John Kirby Denies Biden Regime Left U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan, Calls Accusations a ‘Fallacy’ and ‘Farce’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

John Kirby Denies Biden Regime Left U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan, Calls Accusations a ‘Fallacy’ and ‘Farce’

20 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby vehemently denied allegations that the U.S. deliberately left weapons in Afghanistan during the botched withdrawal of American troops, characterizing such claims as “fallacies” and “farces.”
Kirby claimed that over 20 years, the U.S. government, with congressional approval, armed and equipped the Afghan National Security Forces. He noted that as the Taliban advanced, many Afghan forces chose not to fight, abandoning their arms. Kirby claimed that these weapons belonged to the Afghan forces, not directly left by the U.S.
“Let me remind you — please, take the opportunity to remind you: We didn’t just leave a bunch of weapons in Afghanistan. This is a fallacy. This is a farce.”
“What we did over the course of our 20 years in Afghanistan — of course, with congressional approval and consultations — was armed and helped equip the Afghan National Security

A recently retired U.S. Army soldier from the 82nd Airborne Division, Brock Michael, provided a conflicting account. Michael, who served four years of active duty, expressed frustration in a now-deleted video during his gear turn-in. He was charged $3,561 for equipment ordered to be abandoned during the withdrawal.

This contrasts with earlier reports accusing the Biden administration of arming Taliban terrorists with $85 billion in funding, U.S. weapons, and supplies during the withdrawal.
According to FOX News, over 75,000 vehicles, more than 600,000 weapons, and 200 aircraft were left behind for the Taliban terrorists by the Biden regime.

Does anyone really expect truth to be coming out of the mouths of a Biden spokesperson? The real news would be if any of them actually spoke the truth!
What a blatant lie coming from "Admiral Kirby Of course they left PLENTY of arms and ammo!!!
Morosely, They expect to get away with this kind of blatant lie by twisting truth and they expect to get away with it. We are forced to spend time refuting the crap that they spew out and they are not forced to do a thing. Chaos is all they spread.
I'd say it is intentional but it comes too quickly so lying is just a natural inclination to DNCCP Dems.
Big Brother has decided. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” - George Orwell, 1984
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984



John Kirby Denies Biden Regime Left U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan, Calls Accusations a ‘Fallacy’ and ‘Farce’

20 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby vehemently denied allegations that the U.S. deliberately left weapons in Afghanistan during the botched withdrawal of American troops, characterizing such claims as “fallacies” and “farces.”
Kirby claimed that over 20 years, the U.S. government, with congressional approval, armed and equipped the Afghan National Security Forces. He noted that as the Taliban advanced, many Afghan forces chose not to fight, abandoning their arms. Kirby claimed that these weapons belonged to the Afghan forces, not directly left by the U.S.
“Let me remind you — please, take the opportunity to remind you: We didn’t just leave a bunch of weapons in Afghanistan. This is a fallacy. This is a farce.”
“What we did over the course of our 20 years in Afghanistan — of course, with congressional approval and consultations — was armed and helped equip the Afghan National Security

A recently retired U.S. Army soldier from the 82nd Airborne Division, Brock Michael, provided a conflicting account. Michael, who served four years of active duty, expressed frustration in a now-deleted video during his gear turn-in. He was charged $3,561 for equipment ordered to be abandoned during the withdrawal.

This contrasts with earlier reports accusing the Biden administration of arming Taliban terrorists with $85 billion in funding, U.S. weapons, and supplies during the withdrawal.
According to FOX News, over 75,000 vehicles, more than 600,000 weapons, and 200 aircraft were left behind for the Taliban terrorists by the Biden regime.

Does anyone really expect truth to be coming out of the mouths of a Biden spokesperson? The real news would be if any of them actually spoke the truth!
What a blatant lie coming from "Admiral Kirby Of course they left PLENTY of arms and ammo!!!
Morosely, They expect to get away with this kind of blatant lie by twisting truth and they expect to get away with it. We are forced to spend time refuting the crap that they spew out and they are not forced to do a thing. Chaos is all they spread.
I'd say it is intentional but it comes too quickly so lying is just a natural inclination to DNCCP Dems.
Big Brother has decided. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” - George Orwell, 1984
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984


he was ordered to abandon equipment? he was not charged for that without art 15 was he?

