John Kasich’s red herring argument: We can’t round them up and deport them

We already deport 400,000 a year. The only reason we don't deport more is because congress has not allocated more resources. So close the border and deport 800,000 the first year, 1,200,000 the second year, and so on until they are all gone.

We could save a lot of time and money with one simple law: anybody caught here illegally is subject to a five year minimum prison sentence no matter who you are. You won't need a fence because foreigners would be a afraid to come in. You won't need busses to haul them out because they will be jumping fences to get the hell out.

We could save tens of millions of dollars by getting these people to self-deport and not only solve this problem now, but in the future as well.

You have until January 1st to be out of the country. And if I don't see you by then, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, now get the hell out of my country. :drillsergeant::drillsergeant::drillsergeant:
Who is gonna pay the ten plus thousand per inmate per year?

There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.
Dana Perino, the Washington Establishment's clever propagandist

Dana Perino was just on THE FIVE spewing out the red herring talking point that we cannot deport millions of illegal aliens. Of course, she mentioned nothing about making it extremely uncomfortable for illegals to stay here so they will leave on their own and return legally if they so desire.

It's absolutely amazing how Dana Perion constantly carries water for the Establishment and ignores how the Establishment is not acting in the best interest of the American People nor the general welfare of the United States.


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Have you noticed our Establishment media, including FoxNews, is constantly giving air time to the red herring argument that we can’t round up millions of illegal entrants and deport them? John Kasich and some other candidates are constantly telling us this when loyal and patriotic American citizens, who have been made into tax slaves to support the economic needs of illegal entrants, want those we elect to make it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to stay in our country, and want this even more so than building a wall! Some have suggested such things as:

impose a hard labor jail sentence on illegal entrants if caught working in our country;

require business owners to utilize e-verify when hiring;

severely punish business owners who knowingly hire illegal aliens;

require emergency rooms to use e-verify and establish legal residence when providing emergency room services;

deny illegal entrants any medical care (excepting in a lifedeath situation);

deny the children of illegal aliens access to a State’s public schools and any other taxpayer financed public benefit;

make it a prosecutable criminal offense for illegals to live in any public housing unit or section eight housing;

prosecute legal residents who harbor illegal entrants in section eight housing or public housing and immediately evict the legal resident of that housing unit if caught harboring illegal entrants;

and make it known from coast to coast the United States will never allow a person who has entered our country illegally to re-enter our country legally in the future, which would actually encourage many current illegal entrants to exit our country on their own and re-enter legally.

The bottom line is, John Kasich’s talking point that we can’t round up millions of illegal entrants is an intentional distraction to avoid discussing what many American Citizens want done which is to make it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain here which in turn would encourage them to leave on their own!

Why do a number of our Republican Candidates, e.g., JohnKasich, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio, and our friends at FoxNews, avoid discussing a plan to encourage illegals to leave on their own?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Many children of illegals are US citizens. If you support deporting them, then you support the breakup of millions of families. In many cases, kids who are US citizens will be left behind with no parents. This is why many are against even the idea of deporting so many. Secondly, the cost would be enormous, and last of all, it would cost us millions of jobs. Despite what you may think, having these people here creates jobs and the need for jobs.

That's a decision made by the parents. Blaming it on immigration enforcement is pure demagoguery. If the parents don't want the family to split up, then they can take their children with them to Mexico.
We already deport 400,000 a year. The only reason we don't deport more is because congress has not allocated more resources. So close the border and deport 800,000 the first year, 1,200,000 the second year, and so on until they are all gone.

We could save a lot of time and money with one simple law: anybody caught here illegally is subject to a five year minimum prison sentence no matter who you are. You won't need a fence because foreigners would be a afraid to come in. You won't need busses to haul them out because they will be jumping fences to get the hell out.

We could save tens of millions of dollars by getting these people to self-deport and not only solve this problem now, but in the future as well.

You have until January 1st to be out of the country. And if I don't see you by then, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, now get the hell out of my country. :drillsergeant::drillsergeant::drillsergeant:
Who is gonna pay the ten plus thousand per inmate per year?

There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

That's far cheaper than the cost of government services for 20 million illegals.
Dana Perino, the Washington Establishment's clever propagandist

Dana Perino was just on THE FIVE spewing out the red herring talking point that we cannot deport millions of illegal aliens. Of course, she mentioned nothing about making it extremely uncomfortable for illegals to stay here so they will leave on their own and return legally if they so desire.

It's absolutely amazing how Dana Perion constantly carries water for the Establishment and ignores how the Establishment is not acting in the best interest of the American People nor the general welfare of the United States.


