John F. Kennedy would be a Republican today; Would vote for Trump

He said things like:

"Let us remember what Gibbon said of the Romans: They kept the peace – by a constant preparation for war..."
"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion".
"And so my fellow Americans; ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Today, the Hillary-Bernie Socialists have changed that last one to: Where's my Free Shit?

I do believe Kennedy would have to be a Republican today...the Socialists/Democrats wouldn't have him.

More than likely, he would be a Trump supporter.:D

When did Kennedy call Mexican rapists?

I missed that?
JFK would be repulsed by today's Republicans

He was used to Ike
He said things like:

"Let us remember what Gibbon said of the Romans: They kept the peace – by a constant preparation for war..."
"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion".
"And so my fellow Americans; ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Today, the Hillary-Bernie Socialists have changed that last one to: Where's my Free Shit?

I do believe Kennedy would have to be a Republican today...the Socialists/Democrats wouldn't have him.

More than likely, he would be a Trump supporter.:D

When did Kennedy call Mexican rapists?

I missed that?
Also missed where Kennedy called for Muslims to be 'registered' with the government, not allowed to enter the country, and mosques 'investigated.'
Kennedy would kick the OP's premise up between its ears so that it could hear Kennedy thumping it.

What a stupid, stupid OP.

Kennedy was a cold warrior, not a neo-con; he was for national health care; he was for unions; he was for so many things that the TPM would crucify him for today.
He was private unions existing...just like nearly 100% of the electorate today.

Public unions were not a thing in Kennedy's time.
He said things like:

"Let us remember what Gibbon said of the Romans: They kept the peace – by a constant preparation for war..."
"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion".
"And so my fellow Americans; ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Today, the Hillary-Bernie Socialists have changed that last one to: Where's my Free Shit?

I do believe Kennedy would have to be a Republican today...the Socialists/Democrats wouldn't have him.

More than likely, he would be a Trump supporter.:D
First quote: You are making a comparison between Cold war 1960's and a time where the US is the only remaining superpower. I don't believe for a second that Kenedy would have been alright with spending an exorbiant amount of money on defence when there's no current enemy. And I'm sorry but low lvl warfare against isis who have no real heavy weapons counts as an enemy.
Second quote: Trump is about the most divisive candidate in American history and routinely shows his inability to handle ANY type of critisism. if you've seen your typical republican debate you can't exactly claim that it's retoric has been highminded in fact it routinely has been just a bunch of ppl calling eachoter names.
Third quote: If you really believe that about the most centrist politician will in any way shape or form give the US its much need social reform, your either dumb, dishonest or simply misinformed.
There is one difference between ancient Rome and the US. The Roman Empire was landlocked and under constant pressure of outside attack. The worst case scenario for the US in this climate is like you mentioned a dirty bomb and no amount of ground troops, aircraft carriers or abrams tanks will protect you from that. I don't mind that the US has the strongest military in the world what I mind its at least 3 to 4 times stronger and more expensive it needs to be to protect the border.
I grant you your point that Lincoln was the most divisive candidate in US history. But can we agree that where not exactly being divided by the issue of slavery. More on the issue of immigration and what you want the country to look like. And I'm kinda curious why you feel A billionaire with a chip on his shoulders would do anything to help the middle class.
On my last quote. What exactly do you feel Clinton would do as a president that's so horrible. I see her as your typical politician, catering to the middle of the road all the way. You can make a case for Sanders trying to change the country in a fundamental way, but Clinton give me a break
“Immigration policy should be
generous; it should be fair; it should
be flexible. With such a policy we
can turn to the world, and to our own
past, with clean hands and a clear
John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants
“The interaction of disparate cultures, the vehemence of the ideals that led the immigrants here, the opportunity offered by a new life, all gave America a flavor and a character that make it as unmistakable and as remarkable to people today as it was to Alexis de Tocqueville in the early part of the nineteenth century.”
John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants

Italians came for economics, not religion nor repression.
We say same of Mexicans that we said about Irish & Italians.
Opponents have called to stop immigration since 1797.
Emigration decision brings incalculable uncertainty.
Limiting specific nations defies "all men are created equal".
National origin quotas are indefensible racial preferences.

In order to remove existing barriers to the reuniting of families, 2 additional improvements in the law are needed.

First, parents of American citizens, who now have a preferred quota status, should be accorded nonquota status.

Second, parents of aliens resident in the US, who now have no preference, should be accorded a preference, after skilled specialists and other relatives of citizens and alien residents.

These changes will have little effect on the number of immigrants admitted. They will have a major effect insofar as they relieve the hardship many of our citizens and residents now face in being separated from their parents.

These changes will not solve all the problems of immigration. But they will insure that progress will continue to be made toward our ideals and toward the realization of humanitarian objectives.

