John Dean: 'Trump is Nixon on steroids and stilts'


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Funny, Nixon also wandered the halls grumbling about a "Witch Hunt"

(CNN) John Dean, who served as White House counsel for President Richard Nixon during Watergate, said Monday that President Donald Trump has engaged in a "very public obstruction of justice."

"He (Trump), as I see it, has already exceeded everything that Nixon did," said Dean, who is also a CNN contributor, on Anderson Cooper's "AC360." "He's really much more intimately involved than Nixon ever was in the cover-up."

When asked by Cooper to reaffirm the comparison, Dean replied, "Trump is Nixon on steroids and stilts."​

John Dean: 'Trump is Nixon on steroids and stilts' - CNNPolitics
Yeah, they roll old Johnny out now and then. Wave to him and say hi...he loves it.
Yeah, they roll old Johnny out now and then. Wave to him and say hi...he loves it.
STUCK IN THEIR HIGH SCHOOL GLORY DAYS: Democrats Give John Dean Another ‘Big Thrill.’

Dean’s misconduct hardly began with Watergate. In 1966 he was fired from the Washington law firm of Welch & Morgan for “unethical conduct” that was “grounds for disbarment.” Dean had tried to make a private deal for a TV broadcast license when he was supposed to be negotiating it on behalf of one of the firm’s clients.

During the Reagan Administration, seeking a new thrill, Dean — by now apparently beholden for life to the liberal Democrats who bestowed both 15 minutes of fame and a Get Out Of Jail Free card — declared in Newsweek that “The Iran-Contra inquiries involve matters of national security,” while “Watergate, on the other hand, involved the political security of Richard Nixon. These are Major-league matters versus Little League.”

In 2004, his big thrill was claiming that the crimes of President George W. Bush — chiefly liberating Iraq — were worse than Nixon’s, warranting Bush’s impeachment.​
Funny, Nixon also wandered the halls grumbling about a "Witch Hunt"

(CNN) John Dean, who served as White House counsel for President Richard Nixon during Watergate, said Monday that President Donald Trump has engaged in a "very public obstruction of justice."

"He (Trump), as I see it, has already exceeded everything that Nixon did," said Dean, who is also a CNN contributor, on Anderson Cooper's "AC360." "He's really much more intimately involved than Nixon ever was in the cover-up."

When asked by Cooper to reaffirm the comparison, Dean replied, "Trump is Nixon on steroids and stilts."​

John Dean: 'Trump is Nixon on steroids and stilts' - CNNPolitics

Who the fuck is John Dean and why is he relevant in 2019?

We have the Muller "No Collusion No Obstruction" report, time to fold up the clown car and go home now
I doubt anyone gives a flying fuck what Dean has to say.

He's a has been and should stay at home.
I hear disco, platform shoes, and 6-inch lapels are making a big comeback!
This is why the democrats brought John Dean out of the senior care he could attack Trump.
No one gives a shit! I doubt one single mind is changed or altered based on what John Dean has to say.
It's a fucking side show!
The hate tour continues.. bullying trump the under dog wine fair well in 2020
During the testimony today, Mr. Dean lied like a rug in his comparison between his own supreme failures and anything that President Trump did.

IMHO, a criminal referral for perjury should be sent over for these loser, felon and ex-con.

See whether 12 angry men are willing to send this guy back up the river.

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