hell, i might have vietnamized 10 times that. i suppose i'll get a bill in another 50 years or so.

i wonder how much equipment the brits left at dunkirk? or the nazis at stalingrad?
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John Kirby Denies Biden Regime Left U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan, Calls Accusations a ‘Fallacy’ and ‘Farce’

20 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby vehemently denied allegations that the U.S. deliberately left weapons in Afghanistan during the botched withdrawal of American troops, characterizing such claims as “fallacies” and “farces.”
Kirby claimed that over 20 years, the U.S. government, with congressional approval, armed and equipped the Afghan National Security Forces. He noted that as the Taliban advanced, many Afghan forces chose not to fight, abandoning their arms. Kirby claimed that these weapons belonged to the Afghan forces, not directly left by the U.S.
“Let me remind you — please, take the opportunity to remind you: We didn’t just leave a bunch of weapons in Afghanistan. This is a fallacy. This is a farce.”
“What we did over the course of our 20 years in Afghanistan — of course, with congressional approval and consultations — was armed and helped equip the Afghan National Security

A recently retired U.S. Army soldier from the 82nd Airborne Division, Brock Michael, provided a conflicting account. Michael, who served four years of active duty, expressed frustration in a now-deleted video during his gear turn-in. He was charged $3,561 for equipment ordered to be abandoned during the withdrawal.

This contrasts with earlier reports accusing the Biden administration of arming Taliban terrorists with $85 billion in funding, U.S. weapons, and supplies during the withdrawal.
According to FOX News, over 75,000 vehicles, more than 600,000 weapons, and 200 aircraft were left behind for the Taliban terrorists by the Biden regime.

Does anyone really expect truth to be coming out of the mouths of a Biden spokesperson? The real news would be if any of them actually spoke the truth!
What a blatant lie coming from "Admiral Kirby Of course they left PLENTY of arms and ammo!!!
Morosely, They expect to get away with this kind of blatant lie by twisting truth and they expect to get away with it. We are forced to spend time refuting the crap that they spew out and they are not forced to do a thing. Chaos is all they spread.
I'd say it is intentional but it comes too quickly so lying is just a natural inclination to DNCCP Dems.
Big Brother has decided. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” - George Orwell, 1984
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Trump signed the deal, Trump emboldened the Taliban and Trump left Biden with the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan that required the pull out pretty sharpish.
Trump signed the deal, Trump emboldened the Taliban and Trump left Biden with the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan that required the pull out pretty sharpish.
our surrender was negotiated by the greatest deal maker in the history of the world. biden must have screwed up another perfect deal.!

John Kirby Denies Biden Regime Left U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan, Calls Accusations a ‘Fallacy’ and ‘Farce’

20 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby vehemently denied allegations that the U.S. deliberately left weapons in Afghanistan during the botched withdrawal of American troops, characterizing such claims as “fallacies” and “farces.”
Kirby claimed that over 20 years, the U.S. government, with congressional approval, armed and equipped the Afghan National Security Forces. He noted that as the Taliban advanced, many Afghan forces chose not to fight, abandoning their arms. Kirby claimed that these weapons belonged to the Afghan forces, not directly left by the U.S.
“Let me remind you — please, take the opportunity to remind you: We didn’t just leave a bunch of weapons in Afghanistan. This is a fallacy. This is a farce.”
“What we did over the course of our 20 years in Afghanistan — of course, with congressional approval and consultations — was armed and helped equip the Afghan National Security

A recently retired U.S. Army soldier from the 82nd Airborne Division, Brock Michael, provided a conflicting account. Michael, who served four years of active duty, expressed frustration in a now-deleted video during his gear turn-in. He was charged $3,561 for equipment ordered to be abandoned during the withdrawal.

This contrasts with earlier reports accusing the Biden administration of arming Taliban terrorists with $85 billion in funding, U.S. weapons, and supplies during the withdrawal.
According to FOX News, over 75,000 vehicles, more than 600,000 weapons, and 200 aircraft were left behind for the Taliban terrorists by the Biden regime.

