John Kasich’s red herring argument: We can’t round them up and deport them

I really dislike some of the republican (and all of the liberal) views that "you can't deport all of the illegals SO DON'T EVEN TRY! Maybe we won't deport ALL of them, but we can work on getting the felons out of this country and those with any kind of record. Maybe we can only deport 10,000 a year, it's a start.

I agree to make this as unpleasant for illegals as it can be. Let them self deport and then come back to welcoming arms!
There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?
There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.
They have their home country. Let them liquidate everything they have here and take their nest egg with them./
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?
Have to LOVE this.... the base is EXPANDING as people with a brain look to Europe's collapse!

  • Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win (Drudge Siren)
    Washington Post ^ | November 12, 2015
    Less than three months before the kick-off Iowa caucuses, there is growing anxiety bordering on panic among Republican elites about the dominance and durability of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and widespread bewilderment over how to defeat them. Party leaders and donors fear nominating either man would have negative ramifications for the GOP ticket up and down the ballot, virtually ensuring a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency and increasing the odds that the Senate falls into Democratic hands.
If, as you say, they caused the problem, how are they going to be able to fix it? If they could fix it, they wouldn't have caused it in the first place.

I suppose I was thinking a whole new batch of GOVT could fix problems of past bad GOVT. ?
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?

Interesting how the statement is made that they have nowhere to go yet seem to find their way here and many want them to stay.
If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?

Apparently they do have somewhere to go and it seems it's where they don't legally belong. Sad part is too many want them to stay.
We could save a lot of time and money with one simple law: anybody caught here illegally is subject to a five year minimum prison sentence no matter who you are. You won't need a fence because foreigners would be a afraid to come in. You won't need busses to haul them out because they will be jumping fences to get the hell out.

We could save tens of millions of dollars by getting these people to self-deport and not only solve this problem now, but in the future as well.

You have until January 1st to be out of the country. And if I don't see you by then, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, now get the hell out of my country. :drillsergeant::drillsergeant::drillsergeant:
Who is gonna pay the ten plus thousand per inmate per year?

There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I'm sure they'll do just fine. Do you really think they come here and never return? Of course they don't. In fact, many of them come here, make money, and ship the money back home. When they return, they live a pretty good life if not for several years, for the remainder of their life.
If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?

Interesting how the statement is made that they have nowhere to go yet seem to find their way here and many want them to stay.

Now if the Republican's were anywhere near smart, they would start an ad campaign directed at blacks, identifying these INVADERS as the ones that will TAKE YOUR FUCKING JOBS, and KEEP YOU TIED TO POVERTY which the DemocRATS have been promising them for 50 years that VOTING FOR THEM will bring them out of! .....The INVADERS are the NEW DemocRAT plantation workers, and they are simply throwing the blacks UNDER THE FUCKING BUS, amazing how many black DemocRATS in here don't see that!
If, as you say, they caused the problem, how are they going to be able to fix it? If they could fix it, they wouldn't have caused it in the first place.

I suppose I was thinking a whole new batch of GOVT could fix problems of past bad GOVT. ?

With the way so many stay and stay in Congress, it's not the past government, it's the same government. Just look at how many of them have been there for 20, 30, or more years. A quick look at those holding records for length of service, all are Democrats.
Another thing to ponder....

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There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?

Interesting how the statement is made that they have nowhere to go yet seem to find their way here and many want them to stay.

Now if the Republican's were anywhere near smart, they would start an ad campaign directed at blacks, identifying these INVADERS as the ones that will TAKE YOUR FUCKING JOBS, and KEEP YOU TIED TO POVERTY which the DemocRATS have been promising them for 50 years that VOTING FOR THEM will bring them out of! .....The INVADERS are the NEW DemocRAT plantation workers, and they are simply throwing the blacks UNDER THE FUCKING BUS, amazing how many black DemocRATS in here don't see that!

It would never work. They are too brainwashed. When Democrats took School Vouchers to court, it didn't even phase the black community that Democrats wanted to end a program so beneficial for blacks. They didn't even know about it thanks to MSM.
I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?

Interesting how the statement is made that they have nowhere to go yet seem to find their way here and many want them to stay.

Now if the Republican's were anywhere near smart, they would start an ad campaign directed at blacks, identifying these INVADERS as the ones that will TAKE YOUR FUCKING JOBS, and KEEP YOU TIED TO POVERTY which the DemocRATS have been promising them for 50 years that VOTING FOR THEM will bring them out of! .....The INVADERS are the NEW DemocRAT plantation workers, and they are simply throwing the blacks UNDER THE FUCKING BUS, amazing how many black DemocRATS in here don't see that!

It would never work. They are too brainwashed. When Democrats took School Vouchers to court, it didn't even phase the black community that Democrats wanted to end a program so beneficial for blacks. They didn't even know about it thanks to MSM.

