John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

You're missing the point. PP brings up abortion as an option. Money goes to PP. Whether PP actually takes that funding and uses it for office supplies and corporate jets or just uses it to suck out a fetus from some tramp's hoohoodilly isn't the issue for people that don't want abortions. They don't want their tax dollars going to an organization that pushes abortion as a legitimate solution to getting preggers.

Why isn't funding removed from independent OBGYN practices and hospitals that also do abortions and yet can still submit MedicAid and MediCare for other not abortion services?

I think it's the mixing in of private money to subsidize the abortions in the same setting of govt funding for other services.

Hospitals accept MedicAid and MediCare, private practices and other non-PP clinics accept MedicAid and MediCare. They also mix govt funding with other services.

Clinics, Hospitals, and Private Practices also accept Tri-Care which is govt funds.

Plus all of the big providers have Medicare/Medicaid replacement plans.

MediCare replacement plan?

What is that. When I turn 65 I qualify for MediCare, I can purchase supplemental insurance that covers what MediCare doesn't cover, but that is not a "replacement".

MedicAid is government coverage for the poor. I've never heard of a replacement plan for that one either. If you earn enough where you can afford to carry a private insurance plan, I don't think you would typically qualify for MedicAid anyway.

You're missing the point. PP brings up abortion as an option. Money goes to PP. Whether PP actually takes that funding and uses it for office supplies and corporate jets or just uses it to suck out a fetus from some tramp's hoohoodilly isn't the issue for people that don't want abortions. They don't want their tax dollars going to an organization that pushes abortion as a legitimate solution to getting preggers.

Why isn't funding removed from independent OBGYN practices and hospitals that also do abortions and yet can still submit MedicAid and MediCare for other not abortion services?

I think it's the mixing in of private money to subsidize the abortions in the same setting of govt funding for other services.

Hospitals accept MedicAid and MediCare, private practices and other non-PP clinics accept MedicAid and MediCare. They also mix govt funding with other services.

Clinics, Hospitals, and Private Practices also accept Tri-Care which is govt funds.

Yes, but they aren't also private advocacy groups raising money to subsidize abortions from private physicians.

What does that have to do with the discussion?

We're talking about govt funds here.

(BTW - yes there are private advocacy groups that raise money for hospitals and some abortions are performed in a hospital setting. So they raise money for a organization that performs abortions.)

You're missing the point. PP brings up abortion as an option. Money goes to PP. Whether PP actually takes that funding and uses it for office supplies and corporate jets or just uses it to suck out a fetus from some tramp's hoohoodilly isn't the issue for people that don't want abortions. They don't want their tax dollars going to an organization that pushes abortion as a legitimate solution to getting preggers.

Why isn't funding removed from independent OBGYN practices and hospitals that also do abortions and yet can still submit MedicAid and MediCare for other not abortion services?

I think it's the mixing in of private money to subsidize the abortions in the same setting of govt funding for other services.

Hospitals accept MedicAid and MediCare, private practices and other non-PP clinics accept MedicAid and MediCare. They also mix govt funding with other services.

Clinics, Hospitals, and Private Practices also accept Tri-Care which is govt funds.

Plus all of the big providers have Medicare/Medicaid replacement plans.

MediCare replacement plan?

What is that. When I turn 65 I qualify for MediCare, I can purchase supplemental insurance that covers what MediCare doesn't cover, but that is not a "replacement".

MedicAid is government coverage for the poor. I've never heard of a replacement plan for that one either. If you earn enough where you can afford to carry a private insurance plan, I don't think you would typically qualify for MedicAid anyway.

How Medicare Advantage Plans work |
Nobody is going to ban talking about it, but those that push for abortion outside of for a health issue shouldn't keep getting taxpayer funding either.

Pro-abortion types should just put their money where their mouths are and foot the bills themselves.

Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - please provide us with some PROOF of your claim that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?
Why isn't funding removed from independent OBGYN practices and hospitals that also do abortions and yet can still submit MedicAid and MediCare for other not abortion services?