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Perino worked in the Bush administration, so it's no surprise that she's pro-amnesty.
We already deport 400,000 a year. The only reason we don't deport more is because congress has not allocated more resources. So close the border and deport 800,000 the first year, 1,200,000 the second year, and so on until they are all gone.

We could save a lot of time and money with one simple law: anybody caught here illegally is subject to a five year minimum prison sentence no matter who you are. You won't need a fence because foreigners would be a afraid to come in. You won't need busses to haul them out because they will be jumping fences to get the hell out.

We could save tens of millions of dollars by getting these people to self-deport and not only solve this problem now, but in the future as well.

You have until January 1st to be out of the country. And if I don't see you by then, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, now get the hell out of my country. :drillsergeant::drillsergeant::drillsergeant:
Who is gonna pay the ten plus thousand per inmate per year?

You are, turd.
If you want to know how to deport illegal immigrants, don't ask Ike. Ask Obama. He's deported more than Ike by far. True story.

Bullshit. Obama doesn't count them the same. He counts illegals apprehended at the border and returned immediately. These situations have never been counted as "deportations" until Obama the liar ascended to the throne.
No, the children thing is a pathetic excuse. If I as a parent take a job across the country, my kids are going with me.

Obama not worry about the Children of Coal miners when he had EPA shut it down. Entire cities have crumbled. Those Children don't matter...........but bend over backwards for illegals. no thanks BHO
We already deport 400,000 a year. The only reason we don't deport more is because congress has not allocated more resources. So close the border and deport 800,000 the first year, 1,200,000 the second year, and so on until they are all gone.

We could save a lot of time and money with one simple law: anybody caught here illegally is subject to a five year minimum prison sentence no matter who you are. You won't need a fence because foreigners would be a afraid to come in. You won't need busses to haul them out because they will be jumping fences to get the hell out.

We could save tens of millions of dollars by getting these people to self-deport and not only solve this problem now, but in the future as well.

You have until January 1st to be out of the country. And if I don't see you by then, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, now get the hell out of my country. :drillsergeant::drillsergeant::drillsergeant:
Who is gonna pay the ten plus thousand per inmate per year?

There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.
It would seem simple to get rid of the criminal illegals and the Visa overstay. After that it is messy.

I would like to see a way to keep good ones, yes I will say it. Hard-working Americans are welcome. They are a resource. How to identify them and not give preferential treatment? I am not paid 175K/yr with staff of 20 and unlimited perks to work 10 years and retire on lifetime pension.

Let this GOVT class get to work and figure it out. They caused the problem.
anything short of enforcing the laws on the books is creating a bigger Government and increasing spending ....

so damn much for all the loudmouth RW smaller government / cut spending hypocrites... they're perfectly willing to grow and spend as long as it meets one of their long time pet projects.

How terrible, huh?

And Democrats are willing to sell out their fellow Americans and country by doing what they can to keep these people here. Where do you libs get this idea that because we want laws followed; laws that have been on the books for decades, is BIG GOVERNMENT?
We already deport 400,000 a year. The only reason we don't deport more is because congress has not allocated more resources. So close the border and deport 800,000 the first year, 1,200,000 the second year, and so on until they are all gone.

We could save a lot of time and money with one simple law: anybody caught here illegally is subject to a five year minimum prison sentence no matter who you are. You won't need a fence because foreigners would be a afraid to come in. You won't need busses to haul them out because they will be jumping fences to get the hell out.

We could save tens of millions of dollars by getting these people to self-deport and not only solve this problem now, but in the future as well.

You have until January 1st to be out of the country. And if I don't see you by then, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, now get the hell out of my country. :drillsergeant::drillsergeant::drillsergeant:

While logical, it is not very political expedient,lol; but I do understand where you are coming from.

Many of us Americans from all walks of life, have been "pushed" by media and posters, to believe we are in the minority. We have now discovered, we are in the vast MAJORITY!

For us who reside on the right of center, this is nothing new for us. It has been going on for years, so that even when we won, we lost.

But for those of you who reside left of center, this must be a new experience for you, lol. Being told eventhough you/us are in the majority, basically screw you! You must understand that it is not only YOUR party, it is the establishment REPUBLICANS too! They do not care if you want to have the law followed, want access to a job that is illegally held by someone else, or that your wages are being pushed down. Isn't it hysterically funny that the far left, and the establishment republicans are working together, to SCREW American workers! Who would have EVER thought that?!?!?!?!?! They kiss each other, while lambasting the people trying to save YOUR jobs, increase your pay, or give you MORE opportunity.

We all have to admit, it is fascinating to see, that the liberal left hates to give power to establishment republicans, and vice-versa; but both would rather transfer power to each other, than allow power to be transferred out of Washington. Now you know why Bush/Kasich is on the ropes, and after they are gone, Rubio will follow!