They had to keep them on the plantation as a voting bloc.
I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?

Interesting how the statement is made that they have nowhere to go yet seem to find their way here and many want them to stay.

Now if the Republican's were anywhere near smart, they would start an ad campaign directed at blacks, identifying these INVADERS as the ones that will TAKE YOUR FUCKING JOBS, and KEEP YOU TIED TO POVERTY which the DemocRATS have been promising them for 50 years that VOTING FOR THEM will bring them out of! .....The INVADERS are the NEW DemocRAT plantation workers, and they are simply throwing the blacks UNDER THE FUCKING BUS, amazing how many black DemocRATS in here don't see that!

It would never work. They are too brainwashed. When Democrats took School Vouchers to court, it didn't even phase the black community that Democrats wanted to end a program so beneficial for blacks. They didn't even know about it thanks to MSM.

That's why the ad campaign, keep hitting them with THE TRUTH about what DemocRATS HAVEN'T done for them, and what they HAVE DONE that harms them.... People are stupid, they NEED to see it put in front of them for MONTHS, if not longer to get it!
I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?

Interesting how the statement is made that they have nowhere to go yet seem to find their way here and many want them to stay.

Now if the Republican's were anywhere near smart, they would start an ad campaign directed at blacks, identifying these INVADERS as the ones that will TAKE YOUR FUCKING JOBS, and KEEP YOU TIED TO POVERTY which the DemocRATS have been promising them for 50 years that VOTING FOR THEM will bring them out of! .....The INVADERS are the NEW DemocRAT plantation workers, and they are simply throwing the blacks UNDER THE FUCKING BUS, amazing how many black DemocRATS in here don't see that!

It would never work. They are too brainwashed. When Democrats took School Vouchers to court, it didn't even phase the black community that Democrats wanted to end a program so beneficial for blacks. They didn't even know about it thanks to MSM.

That's why the ad campaign, keep hitting them with THE TRUTH about what DemocRATS HAVEN'T done for them, and what they HAVE DONE that harms them.... People are stupid, they NEED to see it put in front of them for MONTHS, if not longer to get it!

Trust me, on a one on one basis, I tried that. It's like talking to Zombies. They just keep telling you that you are FOS, and insist the wealthy are involved in propaganda that I bought into. I really believe they are hopeless. Too mesmerized by Obama Money.
And what does that have to do with INVADING our country?... Why not WORK to make their country better, or is it the LURE of FREE SHIT and living off others?

Interesting how the statement is made that they have nowhere to go yet seem to find their way here and many want them to stay.

Now if the Republican's were anywhere near smart, they would start an ad campaign directed at blacks, identifying these INVADERS as the ones that will TAKE YOUR FUCKING JOBS, and KEEP YOU TIED TO POVERTY which the DemocRATS have been promising them for 50 years that VOTING FOR THEM will bring them out of! .....The INVADERS are the NEW DemocRAT plantation workers, and they are simply throwing the blacks UNDER THE FUCKING BUS, amazing how many black DemocRATS in here don't see that!

It would never work. They are too brainwashed. When Democrats took School Vouchers to court, it didn't even phase the black community that Democrats wanted to end a program so beneficial for blacks. They didn't even know about it thanks to MSM.

That's why the ad campaign, keep hitting them with THE TRUTH about what DemocRATS HAVEN'T done for them, and what they HAVE DONE that harms them.... People are stupid, they NEED to see it put in front of them for MONTHS, if not longer to get it!

Trust me, on a one on one basis, I tried that. It's like talking to Zombies. They just keep telling you that you are FOS, and insist the wealthy are involved in propaganda that I bought into. I really believe they are hopeless. Too mesmerized by Obama Money.

Yes, that's why the campaign must go on for months if not years! Apparently there in NO ONE in the RNC with any foresight on this matter!
Have you noticed our Establishment media, including FoxNews, is constantly giving air time to the red herring argument that we can’t round up millions of illegal entrants and deport them? John Kasich and some other candidates are constantly telling us this when loyal and patriotic American citizens, who have been made into tax slaves to support the economic needs of illegal entrants, want those we elect to make it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to stay in our country, and want this even more so than building a wall! Some have suggested such things as:

impose a hard labor jail sentence on illegal entrants if caught working in our country;

require business owners to utilize e-verify when hiring;

severely punish business owners who knowingly hire illegal aliens;

require emergency rooms to use e-verify and establish legal residence when providing emergency room services;

deny illegal entrants any medical care (excepting in a lifedeath situation);

deny the children of illegal aliens access to a State’s public schools and any other taxpayer financed public benefit;

make it a prosecutable criminal offense for illegals to live in any public housing unit or section eight housing;

prosecute legal residents who harbor illegal entrants in section eight housing or public housing and immediately evict the legal resident of that housing unit if caught harboring illegal entrants;

and make it known from coast to coast the United States will never allow a person who has entered our country illegally to re-enter our country legally in the future, which would actually encourage many current illegal entrants to exit our country on their own and re-enter legally.

