John Bolton: Benghazi could bring down Obama administration

The person that won in SC was the person who had previously performed well, as opposed to an unknown democrat with close ties to the obama regime.

"performed well"? Using gov't funds to fly to Argentina? He's yet ANOTHER albatross around Boehner's neck as Vitter is around McConnell's ;)

You can't get over it. Mark Sanford was a Congressman in this district. He OBVIOUSLY did a good job for the voters in that district during his term and they elected him again. Democrats would like to control the republican vote. They just can't. It didn't help that Elizabeth Busch had a criminal record, was an unknown quantity and had ties to the obama regime.

Then too, there was an investigation as to whether Sanford used public funds for his trips to Argentina and it was determined that the trips he was accused of making on the public dime were proper expenditures.

This is a major democrat fail. They should just swallow it and go on from there.
Bolton predicting the future is a lot like Dick Morris predicting the future

Why should we listen to either of them?
By Cheryl K. Chumley
May 7, 2013

The Benghazi scandal could be the final “hinge point” that brings down the Obama administration, former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton said.

“This could be the hinge point,” he said to Newsmax. “It’s that serious for them.”


Read more:
John Bolton: Benghazi could bring down Obama administration - Washington Times

Those people who will report to Congress tomorrow are or were directly involved in different capacities before, during and after the attack.
These witnesses’ statements are going to prove “devastating,” especially for then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. And “you’ve already seen some Democratic members of Congress beginning to run from this.
Obama selected Hillary, Panetta and Dempsey. Each od them failed America at a crucial time. Obama for his part saw that it could cost his re-election and was behind the cover-up. His 3AM call came and he failed to answer that call costing the lives and the maiming of Americans. This cover-up conspiracy is a criminal act perpetrated by Obama and those he personally chose to surround him. Obama has failed to keep his Oath of Office.
Does anyone remember Obama's statement, "America should judge me by those that surround me." (paraphrased)

They are NOT looking for truth; it's agenda based, and they have made it clear what the agenda is: bring down Obama and his administration and try to eliminate Clinton from a possible run at the presidency in 2016. It never ends. How many billions of American tax dollars did the conservatives waste during Bill Cinton's administration trying to bring him down? You never give up. You never let it go. You are like pit bulls clamped onto something and wanting to tear it apart. You do yourselves, the United States, and the American people no favors whatsoever.
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Unless there is a recording of Obama laughing and calling them cry babies and quit whining...unless there is something that matters not what happened in Benghazi. The media will positively ignore the story as they continue to do now.
If Bush was President still? We would see coverage after coverage after shows like Chris Matthews and Madcow would be raging on and on and questioning of the Bush administration is an accessory to the attack.

Bush presided over 9-11

The truth is, obama deliberately covered up the massacre because the truth would interfere with his reelection. The truth is, obama deliberately allowed those men to die so he could use the attack in his own assault on the Constitution and the First Amendment.
The truth is, obama deliberately covered up the massacre because the truth would interfere with his reelection. The truth is, obama deliberately allowed those men to die so he could use the attack in his own assault on the Constitution and the First Amendment.

Well that is just crazy.
I don't believe for one second that Obama was much involved at all initially. However hiding the true nature of the event? - of course. Something any politician would do.

The real story here is who told the marines to stand down, who had a policy in place of very lacking security, and why were previous warnings ignored.
This is the only story.
By Cheryl K. Chumley
May 7, 2013

The Benghazi scandal could be the final “hinge point” that brings down the Obama administration, former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton said.

“This could be the hinge point,” he said to Newsmax. “It’s that serious for them.”


Read more:
John Bolton: Benghazi could bring down Obama administration - Washington Times

Those people who will report to Congress tomorrow are or were directly involved in different capacities before, during and after the attack.
These witnesses’ statements are going to prove “devastating,” especially for then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. And “you’ve already seen some Democratic members of Congress beginning to run from this.
Obama selected Hillary, Panetta and Dempsey. Each od them failed America at a crucial time. Obama for his part saw that it could cost his re-election and was behind the cover-up. His 3AM call came and he failed to answer that call costing the lives and the maiming of Americans. This cover-up conspiracy is a criminal act perpetrated by Obama and those he personally chose to surround him. Obama has failed to keep his Oath of Office.
Does anyone remember Obama's statement, "America should judge me by those that surround me." (paraphrased)

Not if the Big Networks have any power over the brain dead. :) I wonder what the diversion will be? A mouse trapped in a well for 10 Days? An Owl with a hang nail? American Idol? How about a sex scandal? I know, Cleveland, the Kidnappers Utopia, where the Police are too busy to get involved. ;) :eusa_whistle: Obama has failed us in many ways. This is par for the course.

