John Fetterman: “I support fracking and I don’t I support fracking and I stand and I do support fracking” (VIDEO)

The studio "captioning" with the questions and the answers fed Fetterman the answers.

Fraud that should be able to prove.

We need to compare all of the transcripts to the audio. Let's make this happen, people. Do not disappoint me.
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that makes no sense (not that anything does of late) - imperfect_constitution.png
They didn't-he had the stroke something like 2 days before the primary.

The plan if he wins is for him to step down, and probably be replaced by his wife.

Even if he didn't have his stroke until after the primary, there was still time for Fetterman to step aside and the Democrat Party could have replaced him with someone who is no literally brain damaged.
Yeah! Who are you going to believe? His doctors or your own two lying eyes and lying ears?
So your propaganda found one problem with his performance and repeated on an endless loop, super duper? I'll go with his doctors and my eyes.
Quick question for all the Dims reflexively supporting Fetterman’s Monster after his godawful debate performance:

WTF exactly is his position on fracking?
Well, that may be true. You can quote Fetterman’s Monster on either side of the debate.

I think that man would lose a debate with himself.

If someone is an Environmentalist Whacko and true believer in Gorebal Warming, I don't see how they can vote for Uncle Festerman after his full throated support for Fracking.
If someone is an Environmentalist Whacko and true believer in Gorebal Warming, I don't see how they can vote for Uncle Festerman after his full throated support for Fracking.
I wouldn’t call it “full throated.” Lol.

Incoherently mumbled and self contradictory.

Side note: earlier today, I described Fetidman as a cross between Uncle Fester and Lurch.

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