John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

The bill strips funding from programs that help prevent infant mortality, promote HIV testing and offer breast and cervical cancer screenings.

WASHINGTON -- Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who has positioned himself as one of the more moderate Republican presidential contenders, plans to sign a bill that strips government funding from Planned Parenthood clinics in his state, his spokesman told HuffPost on Wednesday.

More: John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

Defunding Planned Parenthood doesn't sound very "moderate" to me.

if that's true, it's a pity. he was actually almost the one sane republican.

but can't have that because the base won't vote for him.
WTF are you babbling about?

None of your tax dollars go to pay for abortions

Taxpayer dollars fund PP. Money is fungible, so of course our tax dollars are paying for abortions.

If a federal employee spends some of her federal salary on an abortion,

did the taxpayers fund that abortion? Was the law broken?
And now it is you who is demonstrating your total lack of understanding of fungibility.

You neither answered it or refuted it.

Her salary comes from the taxpayer. She uses it for an abortion.
You leftists love your abortions, don't you?

you're kind of a rightwingnut troll, aren't you?
If you need ten dollars for food and cigarettes, and you only have five dollars, you are going to have to go without something. Probably cigarettes, since food is a necessity. It depends how powerful your addiction to abortions cigarettes is.

If I give you five dollars and say, "You can only spend this on women's health services food", you now have ten dollars (your five dollars and the five dollars I gave you) and are able to buy food AND cigarettes.

So my five dollars, even though earmarked for food, helped you buy cigarettes.

Just so with federal funding of Planned Parenthood. It enables them to perform abortions.

Money is fungible.

If I "defunded" you and took my five dollars back, you would get this fungibility principle the moment your nicotine withdrawals kicked in and you had to decide between buying food or cigarettes. You could no longer buy both.

Take away PP's federal funding, and they will have to decide between abortions and women's health services.

If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Kasich is right to life, no doubt, and probably outside the maj who favor individual choice at least in the first trimester, and with exceptions for health and mental illness later on, which is personally where I am. I have no problem with people who want to use their money to subsidize abortion availability, and I have no problem with some insurance company that wants to cover it. But MY heath care providers are paying NEW taxes to cover people who weren't covered before, and my kid is having debt added to her to cover Medicaid. Women's preventive care is covered without PP.
If you need ten dollars for food and cigarettes, and you only have five dollars, you are going to have to go without something. Probably cigarettes, since food is a necessity. It depends how powerful your addiction to abortions cigarettes is.

If I give you five dollars and say, "You can only spend this on women's health services food", you now have ten dollars (your five dollars and the five dollars I gave you) and are able to buy food AND cigarettes.

So my five dollars, even though earmarked for food, helped you buy cigarettes.

Just so with federal funding of Planned Parenthood. It enables them to perform abortions.

Money is fungible.

If I "defunded" you and took my five dollars back, you would get this fungibility principle the moment your nicotine withdrawals kicked in and you had to decide between buying food or cigarettes. You could no longer buy both.

Take away PP's federal funding, and they will have to decide between abortions and women's health services.

If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Why not? The government run healthcare already pays for womens health services via ACA.
With Obamacare the law, why send govt money to PP?
Good question! ObamaCare covers women's health services.
do you think doctors offices are a dime a dozen in poor neighborhoods? I know they are not. And that's a problem that having OCARE will not solve, until more doctors or health care clinics open up in these distressed areas.... where Planned Parenthood health care facilities exist.

BEFORE killing these facilities that provide health care services is done, NEW health care clinics need to be built to service these communities....otherwise we will have a major epidemic of of STD's in those communities, and more cervical cancer patients dying, and more breast cancer patients dying, and fewer pregnancies with prenatal care, etc.

Let's not be stupid for the sake of stupidity.

I saw that you did mention building healthcare clinics in these regions earlier in this thread, so I am not necessarily speaking to you on this.....

But actions like this one by this State gvt, IS Stupid is, as stupid does.
If you need ten dollars for food and cigarettes, and you only have five dollars, you are going to have to go without something. Probably cigarettes, since food is a necessity. It depends how powerful your addiction to abortions cigarettes is.

If I give you five dollars and say, "You can only spend this on women's health services food", you now have ten dollars (your five dollars and the five dollars I gave you) and are able to buy food AND cigarettes.

