Joe McCarthy should posthumously be awarded a Congressional Medal of Freedom.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Joe McCarthy was right about a lot of the communist infestation in the State Department and Hollywood. After the fall of the Soviet Union, records were released and many in the State Department turned out to have been spies for the KGB. Contrary to myth, McCarthy never tried to have any of the traitorous actors that were members of the Communist Party prosecuted.

Has there ever been an American politician more unfairly maligned than Joe McCarthy?

Here's a decent article on it, explaining why leftists in America have a higher opinion of Karl Marx and various Communist leaders than they do of an American patriot like Joe McCarthy.

Why I praise Sen. Joseph McCarthy - WND - WND

Quote from article:

"Back to McCarthy. As I revisit this tragic Promethean figure of the early 1950s, let us first answer two basic questions lucidly without emotion: 1) Did McCarthy find Communists, Communist sympathizers and Soviet spies in the State Department, in Hollywood, in the academy, in the literary world, in the military, in the media during his Senate committee hearings? 2) Does an unbiased account of history show that McCarthy abused his power? Yes on the first question, No, on the second.

Conservative political writer Ann Coulter said this of McCarthy and the 50 years of incessant demonization by the liberal propaganda press:

I know he got a bad rap because there are no monuments to Joe McCarthy. Liberals had to destroy McCarthy because he exposed the entire liberal establishment as having sheltered Soviet spies. … There’s always a conflict of interest when people who don’t really like America are called upon to defend it."
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So you came to this board just to be a shit stirrer?

That fat old drunk died young of cirrhosis. He earned it. Despicable person

Like you

He was a decorated war hero that endured years and years of vicious abuse from Communist sympathizers in the government, media, and educational system for exposing the level of Communist infestation in America at the time. After Communism was eventually thoroughly debunked, those cockroaches switched to being "Democratic Socialists".
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So you came to this board just to be a shit stirrer?

That fat old drunk died young of cirrhosis. He earned it. Despicable person

Like you

He was a decorated war hero that endured years and years of vicious abuse from Communist sympathizers in the government, media, and educational system for exposing the level of Communist infestation in America at the time. After Communism was eventually thoroughly debunked, those cockroaches switched to being "Democratic Socialists".

This is too vague. What part of Democratic Socialism don't you like? Tariff subsidies for farmers?
We were warned about the Communist threat in the '50s and didn't heed the warnings. Now our government is infested with the vermin and thanks to our complacency, they've completely taken over our educational system, our media, and more than half of our government. We patriots have our work cut out for us but we will rise to the occasion.
We were warned about the Communist threat in the '50s and didn't heed the warnings. Now our government is infested with the vermin and thanks to our complacency, they've completely taken over our educational system, our media, and more than half of our government. We patriots have our work cut out for us but we will rise to the occasion.
All the pinko commies are under your bed and in your head... where they always were
Little known fact, the Annenberg foundation helped get Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, and Obama into office. Great friends of the CIA.
Of course, the Ford foundation works hand in glove with the spooks as well.
Don't feed the troll

Because of what happened to McCarthy, the results of the investigation became largely toothless. But, it was a very REAL agenda by elites to change the culture. We now today see the results.

Final report
Although the promotion of internationalism and moral relativism by foundations concerned the committee, it saw their concentrated power as the more central threat. Even if benign, this power posed a threat to democratic government. The Reece Committee's report, submitted in the midst of the ultimately successful efforts to censure Senator Joseph McCarthy, failed to attract much attention. McCarthy's fall led to a discrediting of all efforts that ' smacked of redbaiting '.[4]

The report conceded that, with several exceptions "such as the Institute of Pacific Relations, foundations have not directly supported organizations which, in turn, operated to support communism." However, the report did conclude that. . .

Some of the larger foundations have directly supported 'subversion' in the true meaning of that term--namely, the process of undermining some of our vitally protective concepts and principles. They have actively supported attacks upon our social and governmental system and financed the promotion of socialism and collectivist ideas.

The report had also proposed changes in law: a "rule against perpetuities" to limit the lives of non-institutional foundations, 10–25 years, a denial of tax exemption to a foundation holding more than 5%-10% of any business' capital or securities, and a ban on using foundation funds to support "socialism, collectivism or any other form of society or government which is at variance with the basic principles of ours" (existing law prohibited its use only for support of communism and fascism).

This final report was made up by the majority in the committee, three Republicans: Representatives B. Carroll Reece of Tennessee, chairman, Jesse P. Wolcott of Michigan and Angier L. Goodwin of Massachusetts. However, the two Democrats on the committee did not sign the final report and were extremely critical of it.[2]

United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations - Wikipedia
So you came to this board just to be a shit stirrer?

That fat old drunk died young of cirrhosis. He earned it. Despicable person

Like you

He was a decorated war hero that endured years and years of vicious abuse from Communist sympathizers in the government, media, and educational system for exposing the level of Communist infestation in America at the time. After Communism was eventually thoroughly debunked, those cockroaches switched to being "Democratic Socialists".

A decorated war hero you say? What exactly is the record of one tail gunner joe?

Also, can you post just how blank was that white blank piece of paper with all that communist names on it....I mean was it just plain white or some extra white whiteyness white?
So you came to this board just to be a shit stirrer?

