John Kasich on MSNBC: ‘Real Possibility’ of Secret Plot to Replace Biden


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Where is he getting this from?

It's altogether perfectly plausible that he's right, but I wish he would name names in terms of who he's talking to.

What a tease.

Anyway, here's the juicy tidbit:

“I’m starting to wonder if there’s a real possibility that Joe Biden will not be the Democrat nominee,” continued the governor.

Whether feigning incredulity or so insulated within the MSNBC echo chamber as to be confounded by points on the president’s failing policies and anemic favorability ratings, host José Díaz-Balart posited, “Governor, where is this coming from?”

Unwavering on his assertion, Kasich proceeded, “It comes from the fact that I talk to a lot of people and I see what these numbers are like, José. I mean, you had a poll…that Siena poll indicated last week, not only did they think he couldn’t fix the economy — and they put Trump way ahead of him — but they also said that they’re not sure he’s as competent as Trump.”

“I mean these are really significant numbers and the public appearances just aren’t working,” he added.

And for the record, Kasich is a Biden supporter and Never Trumper with severe TDS.

So I would surmise he's either telling the truth, or wants to get a conversation going to make it real because he's worried about a MAGA victory in November.

Either way, mmm mmm good.


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Where is he getting this from?

It's altogether perfectly plausible that he's right, but I wish he would name names in terms of who he's talking to.

What a tease.

Anyway, here's the juicy tidbit:

And for the record, Kasich is a Biden supporter and Never Trumper with severe TDS.

So I would surmise he's either telling the truth, or wants to get a conversation going to make it real because he's worried about a MAGA victory in November.

Either way, mmm mmm good.
How do they get around Kamala?
How do they get around Kamala?

It's a fair question.

And the "original sin" of their administration.

She polls even worse than he does, but because they're married to Identity politics, they don't want to be seen as leaving the female of color holding the bag.

If only they had chosen someone based on their qualifications rather than their pigmentation and gender.
It’s maybe nothing more than wishful thinking, but it’s a pleasant thought anyway.

And the serious part is that IF Trump doesn’t win, at least another Dem nominee can’t be as demented and dangerous as the Depends wearing serial child groping demented moron currently infesting the Oval Office.
Where is he getting this from?

It's altogether perfectly plausible that he's right, but I wish he would name names in terms of who he's talking to.

What a tease.

Anyway, here's the juicy tidbit:

And for the record, Kasich is a Biden supporter and Never Trumper with severe TDS.

So I would surmise he's either telling the truth, or wants to get a conversation going to make it real because he's worried about a MAGA victory in November.

Either way, mmm mmm good.

The guy is a nutbar. Completely void of any moral compass. Reminds me of that Mooch character.

I do find it interesting how so many bigtime Pro-Biden posters on here are suddenly no so pro-Biden. I don't get it to be honest./
It's a fair question.

And the "original sin" of their administration.

She polls even worse than he does, but because they're married to Identity politics, they don't want to be seen as leaving the female of color holding the bag.

If only they had chosen someone based on their qualifications rather than their pigmentation and gender.
They're stuck with her for the same reason that they chose her.

Shitlibs wouldn't be shitlibs without their chronic shortsightedness.
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I heard June11 from a pal with very senior contacts .

Hilarious if it comes to pass .

They should have thrown Piss Pot down a well 6 months ago .
But , of course , they had / have nobody better than the vile Newsom
What a hoot .
Where is he getting this from?

It's altogether perfectly plausible that he's right, but I wish he would name names in terms of who he's talking to.

What a tease.

Anyway, here's the juicy tidbit:

And for the record, Kasich is a Biden supporter and Never Trumper with severe TDS.

So I would surmise he's either telling the truth, or wants to get a conversation going to make it real because he's worried about a MAGA victory in November.

Either way, mmm mmm good.
They don't have to commit a last-minute replacement for dementia Joe, they just have to replace his running mate, Kamala. She's incompetent, her staff doesn't even like her and she complained that her job was "tough." They just need a really popular celebrity or political Democrat to run with him and take over when he fizzles out or takes "the dirt nap" after the elections.
They don't have to commit a last-minute replacement for dementia Joe, they just have to replace his running mate, Kamala. She's incompetent, her staff doesn't even like her and she complained that her job was "tough." They just need a really popular celebrity or political Democrat to run with him and take over when he fizzles out or takes "the dirt nap" after the elections.
Kamala is a black woman. The champions of identity politics are fucked if the do and fucked if they don't.
The guy is a nutbar. Completely void of any moral compass. Reminds me of that Mooch character.

I do find it interesting how so many bigtime Pro-Biden posters on here are suddenly no so pro-Biden. I don't get it to be honest./

KaSuck is very close to as dumb as any of the dumbest DEMwitted loons to ever soil our MSM. Remember the debates! Wow! With him and Carly &Jeb at the Kiddie table.

I labeled him Mr. Haney way way back but no one liked me for that. I guess I see thru so many of them? And boil with Rage & Hatred what they’ve done to destroy this country.
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I heard June11 from a pal with very senior contacts .

Hilarious if it comes to pass .

They should have thrown Piss Pot down a well 6 months ago .
But , of course , they had / have nobody better than the vile Newsom
What a hoot .

They had a hard time accepting his wothless butt last time. They had nothing else late and then some Black guy announced “get behind Joe”. Then Election Fraud.
How do they get around Kamala?
Easy, FJB simply declares he will not be running and they will need to hash it out at the convention.

Cumswalla would not be a lock at the convention due to her poll numbers which are worse than FJB's so she would have to fight it out on the floor.....Or handout BJs and "carpet cleaning" in the closets. ;)

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