John Kerry And Barack Obama Are Acting Like Warmongers


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

On Fox Sunday with Chris Wallace this morning John Kerry breathlessly stated that they needed to attack Assad and punish him for allegedly gassing his own people. No talk of diplomacy. Only attack, attack, attack. Chris could barely get the bloviating imbecile to STFU long enough to listen to questions.

Quite a change from his pacifist days since his testimony before the Senate during the Vietnam war. John Kerry tends to be long-winded and likes to hear the sound of his own voice and Chris Wallace barely got in pertinent questions that should be asked.

This rush to judgement is even worse than the run-up to the Iraq War. The UN only stated that their purpose was to verify that chemicals were used. They couldn't be bothered to take the time to discover who used them. This sounds extremely suspicious.

Why is Obama and his administration so dead-set on attacking Assad, in effect acting as al Qaeda's Air Force? They seem to care less what the other side will do in response. They've already said what they won't do, so what's the damned point? Is this all a face-saving exercise or is Obama really just setting up another Libya? We all know what a mess that turned out to be. The media won't cover it, but Libya is worse off today than it was when Qaddafi was running the place.

My question is, why is Obama so dead set in turning over Syria to yet another Theocracy? It appears the danger of another attack is gone, why the rush? Fact is nobody really knows who even launched the attack. All we have is this discredited administration's word. We've been lied to so many times in the past by the State Department under Hillary Clinton, why should we believe them this time? John Kerry is no more credible than she was. The only plus is at least he had the guts to lie personally rather than sending Susan Rice on the talk shows to lie for him and lie for Obama.
Really? With Obama I get the impression he is a man looking for a way out of the corner he talked himself into. It's easy to wave your dick around when you think you won't have to back it up. But now? Now his "red line" has been crossed, twice, and it's time to put up or shut up. I think he is hoping that the most divisive congress in recent memory denies his request, that way he doesn't have to do a fucking thing and he gets to blame someone else, again.

Don't get me wrong, going to congress is the right thing to do, but it sure is a change in his tune...

As for Kerry? Just doing what the boss told him to do...

And have you noticed, we have yet to see any evidence that it was Assad who used the gas? All we've been told is that it is a "slam dunk..."

Damn, that sounds familiar...
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I don't like John Kerry. I never have. Even so, I had to feel sorry for Kerry at the way obama emasculated him in public. It was awful.

The question of why obama is in such a hurry to turn Syria over the terrorists has already been answered. The terrorists are losing, they have to win and in a hurry because Jordan has already been chosen as the next government to destabilize. Terrorists have already crossed the border and started agitating discontent. Get Assad out of the way, then move on. obama is trying to help them get Assad out of the way quickly so they can move on to Jordan.
Really? With Obama I get the impression he is a man looking for a way out of the corner he talked himself into. It's easy to wave your dick around when you think you won't have to back it up. But now? Now his "red line" has been crossed, twice, and it's time to put up or shut up. I think he is hoping that the most divisive congress in recent memory denies his request, that way he doesn't have to do a fucking thing and he gets to blame someone else, again.

Don't get me wrong, going to congress is the right thing to do, but it sure is a change in his tune...

As for Kerry? Just doing what the boss told him to do...

And have you noticed, we have yet to see any evidence that it was Assad who used the gas? All we've been told is that it is a "slam dunk..."

Damn, that sounds familiar...

I'd resign rather than take orders from Obama of this type. But, John Kerry is a liar and he's just doing what Obama needs him to do. And doing it better than Hillary did.
I won't even give him for Bin Laden as that was all started under Bush..

they blame all the countries ills on Bush so why shouldn't he get the credit for Bin laden..

fire retardant suit
Obama does nothing but fuck up when it comes to his foreign policies,........but at least he got Bin Laden.

That's something to brag about.

Yeah, him and the SEALS and the CIA and a Pakistani Doctor and yes, Bush...

Well, Obama said at one time he planned the mission, so he gets most of the credit.
It shows you what happens when a community activist gets in over his head. Now Barry Hussein is trying to save face by launching missiles and killing a few dozen Syrians. Meanwhile he has front man John Kerry out there huffing and puffing with confusing rhetoric but he won't call congress back for a vote. What a pathetic bunch.
It shows you what happens when a community activist gets in over his head. Now Barry Hussein is trying to save face by launching missiles and killing a few dozen Syrians. Meanwhile he has front man John Kerry out there huffing and puffing with confusing rhetoric but he won't call congress back for a vote. What a pathetic bunch.
There's nothing the Right won't lie about. What a pathetic bunch.

Congress in no rush to return for Syria decision - Washington Times

President Obama put the Syria decision in Congress’s hands Saturday, but lawmakers — who had begged for a voice in the decision — seemed in no rush to return to Washington to make it.

House Republican leaders said they’ll wait until the end of their five-week summer vacation, which is scheduled to last another week, before coming back to Washington to take up a resolution authorizing the president to strike at President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
It shows you what happens when a community activist gets in over his head. Now Barry Hussein is trying to save face by launching missiles and killing a few dozen Syrians. Meanwhile he has front man John Kerry out there huffing and puffing with confusing rhetoric but he won't call congress back for a vote. What a pathetic bunch.
There's nothing the Right won't lie about. What a pathetic bunch.

Congress in no rush to return for Syria decision - Washington Times

President Obama put the Syria decision in Congress’s hands Saturday, but lawmakers — who had begged for a voice in the decision — seemed in no rush to return to Washington to make it.

House Republican leaders said they’ll wait until the end of their five-week summer vacation, which is scheduled to last another week, before coming back to Washington to take up a resolution authorizing the president to strike at President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

Where's the lie?
Perhaps President Obama should send Nancy Pelosi to speak with Assad?

Hell, why hasn't Nancy gone of her own accord? She's done it before...
Susan Rice and the foreign policy war mongers are applying a tremendous amount of pressure on the OA to keep the empire on track. That's exactly what happened here. Meanwhile, back at the pentagram, the brass have staged a bit of a coup by leaking crap in effort to stop WWIII.

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