The bottom line is, John Kasich’s talking point that we can’t round up millions of illegal entrants is an intentional distraction to avoid discussing what many American Citizens want done which is to make it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain here which in turn would encourage them to leave on their own!

Why do a number of our Republican Candidates, e.g., JohnKasich, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio, and our friends at FoxNews, avoid discussing a plan to encourage illegals to leave on their own?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Again this is a worthless topic because Republicans have already lost the election. You've chased Latino's off in mass, they will be voting for Hillary Clinton. Historically since Reagan, the GOP candidate had to capture at least 35-40% of the Latino vote to win the White House. Trump has secured victory for Hillary Clinton as he is polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with this group. Republicans are the MINORITYparty in this country. This negativity is going to roll over on any GOP nominee. Trump is also losing women by a 2 to 1 margin. Women are the majority voters in this country at 54%--and they are going to be voting heavily for the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years. Of course you chased off women in 2012--Republicans lost them by double digits, and younger women by a whopping 36 points.

You're done--Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS--and it's because of your hate and ignorance. It wouldn't surprise me if we lost the Senate and major seats in the house.

GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Congratulations Morons--you've done it again.

Have you noticed our Establishment media, including FoxNews, is constantly giving air time to the red herring argument that we can’t round up millions of illegal entrants and deport them? John Kasich and some other candidates are constantly telling us this when loyal and patriotic American citizens, who have been made into tax slaves to support the economic needs of illegal entrants, want those we elect to make it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to stay in our country, and want this even more so than building a wall! Some have suggested such things as:

impose a hard labor jail sentence on illegal entrants if caught working in our country;

require business owners to utilize e-verify when hiring;

severely punish business owners who knowingly hire illegal aliens;

require emergency rooms to use e-verify and establish legal residence when providing emergency room services;

deny illegal entrants any medical care (excepting in a lifedeath situation);

deny the children of illegal aliens access to a State’s public schools and any other taxpayer financed public benefit;

make it a prosecutable criminal offense for illegals to live in any public housing unit or section eight housing;

prosecute legal residents who harbor illegal entrants in section eight housing or public housing and immediately evict the legal resident of that housing unit if caught harboring illegal entrants;

and make it known from coast to coast the United States will never allow a person who has entered our country illegally to re-enter our country legally in the future, which would actually encourage many current illegal entrants to exit our country on their own and re-enter legally.

The bottom line is, John Kasich’s talking point that we can’t round up millions of illegal entrants is an intentional distraction to avoid discussing what many American Citizens want done which is to make it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain here which in turn would encourage them to leave on their own!

Why do a number of our Republican Candidates, e.g., JohnKasich, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio, and our friends at FoxNews, avoid discussing a plan to encourage illegals to leave on their own?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Again this is a worthless topic because Republicans have already lost the election. You've chased Latino's off in mass, they will be voting for Hillary Clinton. Historically since Reagan, the GOP candidate had to capture at least 35-40% of the Latino vote to win the White House. Trump has secured victory for Hillary Clinton as he is polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with this group. Republicans are the MINORITYparty in this country. This negativity is going to roll over on any GOP nominee. Trump is also losing women by a 2 to 1 margin. Women are the majority voters in this country at 54%--and they are going to be voting heavily for the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years. Of course you chased off women in 2012--Republicans lost them by double digits, and younger women by a whopping 36 points.

You're done--Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS--and it's because of your hate and ignorance. It wouldn't surprise me if we lost the Senate and major seats in the house.

GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Congratulations Morons--you've done it again.

Poll: Trump Gets More Hispanic Support Than Romney in 2012

A new poll of 2,000 citizens shows that Donald Trump's immigration stance has more support among Hispanic Americans than Gov. Mitt Romney won in 2012, even after the pollsters reminded respondents of Trump's most controversial statements on immigration.

Twenty-eight percent of Hispanic Americans agreed with Trump's June statement that "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

In 2012, Romney won 27 percent of the Hispanic-American vote.

Twelve percent of Hispanic-Americans said they were not sure what to say about Trump's comment, and only 61 percent opposed it, despite heated criticism of Trump by Spanish-language media.

The new poll also showed that 35 percent of moderates and 38 percent of independents somewhat or strongly backed Trump's harshly-phrased, much-criticized statement. Twenty-five percent of moderates and 26 percent of independents disagreed strongly.

Among African-Americans, 24 percent agreed with Trump's statement- that's four times the 6 percent won by Romney in 2012 - while 28 percent of African-Americans disagreed strongly.
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The problem with deportation is that all you're doing is herding cats if you don't secure the border. Criminalize illegal entry, secure the border, go after employers who use illegal labor, particularly the ones who rely predominantly on illegal labor.

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