I think it's the mixing in of private money to subsidize the abortions in the same setting of govt funding for other services.

Hospitals accept MedicAid and MediCare, private practices and other non-PP clinics accept MedicAid and MediCare. They also mix govt funding with other services.

Clinics, Hospitals, and Private Practices also accept Tri-Care which is govt funds.

Plus all of the big providers have Medicare/Medicaid replacement plans.

MediCare replacement plan?

What is that. When I turn 65 I qualify for MediCare, I can purchase supplemental insurance that covers what MediCare doesn't cover, but that is not a "replacement".

MedicAid is government coverage for the poor. I've never heard of a replacement plan for that one either. If you earn enough where you can afford to carry a private insurance plan, I don't think you would typically qualify for MedicAid anyway.

How Medicare Advantage Plans work |

You are really still in Medicare and the government is paying premiums. Still taxpayer money.

From your link:
Medicare pays a fixed amount for your care each month to the companies offering Medicare Advantage Plans.

The bill strips funding from programs that help prevent infant mortality, promote HIV testing and offer breast and cervical cancer screenings.

WASHINGTON -- Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who has positioned himself as one of the more moderate Republican presidential contenders, plans to sign a bill that strips government funding from Planned Parenthood clinics in his state, his spokesman told HuffPost on Wednesday.

More: John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

Defunding Planned Parenthood doesn't sound very "moderate" to me.

Right before the South Carolina primary! What a coincidence!
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?
You're missing the point. PP brings up abortion as an option. Money goes to PP. Whether PP actually takes that funding and uses it for office supplies and corporate jets or just uses it to suck out a fetus from some tramp's hoohoodilly isn't the issue for people that don't want abortions. They don't want their tax dollars going to an organization that pushes abortion as a legitimate solution to getting preggers.

Why isn't funding removed from independent OBGYN practices and hospitals that also do abortions and yet can still submit MedicAid and MediCare for other not abortion services?

I think it's the mixing in of private money to subsidize the abortions in the same setting of govt funding for other services.

Hospitals accept MedicAid and MediCare, private practices and other non-PP clinics accept MedicAid and MediCare. They also mix govt funding with other services.

Clinics, Hospitals, and Private Practices also accept Tri-Care which is govt funds.

Yes, but they aren't also private advocacy groups raising money to subsidize abortions from private physicians.

What does that have to do with the discussion?

We're talking about govt funds here.

(BTW - yes there are private advocacy groups that raise money for hospitals and some abortions are performed in a hospital setting. So they raise money for a organization that performs abortions.)


I'm trying to see if there's a difference between PP and some "other health care provider", such as the group of internists who do my wellness screenings or the groups that provide for my wife and daughter, that would reasonably suggest PP should be treated differently. I think we agreed that other health care providers do sometimes provide abortions, either insurance or privately paid for, and also take federal dollars via either Medicaid or govt subsidies to private insurers via Obamacare. And, these "other health care providers" aren't being targeted to take away funding for wellness stuff.

If PP is operating as a private advocacy group as well as a health care provider ... then maybe there's a distinction. But, generally I'd agree that abortion, whether one approves or not, is a legal medical procedure.
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?
Well see that's the distinction w/o a difference. Some OBGYN providers take govt money to provide non-abortion services, but will also in some instances perform an abortion. So, if they get govt funding, what justifies targeting only PP?
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?

Duh, because only 3% of Planned Parenthood services relate to abortions - meaning that 97% of their services relate to non-abortion related women and men healthcare. Poor people depend on their services. Is that so difficult to comprehend?
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Bitch, please. My smug detector is going off. War in the name of national interests and defense is not analogous to performing an elective medical procedure in which a fetus (or, unborn baby) is intentionally mutilated to death by a member of the medical profession.

The military protects us all. World peace is unrealistic. Abortion is done as a convenience so some person or persons do not have to face the consequences of their actions.
WTF are you babbling about?