Does anyone really expect truth to be coming out of the mouths of a Biden spokesperson? The real news would be if any of them actually spoke the truth!
What a blatant lie coming from "Admiral Kirby Of course they left PLENTY of arms and ammo!!!
Morosely, They expect to get away with this kind of blatant lie by twisting truth and they expect to get away with it. We are forced to spend time refuting the crap that they spew out and they are not forced to do a thing. Chaos is all they spread.
I'd say it is intentional but it comes too quickly so lying is just a natural inclination to DNCCP Dems.
Big Brother has decided. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” - George Orwell, 1984
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Reminds me of this:

our surrender was negotiated by the greatest deal maker in the history of the world. biden must have screwed up another perfect deal.!


"As part of the US–Taliban deal, the Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021, if the Taliban kept its commitments."

Biden withdrew at the end of August, AFTER Trump's required date.

There were 2,500 troops in Afghanistan the day Biden entered office. So, Trump had reduced the number of troops in Afghanistan from 13,000 to 2,500.

"In the aftermath of the US–Taliban deal, the US stopped supporting the Afghan military in its offensive operations,"

So, Trump stopped offensive actions, and the Afghan army, after 20 years of the US, was incapable of holding its own.

"The agreement also exacerbated the morale of the Afghan army and police, making them more open to accepting bargains with the Taliban"

And this is what Afghanistan looked like in the last months of the US in Afghanistan. The grey is Taliban. The only thing Biden could do without increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan would have been to pull out.

If 2,500 troops had all this weaponry in Afghanistan, you have to wonder why Trump didn't pull it out when he pulled out 4/5ths of the troops the year before.
We've been selling weapons to the Saudis? When did this start?
the earliest i can find is a squadron of b-26 in 1952. the ibn saud currently fly f-15.s, but they have been known to fly commercial (made in the usa) aircraft into large buildings.

i'm sure you mean the more visible ground assets . the saudis use a mix of aks, m4s, , sig saur, and other rifles. their tanks (m1 abrams and m-60 ) artillery, and vehicles are also a mix but heavy on "made in the usa.")

John Kirby Denies Biden Regime Left U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan, Calls Accusations a ‘Fallacy’ and ‘Farce’

20 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby vehemently denied allegations that the U.S. deliberately left weapons in Afghanistan during the botched withdrawal of American troops, characterizing such claims as “fallacies” and “farces.”
Kirby claimed that over 20 years, the U.S. government, with congressional approval, armed and equipped the Afghan National Security Forces. He noted that as the Taliban advanced, many Afghan forces chose not to fight, abandoning their arms. Kirby claimed that these weapons belonged to the Afghan forces, not directly left by the U.S.
“Let me remind you — please, take the opportunity to remind you: We didn’t just leave a bunch of weapons in Afghanistan. This is a fallacy. This is a farce.”
“What we did over the course of our 20 years in Afghanistan — of course, with congressional approval and consultations — was armed and helped equip the Afghan National Security

A recently retired U.S. Army soldier from the 82nd Airborne Division, Brock Michael, provided a conflicting account. Michael, who served four years of active duty, expressed frustration in a now-deleted video during his gear turn-in. He was charged $3,561 for equipment ordered to be abandoned during the withdrawal.

This contrasts with earlier reports accusing the Biden administration of arming Taliban terrorists with $85 billion in funding, U.S. weapons, and supplies during the withdrawal.
According to FOX News, over 75,000 vehicles, more than 600,000 weapons, and 200 aircraft were left behind for the Taliban terrorists by the Biden regime.

Does anyone really expect truth to be coming out of the mouths of a Biden spokesperson? The real news would be if any of them actually spoke the truth!
What a blatant lie coming from "Admiral Kirby Of course they left PLENTY of arms and ammo!!!
Morosely, They expect to get away with this kind of blatant lie by twisting truth and they expect to get away with it. We are forced to spend time refuting the crap that they spew out and they are not forced to do a thing. Chaos is all they spread.
I'd say it is intentional but it comes too quickly so lying is just a natural inclination to DNCCP Dems.
Big Brother has decided. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” - George Orwell, 1984
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I bolded the text where Kirby tells the truth and it seem everyone ignores. We left the equipment behind for the Afghans to continue their fight against the Taliban. It was never intended to be returned to the US, which would have cost far more than anyone can imagine. The Afghan National Security Forces felt abandoned by Biden and dropped their weapons and ran, allowing the Taliban access to everything.

