John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

I have never seen a bill from PP to any insurance provider for mammograms or any non abortion womens health issue.

Must not happen very often.

yeah it doesn't happen every often that you see anything that you are not privy to.
Well... Since I work will all major ( and minor) insurance companies including the gov. You would think I would see at least one.
It is not complicated. If you claim to be performing breast cancer screenings and other health services, STOP PERFORMING ABORTIONS.

Simple, really. Stop performing abortions, and the taxpayer tap gets turned on.

Clearly, PP believes providing abortions is more important than providing mammograms. They were given a CHOICE, and they made one.

Legally, they can do both
With Obamacare the law, why send govt money to PP?

Obamacare is not insurance nor does it provide health care services.

What are you talking about? My wife and daughter get their routine exams w/o co-pay or deductible from their dr's at their offices, just as I do. My daughter's birth control pills are free, and I routinely pick them up when I refill my generic Lotrel, which has a co-pay btw.

Obamacare is a law that requires insurance coverage and mandates what coverage is included it is not an insurance policy.

I fall under the legal requirements to carry insurance for myself, my wife, and my two kids. When my wife and daughter get their routine exams their is also no co-pay or deductible. My daughter's birth control is covered also.

Our insurance provider is Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield. When we pay our premiums that's where they go not to an entity called "Obamacare".

Only PP? Not.

You can get womens services at any local hospital or OBGYN.... Or any health provider not linked to PP that offer womens healthcare. They even have their own Mammogram equipment on site and have better doctors.

I wish libs would get out of the dark ages already and into the real world.

And here is what I find interesting. If those other health providers (even if they aren't linked to PP) perform abortions, they can still file MediCare claims for non-abortion services.

BTW - I won't say there are none, but very few OBGYN private practice doctors have mammogram's on site - those are mostly done by referral for individual practices.

With Obamacare the law, why send govt money to PP?

Obamacare is not insurance nor does it provide health care services.

What are you talking about? My wife and daughter get their routine exams w/o co-pay or deductible from their dr's at their offices, just as I do. My daughter's birth control pills are free, and I routinely pick them up when I refill my generic Lotrel, which has a co-pay btw.

Obamacare is a law that requires insurance coverage and mandates what coverage is included it is not an insurance policy.

I fall under the legal requirements to carry insurance for myself, my wife, and my two kids. When my wife and daughter get their routine exams their is also no co-pay or deductible. My daughter's birth control is covered also.

Our insurance provider is Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield. When we pay our premiums that's where they go not to an entity called "Obamacare".

And the reason your family's policy offers these at no cost is because Obamacare mandates insurance companies provide that.
"I have never seen a bill from PP to any insurance provider for mammograms or any non abortion womens health issue."

it's easier to see things when you open your eyes and look for answers. :rolleyes:

medicaid absolutely does pay for other services than abortion...

Planned Parenthood receives $500 million a year in government funding — or, to be more exact, $528 million last year, according to Planned Parenthood's latest annual report.

Those public funds come from two programs: Medicaid, the health care program targeted at lower-income Americans, and Title X, a federal family planning program that likewise primarily serves lower-income Americans. The overwhelming majority of federal funding to Planned Parenthood comes from Medicaid — 75 percent, according to a Planned Parenthood spokesman.

Not all of the public funds Planned Parenthood receives are federal spending, however. While Title X is a federal program, Medicaid operates using federal and state funds. States receive a 90 percent federal reimbursement on Medicaid family planning spending, for example. So when Washington politicians talk about "defunding" Planned Parenthood, they generally mean cutting off federal money. States could continue to spend as they please.

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.

Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?
The Problem With John Kasich's 'Compassion'

Hugs will not solve the problems facing American families.

Toward the end of his concession speech in New Hampshire Tuesday night, John Kasich said some words that underline the unfortunate emptiness of his brand of so-called compassionate conservatism.

The Ohio governor delivered a seemingly heartfelt, even moving, talk, after finishing in second place behind reality TV star Donald Trump in the state's primary.

Hailed as the one reasonable Republican presidential candidate amid a sea of terrifying extremists, Kasich made an earnest plea for all of us to just "slow down" and connect with our families and our neighbors.

"If we would just slow down and heal the divisions within our own families. Be willing to listen to the person that lives next door, when you’re in such a hurry to get out of the driveway or such a hurry to get out of the shopping center," he said. "Just slow down, look ‘em in the eye. Give ‘em a hug."

His words seemed aimed straight at any working adult beset by endless demands, hustling to care for and support loved ones or to simply stay sane in a 24/7 world. At a time when we've all got our heads bent down to stare drone-like at our iPhones, working ever-longer hours to get by and racing from work to home and back again, it struck a chord.

But alas, Kasich kept going. "It doesn’t take government. It takes our hearts. Our hearts to change America," he said.

The trouble is, it absolutely does take more than our hearts to give Americans the space and the time to slow down. And Kasich's policy prescriptions for working families offer little support for his truly laudable goal.

More: The Problem With John Kasich's 'Compassion'

Kasich seems sane - but I'm afraid he's just a religious nut cloaked in secular rhetoric.
You're back promoting baby murder I see.
Usually people who are obsessed with making excuses for immoral behaviour have committed the immoral behavior they are attempting to justify.
Those people must be seriously guilt ridden.
Imagine how many indians would be alive today to work towards getting the indians a better life if 90% were not murdered in the womb?
It's called self-genocide. I guess that's what the good Lord intended.
And I thought PP referred women to docs? Maybe not.

The do for some things.

Funny thing is, that the doctor when operating as an independent practice will still be able to receive state funds for non-abortion procedures even though they may provide abortions.

