Johns Hopkins Chief of Psychiatry: Being transgender is a "mental" disorder

Is Transgenderism a Mental Illness?

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Nope. He merely expressed an opinion in response to an opinion.

Again, begging the question doesn't factually or logically establish a thing. Thus, there's nothing to refute. This is basic logic. Like 3rd week, first semester stuff.
Repetition doesn't turn a stupid argument smart. I learned that in primary school.

Begging the question isn't an argument. Its a statement of unsupported opinion. Thus, what is there to refute?
I gave you that list. You can add internet scat porn masturbator to the list too. Almost forgot that one.

Red herring. The only list you're demonstrating now is logical fallacies.

Is there anything else? If red herrings are the extent of your argument, you're done.
Yes there is. Glad you asked. Metrosexual transgender freaks. Add that to the list too.

And another red herring. You're done.
Repetition doesn't turn a stupid argument smart. I learned that in primary school.

Begging the question isn't an argument. Its a statement of unsupported opinion. Thus, what is there to refute?
I gave you that list. You can add internet scat porn masturbator to the list too. Almost forgot that one.

Red herring. The only list you're demonstrating now is logical fallacies.

Is there anything else? If red herrings are the extent of your argument, you're done.
Yes there is. Glad you asked. Metrosexual transgender freaks. Add that to the list too.

And another red herring. You're done.
Yes. Keep dreaming you have the power to finish me, skid mark.
Ben Carson was with Johns Hopkins, too, and he has some weird ideas. He doesn't believe in evolution and thinks being in prison causes one to become homosexual.
Transgenderism is a mental illness, and anyone who says otherwise is equally mentally disturbed.

Paul McHugh Transgender Surgery Isn t the Solution - WSJ
Psychiatrist in chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital is pouring rain on the Bruce Jenner “Call Me Caitlyn” parade that’s sure to have the former Olympic athlete’s cheerleaders steaming.

Not only does Dr. Paul R. McHugh consider changing sexes “biologically impossible,” he thinks being what is popularly called “transgender” these days is actually a “mental disorder.”

McHugh, who has authored six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical journal articles, made the statements in a piece he penned for the Wall Street Journal that argued surgery is not the solution for patients who want to live life as the opposite sex.

Such people, he wrote, suffer from a “disorder of assumption” in believing they can choose their sex.

He also cited a study that said transgendered people who have reassignment surgery are 20 times more likely to commit suicide than non-transgendered people,


While the Obama administration, Hollywood and major media such as Time magazine promote transgenderism as “normal,” McHugh wrote, said Dr. McHugh, these “policy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention.”

“This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken – it does not correspond with physical reality,” McHugh wrote. “The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.”

The transgendered person’s disorder, said Dr. McHugh, is in the person’s “assumption” that they are different than the physical reality of their body, their maleness or femaleness, as assigned by nature. It is a disorder similar to a “dangerously thin” person suffering anorexia who looks in the mirror and thinks they are “overweight,” said McHugh.

This assumption, that one’s gender is only in the mind regardless of anatomical reality, has led some transgendered people to push for social acceptance and affirmation of their own subjective “personal truth,” said Dr. McHugh. As a result, some states – California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts – have passed laws barring psychiatrists, “even with parental permission, from striving to restore natural gender feelings to a transgender minor,” he said.

The pro-transgender advocates do not want to know, said McHugh, that studies show between 70% and 80% of children who express transgender feelings “spontaneously lose those feelings” over time. Also, for those who had sexual reassignment surgery, most said they were “satisfied” with the operation “but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn’t have the surgery.”

“And so at Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh.

The former Johns Hopkins chief of psychiatry also warned against enabling or encouraging certain subgroups of the transgendered, such as young people “susceptible to suggestion from ‘everything is normal’ sex education,” and the schools’ “diversity counselors” who, like “cult leaders,” may “encourage these young people to distance themselves from their families and offer advice on rebutting arguments against having transgender surgery.”

Dr. McHugh also reported that there are “misguided doctors” who, working with very young children who seem to imitate the opposite sex, will administer “puberty-delaying hormones to render later sex-change surgeries less onerous – even though the drugs stunt the children’s growth and risk causing sterility.”
Such action is "child abuse,” said Dr. McHugh, given that close to 80% of those kids will “abandon their confusion and grow naturally into adult life if untreated ….”

Duh, no normal person who's hamster is running in the right direction wants to be identified as anything other than what he/she is.
I think it POSSIBLE that there is some medical issue with men wanting to be women or women wanting to be men..and that they were born with a wire loose somewhere that nobody is quite sure of the whys and wherefores. I also think the person going thru all this is looking for happiness...or something. And going to these extremes makes them THINK they will find that happiness. With that said, I see no reason to insult them or make fun of them or call them names, etc, any more than it is ok to make fun of someone with Downs Syndrome or another mental disorder. They can't help it.

