John Podesta Gets Rattled After Maria Bartiromo SLAMS Him Over His Russian Investments

regarding Russian Investments? is this the next thing CNN will spend 3 months on? Russia? Really? a nation with a dying economy? maybe CNN will bring up a new scandal of Trump buying stock in Schtolia (however u spell it),,,,then they will have a fit !!! How dare Trump buy stock in Russia Vodka! !!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,this calls for impeachment !!!
This was fun to watch. Podesta became 'TRIGGERED' as he was faced with truthful facts. The noose is slowly tightening on Podesta, Rice, Comey, and eventually Hillary and Obama.

The Gateway Pundit is fake news. Maybe Bartiromo needs to be informed. The Russians did not help Clinton. Also Clinton was not soft on Putin. Whether he has investments in Russia means nothing except when you engage in fake journalism.
This was fun to watch. Podesta became 'TRIGGERED' as he was faced with truthful facts. The noose is slowly tightening on Podesta, Rice, Comey, and eventually Hillary and Obama.

The Gateway Pundit is fake news. Maybe Bartiromo needs to be informed. The Russians did not help Clinton. Also Clinton was not soft on Putin. Whether he has investments in Russia means nothing except when you engage in fake journalism.
Gateway Pundit is very reputable and ethical. They are the future of truth telling so the people are informed. This is why they are now members of the White House press corp while the established member are self destructing.
This was fun to watch. Podesta became 'TRIGGERED' as he was faced with truthful facts. The noose is slowly tightening on Podesta, Rice, Comey, and eventually Hillary and Obama.

The Gateway Pundit is fake news. Maybe Bartiromo needs to be informed. The Russians did not help Clinton. Also Clinton was not soft on Putin. Whether he has investments in Russia means nothing except when you engage in fake journalism.

It's the truth that BOTH Podesta brothers worked with the Russians. Tony worked for the bloody Russian freaking bank during the election lobbying to get sanctions removed.


But its Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrump. No evidence. But its Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrump.
This was fun to watch. Podesta became 'TRIGGERED' as he was faced with truthful facts. The noose is slowly tightening on Podesta, Rice, Comey, and eventually Hillary and Obama.

The Gateway Pundit is fake news. Maybe Bartiromo needs to be informed. The Russians did not help Clinton. Also Clinton was not soft on Putin. Whether he has investments in Russia means nothing except when you engage in fake journalism.

I have to address this fake news bullshit. They are reporting on a FOX interview. How the hell can that be fake?
Why wouldn't Podesta dabble in Russian investments especially when he had inside information from the former Secy/State who paved the way for Russia to invest in U.S. controlled uranium sites and while her husband was getting tons of money for speeches in Russia? The real question is why didn't the alleged investigative reporters in the MSM go after Podesta. A lingering and troubling part of the Hillary campaign is the Wiki allegations that Podesta's e-mails contained pedophile code words while Hillary's good friend's husband was involved in internet pedophile contacts. Nobody in the MSM seemed to care about that either..
This was fun to watch. Podesta became 'TRIGGERED' as he was faced with truthful facts. The noose is slowly tightening on Podesta, Rice, Comey, and eventually Hillary and Obama.

The Gateway Pundit is fake news. Maybe Bartiromo needs to be informed. The Russians did not help Clinton. Also Clinton was not soft on Putin. Whether he has investments in Russia means nothing except when you engage in fake journalism.
Gateway Pundit is very reputable and ethical. They are the future of truth telling so the people are informed. This is why they are now members of the White House press corp while the established member are self destructing.

Trump added InfoWars to the White House press corp too. Crank up the crazy and rip off the knob.
This was fun to watch. Podesta became 'TRIGGERED' as he was faced with truthful facts. The noose is slowly tightening on Podesta, Rice, Comey, and eventually Hillary and Obama.

The Gateway Pundit is fake news. Maybe Bartiromo needs to be informed. The Russians did not help Clinton. Also Clinton was not soft on Putin. Whether he has investments in Russia means nothing except when you engage in fake journalism.
Gateway Pundit is very reputable and ethical. They are the future of truth telling so the people are informed. This is why they are now members of the White House press corp while the established member are self destructing.

The Gateway Pundit has been caught in so many lies that even Trump sycophant Sean Hannity doesn't use him. Every time he has, Hannity has been forced to retract the story. They are more about propaganda than telling the truth. The fact is that they are a part of the clown car and any Administration interested in telling the truth would not have them.
Yeah, you don't hear much from Democrat Fake News on how involved numerous Democrats have been with Russia in recent years. Pretty convenient ignorance, huh? The Trump-Russia 'Collusion' meme is absolute Bullshite. So, Democrats and their Fake News lackeys can go straight to hell. :)

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