Biden botched the withdrawal beyond belief, but the equipment was only received by the Taliban indirectly when the Afghan government fell. No botched withdrawal would have equaled no American supplied weapons in the Taliban's hands.
he was ordered to abandon equipment? he was not charged for that without art 15 was he?

hell, i might have vietnamized 10 times that. i suppose i'll get a bill in another 50 years or so.

i wonder how much equipment the brits left at dunkirk? or the nazis at stalingrad?
Too much Agent Orange for rumpart.....

John Kirby Denies Biden Regime Left U.S. Weapons in Afghanistan, Calls Accusations a ‘Fallacy’ and ‘Farce’

20 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jim Hoft

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby vehemently denied allegations that the U.S. deliberately left weapons in Afghanistan during the botched withdrawal of American troops, characterizing such claims as “fallacies” and “farces.”
Kirby claimed that over 20 years, the U.S. government, with congressional approval, armed and equipped the Afghan National Security Forces. He noted that as the Taliban advanced, many Afghan forces chose not to fight, abandoning their arms. Kirby claimed that these weapons belonged to the Afghan forces, not directly left by the U.S.
“Let me remind you — please, take the opportunity to remind you: We didn’t just leave a bunch of weapons in Afghanistan. This is a fallacy. This is a farce.”
“What we did over the course of our 20 years in Afghanistan — of course, with congressional approval and consultations — was armed and helped equip the Afghan National Security

A recently retired U.S. Army soldier from the 82nd Airborne Division, Brock Michael, provided a conflicting account. Michael, who served four years of active duty, expressed frustration in a now-deleted video during his gear turn-in. He was charged $3,561 for equipment ordered to be abandoned during the withdrawal.

This contrasts with earlier reports accusing the Biden administration of arming Taliban terrorists with $85 billion in funding, U.S. weapons, and supplies during the withdrawal.
According to FOX News, over 75,000 vehicles, more than 600,000 weapons, and 200 aircraft were left behind for the Taliban terrorists by the Biden regime.

Does anyone really expect truth to be coming out of the mouths of a Biden spokesperson? The real news would be if any of them actually spoke the truth!
What a blatant lie coming from "Admiral Kirby Of course they left PLENTY of arms and ammo!!!
Morosely, They expect to get away with this kind of blatant lie by twisting truth and they expect to get away with it. We are forced to spend time refuting the crap that they spew out and they are not forced to do a thing. Chaos is all they spread.
I'd say it is intentional but it comes too quickly so lying is just a natural inclination to DNCCP Dems.
Big Brother has decided. “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.” - George Orwell, 1984
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Why did Trump take out 80% of the troops and none of the weapons?
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I bolded the text where Kirby tells the truth and it seem everyone ignores. We left the equipment behind for the Afghans to continue their fight against the Taliban. It was never intended to be returned to the US, which would have cost far more than anyone can imagine. The Afghan National Security Forces felt abandoned by Biden and dropped their weapons and ran, allowing the Taliban access to everything.

Biden botched the withdrawal beyond belief, but the equipment was only received by the Taliban indirectly when the Afghan government fell. No botched withdrawal would have equaled no American supplied weapons in the Taliban's hands.

Trump never consulted with the Afghan government when he met with the Taliban in February 2020.
I can't help wondering why RNC research, the folks behind the post of Kirby's remarks, cut the video short so we couldn't hear the rest of his answer.

MR. KIRBY: I haven’t seen those reports. But let me remind you — please, take the opportunity to remind you: We didn’t just leave a bunch of weapons in Afghanistan. This is a fallacy. This is a farce.

What we did over the course of our 20 years in Afghanistan — of course, with congressional approval and consultations — was armed and helped equip the Afghan National Security Forces.

Now — and as we have said time and time again, that as the Taliban made advances, those Afghan National Security Forces, many of them decided not to fight but yet to lay down their arms and leave. But the — the arms that you’re talking about — and, again, I can’t verify these specific reports — belong to the Afghan National Security Forces.

That what wa- — what was — that’s what was left behind — not that the United States just walked away and abandoned a bunch of weapons in a pile in Afghanistan. That’s just not — simply not historically accurate.

he was ordered to abandon equipment? he was not charged for that without art 15 was he?

hell, i might have vietnamized 10 times that. i suppose i'll get a bill in another 50 years or so.

i wonder how much equipment the brits left at dunkirk? or the nazis at stalingrad?
We weren’t driven from Afghanistan in defeat! Biden decided that USA meant Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan and left all the equipment for Obama’s friends and allies in the Taliban

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