So what is the solution? I have no idea. I just find it all very sad and hope that the surgical "change" does indeed make them happier.

Does anyone have statistics of how many transgenders are still miserable in their bodies..old and new...who wind up killing themselves anyway?
I think it POSSIBLE that there is some medical issue with men wanting to be women or women wanting to be men..and that they were born with a wire loose somewhere that nobody is quite sure of the whys and wherefores. I also think the person going thru all this is looking for happiness...or something. And going to these extremes makes them THINK they will find that happiness. With that said, I see no reason to insult them or make fun of them or call them names, etc, any more than it is ok to make fun of someone with Downs Syndrome or another mental disorder. They can't help it.

So what is the solution? I have no idea. I just find it all very sad and hope that the surgical "change" does indeed make them happier.

Does anyone have statistics of how many transgenders are still miserable in their bodies..old and new...who wind up killing themselves anyway?

Per the Johns Hopkins guy....there's no significant change in levels of psychological happiness after surgery. It appears to be a wash.

As for the suicide rates, its significantly higher than the general population but *dramatically* lower than pre-op transsexuals (a drop of about 90%). So the surgery appears to help.

There's a stark lack of long term follow up studies on the matter.

Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery Cohort Study in Sweden

The study seems to support the idea that post surgery transexuals are an at risk group that could use extra care and support.
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I think it POSSIBLE that there is some medical issue with men wanting to be women or women wanting to be men..and that they were born with a wire loose somewhere that nobody is quite sure of the whys and wherefores. I also think the person going thru all this is looking for happiness...or something. And going to these extremes makes them THINK they will find that happiness. With that said, I see no reason to insult them or make fun of them or call them names, etc, any more than it is ok to make fun of someone with Downs Syndrome or another mental disorder. They can't help it.

So what is the solution? I have no idea. I just find it all very sad and hope that the surgical "change" does indeed make them happier.

Does anyone have statistics of how many transgenders are still miserable in their bodies..old and new...who wind up killing themselves anyway?

Per the Johns Hopkins guy....there's no significant change in levels of psychological happiness after surgery. It appears to be a wash.
That is, indeed, a sad thing to read.
Why can't they just be cross dressers? Live as a woman, but keep their parts (if it is a man). Look at the drag shows! Ru Paul kept his parts. I have some drag queen friends and I asked them once why they don't just do the transgender thing surgically and they gasped at me in horror and said HELL NO!
I think it POSSIBLE that there is some medical issue with men wanting to be women or women wanting to be men..and that they were born with a wire loose somewhere that nobody is quite sure of the whys and wherefores. I also think the person going thru all this is looking for happiness...or something. And going to these extremes makes them THINK they will find that happiness. With that said, I see no reason to insult them or make fun of them or call them names, etc, any more than it is ok to make fun of someone with Downs Syndrome or another mental disorder. They can't help it.

So what is the solution? I have no idea. I just find it all very sad and hope that the surgical "change" does indeed make them happier.

Does anyone have statistics of how many transgenders are still miserable in their bodies..old and new...who wind up killing themselves anyway?

Per the Johns Hopkins guy....there's no significant change in levels of psychological happiness after surgery. It appears to be a wash.
That is, indeed, a sad thing to read.

I edited my post with additional information.

A 90% drop in suicide rates from pre to post op transexuals appears to be a very good thing.
Why can't they just be cross dressers? Live as a woman, but keep their parts (if it is a man). Look at the drag shows! Ru Paul kept his parts. I have some drag queen friends and I asked them once why they don't just do the transgender thing surgically and they gasped at me in horror and said HELL NO!

Drag queens tend to be caracatures of women. Performances. And include some prominant straights. Transexuals are looking to live as women. Not perform as them.
Why can't they just be cross dressers? Live as a woman, but keep their parts (if it is a man). Look at the drag shows! Ru Paul kept his parts. I have some drag queen friends and I asked them once why they don't just do the transgender thing surgically and they gasped at me in horror and said HELL NO!

Drag queens tend to be caracatures of women. Performances. And include some prominant straights. Transexuals are looking to live as women. Not perform as them.
It's confusing to I can imagine how confused THEY are themselves. But a 90% drop in suicides is wonderful! Not perfect, but at least they have something to look forward to....being in the body their brains told them they were supposed to have at birth. :)
As for the suicide rates, its significantly higher than the general population but *dramatically* lower than pre-op transsexuals (a drop of about 90%). So the surgery appears to help.

There's a stark lack of long term follow up studies on the matter.

Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery Cohort Study in Sweden

The study seems to support the idea that post surgery transexuals are an at risk group that could use extra care and support.

You finally contributed an opposing view that actually had scientific merit.

Good job.
Interestingly, there is presently a lively conversation about this taking place amongst my LGBT circle on Facebook. With many of the "straight" Gay and Lesbian's arguing that one should seriously consider that they might just be bi before they contemplate surgery.

