John Kasich Will Sign Bill To Defund Planned Parenthood In His State

Taxpayer dollars fund PP. Money is fungible, so of course our tax dollars are paying for abortions.

You don't understand money, or fungible, or tax dollars.

Unless you can prove that PP spent more of its revenue on abortion funding than it collected in non-federal taxpayer dollars,

then you cannot prove that a dime of taxpayer money was spent on abortion.
You can't trust a career politician and their federal government...

I'm still waiting for you to explain to us what kind of a government we'd have if all taxes were voluntary.
You're missing the point, no tax should based on income. It's none of career politicians and federal governments business who makes what. I never said anything about voluntary...

So if the government needs $5000 per citizen to function, you want every person, rich or poor, to have to come up with the 5 grand?
Na, a luxury flat tax would do.

You are really still in Medicare and the government is paying premiums. Still taxpayer money.

From your link:
Medicare pays a fixed amount for your care each month to the companies offering Medicare Advantage Plans.

They are meant to simplify regular Medicare and in some cases can be cheaper.


"They are a Medicare option that combines your Part A, B and sometimes part D into one plan that is administered by a Medicare contracted insurance company. Many of these plans have very low or even 0 monthly premiums. You still have copays but they are generally much less than Original Medicare."

I'm not addressing anyting about administration.

I'm just pointing out that it is still the government paying the premiums, i.e. taxpayer dollars. To say they are replacements for MediCare (i.e. government expenditures of funds) isn't true, the government is still paying for it.

That is what they are called. I didn't name them that. You are splitting hairs.

The fact that the government is paying for it is not classified as "splitting hairs"?

Why don't I see you saying the same thing to those wanting to take health care services targeted for poor people way because federal law prevents tax dollars from paying for abortions but yet the money they receive is for other services? That's "splitting hairs" to a higher degree.

You do realize that replacement plans offer supplemental coverage packages... yes? Meaning they offer broader assistance than regular Medicare. Like for instance on drugs.
You are really still in Medicare and the government is paying premiums. Still taxpayer money.

From your link:
Medicare pays a fixed amount for your care each month to the companies offering Medicare Advantage Plans.

They are meant to simplify regular Medicare and in some cases can be cheaper.


"They are a Medicare option that combines your Part A, B and sometimes part D into one plan that is administered by a Medicare contracted insurance company. Many of these plans have very low or even 0 monthly premiums. You still have copays but they are generally much less than Original Medicare."

I'm not addressing anyting about administration.

I'm just pointing out that it is still the government paying the premiums, i.e. taxpayer dollars. To say they are replacements for MediCare (i.e. government expenditures of funds) isn't true, the government is still paying for it.

That is what they are called. I didn't name them that. You are splitting hairs.

The fact that the government is paying for it is not classified as "splitting hairs"?

Why don't I see you saying the same thing to those wanting to take health care services targeted for poor people way because federal law prevents tax dollars from paying for abortions but yet the money they receive is for other services? That's "splitting hairs" to a higher degree.

You do realize that replacement plans offer supplemental coverage packages... yes? Meaning they offer broader assistance than regular Medicare. Like for instance on drugs.

Medicare Part D is drug coverage.

But still not the point, the original point was that it was that it is paid for by taxpayers and therefore not a replacement for medicare as medicare is paying for it.

Q: Who pays the basic premium to provide medicare equivalent coverage.

A: The government.

They are meant to simplify regular Medicare and in some cases can be cheaper.


"They are a Medicare option that combines your Part A, B and sometimes part D into one plan that is administered by a Medicare contracted insurance company. Many of these plans have very low or even 0 monthly premiums. You still have copays but they are generally much less than Original Medicare."

I'm not addressing anyting about administration.

I'm just pointing out that it is still the government paying the premiums, i.e. taxpayer dollars. To say they are replacements for MediCare (i.e. government expenditures of funds) isn't true, the government is still paying for it.

That is what they are called. I didn't name them that. You are splitting hairs.

The fact that the government is paying for it is not classified as "splitting hairs"?

Why don't I see you saying the same thing to those wanting to take health care services targeted for poor people way because federal law prevents tax dollars from paying for abortions but yet the money they receive is for other services? That's "splitting hairs" to a higher degree.

You do realize that replacement plans offer supplemental coverage packages... yes? Meaning they offer broader assistance than regular Medicare. Like for instance on drugs.

Medicare Part D is drug coverage.

But still not the point, the original point was that it was that it is paid for by taxpayers and therefore not a replacement for medicare as medicare is paying for it.

Q: Who pays the basic premium to provide medicare equivalent coverage.

A: The government.

If you want Medicare drug coverage, you must buy a separate Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) from a private insurance company.
I'm not addressing anyting about administration.

I'm just pointing out that it is still the government paying the premiums, i.e. taxpayer dollars. To say they are replacements for MediCare (i.e. government expenditures of funds) isn't true, the government is still paying for it.

That is what they are called. I didn't name them that. You are splitting hairs.

The fact that the government is paying for it is not classified as "splitting hairs"?

Why don't I see you saying the same thing to those wanting to take health care services targeted for poor people way because federal law prevents tax dollars from paying for abortions but yet the money they receive is for other services? That's "splitting hairs" to a higher degree.

You do realize that replacement plans offer supplemental coverage packages... yes? Meaning they offer broader assistance than regular Medicare. Like for instance on drugs.

Medicare Part D is drug coverage.

But still not the point, the original point was that it was that it is paid for by taxpayers and therefore not a replacement for medicare as medicare is paying for it.

Q: Who pays the basic premium to provide medicare equivalent coverage.

A: The government.

If you want Medicare drug coverage, you must buy a separate Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) from a private insurance company.