Source: A Nation of Immigrants, by John F. Kennedy, p. 50 Jan 8, 1963

Yeah- Trump is just the same as Kennedy.......LOL...
"John F. Kennedy would be a Republican today; Would vote for Trump"


The thread premise unwittingly admits to the fact that the GOP agenda is bankrupt of sound ideas and devoid of merit, offering the American people nothing but lies and personal attacks in an attempt to divide the American people.

The thread premise also unwittingly admits that the GOP is devoid of qualified candidates to run for president, hence the likes of Trump as the imminent nominee.
JFK is turning over in his grave now seeing what the pub traitors are getting away with
JFK would mock Trump

Show him how the wealthy are really supposed to act
Kennedy would kick the OP's premise up between its ears so that it could hear Kennedy thumping it.

What a stupid, stupid OP.

Kennedy was a cold warrior, not a neo-con; he was for national health care; he was for unions; he was for so many things that the TPM would crucify him for today.
He was private unions existing...just like nearly 100% of the electorate today.

Public unions were not a thing in Kennedy's time.
They have been around for more than a hundred years.
He said things like:

"Let us remember what Gibbon said of the Romans: They kept the peace – by a constant preparation for war..."
"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion".
"And so my fellow Americans; ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Today, the Hillary-Bernie Socialists have changed that last one to: Where's my Free Shit?

I do believe Kennedy would have to be a Republican today...the Socialists/Democrats wouldn't have him.

More than likely, he would be a Trump supporter.:D

What the OP states correctly demonstrates just how far to the left the democrat's have leaned. Would he be today's minted democrat? not according to his speech's, writings, and political positions.
:lol::lol::rofl: :rofl:

Never in a million trillion years would JFK be a Republican today, or support a candidate like Trump!
He sure as hell wouldn't have thrown his support to Hillary, her handlers are the same ones that had him see, I know more than you...FACT.
sure you do.... :lol: :rolleyes:
When you have shunned TV and spent over 14,000 hours downloading books, listening to accredited researchers like Antony Sutton, get back to me. I am a friggin' sponge when it comes to soaking up information...a walking, talking encyclopedia of information and I have no loyalty to either political parties because I know that the body in the middle controls both sides. You would struggle massively to walk even a 100 yards in my shoes much less a mile. What I have learned has totally turned my belief system upside down and it opened my eyes up to how people are struggling to simply eek out an existence under this world wide tyrannical system that has made us all indentured debt slaves. I doubt that your frail shoulders could hold up under the weight of the things that I know.

What the OP states correctly demonstrates just how far to the left the democrat's have leaned. Would he be today's minted democrat? not according to his speech's, writings, and political positions.

JFK supported government healthcare, civil rights and welfare

Republicans called him a communist, now they claim him as their own

Kennedy would kick the OP's premise up between its ears so that it could hear Kennedy thumping it.

What a stupid, stupid OP.

Kennedy was a cold warrior, not a neo-con; he was for national health care; he was for unions; he was for so many things that the TPM would crucify him for today.
He was private unions existing...just like nearly 100% of the electorate today.

Public unions were not a thing in Kennedy's time.
In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 10988, which permitted collective bargaining by federal employees. Widely seen as a gift to George Meany, the AFL-CIO head who helped Kennedy win the White House, the executive order was also a gift to government unions, both because it widened federal membership and because it signaled national approval of unions for state and local employees.
I am damn good and ready for a divisive that really really pisses off the cocksuckers in the Northeast..

And you speak for most Trump supporters.

And what you mention is pretty much the appeal Trump has- he is divisive and pisses off people.

Well except for the other faction of Trump supporters- who see him as their great white hope.
He said things like:

"Let us remember what Gibbon said of the Romans: They kept the peace – by a constant preparation for war..."
"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion".
"And so my fellow Americans; ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Today, the Hillary-Bernie Socialists have changed that last one to: Where's my Free Shit?

I do believe Kennedy would have to be a Republican today...the Socialists/Democrats wouldn't have him.

More than likely, he would be a Trump supporter.:D

i don't recall kennedy being a bigoted fascist. i doubt he'd vote for trump/
What the OP states correctly demonstrates just how far to the left the democrat's have leaned. Would he be today's minted democrat? not according to his speech's, writings, and political positions.

JFK supported government healthcare, civil rights and welfare

Republicans called him a communist, now they claim him as their own


CIA propaganda planted by operatives that were loyal to Allen Dulles that was fired by JFK after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. There would have been no communist threat to anyone anywhere had it not been for the Rothschilds central banks that funded it. There would not have been any communism or Bolshevik revolution in Russia had it not been for Wall Street and the banking oligarchs. The USSR was built up intentionally to create a perceived threat that did not ever exist. Your knowledge of our real history is lacking.
Rightwinger's understanding of history is far superior to that of Dale.

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