It was also discussed that the "high" suicide rates after surgery (as someone pointed out they are much, much lower after surgery than before) was due to a lack of acceptance by friends and families. Some even pointed out "that even their own kind" [LGBT] were less than supportive of their surgery's.

It was also somewhat agreed that there should probably be a clarification between gender identity and physical gender regardless of if one had surgery or not - mostly for medial reasons though, because apparently some drugs are gender specific and could kill someone who has had an operation if they claim they are male when they were born female. Though there was some discussion about if it is improper for someone to not tell their lover they had the surgery.

I would point out that regardless of if one is "biologically" able to be "converted" the way that they will be treated in day to day life will indeed be converted, so thus the "biological" argument it is rather pointless imo. The point of ones surgery is to live as the opposite sex, and save those who knew said person before said surgery, the general public that one interacts with will likely have no clue there was a surgery and will thus treat that person as the opposite sex unless that person mentions that they've had surgery.
The study seems to support the idea that post surgery transexuals are an at risk group that could use extra care and support.

The Study supports the recognition of the certainty that the post surgery trannies, did not find the legitimacy that they desperately craved and that they were certain they would find, but had no chance of finding, because they were looking to find legitimacy, while still practicing illegitimate behavior.

It's the same lesson offered in the 'You can't have your cake and eat it too' principle.

No amount of additional care can help such people, except where the care-giver is advising them that they are what God made them and they should not let others establish their value.

And, in coming to that realization, they should understand that not being concerned with what others think, does not include demanding that others must turn civilization upon its head to accommodate them.

Of course, in fairness to you; as a Relativist, there's no WAY you could understand that. Given that all you can be concerned with, are your own subjective needs.
When someone looks into the mirror and sees something that isn't there, they are mentally ill. It could be a man who sees a woman, a person who sees someone without arms and legs or a 90 pound anorexic who sees someone grossly obese.

It's the same mental illness for all of them.
When someone looks into the mirror and sees something that isn't there, they are mentally ill. It could be a man who sees a woman, a person who sees someone without arms and legs or a 90 pound anorexic who sees someone grossly obese.

It's the same mental illness for all of them.

Yep... It's delusion.

But the only known cure for Delusion, is to learn to see what IS THERE... and to recognize what it is, as it is.

What the LGBT cult is demanding is that their abnormality, be seen as normality... and there is no potential to alleviate delusion, by embracing it. But that's only because embracing one's delusion, is nuckin' Futz.
When someone looks into the mirror and sees something that isn't there, they are mentally ill. It could be a man who sees a woman, a person who sees someone without arms and legs or a 90 pound anorexic who sees someone grossly obese.

It's the same mental illness for all of them.

Yep... It's delusion.

But the only known cure for Delusion, is to learn to see what IS THERE... and to recognize what it is, as it is.

What the LGBT cult is demanding is that their abnormality, be seen as normality... and there is no potential to alleviate delusion, by embracing it. But that's only because embracing one's delusion, is nuckin' Futz.

That's bad enough. When that cult demands it become a matter of enforceable-law to embrace and promote that insanity, that's when judges need to grow a pair and draw a line in the sand. I guess Canada is now struggling with the dissolving of their citizen guarantees of freedom of opinions now that the rainbow-gestapo has hold of their governing documents.
When someone looks into the mirror and sees something that isn't there, they are mentally ill. It could be a man who sees a woman, a person who sees someone without arms and legs or a 90 pound anorexic who sees someone grossly obese.

It's the same mental illness for all of them.

Yep... It's delusion.

But the only known cure for Delusion, is to learn to see what IS THERE... and to recognize what it is, as it is.

What the LGBT cult is demanding is that their abnormality, be seen as normality... and there is no potential to alleviate delusion, by embracing it. But that's only because embracing one's delusion, is nuckin' Futz.
The delusion is a manifestation of an underlying mental illness that is going untreated. Trans people shouldn't need any support or understanding. The fact that they do, is because they are mentally ill and cosmetic surgery can't fix them.

In asylums a mentally ill person might think of themselves as king, president, God. They can maintain after a fashion as long as the caretakers call them Your Majesty, Mr. President or Lord. When someone isn't familiar with the delusion and says Hey Tom the patient can become despondent.

No matter how you slice the trans cake it's mental illness.
That's bad enough. When that cult demands it become a matter of enforceable-law to embrace and promote that insanity, that's when judges need to grow a pair and draw a line in the sand. I guess Canada is now struggling with the dissolving of their citizen guarantees of freedom of opinions now that the rainbow-gestapo has hold of their governing documents.

Indeed and THAT is the point being made by the author of the article A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Public Discourse, which is the OP reference citation of the thread:

A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights in the Politics section of this very site.

Wherein the same cranks who've come to embrace the deceit, fraud and ignorance of Delusion, here... did the same thing THERE.

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