John Kennedy is a brain dead cultist for Trump

GOP senator repeats debunked Ukraine election meddling hoax Crowdstike is not in Ukraine, the DNC server doesn't exist in Ukraine, and all intelligence agencies involved, confirmed it was Russia that hacked our election, not Ukraine. Kennedy is doing Trump's bidding with conspiracy theories coming from Russia that have zero relationship with the truth, therefore, they've all been proven liars. This phony story is being used to block out Trump's real scandal, which is the fact he was using Ukraine as a vehicle to commit a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential opponent. And the exchange was a Quid Pro Quo. Trump has been had. It's just that simple. And this buffoon of Kennedy tagged along for Trump's criminal act. Lol! And what was this senator doing in Ukraine when all this kick started back in July?
That’s exactly what a Russian bot would say.
Yea, they did say it, and Jim Bob kennedy ate it like a pig going to slop. Too bad he got caught lying about it, and so did Trump.

Want some cheese with that whine asshole. The only fucking moron here is you. Libtard moron.

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GOP senator repeats debunked Ukraine election meddling hoax Crowdstike is not in Ukraine, the DNC server doesn't exist in Ukraine, and all intelligence agencies involved, confirmed it was Russia that hacked our election, not Ukraine. Kennedy is doing Trump's bidding with conspiracy theories coming from Russia that have zero relationship with the truth, therefore, they've all been proven liars. This phony story is being used to block out Trump's real scandal, which is the fact he was using Ukraine as a vehicle to commit a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential opponent. And the exchange was a Quid Pro Quo. Trump has been had. It's just that simple. And this buffoon of Kennedy tagged along for Trump's criminal act. Lol! And what was this senator doing in Ukraine when all this kick started back in July?

that’s was hilarious. trumps not allowed to prove his case. Todd was speechless haha
Trump's been asked to show up. He won't. That's not on Chuck. That's on the coward/liar Trump.

Showing up would give legitimacy to this impeachment hoax. Fuck em.
Now here pieces of shit are attacking The Senate & SCOTUS.

These Leftists are trying to tear down this country on brick at a time.

They have already destroyed and trivialized Impeachment, Due Process, Right to privacy, and are trying to destroy Executive Privilege and Separation of Powers.

Now here pieces of shit are attacking The Senate & SCOTUS.

These Leftists are trying to tear down this country on brick at a time.

They have already destroyed and trivialized Impeachment, Due Process, Right to privacy, and are trying to destroy Executive Privilege and Separation of Powers.

View attachment 294691
What a miserable bunch of human beings, lying, cheating, obfuscating, hurling ugly words and untrue at the President because he beat their premiere liar and became the President because the American people really don't trust those who account to no one. The Democrats don't have anyone to account to, either, except George Soros who gives them all plenty of money to use to hurt Republicans and people who defend America's founders. I just don't understand it. If these people want Socialism/communism, why don't they just move to another country that offers them the kind of government they would inflict on free people unnecessarily.
He did collude, and you are running from the topic. The topic concerns the unbelievably stupid Kennedy who is trying to cover for a criminal Trump, and they both fucked up doing that.
People that are winning don't make psychotic screaming rants like OP..

See if this helps.

GOP senator repeats debunked Ukraine election meddling hoax Crowdstike is not in Ukraine, the DNC server doesn't exist in Ukraine, and all intelligence agencies involved, confirmed it was Russia that hacked our election, not Ukraine. Kennedy is doing Trump's bidding with conspiracy theories coming from Russia that have zero relationship with the truth, therefore, they've all been proven liars. This phony story is being used to block out Trump's real scandal, which is the fact he was using Ukraine as a vehicle to commit a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential opponent. And the exchange was a Quid Pro Quo. Trump has been had. It's just that simple. And this buffoon of Kennedy tagged along for Trump's criminal act. Lol! And what was this senator doing in Ukraine when all this kick started back in July?
We all know that being labeled as a conspiracy theorist, that it means those who speaks the real the truth.

He did collude, and you are running from the topic. The topic concerns the unbelievably stupid Kennedy who is trying to cover for a criminal Trump, and they both fucked up doing that.
People that are winning don't make psychotic screaming rants like OP..

See if this helps.

View attachment 294705
When the majority of the country wants a criminal impeached and removed, that lube belongs in your butt cheek, not mine.
GOP senator repeats debunked Ukraine election meddling hoax Crowdstike is not in Ukraine, the DNC server doesn't exist in Ukraine, and all intelligence agencies involved, confirmed it was Russia that hacked our election, not Ukraine. Kennedy is doing Trump's bidding with conspiracy theories coming from Russia that have zero relationship with the truth, therefore, they've all been proven liars. This phony story is being used to block out Trump's real scandal, which is the fact he was using Ukraine as a vehicle to commit a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential opponent. And the exchange was a Quid Pro Quo. Trump has been had. It's just that simple. And this buffoon of Kennedy tagged along for Trump's criminal act. Lol! And what was this senator doing in Ukraine when all this kick started back in July?
All that and no mention of the name "Biden"

Hardly matters. Smart people are already preparing for the full Republican govt in 2021. Decades of Democrat lunacy abolished.
He did collude, and you are running from the topic. The topic concerns the unbelievably stupid Kennedy who is trying to cover for a criminal Trump, and they both fucked up doing that.
People that are winning don't make psychotic screaming rants like OP..

See if this helps.

View attachment 294705
When the majority of the country wants a criminal impeached and removed, that lube belongs in your butt cheek, not mine.
Majority of the country does NOT want any dopey impeachment, and miscalculating Democrats are being scolded by their constituents.
GOP senator repeats debunked Ukraine election meddling hoax Crowdstike is not in Ukraine, the DNC server doesn't exist in Ukraine, and all intelligence agencies involved, confirmed it was Russia that hacked our election, not Ukraine. Kennedy is doing Trump's bidding with conspiracy theories coming from Russia that have zero relationship with the truth, therefore, they've all been proven liars. This phony story is being used to block out Trump's real scandal, which is the fact he was using Ukraine as a vehicle to commit a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential opponent. And the exchange was a Quid Pro Quo. Trump has been had. It's just that simple. And this buffoon of Kennedy tagged along for Trump's criminal act. Lol! And what was this senator doing in Ukraine when all this kick started back in July?
what do you mean by "hacked"

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