So my five dollars, even though earmarked for food, helped you buy cigarettes.

Just so with federal funding of Planned Parenthood. It enables them to perform abortions.

Money is fungible.

If I "defunded" you and took my five dollars back, you would get this fungibility principle the moment your nicotine withdrawals kicked in and you had to decide between buying food or cigarettes. You could no longer buy both.

Take away PP's federal funding, and they will have to decide between abortions and women's health services.

If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Why not? The government run healthcare already pays for womens health services via ACA.

So Obamacare pays for womens health services and Planned Parenthood provides those services

Guess who gets paid?
All PP has to do is stop performing abortions, and the taxpayer tap gets turned back on.

Figure it out!

And yet clinics that don't perform abortions are still being defunded.

Ohio Gov. Kasich set to sign anti-Planned Parenthood bill based on debunked activist videos

"According to the Cleveland Plain-Dealer, only three of the state’s 27 Planned Parenthood clinics perform abortions. Yet HB 294 would defund all of them because it targets organizations that perform or “promote” abortions, or any contractor working with them."

With Obamacare the law, why send govt money to PP?

Obamacare is not insurance nor does it provide health care services.

What are you talking about? My wife and daughter get their routine exams w/o co-pay or deductible from their dr's at their offices, just as I do. My daughter's birth control pills are free, and I routinely pick them up when I refill my generic Lotrel, which has a co-pay btw.
If you need ten dollars for food and cigarettes, and you only have five dollars, you are going to have to go without something. Probably cigarettes, since food is a necessity. It depends how powerful your addiction to abortions cigarettes is.

If I give you five dollars and say, "You can only spend this on women's health services food", you now have ten dollars (your five dollars and the five dollars I gave you) and are able to buy food AND cigarettes.

So my five dollars, even though earmarked for food, helped you buy cigarettes.

Just so with federal funding of Planned Parenthood. It enables them to perform abortions.

Money is fungible.

If I "defunded" you and took my five dollars back, you would get this fungibility principle the moment your nicotine withdrawals kicked in and you had to decide between buying food or cigarettes. You could no longer buy both.

Take away PP's federal funding, and they will have to decide between abortions and women's health services.

If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Why not? The government run healthcare already pays for womens health services via ACA.

So Obamacare pays for womens health services and Planned Parenthood provides those services

Guess who gets paid?
Only PP? Not.

You can get womens services at any local hospital or OBGYN.... Or any health provider not linked to PP that offer womens healthcare. They even have their own Mammogram equipment on site and have better doctors.

I wish libs would get out of the dark ages already and into the real world.
If you need ten dollars for food and cigarettes, and you only have five dollars, you are going to have to go without something. Probably cigarettes, since food is a necessity. It depends how powerful your addiction to abortions cigarettes is.

If I give you five dollars and say, "You can only spend this on women's health services food", you now have ten dollars (your five dollars and the five dollars I gave you) and are able to buy food AND cigarettes.

So my five dollars, even though earmarked for food, helped you buy cigarettes.

Just so with federal funding of Planned Parenthood. It enables them to perform abortions.

Money is fungible.

If I "defunded" you and took my five dollars back, you would get this fungibility principle the moment your nicotine withdrawals kicked in and you had to decide between buying food or cigarettes. You could no longer buy both.

Take away PP's federal funding, and they will have to decide between abortions and women's health services.

If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Why not? The government run healthcare already pays for womens health services via ACA.

So Obamacare pays for womens health services and Planned Parenthood provides those services

Guess who gets paid?
Only PP? Not.

You can get womens services at any local hospital or OBGYN.... Or any health provider not linked to PP that offer womens healthcare. They even have their own Mammogram equipment on site and have better doctors.

I wish libs would get out of the dark ages already and into the real world.

If PP provides those services, they are justified in getting paid for those services
Why do you want to punish a woman who chooses to go to PP for health reasons?

Because of a fake video?
Taxpayer dollars fund PP. Money is fungible, so of course our tax dollars are paying for abortions.

If a federal employee spends some of her federal salary on an abortion,

did the taxpayers fund that abortion? Was the law broken?
And now it is you who is demonstrating your total lack of understanding of fungibility.

You neither answered it or refuted it.