None of your tax dollars go to pay for abortions

Taxpayer dollars fund PP. Money is fungible, so of course our tax dollars are paying for abortions.

You don't understand money, or fungible, or tax dollars.

Unless you can prove that PP spent more of its revenue on abortion funding than it collected in non-federal taxpayer dollars,

then you cannot prove that a dime of taxpayer money was spent on abortion.
You can't trust a career politician and their federal government...

I'm still waiting for you to explain to us what kind of a government we'd have if all taxes were voluntary.
You're missing the point, no tax should based on income. It's none of career politicians and federal governments business who makes what. I never said anything about voluntary...
Take away PP's federal funding, and they will have to decide between abortions and women's health services.

There you admit that the money isn't going for abortions.

Oh, btw, are you aware that many abortions at PP are PAID FOR by the patient?
They deserve no tax dollars...

They deserve what the People are willing to give them. Your conservative dictatorship isn't in place yet.
They do no good for most of the population...
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?

Duh, because only 3% of Planned Parenthood services relate to abortions - meaning that 97% goes for non-abortion related women, and men healthcare. Is that so difficult to comprehend?

That isn't at all what you said. You said that taxpayers don't fund planned parenthood.
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?

Duh, because only 3% of Planned Parenthood services relate to abortions - meaning that 97% of their services relate to non-abortion related women and men healthcare. Is that so difficult to comprehend?

but if they acknowledge that bit of reality they can't rant and rave and spew misogynist insanity all over the board.
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?

Duh, because only 3% of Planned Parenthood services relate to abortions - meaning that 97% goes for non-abortion related women, and men healthcare. Is that so difficult to comprehend?

That isn't at all what you said. You said that taxpayers don't fund planned parenthood.

Please show me where I said that taxpayers don't fund Planned Parenthood. They receive both private and federal funding.
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?

Duh, because only 3% of Planned Parenthood services relate to abortions - meaning that 97% of their services relate to non-abortion related women and men healthcare. Is that so difficult to comprehend?

but if they acknowledge that bit of reality they can't rant and rave and spew misogynist insanity all over the board.

Hey moron, here's a clue:

Reality or not, it wasn't what he originally stated.
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?

Duh, because only 3% of Planned Parenthood services relate to abortions - meaning that 97% of their services relate to non-abortion related women and men healthcare. Is that so difficult to comprehend?

but if they acknowledge that bit of reality they can't rant and rave and spew misogynist insanity all over the board.

Hey moron, here's a clue:

Reality or not, it wasn't what he originally stated.

someone with your double digit IQ really shouldn't call other people morons.

Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?

Duh, because only 3% of Planned Parenthood services relate to abortions - meaning that 97% goes for non-abortion related women, and men healthcare. Is that so difficult to comprehend?

That isn't at all what you said. You said that taxpayers don't fund planned parenthood.

Please show me where I said that taxpayers don't fund Planned Parenthood. They receive both private and federal funding.

Bear with me because I have to guide you by the hand through the mountain of bull shit you created:

So they do receive federal funding and by your own admission, at least 3% of what they do is abortions.

Therefor, taxpayers do fund abortions there. Got it now?
Since it's against the law to use taxpayer funds for abortions, and the fact that Planned Parenthood and any facility that performs abortions are closely audited and monitored by the fed - can anyone provide any "credible" PROOF that taxpayers are funding abortions. How exactly are they doing that?

So, you are saying that there is no federal money going to planned parenthood? Then why object to cutting off federal funding?

Duh, because only 3% of Planned Parenthood services relate to abortions - meaning that 97% of their services relate to non-abortion related women and men healthcare. Is that so difficult to comprehend?

but if they acknowledge that bit of reality they can't rant and rave and spew misogynist insanity all over the board.

Hey moron, here's a clue:

Reality or not, it wasn't what he originally stated.

someone with your double digit IQ really shouldn't call other people morons.


Dig the hole deeper moron.

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