John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.
The Left Wing Crackpots are having a total meltdown over Kanye West.
They are treating him like their runaway slave.
West is right, they are like slaves who never mentally left the plantation.
Bob Marley “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.”
Remenber when Democrats used to brag that they were "intellectuals" and "inclusive"?

The Borg have more independent thoughts
John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.

Wow. What a load of crap.

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.

Wow. What a load of crap.


Try reading this:

Emancipation Proclamation - Wikipedia

If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.... I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free.
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John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.

Wow. What a load of crap.


Try reading this:

Emancipation Proclamation - Wikipedia

How about you tell me that point buried in that, that you think is relevant to what I said.
John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.

Wow. What a load of crap.


Try reading this:

Emancipation Proclamation - Wikipedia

"It changed the federal legal status of more than 3 million enslaved African Americans in the designated areas of the South from slave to free."

Those poor Northern blacks ...
John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.

Wow. What a load of crap.


Here we go with this bullshit again. Lincoln is dead and decomposed. He believed blacks were inferior and tried sending blacks back to Africa. This is 2018, we're talking about Trump and todays republican party.
John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.

Wow. What a load of crap.


Here we go with this bullshit again. Lincoln is dead and decomposed. He believed blacks were inferior and tried sending blacks back to Africa. This is 2018, we're talking about Trump and todays republican party.

I'm not the one that brought it up. That was Penelope.

Lincoln ended slavery in this nation.

HIs position on slavery was pretty clear.

Just saying.
John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.

Wow. What a load of crap.


Here we go with this bullshit again. Lincoln is dead and decomposed. He believed blacks were inferior and tried sending blacks back to Africa. This is 2018, we're talking about Trump and todays republican party.

I'm not the one that brought it up. That was Penelope.

Lincoln ended slavery in this nation.

HIs position on slavery was pretty clear.

Just saying.

We had that argument and you were soundly thrashed.

Just sayin.
John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.

Wow. What a load of crap.


Here we go with this bullshit again. Lincoln is dead and decomposed. He believed blacks were inferior and tried sending blacks back to Africa. This is 2018, we're talking about Trump and todays republican party.

I'm not the one that brought it up. That was Penelope.

Lincoln ended slavery in this nation.

HIs position on slavery was pretty clear.

Just saying.

We had that argument and you were soundly thrashed.

Just sayin.

LOL! Your pathetic delusions are noted and laughed at.
John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

Hope he understands now.

Wow. What a load of crap.


Here we go with this bullshit again. Lincoln is dead and decomposed. He believed blacks were inferior and tried sending blacks back to Africa. This is 2018, we're talking about Trump and todays republican party.

I'm not the one that brought it up. That was Penelope.

Lincoln ended slavery in this nation.

HIs position on slavery was pretty clear.

Just saying.

We had that argument and you were soundly thrashed.

Just sayin.

LOL! Your pathetic delusions are noted and laughed at.

Give us a link on how Abe ended slavery.
John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

The duo wanted to make sure Kanye knew the real history of the Republican Party's relationship with black people.

“John has texted with Kanye about politics before. In a snippet of texts exchanged between the two, which Kanye later posted on Twitter last Thursday, John explained that tweeting his support for Donald Trump could hurt his fanbase. "So many people who love you feel so betrayed right now because they know the harm that Trump's policies cause, especially to people of color," John wrote then. "Don't let this be part of your legacy. You're the greatest artist of our generation."

John Legend and Charlamagne tha God Schooled Kanye West on History

Hope he understands now.
So, which policies are those, and how do they specifically harm people of color?
Wow. What a load of crap.


Here we go with this bullshit again. Lincoln is dead and decomposed. He believed blacks were inferior and tried sending blacks back to Africa. This is 2018, we're talking about Trump and todays republican party.

I'm not the one that brought it up. That was Penelope.

Lincoln ended slavery in this nation.

HIs position on slavery was pretty clear.

Just saying.

We had that argument and you were soundly thrashed.

Just sayin.

LOL! Your pathetic delusions are noted and laughed at.

Give us a link on how Abe ended slavery.

Errre, sure...

Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia

The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863. In a single stroke it changed the legal status, as recognized by the U.S. government, of 3 million slaves in designated areas of the Confederacy from "slave" to "free". It had the practical effect that as soon as a slave escaped the control of the Confederate government, by running away or through advances of federal troops, the slave became legally and actually free. Plantation owners, realizing that emancipation would destroy their economic system, sometimes moved their slaves as far as possible out of reach of the Union army. By June 1865, the Union Army controlled all of the Confederacy and had liberated all of the designated slaves.....

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863 was a powerful action that promised freedom for slaves in the Confederacy as soon as the Union armies reached them, and authorized the enlistment of African Americans in the Union Army. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free slaves in the Union-allied slave-holding states that bordered the Confederacy. Since the Confederate States did not recognize the authority of President Lincoln, and the proclamation did not apply in the border states, at first the proclamation freed only those slaves who had escaped behind Union lines. The proclamation made the abolition of slavery an official war goal that was implemented as the Union took territory from the Confederacy. According to the Census of 1860, this policy would free nearly four million slaves, or over 12% of the total population of the United States....

Based on the President's war powers, the Emancipation Proclamation applied to territory held by Confederates at the time. However, the Proclamation became a symbol of the Union's growing commitment to add emancipation to the Union's definition of liberty.[172] Lincoln played a leading role in getting the constitutionally-required two-thirds majority of both houses of Congress to vote for the Thirteenth Amendment,[173] which made emancipation universal and permanent....

Abraham Lincoln presents the first draft of the Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet. Painted by Francis Bicknell Carpenter in 1864

Booker T. Washington remembered Emancipation Day in early 1863, when he was a boy of nine in Virginia:[176]

As the great day drew nearer, there was more singing in the slave quarters than usual. It was bolder, had more ring, and lasted later into the night. Most of the verses of the plantation songs had some reference to freedom.... Some man who seemed to be a stranger (a United States officer, I presume) made a little speech and then read a rather long paper—the Emancipation Proclamation, I think. After the reading we were told that we were all free, and could go when and where we pleased. My mother, who was standing by my side, leaned over and kissed her children, while tears of joy ran down her cheeks. She explained to us what it all meant, that this was the day for which she had been so long praying, but fearing that she would never live to see....


There is more at the link, and each claim is footnoted. If you have a problem with any specific claim and it's footnote, let me know, and I will address it for you.
The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863. In a single stroke it changed the legal status, as recognized by the U.S. government, of 3 million slaves in designated areas of the Confederacy from "slave" to "free".

Now since there was also slavery in the north at this time, did the proclamation really end slavery or did it just end slavery in the confederate states which at the time were a separate nation with its own constitution?.
The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863. In a single stroke it changed the legal status, as recognized by the U.S. government, of 3 million slaves in designated areas of the Confederacy from "slave" to "free".

Now since there was also slavery in the north at this time, did the proclamation really end slavery or did it just end slavery in the confederate states which at the time were a separate nation with its own constitution?.

THe link I provided, answered those questions.

At length.
The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863. In a single stroke it changed the legal status, as recognized by the U.S. government, of 3 million slaves in designated areas of the Confederacy from "slave" to "free".

Now since there was also slavery in the north at this time, did the proclamation really end slavery or did it just end slavery in the confederate states which at the time were a separate nation with its own constitution?.

THe link I provided, answered those questions.

At length.

No it did not. You never answer anything. But you always claim you do.

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