Rubio changed his tune so I don't know how much damage he's done to himself. Kasich believes the way to govern is from the middle. Trust me, he's our governor and I know.

The only way to stop a crime or illegal action is a strong enough deterrent. It works every time it's tried. When Arizona announced it would be checking legal status of people when approached by police officers, the illegals scattered like rats. Companies were reporting a third of their workforce never showed up for work. Schools saying that over half of the students didn't attend. They got the hell out of town.

If not for DumBama taking it to court and stopping them, Arizona would have been virtually illegal free; a strong enough deterrent.

Instead of doing what works, we want do drag this out like the Israel/ Palestinian conflict. Just keep kicking the can down the road and let it drag on forever. Make sure whatever we do, we hurt the fewest feelings and do what's politically correct.

No wonder we can't get anything done in this country.
It would seem simple to get rid of the criminal illegals and the Visa overstay. After that it is messy.

I would like to see a way to keep good ones, yes I will say it. Hard-working Americans are welcome. They are a resource. How to identify them and not give preferential treatment? I am not paid 175K/yr with staff of 20 and unlimited perks to work 10 years and retire on lifetime pension.

Let this GOVT class get to work and figure it out. They caused the problem.

I understand your point. But when we let strangers come here and dictate to us what our laws are going to be, we are no longer a country. This is the United States of America, and no foreigners should be allowed to come here and tell us what to do. If anything, we tell them what to do, and if they don't like it, get the hell out of the country.
Some countries do not even let you in for weekend tourist visa if you don't have 10K in bank (Singapore)
We already deport 400,000 a year. The only reason we don't deport more is because congress has not allocated more resources. So close the border and deport 800,000 the first year, 1,200,000 the second year, and so on until they are all gone.

We could save a lot of time and money with one simple law: anybody caught here illegally is subject to a five year minimum prison sentence no matter who you are. You won't need a fence because foreigners would be a afraid to come in. You won't need busses to haul them out because they will be jumping fences to get the hell out.

We could save tens of millions of dollars by getting these people to self-deport and not only solve this problem now, but in the future as well.

You have until January 1st to be out of the country. And if I don't see you by then, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, now get the hell out of my country. :drillsergeant::drillsergeant::drillsergeant:
Who is gonna pay the ten plus thousand per inmate per year?

There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.
It would seem simple to get rid of the criminal illegals and the Visa overstay. After that it is messy.

I would like to see a way to keep good ones, yes I will say it. Hard-working Americans are welcome. They are a resource. How to identify them and not give preferential treatment? I am not paid 175K/yr with staff of 20 and unlimited perks to work 10 years and retire on lifetime pension.

Let this GOVT class get to work and figure it out. They caused the problem.

"I would like to see a way to keep the good ones". Which ones would those be, the illegal ones that didn't come against the law? If the first act they committed in coming here was a crime, how does that make them good?

If, as you say, they caused the problem, how are they going to be able to fix it? If they could fix it, they wouldn't have caused it in the first place.
We could save a lot of time and money with one simple law: anybody caught here illegally is subject to a five year minimum prison sentence no matter who you are. You won't need a fence because foreigners would be a afraid to come in. You won't need busses to haul them out because they will be jumping fences to get the hell out.

We could save tens of millions of dollars by getting these people to self-deport and not only solve this problem now, but in the future as well.

You have until January 1st to be out of the country. And if I don't see you by then, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, now get the hell out of my country. :drillsergeant::drillsergeant::drillsergeant:
Who is gonna pay the ten plus thousand per inmate per year?

There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.
Only make crap out of the lefts argument!

Who is gonna pay the ten plus thousand per inmate per year?

There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.
There won't be that many; that's the point of the law. They will leave on their own.
Well assuming you lock up maybe 100k you've just invented a program costing around 2 billion a year. Fantastic.

If your figure was anywhere near correct, perhaps. But if we took this illegal immigration seriously for this one time, most of them would get the hell out of here. Very few (if any) would be willing to sit in jail for five years simply because they did not want to live in freedom in their very own country.

There isn't much freedom for these people in their own country, if we even get it right. They have no documentation, so when they are deported, they can't get hired in their own country if they are even deported back to the correct country. Many of the illegals are actually from central American countries and not Mexico.

I don't really give a shit where they go as long as if they are illegal, they're gone. If they come here illegally and have negative consequences as a result, they have no one to blame but themselves. It's not the responsibility of the U.S. to get them back where they came from just get them out of where they don't belong.

I'm just saying that these people really have nowhere to go.

Not my problem. The only problem is that they are here and aren't supposed to be here. Like I said, if THEIR actions produced results they don't like, tough. They made a choice to come here illegally.

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