worse inflation than the US is.
Facts are facts. Inflation and gas prices only started to rise after Brandon was installed.
I’m torn with you saying Biden’s government are liars with the data.
What about the rest of the world and OPEC , Biden controls them too?

June 9 2022
The U.S. is not the country with the highest gas prices in the world (although at times of crippling, surging inflation, it might feel as if it is).

In fact, the country hovers in the middle of a list comparing gas prices around the world, according to Global Petrol Prices, a website that tracks the retail price of gas across 150 countries.

At $5.037 per gallon (as of June 6), gas is cheaper than in over 90 countries including Norway and China, and more expensive than in over 70 others. Gasoline prices are an unbeatable $0.084 per gallon in Venezuela, the country that boasts the biggest oil reserves in the world.

On the other hand, gas prices are at their highest in Hong Kong, at $11.213 per gallon, followed by Norway ($10.820), Denmark ($10.321) and Finland ($10.125).

December 6 2021
The analysis looked at data from the Bureau of Land Management, which processes applications for drilling permits on public lands. Its main findings were:

  • During Biden's first year in office so far, BLM has approved an average of 333 drilling permits per month. That figure is more than 35% higher than Trump's first year in office, when BLM approved an average of 245 drilling permits per month.
  • That number is also higher than the monthly average in 2018 (279 permits) and 2019 (284 permits), but lower than the monthly average in 2020 (452 permits), when oil companies stockpiled permits in the final months of the Trump administration.
Your getting hosed by oil companies but blame Biden.
What about the rest of the world and OPEC , Biden controls them too?

June 9 2022
The U.S. is not the country with the highest gas prices in the world (although at times of crippling, surging inflation, it might feel as if it is).

In fact, the country hovers in the middle of a list comparing gas prices around the world, according to Global Petrol Prices, a website that tracks the retail price of gas across 150 countries.

At $5.037 per gallon (as of June 6), gas is cheaper than in over 90 countries including Norway and China, and more expensive than in over 70 others. Gasoline prices are an unbeatable $0.084 per gallon in Venezuela, the country that boasts the biggest oil reserves in the world.

On the other hand, gas prices are at their highest in Hong Kong, at $11.213 per gallon, followed by Norway ($10.820), Denmark ($10.321) and Finland ($10.125).

December 6 2021
The analysis looked at data from the Bureau of Land Management, which processes applications for drilling permits on public lands. Its main findings were:

  • During Biden's first year in office so far, BLM has approved an average of 333 drilling permits per month. That figure is more than 35% higher than Trump's first year in office, when BLM approved an average of 245 drilling permits per month.
  • That number is also higher than the monthly average in 2018 (279 permits) and 2019 (284 permits), but lower than the monthly average in 2020 (452 permits), when oil companies stockpiled permits in the final months of the Trump administration.
Your getting hosed by oil companies but blame Biden.
Brandon’s sanctions on US oil puts greater demand on global supplies driving up prices for everyone.

Economics 101
Biden didn't put sanctions on oil.

Why did Biden approve all those oil drilling permits?
The ones that 60% are dormant?
If you were informed you’d be a conservative too.

Biden Makes Sweeping Changes to Oil and Gas Policy​

January 28, 2021

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