That fat old drunk died young of cirrhosis. He earned it. Despicable person

Like you

He was a decorated war hero that endured years and years of vicious abuse from Communist sympathizers in the government, media, and educational system for exposing the level of Communist infestation in America at the time. After Communism was eventually thoroughly debunked, those cockroaches switched to being "Democratic Socialists".

He was NO WAR HERO. He had a desk job in intelligence and was a gunner on 12 missions. There were literally hundreds of thousands of guys with FAR more distinguished war records than he had.
Also, the jackass, HUGELY exaggerated his war record for political gain.

'He later falsely claimed participation in 32 aerial missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross and multiple awards of the Air Medal, which the Marine Corps chain of command decided to approve in 1952 because of his political influence.[32][33] McCarthy also publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations.[34][35] However, his commander revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, probably while preparing award citations and commendation letters as an additional duty, and that he signed his commander's name, after which Nimitz signed it in the process of signing numerous other such letters.[36][35] A "war wound"—a badly broken leg—that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or anti-aircraft fire had in fact happened aboard ship during a raucous celebration for sailors crossing the equator for the first time.[37][38][39]Because of McCarthy's various lies about his military heroism, his "Tail-Gunner Joe" nickname was sarcastically used as a term of mockery by his critics.'

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia

The guy was a censored, drunken, morphine-addicted, paranoid, rabid communist-hating jerk who most of America could not care less about and had little respect for by the end.

He was nothing but a pathetic loser.
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So you came to this board just to be a shit stirrer?

That fat old drunk died young of cirrhosis. He earned it. Despicable person

Like you

He was a decorated war hero that endured years and years of vicious abuse from Communist sympathizers in the government, media, and educational system for exposing the level of Communist infestation in America at the time. After Communism was eventually thoroughly debunked, those cockroaches switched to being "Democratic Socialists".

The guy was a censored, drunken, morphine-addicted, paranoid, rabid communist-hating loser who most of America could not care less about and had little respect for by the end.

Plus, he was no war hero. He had a desk job in intelligence and was a gunner on 12 missions. There were literally hundreds of thousands of guys with FAR more distinguished careers than he had. Maybe millions.
Also, the jerk HUGELY exaggerated his war record for political gain.

'He later falsely claimed participation in 32 aerial missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross and multiple awards of the Air Medal, which the Marine Corps chain of command decided to approve in 1952 because of his political influence.'

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia

He was nothing but a loser.
He got elected to Senate and saw the danger to the pillars of American culture. What have you done?
So you came to this board just to be a shit stirrer?

That fat old drunk died young of cirrhosis. He earned it. Despicable person

Like you

He was a decorated war hero that endured years and years of vicious abuse from Communist sympathizers in the government, media, and educational system for exposing the level of Communist infestation in America at the time. After Communism was eventually thoroughly debunked, those cockroaches switched to being "Democratic Socialists".

The guy was a censored, drunken, morphine-addicted, paranoid, rabid communist-hating loser who most of America could not care less about and had little respect for by the end.

Plus, he was no war hero. He had a desk job in intelligence and was a gunner on 12 missions. There were literally hundreds of thousands of guys with FAR more distinguished careers than he had. Maybe millions.
Also, the jerk HUGELY exaggerated his war record for political gain.

'He later falsely claimed participation in 32 aerial missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross and multiple awards of the Air Medal, which the Marine Corps chain of command decided to approve in 1952 because of his political influence.'

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia

He was nothing but a loser.
He got elected to Senate and saw the danger to the pillars of American culture. What have you done?

BHe also got himself censored by the same Senate.

So you came to this board just to be a shit stirrer?

That fat old drunk died young of cirrhosis. He earned it. Despicable person

Like you

He was a decorated war hero that endured years and years of vicious abuse from Communist sympathizers in the government, media, and educational system for exposing the level of Communist infestation in America at the time. After Communism was eventually thoroughly debunked, those cockroaches switched to being "Democratic Socialists".

The guy was a censored, drunken, morphine-addicted, paranoid, rabid communist-hating loser who most of America could not care less about and had little respect for by the end.

Plus, he was no war hero. He had a desk job in intelligence and was a gunner on 12 missions. There were literally hundreds of thousands of guys with FAR more distinguished careers than he had. Maybe millions.
Also, the jerk HUGELY exaggerated his war record for political gain.

'He later falsely claimed participation in 32 aerial missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross and multiple awards of the Air Medal, which the Marine Corps chain of command decided to approve in 1952 because of his political influence.'

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia

He was nothing but a loser.
He got elected to Senate and saw the danger to the pillars of American culture. What have you done?

What a weak, pathetic, 1950's-style argument.

What I have or have not done is none of your business. But whatever it was, it did a hell of a lot less damage to innocent people then that jerk.

HE LIED about being a war hero...that alone makes him a loser.

That is on top of all the nonsense he spewed out - he was censured for being such an idiot.

He was so weak that he could not kick an addiction to alcohol or morphine. I was addicted to booze and crack and quit both on my own - with zero help. That does not make me better than him - but it sure makes me a hell of a lot stronger inside than he was.
Millions of people quit booze alone - he did not have the guts to. Which proves he was a weak man.

He was a weak, lying, communist-paranoid, drunken, morphine-addicted loser.

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