John Boehner 'Dictatorship' Is Letting Time Run Out To Avert 'Fiscal Cliff'


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
John Boehner 'Dictatorship' Is Letting Time Run Out To Avert 'Fiscal Cliff'

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accused the House of Representatives Thursday of being a "dictatorship" -- albeit an extremely poor one.

Reid (D-Nev.) took to the Senate floor to declare his frustration with the other chamber as the deadline to deal with the so-called fiscal cliff rapidly approaches.

Reid argued that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) could easily end the standoff and avert the across-the-board tax hike in 2013 simply by bringing up legislation the Senate has already passed to preserve the Bush-era tax cuts for income under $250,000, covering 98 percent of taxpayers.

But Reid charged that Boehner won't do that because he only caters to members of his own party and will only bring up legislation supported by a majority of Republicans.

"The American people I don't think understand the House of Representatives is operating without the House of Representatives," Reid said. "It's being operated by a dictatorship of the speaker, not allowing the vast majority of the House of Representatives to get what they want."

"If the 250 were brought up, it would pass overwhelmingly," Reid said, referring to the cut-off for income tax cuts. He also noted that Democrats in the House and enough Republicans would vote for it.

"What goes on in this country shouldn't be decided by 'the majority,' it should be decided by the whole House of Representatives," Reid said.
Boehner is probably done as speaker, The question now is who will be his replacement and what can they do?
Obama should explain how taxing the so-called "rich" will solve the financial problems of America.

His knuckle-headed, obtuse, unreasonable and idiotic insistence on who should pay more totally ignores the fact that taxing the rich more than anyone else is in total contrast with his credo of equality for all.

He is a hate-filled, racist and envious prick and a bully who has the power but not the decency and honesty to use it properly.
A dictatorship is where the dictator says "I get that for free, you get nothing".

Since democrats are now saying that republicans are dictators it means only one thing. Democrats are recognizing that the US is a democrat dictatorship. If you want to know what a democrat is doing, look at what they accuse republicans of doing.
Boehner is probably done as speaker, The question now is who will be his replacement and what can they do?

If Boehner is done as speaker it won't be because he walked away. It will be because he didn't walk away soon enough. Anyone who replaces him will take the office knowing that if he even looks like he will compromise with democrats it will be his last day in office too.
Boner's 112th Tea Party Republicans got their asses kicked in August 2011 by the Democrats and now the 112th can not even pass a law written by their own leadership.

John Boehner 'Dictatorship' Is Letting Time Run Out To Avert 'Fiscal Cliff'

Reid argued that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) could easily end the standoff and avert the across-the-board tax hike in 2013 simply by bringing up legislation the Senate has already passed to preserve the Bush-era tax cuts for income under $250,000, covering 98 percent of taxpayers.

now Boner is even afraid to convene the House ... and so ends the 112th RIP
Boehner is probably done as speaker, The question now is who will be his replacement and what can they do?

That may be so.

But it is strange to see the party whose every move is based on FEELINGS, not facts, to cheer for the removal of a man who was from time to time show his emotions.

If he is no longer a Speaker, there is a deep Republican bench to find a replacement.

Which is more than can be said for the Democrats in 2016 for President. By them this joker in the White House will have ruined any and all hopes for another Democrat contaminating the White House.
Oh the irony! Isn't he the FUCK that said if Mitt won he would give him the middle finger on EVERYTHING? Or something to that effect
Both parties are equally at fault for what's about to happen. They had 13 months to get it right, but.....
Even though both parties are at fault, the MSM will make sure only one will be convicted.
Reid argued that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) could easily end the standoff and avert the across-the-board tax hike in 2013 simply by bringing up legislation the Senate has already passed to preserve the Bush-era tax cuts for income under $250,000, covering 98 percent of taxpayers....

On the other side of that coin, the Senate could easily end the standoff and avert the across-the-board tax hike in 2013 simply by bringing up legislation the House has already passed to preserve the Bush-ear tax cuts for 100% of taxpayers.

Given the frequency with which we're seeing tax hikes result in LESS revenue to the government (UK, France, California, etc), why in the hell would you and Reid want to raise tax rates?
Both parties are equally at fault for what's about to happen. They had 13 months to get it right, but.....
Even though both parties are at fault, the MSM will make sure only one will be convicted.

Thank you!!^^ Factual post.
Boehner is probably done as speaker, The question now is who will be his replacement and what can they do?

That may be so.

But it is strange to see the party whose every move is based on FEELINGS, not facts, to cheer for the removal of a man who was from time to time show his emotions.

If he is no longer a Speaker, there is a deep Republican bench to find a replacement.

Which is more than can be said for the Democrats in 2016 for President. By them this joker in the White House will have ruined any and all hopes for another Democrat contaminating the White House.

Who says I am cheering? I find the whole thing deeply disturbing.
Anyone who believes a word that comes out of Harry Reid's mouth is a moron. Boehner finally did something right by walking away. Let the chips fall where they may- this is what was agreed to. Obama and the Democrats had plenty of time to avert the "Cliff" and chose not to.

Higher taxes are good for everyone, right liberals?? Surely you can afford to pay your "fair" share, right? A little sacrifice won't hurt.......:lol: At least we get some spending cuts this way......:clap2:

Anyone who believes a word that comes out of Harry Reid's mouth is a moron. Boehner finally did something right by walking away. Let the chips fall where they may- this is what was agreed to. Obama and the Democrats had plenty of time to avert the "Cliff" and chose not to.

Higher taxes are good for everyone, right liberals?? Surely you can afford to pay your "fair" share, right? A little sacrifice won't hurt.......:lol: At least we get some spending cuts this way......:clap2:


I agree in regard to seeing deep cuts being made and EVERYONE having their taxes go up.
Its the Hasert (R) rule. Google it. Boehner would have to break the GObP's House rules to bring the senate bill up for a vote.
Anyone who believes a word that comes out of Harry Reid's mouth is a moron. Boehner finally did something right by walking away. Let the chips fall where they may- this is what was agreed to. Obama and the Democrats had plenty of time to avert the "Cliff" and chose not to.

Higher taxes are good for everyone, right liberals?? Surely you can afford to pay your "fair" share, right? A little sacrifice won't hurt.......:lol: At least we get some spending cuts this way......:clap2:


I agree in regard to seeing deep cuts being made and EVERYONE having their taxes go up.

Yes, EVERYONE! Isn't that the new Dem motto? Equality and their version of fair? What? Everyone does not fit in that? Oh.. OK
This is just a clear illustration of how deeply divided the nation is. If this is what rips the final thread apart, so be it. It's a good thing. It's long past time the nation gave up the pretense of working together.

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