*John Kelly on Way Out!*... :)

He used to be a well respected man, until he became a Trump bootlicker . He will never get the stink of Trump off of him, now.
This is NOT what the article said!

Drama, Action, Emotional Power’: As Exhausted Aides Eye the Exits, Trump Is Re-Energized

Why should he run the White House any different than he ran his industrial empire? Has he hired people because “it’s expected and the way things are done?” And, discovering that it doesn’t work for him, is making things so uncomfortable he expects people with less spine to seek the easy way out?

The turnover, which is expected to become an exodus after the November elections, does not worry the president, several people close to him said. He has grown comfortable with removing any barriers that might challenge him — including, in some cases, people who have the wrong chemistry or too frequently say no to him.

Mr. Trump, who desires a measure of chaos at all times, is reveling in the effects of his own mercurial decision-making, the people said.

Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s former chief strategist, said in an interview that Mr. Trump’s love of conflict had driven his approach to the presidency. “This is how he won,” Mr. Bannon said. “This is how he governs, and this is his ‘superpower.’ Drama, action, emotional power.

More @ ‘Drama, Action, Emotional Power’: As Exhausted Aides Eye the Exits, Trump Is Re-Energized

Where does the article say that Kelly is on the way out? I've read lots of articles indicating he's finding the job difficult.
The last day of President Trump serving two terms the NYTs will have a front page banner headline screaming: 'TRUMP HAS BEEN TOLD TO LEAVE THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
The last day of President Trump serving two terms the NYTs will have a front page banner headline screaming: 'TRUMP HAS BEEN TOLD TO LEAVE THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Two terms???

LOL, that's what I was doing election night, how about you? I'm guessing :banghead: or :crybaby:
No, I am a rational, grown man,not as prone to emotional episodes as are people like you. Your penchant for these extreme, emotional episodes is connected directly to your ignorance and fear of anything that challenges you, intellectually.
Sorry bout that,

1. Kelly will retire soon.
2. Kelly doesn't like his job, so he must go.


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