Zone1 Joel Osteen church shooting: 5 year old in critical condition, shooter dead

IDK about this shooter. A woman who brought a child with her only to have that child critically wounded by the police. Osteen saying they would pray for her and the child reminded me of the Amish community that went and prayed with and pay their respects to the family of the main who slaughtered their schoolhouse full of kids.
IDK about this shooter. A woman who brought a child with her only to have that child critically wounded by the police. Osteen saying they would pray for her and the child reminded me of the Amish community that went and prayed with and pay their respects to the family of the main who slaughtered their schoolhouse full of kids.
Wait? Osteen said pray for the victims, the mother and child. You are equating that to praying for the killer of the Amish children. How is that the same?
Do you know why people forgive? If they don’t the event will turn into hate which makes people hurt even more. It breaks up marriages and families. Forgiving someone who has harmed you doesn’t take justice away. It makes justice easier.
Wait? Osteen said pray for the victims, the mother and child. You are equating that to praying for the killer of the Amish children. How is that the same?
Do you know why people forgive? If they don’t the event will turn into hate which makes people hurt even more. It breaks up marriages and families. Forgiving someone who has harmed you doesn’t take justice away. It makes justice easier.
U R correct. One harbors hate then they become what they harbor. The problem is that it's a lot easier to say it(forgive) than actually be able to be strong enough to do it.
Wait? Osteen said pray for the victims, the mother and child. You are equating that to praying for the killer of the Amish children. How is that the same?
Do you know why people forgive? If they don’t the event will turn into hate which makes people hurt even more. It breaks up marriages and families. Forgiving someone who has harmed you doesn’t take justice away. It makes justice easier.
Perhaps you should learn the facts of the case. The shooter was a woman who had a child with her per early reports and Osteen said he would be praying for her and the child.
Perhaps you should learn the facts of the case. The shooter was a woman who had a child with her per early reports and Osteen said he would be praying for her and the child.
Pulling a gun on people in Texas, yea, probably not the smartest thing to do, especially where they like guns and Bibles.
When is Sleepy Joe going to apologize for this? His Christophobic bigotry leads his devotees to committing atrocities like this.

I don't think Biden necessarily means this, but it is disturbing when a shooting happens at an event for one of America's leading theologians.
America's leading theologians.
Most every denomination denounces Olsteen's theologies. Where he does have a very popular message...most mainstream denominations and conservative Christians do not like his messages. He is not a leading theologian. If anything the bottom rung of theologians.

I understand how this can be misleading...but there is not anyone who considers Joel a theologian.
IDK about this shooter. A woman who brought a child with her only to have that child critically wounded by the police. Osteen saying they would pray for her and the child reminded me of the Amish community that went and prayed with and pay their respects to the family of the main who slaughtered their schoolhouse full of kids.

Could u elaborate on this?

I didn't hear of the Amish story.
Perhaps you should learn the facts of the case. The shooter was a woman who had a child with her per early reports and Osteen said he would be praying for her and the child.
Jesus said to pray for our enemies. It is not easy, but they are actually in more need of prayer than their victims

Could u elaborate on this?

I didn't hear of the Amish story.
Several years ago a school house full of Amish kids got slaughtered by a lunatic in West Nickels Mines in PA. The shooter then killed himself. The Amish community went to the shooter's family to pray with them and offer their condolences on the loss of their son.
Several years ago a school house full of Amish kids got slaughtered by a lunatic in West Nickels Mines in PA. The shooter then killed himself. The Amish community went to the shooter's family to pray with them and offer their condolences on the loss of their son.
well, I doubt they neglected the shooter's victims?
Perhaps you should learn the facts of the case. The shooter was a woman who had a child with her per early reports and Osteen said he would be praying for her and the child.
I always pray for the criminals. Jesus says love and forgive your enemies and those that hate you. I usually pray for the sinner to understand what is wrong with their behavior and to correct it so they don’t hurt or kill others in the future. I let the justice system do their thing as mercy cannot rob justice. And hope the justo will change the individual and soften their hearts.
The reason why violence is rampant in Democrat run cities is because they let mercy rob Justice instead of temper it.
I always pray for the criminals. Jesus says love and forgive your enemies and those that hate you. I usually pray for the sinner to understand what is wrong with their behavior and to correct it so they don’t hurt or kill others in the future. I let the justice system do their thing as mercy cannot rob justice. And hope the justo will change the individual and soften their hearts.
The reason why violence is rampant in Democrat run cities is because they let mercy rob Justice instead of temper it.
The shooter is dead so I am not sure the justice system is really at play in this situation. Anyway, bringing a child to her apparent attempt at a mass killing is gonna raise a lot of red flags about this one. I am betting it gets looked at pretty closely.
The shooter is dead so I am not sure the justice system is really at play in this situation. Anyway, bringing a child to her apparent attempt at a mass killing is gonna raise a lot of red flags about this one. I am betting it gets looked at pretty closely.
Not just earthly Justice.
joel is not a pastor- hes a motivational speaker- i wonder if he is living his best life now? $$$$$$
joel is not a pastor- hes a motivational speaker- i wonder if he is living his best life now? $$$$$$
Huh? He’s the pastor of his church. Does he speak motivationally too? Yes. John Maxwell and others do likewise. Why can’t a pastor do both jobs if it’s to help others succeed in life? And, I’d rather see him make most his money from an outside gig than filthy lucre. What is it with you poor people and your hatred for successful people? Thou shalt not covet.

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