Joe Rogan is Right, Wall Street Journal: Pfizer/Moderna COVID Shots Cause Myocarditis

Hey go the Joe Rogan route and HOPE you can get monoclonal antibodies (like he did) and that they work against omicron.

Of course if you're wrong...well...Darwin wins again
Anyone forced to take these shots, and many are affected in a bad way have a right to turn the earth into a burned-out cinder.
Hey go the Joe Rogan route and HOPE you can get monoclonal antibodies (like he did) and that they work against omicron.

Of course if you're wrong...well...Darwin wins again
It’s a travesty that someone as low risk got monoclonal antibodies instead of someone high risk.
Hey go the Joe Rogan route and HOPE you can get monoclonal antibodies (like he did) and that they work against omicron.

Of course if you're wrong...well...Darwin wins again

The mRNA provide only a temporary antibody boost, so are even less useful or effective as monoclonal antibodies.
They have to work against Omicron and all other variants because none of the variants can alter their spike protein, or else it would no longer work in the ACE2 receptors they are use to open.
All corona viruses that infect humans have to have exactly the same spike proteins.
They are not for show.
They are essentially the key that unlocks the ACE2 receptors.
Very strange how all the pharma companies involved got blanket immunity from lawsuits. One of my nieces got the vaccine and it attacked her nervous system. At 18 years old she will spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.
I will stake my life on the veracity of that anecdote.
Did you know they are making a vaccine booster for Omicron?

Now ask yourself if the vaccine was so effective against Omicron why alter it for Omicron?

You will discover the vaccine is losing against the Covid war…

They actually are not altering anything for Omicron.
The claim they were was just a cover story to explain why the previous vaccination was no longer working.
When in reality it is no longer working because it never went into T-cell memory.
Anyone forced to take these shots, and many are affected in a bad way have a right to turn the earth into a burned-out cinder.
When the number of vaccine deaths in the US gets to around a million or so you may have a point.
We’re known about myocarditis from vaccines for a long time now.

Want to know what else causes myocarditis? COVID. And at a higher rate too.

The mRNA injections cause myocarditis because the mRNA does not have to stay in the injection site, can more around, and causes immune system attack and swelling where ever it ends up.
There is absolutely NO WAY covid can cause myocarditis because is it instantly killed on contact with blood.
It cannot use the bloodstream to travel anywhere.
What causes myocarditis from those who had covid, is the over reaction from the immune system starts to release tiny blood clots into the blood stream.
If they get to the heart, that can cause problems.
But that should NEVER happen, because immuno suppressants should easily prevent any immune system over reaction.
Again, covid can NOT cause myocarditis.
When the number of vaccine deaths in the US gets to around a million or so you may have a point.

Since the mRNA vaccines do not work like a vaccine and do not give any immunity, they are actually preventing herd immunity that would have ended the epidemic.
So the mRNA vaccines are greatly increasing the death total, and not decreasing it in any way.
How the heck is the media acting like this hasn't been common knowledge since the clot-shots came out?

Wall Street Journal

By Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD, UCLA Geffen School of Medicine, and Professor Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD, Yale School of Public Health

Number of people who’ve died of COVID: 900,000

Number of people who’ve died of myocarditis: 12



no wonder the rubes are dying en mass
2,000 people are dying daily and the vast majority of them are unvaxxed.

So hey...don't vax. Less stupid Republicans makes me happy
At a rate multiple times less than the risk of myocarditis from COVID.

Did you see Rogan's confusion when he was brought face to face with reality? It wasn't a pretty sight.

His guest was wrong.
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