If you are poor you still get taxpayer dollars to subsidize medicare Part D.

If you have limited income and resources, your state may help you pay for Part A and/or Part B. You may also qualify for Extra Help to pay for your Medicare prescription drug coverage.

What is this back and forth about anyway?

Medicare/medicaid is government insurance for the elderly/poor, it's provided by or subsidized by taxpayer dollars.

That is what they are called. I didn't name them that. You are splitting hairs.

The fact that the government is paying for it is not classified as "splitting hairs"?

Why don't I see you saying the same thing to those wanting to take health care services targeted for poor people way because federal law prevents tax dollars from paying for abortions but yet the money they receive is for other services? That's "splitting hairs" to a higher degree.

You do realize that replacement plans offer supplemental coverage packages... yes? Meaning they offer broader assistance than regular Medicare. Like for instance on drugs.

Medicare Part D is drug coverage.

But still not the point, the original point was that it was that it is paid for by taxpayers and therefore not a replacement for medicare as medicare is paying for it.

Q: Who pays the basic premium to provide medicare equivalent coverage.

A: The government.

If you want Medicare drug coverage, you must buy a separate Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) from a private insurance company.

If you are poor you still get taxpayer dollars to subsidize medicare Part D.

If you have limited income and resources, your state may help you pay for Part A and/or Part B. You may also qualify for Extra Help to pay for your Medicare prescription drug coverage.

What is this back and forth about anyway?

Medicare/medicaid is government insurance for the elderly/poor, it's provided by or subsidized by taxpayer dollars.

You asked what the difference was and then started arguing.

BTW The gov doesn't pay all. You still pay co pays and premiums not covered by subsidies. Plus deductibles.
The fact that the government is paying for it is not classified as "splitting hairs"?

Why don't I see you saying the same thing to those wanting to take health care services targeted for poor people way because federal law prevents tax dollars from paying for abortions but yet the money they receive is for other services? That's "splitting hairs" to a higher degree.

You do realize that replacement plans offer supplemental coverage packages... yes? Meaning they offer broader assistance than regular Medicare. Like for instance on drugs.

Medicare Part D is drug coverage.

But still not the point, the original point was that it was that it is paid for by taxpayers and therefore not a replacement for medicare as medicare is paying for it.

Q: Who pays the basic premium to provide medicare equivalent coverage.

A: The government.

If you want Medicare drug coverage, you must buy a separate Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) from a private insurance company.

If you are poor you still get taxpayer dollars to subsidize medicare Part D.

If you have limited income and resources, your state may help you pay for Part A and/or Part B. You may also qualify for Extra Help to pay for your Medicare prescription drug coverage.

What is this back and forth about anyway?

Medicare/medicaid is government insurance for the elderly/poor, it's provided by or subsidized by taxpayer dollars.

You asked what the difference was and then started arguing.

BTW The gov doesn't pay all. You still pay co pays and premiums not covered by subsidies. Plus deductibles.

1. I never asked was the difference was, I disagreed with the implication that private insurance replaces medicare - in other words is not paid for with taxpayer dollars. It shifts administration and you can pay additional money to cover the gabs, put at the end of the day the basic medicare is still there paid by the government.

2. I never said the government paid all the bills. I'm retired military, I know the government (we have Tri-Care) doesn't pay the whole bill.

Nobody is outlawing PP but why should taxpayers be forced to fund an agency that makes a living from the slaughter of human babies and illegally sells body parts from the slaughtered victims? PETA people would be marching in the streets to outlaw any agency that made a living from killing unborn horses or seals or dogs or cats. Why are lefties outraged that elected officials might have a better use for taxpayer funds than funding an organization that makes a living killing babies? Doesn't the 6,000 page Obamacare law include federal funding for abortions without direct funding that buys Lexus cars for baby killers?
Planned parenthood isn't slaughtering human babies. Fetuses are not babies. The overwhelming majority of abortions are done in the first/second term, most in the first term. Late term abortions are hardly performed at PP, and are almost always done for valid medical reasons. They're so rare it's an absurd talking point. PP isn't selling body parts. This has been debunked. The pro life lunatics lost. PETA is the organization you want to point to? PETA is insane. Planned parenthood.. the majority of services aren't even abortion. Abortion is legal and safe, and PP helps provide that. I'm sorry that drives pro life authoritarians into a fit of childish anger.
You do realize that replacement plans offer supplemental coverage packages... yes? Meaning they offer broader assistance than regular Medicare. Like for instance on drugs.

Medicare Part D is drug coverage.

But still not the point, the original point was that it was that it is paid for by taxpayers and therefore not a replacement for medicare as medicare is paying for it.

Q: Who pays the basic premium to provide medicare equivalent coverage.

A: The government.

If you want Medicare drug coverage, you must buy a separate Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) from a private insurance company.

If you are poor you still get taxpayer dollars to subsidize medicare Part D.

If you have limited income and resources, your state may help you pay for Part A and/or Part B. You may also qualify for Extra Help to pay for your Medicare prescription drug coverage.

What is this back and forth about anyway?

Medicare/medicaid is government insurance for the elderly/poor, it's provided by or subsidized by taxpayer dollars.

You asked what the difference was and then started arguing.

BTW The gov doesn't pay all. You still pay co pays and premiums not covered by subsidies. Plus deductibles.

1. I never asked was the difference was, I disagreed with the implication that private insurance replaces medicare - in other words is not paid for with taxpayer dollars. It shifts administration and you can pay additional money to cover the gabs, put at the end of the day the basic medicare is still there paid by the government.

2. I never said the government paid all the bills. I'm retired military, I know the government (we have Tri-Care) doesn't pay the whole bill.

Where did I state Medicare wasn't paid by taxpayers?

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