Kanye West says he asked Trump to be his 2024 running mate

Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, said he asked former President Trump to be his running mate in 2024.

The rapper, in a Twitter video posted on Thursday evening, said he mentioned a campaign during a recent meeting with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago property in Florida, also tweeting a series of “Ye 24” graphics.

“I think the thing that Trump was most perturbed about, me asking him to be my vice president,” Ye said in the video in the Twitter post. “I think that was like lower on the list of things that caught him off-guard.”

Ye went on to say Trump screamed at him during the meeting about a run.

“When Trump started basically screaming at me at the table telling me I was going to lose — I mean has that ever worked for anyone in history,” Ye said in the video. “I’m like hold on, hold on, hold on, Trump, you’re talking to Ye.”

Everyone on the left gets this wrong. The ATTENTION WHORE here is YE West. He does this all the time. So he "Trojan Horses" a white nationalist into a Mar-A-Logo party to destroy Trump. After all KanYE THINKS that HE is running for Prez.

Not much different than the appearance with Candice Owens a couple weeks back in their "White Lives Matter" tee shirts. THIS IS HOW THE WEST CAMPAIGN was won. LOL... This is nothing but cheap political snokery. He's gonna knock off the favorite by playing on Trump's desire to be friends with him and they are USING EACH OTHER to manuever into the campaign.
Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, said he asked former President Trump to be his running mate in 2024.

The rapper, in a Twitter video posted on Thursday evening, said he mentioned a campaign during a recent meeting with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago property in Florida, also tweeting a series of “Ye 24” graphics.

“I think the thing that Trump was most perturbed about, me asking him to be my vice president,” Ye said in the video in the Twitter post. “I think that was like lower on the list of things that caught him off-guard.”

Ye went on to say Trump screamed at him during the meeting about a run.

“When Trump started basically screaming at me at the table telling me I was going to lose — I mean has that ever worked for anyone in history,” Ye said in the video. “I’m like hold on, hold on, hold on, Trump, you’re talking to Ye.”

When politics has turned into this.... you know you're FUCKED
And so, is holocaust denial now become popular mainstream politics.

Can Trump now safely use it for political gain?

Or has he overstepped the bounds of his 'popular' politics?

Coincidentally, at the same time as Kari stands a fair chance at least of reclaiming her stolen election?
After breaking bread with the holocaust denier at his table, Trump is now claiming he had no idea who Nick Fuentes is.

If Trump's claim is true (it isn't), he should fire all of his handlers and the Secret Service team protecting him.

But he's lying and everyone knows it.

No one gets anywhere near Trump without his handlers and the Secret Service knowing who they are and how much milk his mother put in his oatmeal when he was two.

Trump is a lying sack of shit.
After breaking bread with the holocaust denier at his table, Trump is now claiming he had no idea who Nick Fuentes is.

If Trump's claim is true (it isn't), he should fire all of his handlers and the Secret Service team protecting him.

But he's lying and everyone knows it.

No one gets anywhere near Trump without his handlers and the Secret Service knowing who they are and how much milk his mother put in his oatmeal when he was two.

Trump is a lying sack of shit.
I agree but he's still the thinnest of hopes that he would prevent America's war against Russia from turninig into something much worse than it already is.
It's why I was cautious of Kanye from the beginning. He is a spoiler option to try and draw black Trump voters. I expect regular comments from him now to be another "option". I never trusted him or his wife quite frankly.

Then when a Neo Con wins the WH and starts WWIII, Tucker Carlson on the drive to his nuclear bunker can feign self righteousness with his last breath, "it was all for a good cause, it wasn't supposed to work out this way"!

The West needs to get away from plastic, empty suit politicians and demand real leadership and policies, this is non-negotiable if America wants to remain top dog, China is rapidly absorbing global alliances, that's what successful super powers do. I don't give a F who it is, but such a U.S politician better exist for the greater good of your nation.

The fact that every non-NeoCon lost in 2022 mid-terms with 8 day+ counting, while uncannily Cheney was crushed in record fashion in an overnight, full count election, tells me that some people really just want to lose their country.

It's been the Canadian way for decades with our creepy police state "we might lose as a nation, province and city, but I am the strongest, most overpaid loser in the group!". They retire wealthy as the nation lags further behind and real healthcare disappears.

You do realize she was defeated in the primary, right?
Deja vu, man!