I'm sure one of those will be the leading story. Never mind the cover-up at the top of the govt admininstration.
I doubt Obama will be impeached. Reid won't cooperate.

The best outcome is that this is a scandal which halts the Obama agenda, and which, along with the galactic Fail of Obamacare, causes the Dems to lose power in Congress in the 2014 agenda.

Obama will not undo the damage he has done, so gridlock is our best hope for now.
The Benghazi scandal could be the final “hinge point” that brings down the Obama administration, former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton said.

The only way the administration could be brought down is by impeachment and conviction and that's just not happening. Nothing to see here except wingnut wet dreams.
The truth is, obama deliberately covered up the massacre because the truth would interfere with his reelection. The truth is, obama deliberately allowed those men to die so he could use the attack in his own assault on the Constitution and the First Amendment.

Well that is just crazy.
I don't believe for one second that Obama was much involved at all initially. However hiding the true nature of the event? - of course. Something any politician would do.

The real story here is who told the marines to stand down, who had a policy in place of very lacking security, and why were previous warnings ignored.
This is the only story.

Who needed the Benghazi massacre the most? The story was that Al Quaeda was on the ropes. It had been decimated. It was finished and Bin Laden was dead. All because of obama. The real problem, the cause of all the unrest, was the Constitution and the First Amendment that allowed a vile movie to be made.
By Cheryl K. Chumley
May 7, 2013

The Benghazi scandal could be the final “hinge point” that brings down the Obama administration, former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton said.

“This could be the hinge point,” he said to Newsmax. “It’s that serious for them.”


Read more:
John Bolton: Benghazi could bring down Obama administration - Washington Times

Those people who will report to Congress tomorrow are or were directly involved in different capacities before, during and after the attack.
These witnesses’ statements are going to prove “devastating,” especially for then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. And “you’ve already seen some Democratic members of Congress beginning to run from this.
Obama selected Hillary, Panetta and Dempsey. Each od them failed America at a crucial time. Obama for his part saw that it could cost his re-election and was behind the cover-up. His 3AM call came and he failed to answer that call costing the lives and the maiming of Americans. This cover-up conspiracy is a criminal act perpetrated by Obama and those he personally chose to surround him. Obama has failed to keep his Oath of Office.
Does anyone remember Obama's statement, "America should judge me by those that surround me." (paraphrased)

Bolton? He and his buddies at the PNAC damn near brought down this whole nation with their wars off of the books.
The truth is, obama deliberately covered up the massacre because the truth would interfere with his reelection. The truth is, obama deliberately allowed those men to die so he could use the attack in his own assault on the Constitution and the First Amendment.

Well that is just crazy.
I don't believe for one second that Obama was much involved at all initially. However hiding the true nature of the event? - of course. Something any politician would do.

The real story here is who told the marines to stand down, who had a policy in place of very lacking security, and why were previous warnings ignored.
This is the only story.

Who needed the Benghazi massacre the most? The story was that Al Quaeda was on the ropes. It had been decimated. It was finished and Bin Laden was dead. All because of obama. The real problem, the cause of all the unrest, was the Constitution and the First Amendment that allowed a vile movie to be made.

Like I say - was they guilty of hiding the real story - without a doubt. Anyone who doesn't think so is fooling themselves. They campaigned on "Osama dead-Al Quaeda is next"..and then BOOM.
However, there was nothing purposeful here. No one refused help for any motive other than perhaps a precedent set by the administration that made bureaucrats on the ground nervous about sending troops anywhere. - That I believe is HIGHLY likely. And if that is true, which we will probably never know, then some folks need to be hung by their balls.
The person that won in SC was the person who had previously performed well, as opposed to an unknown democrat with close ties to the obama regime.

"performed well"? Using gov't funds to fly to Argentina? He's yet ANOTHER albatross around Boehner's neck as Vitter is around McConnell's ;)

I don't recall him being accused of using government funds. He could be prosecuted for that, and he wasn't.

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