I linked to an article earlier showing there were 27 PP clinics in Ohio, only 3 of which performed abortions. Why not just defund the 3 clinics? Why take funds away 24 clinics serving the poor when they don't do abortions?

Or if the idea is not to spend any taxpayer money on a facility or organization that performs any abortions, why not bar state funds from any hospital, clinic, or private practice doctor (even for non-related services). That would be more logically consistent.

I have never seen a bill from PP to any insurance provider for mammograms or any non abortion womens health issue.

Must not happen very often.

I think you are confusing breast cancer screening with mammogram, they are not the same thing. Breast cancer screening includes patient history, physical exam, and breast manipulation (checking of lumps), and can include mammograms which are most commonly done by referral to a place: (a) with the expensive physical equipment, and (b) with the staff to use the equipment and a radiologist that is qualified to interpret the results.

It is not complicated. If you claim to be performing breast cancer screenings and other health services, STOP PERFORMING ABORTIONS.

Simple, really. Stop performing abortions, and the taxpayer tap gets turned on.

Clearly, PP believes providing abortions is more important than providing mammograms. They were given a CHOICE, and they made one.

Why defund clinics that don't do abortions and only provide breast cancer screenings and other health services?

If you need ten dollars for food and cigarettes, and you only have five dollars, you are going to have to go without something. Probably cigarettes, since food is a necessity. It depends how powerful your addiction to abortions cigarettes is.

If I give you five dollars and say, "You can only spend this on women's health services food", you now have ten dollars (your five dollars and the five dollars I gave you) and are able to buy food AND cigarettes.

So my five dollars, even though earmarked for food, helped you buy cigarettes.

Just so with federal funding of Planned Parenthood. It enables them to perform abortions.

Money is fungible.

If I "defunded" you and took my five dollars back, you would get this fungibility principle the moment your nicotine withdrawals kicked in and you had to decide between buying food or cigarettes. You could no longer buy both.

Take away PP's federal funding, and they will have to decide between abortions and women's health services.

If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Why not? The government run healthcare already pays for womens health services via ACA.

So Obamacare pays for womens health services and Planned Parenthood provides those services

Guess who gets paid?
Only PP? Not.

You can get womens services at any local hospital or OBGYN.... Or any health provider not linked to PP that offer womens healthcare. They even have their own Mammogram equipment on site and have better doctors.

I wish libs would get out of the dark ages already and into the real world.

You need to get out of the Dark Ages and realize that your medieval view of abortion is not in the mainstream in the 21st century.
The Republican war on women is sad to watch. When will it end?
Yeah, I did some googling. PP does do cancer screenings, but I'm not sure what other routine exams they do. And when women need mammograms, generally they're referred to radiologists, who have free standing officers, or offices in with Cat scans other specialty services.

IF PP hired docs who provided health services just like any gynecological group, and also referred women to abortion services if the women asked, the govt should treat PP like anyone else. But if PP is going a step further and providing referrals to places for abortions the PP subsidizes ... maybe not.
Well... Since I work with all major ( and minor) insurance companies including the gov. You would think I would see at least one.

you clearly don't know even what you're talking about. (shocker) :eusa_liar:
If PP gets eight dollars from the government to pay for womens health services and two dollars from private donations to pay for abortions and the government takes away their eight dollars.......guess what is left? two dollars for abortions

Fungible that
Why not? The government run healthcare already pays for womens health services via ACA.

So Obamacare pays for womens health services and Planned Parenthood provides those services

Guess who gets paid?
Only PP? Not.

You can get womens services at any local hospital or OBGYN.... Or any health provider not linked to PP that offer womens healthcare. They even have their own Mammogram equipment on site and have better doctors.

I wish libs would get out of the dark ages already and into the real world.

If PP provides those services, they are justified in getting paid for those services
Why do you want to punish a woman who chooses to go to PP for health reasons?

Because of a fake video?
I have never seen a bill from PP to any insurance provider for mammograms or any non abortion womens health issue.

Must not happen very often.

Now you're just lying, in one way or another.
Yeah, I did some googling. PP does do cancer screenings, but I'm not sure what other routine exams they do. And when women need mammograms, generally they're referred to radiologists, who have free standing officers, or offices in with Cat scans other specialty services.

IF PP hired docs who provided health services just like any gynecological group, and also referred women to abortion services if the women asked, the govt should treat PP like anyone else. But if PP is going a step further and providing referrals to places for abortions the PP subsidizes ... maybe not.

PP does cancer screenings for men also...

Prostate Cancer Screening :: St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri

I have never seen a bill from PP to any insurance provider for mammograms or any non abortion womens health issue.

Must not happen very often.

I think you are confusing breast cancer screening with mammogram, they are not the same thing. Breast cancer screening includes patient history, physical exam, and breast manipulation (checking of lumps), and can include mammograms which are most commonly done by referral to a place: (a) with the expensive physical equipment, and (b) with the staff to use the equipment and a radiologist that is qualified to interpret the results.

True. But I was also referring to the rolling mammogram busses that hospitals have on site but PP does not.
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I have never seen a bill from PP to any insurance provider for mammograms or any non abortion womens health issue.

Must not happen very often.

I think you are confusing breast cancer screening with mammogram, they are not the same thing. Breast cancer screening includes patient history, physical exam, and breast manipulation (checking of lumps), and can include mammograms which are most commonly done by referral to a place: (a) with the expensive physical equipment, and (b) with the staff to use the equipment and a radiologist that is qualified to interpret the results.

True. But I was so referring to the rolling mammogram busses that hospitals have on site but PP does not.

Same thing. You have to have the bus, you have to have the equipment, you need the trained staff to run it, and you have to have a radiologist to interpret the results. There is an economy of scale of which a hospital can take advantage.

Fro a small neighborhood clinic that serves the poor, referrals are more economically feasible.


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