You don't read dates very well, do you?
Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, said he asked former President Trump to be his running mate in 2024.

The rapper, in a Twitter video posted on Thursday evening, said he mentioned a campaign during a recent meeting with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago property in Florida, also tweeting a series of “Ye 24” graphics.

“I think the thing that Trump was most perturbed about, me asking him to be my vice president,” Ye said in the video in the Twitter post. “I think that was like lower on the list of things that caught him off-guard.”

Ye went on to say Trump screamed at him during the meeting about a run.

“When Trump started basically screaming at me at the table telling me I was going to lose — I mean has that ever worked for anyone in history,” Ye said in the video. “I’m like hold on, hold on, hold on, Trump, you’re talking to Ye.”

Trump invites racists, bigots, and crazy people for dinner.
My favorite quote early in this thread was this one by Kanye West: "...Ye said in the video. “I’m like hold on, hold on, hold on, Trump, you’re talking to Ye.”

That one strikes me as really snarkworthy. Funny-worthy.
" hold on Trump, you're talkin' to Ye"

In my snark-suit I'd say two supreme narcissist breaking bread together at a private club is not necessarily a bad thing. They can poison each other's wells.....and leave the good people of the U.S. to their peace.

America is such an interesting place to live in these days. I love it.
Everyone on the left gets this wrong. The ATTENTION WHORE here is YE West. He does this all the time. So he "Trojan Horses" a white nationalist into a Mar-A-Logo party to destroy Trump. After all KanYE THINKS that HE is running for Prez.

Not much different than the appearance with Candice Owens a couple weeks back in their "White Lives Matter" tee shirts. THIS IS HOW THE WEST CAMPAIGN was won. LOL... This is nothing but cheap political snokery. He's gonna knock off the favorite by playing on Trump's desire to be friends with him and they are USING EACH OTHER to manuever into the campaign.
LOL!!! They deserve each other. :auiqs.jpg:
Are you saying Trump FORGOT that David Duke is a bigot, a racist and a problem?


You guys will say ANYTHING to protect him. Pathetic. Face it: You are what you are.
If it was a libtard, you would believe it if he said Donald Duck instead of David Duke.
After breaking bread with the holocaust denier at his table, Trump is now claiming he had no idea who Nick Fuentes is.

If Trump's claim is true (it isn't), he should fire all of his handlers and the Secret Service team protecting him.

But he's lying and everyone knows it.

No one gets anywhere near Trump without his handlers and the Secret Service knowing who they are and how much milk his mother put in his oatmeal when he was two.

Trump is a lying sack of shit.

You didn't know who Nick Fuentes. And if you ever did -- you've forgetten it several times. This is just game playing. KanYE gamed Trump when he brought him like a Trojan Horse to Mar-a-Lago -- Trump didn't invite him. KanYE is running AGAINST Trump for Prez.

Fuentes is the dumbest M-F'er with name recognition. His podcast rants make ZERO sense. He's called a "Holocaust Denier" because of stupid troll moves like his statement on the Holocaust. Never DENIED the Holocaust -- just did 4 minutes on podcast making this irrational, easily refuted statement.

2. Nick Fuentes likes to dispute the Holocaust.
[Reading a viewer question] “If I take one hour to cook a batch of cookies and Cookie Monster has 15 ovens working 24 hours a day, every day for five years, how long does it take Cookie Monster to make 6 million batches of cookies.”
That’s a good question. That doesn’t sound correct me…The math doesn’t seem to add up there.

Mother Jones being well-known for finding the dirt -- tho sometimes exaggerating the dirt -- calls THAT -- the best example of "holocaust denial" from this moron. Except that the Nazis were running out of GROUND to bury the remains whole and the OVENS were just part of "the solution".

Guy has less cred and analytical thinking skills than Alex Jones. And a miniscule fraction of the audience, Its only the left and shills like KanYE keeping him relevant.
You didn't know who Nick Fuentes.
No, YOU didn't know who Fuentes is. You fools really need to stop projecting your ignorance onto others.

I know exactly who Fuentes is.

For example:

If you are unaware that Nick Fuentes is a white nationalist, then you have not been paying attention.

Marjorie Taylor Gazpacho recently spoke at a White Nationalist conference run by Nazi Nick Fuentes.

Here is a message he posted on Trump's social media:


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