Her salary comes from the taxpayer. She uses it for an abortion.
You leftists love your abortions, don't you?

you're kind of a rightwingnut troll, aren't you?
And you are a leftist cockroach, but I will not hold that against you.
If you need ten dollars for food and cigarettes, and you only have five dollars, you are going to have to go without something. Probably cigarettes, since food is a necessity. It depends how powerful your addiction to abortions cigarettes is.

If I give you five dollars and say, "You can only spend this on women's health services food", you now have ten dollars (your five dollars and the five dollars I gave you) and are able to buy food AND cigarettes.

So my five dollars, even though earmarked for food, helped you buy cigarettes.

Just so with federal funding of Planned Parenthood. It enables them to perform abortions.

Money is fungible.

If I "defunded" you and took my five dollars back, you would get this fungibility principle the moment your nicotine withdrawals kicked in and you had to decide between buying food or cigarettes. You could no longer buy both.

Take away PP's federal funding, and they will have to decide between abortions and women's health services.

If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Why not? The government run healthcare already pays for womens health services via ACA.

So Obamacare pays for womens health services and Planned Parenthood provides those services

Guess who gets paid?
Only PP? Not.

You can get womens services at any local hospital or OBGYN.... Or any health provider not linked to PP that offer womens healthcare. They even have their own Mammogram equipment on site and have better doctors.

I wish libs would get out of the dark ages already and into the real world.

If PP provides those services, they are justified in getting paid for those services
Why do you want to punish a woman who chooses to go to PP for health reasons?

Because of a fake video?
I don't think Kasich proposed disallowing PP from employing Docs, or even renting office space to them, to provide healthcare payed with insurance?
If you need ten dollars for food and cigarettes, and you only have five dollars, you are going to have to go without something. Probably cigarettes, since food is a necessity. It depends how powerful your addiction to abortions cigarettes is.

If I give you five dollars and say, "You can only spend this on women's health services food", you now have ten dollars (your five dollars and the five dollars I gave you) and are able to buy food AND cigarettes.

So my five dollars, even though earmarked for food, helped you buy cigarettes.

Just so with federal funding of Planned Parenthood. It enables them to perform abortions.

Money is fungible.

If I "defunded" you and took my five dollars back, you would get this fungibility principle the moment your nicotine withdrawals kicked in and you had to decide between buying food or cigarettes. You could no longer buy both.

Take away PP's federal funding, and they will have to decide between abortions and women's health services.

If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Why not? The government run healthcare already pays for womens health services via ACA.

So Obamacare pays for womens health services and Planned Parenthood provides those services

Guess who gets paid?
Only PP? Not.

You can get womens services at any local hospital or OBGYN.... Or any health provider not linked to PP that offer womens healthcare. They even have their own Mammogram equipment on site and have better doctors.

I wish libs would get out of the dark ages already and into the real world.

If PP provides those services, they are justified in getting paid for those services
Why do you want to punish a woman who chooses to go to PP for health reasons?

Because of a fake video?
I have never seen a bill from PP to any insurance provider for mammograms or any non abortion womens health issue.

Must not happen very often.
It is not complicated. If you claim to be performing breast cancer screenings and other health services, STOP PERFORMING ABORTIONS.

Simple, really. Stop performing abortions, and the taxpayer tap gets turned on.

Clearly, PP believes providing abortions is more important than providing mammograms. They were given a CHOICE, and they made one.
I have never seen a bill from PP to any insurance provider for mammograms or any non abortion womens health issue.

Must not happen very often.

yeah it doesn't happen every often that you see anything that you are not privy to.
If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Why not? The government run healthcare already pays for womens health services via ACA.

So Obamacare pays for womens health services and Planned Parenthood provides those services

Guess who gets paid?
Only PP? Not.

You can get womens services at any local hospital or OBGYN.... Or any health provider not linked to PP that offer womens healthcare. They even have their own Mammogram equipment on site and have better doctors.

I wish libs would get out of the dark ages already and into the real world.

If PP provides those services, they are justified in getting paid for those services
Why do you want to punish a woman who chooses to go to PP for health reasons?

Because of a fake video?
I have never seen a bill from PP to any insurance provider for mammograms or any non abortion womens health issue.

Must not happen very often.

Most of PPs funding comes not from abortions but from Medicaid reimbursement for womens medical services

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