Johnson snaps@Chuck Todd for asking why he's not investigating Kushner foreign money, says he's not a fan of special counsels, let DOJ &Congress do it


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
You can go back on your partisan cable cocoon and talk about media bias all you want, I understand it's part of your identity, Ron Jon

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Chuck Todd had an angry exchange with Johnson and bizarrely asked "do you have a crime that you think Hunter Biden committed because I have yet to see anyone explain that it is a crime to make money off your last name."

There are of course a host of crimes, including some which may be charged. However, on the influence peddling scandal, there are foreign transfers, gifts, and other matters that could prove criminal Influence peddling is a leading industry in Washington but the means used for influence peddling can be criminal, including tax and transfer violations
You can go back on your partisan cable cocoon and talk about media bias all you want, I understand it's part of your identity, Ron Jon

Hey fuckhead Johnon, if an attorney in the W.H. wanted the V.P. to see a document why didn't he just walk down the hall & hand it to him or his Chief of Staff, asswipe?

Johnson is a lying bastard just like his orange god. Monkey see, monkey do.
Hey fuckhead Johnon, if an attorney in the W.H. wanted the V.P. to see a document why didn't he just walk down the hall & hand it to him or his Chief of Staff, asswipe?

Johnson is a lying bastard just like his orange god. Monkey see, monkey do.
Poor little ass obsessed homo crying because his boy Upchuck Todd got owned on his own show. As usual.
Poor little ass obsessed homo crying because his boy Upchuck Todd got owned on his own show. As usual.
Riiiiiiight. Too bad one of your comrades in Trump asseating had his own ass handed back to him, retard.

You're just stupid enough to believe the bullshit story Johnson barfed out about fake electors. But who's surprised.
Chuck Todd had an angry exchange with Johnson and bizarrely asked "do you have a crime that you think Hunter Biden committed because I have yet to see anyone explain that it is a crime to make money off your last name."

There are of course a host of crimes, including some which may be charged. However, on the influence peddling scandal, there are foreign transfers, gifts, and other matters that could prove criminal Influence peddling is a leading industry in Washington but the means used for influence peddling can be criminal, including tax and transfer violations
Ron Johnsonless was pissed because Todd threw it in his face how he was involved in the fake electors scam to throw the election to that orange knuckle dragger. Every time one of those Rebublican fucks are questioned about something they don't want to answer for it's the same whine about media bias. Johnson should stick to Fox News where Trump's asslickers are.
Chuck Todd had an angry exchange with Johnson and bizarrely asked "do you have a crime that you think Hunter Biden committed because I have yet to see anyone explain that it is a crime to make money off your last name."

There are of course a host of crimes, including some which may be charged. However, on the influence peddling scandal, there are foreign transfers, gifts, and other matters that could prove criminal Influence peddling is a leading industry in Washington but the means used for influence peddling can be criminal, including tax and transfer violations
Note when Upchucky Todd asks his “questions” of Sen. Johnson, the moment his interview guest starts to substantively ANSWER the question, Chuck Fraud interrupts. Always. Constant habit. He talks over his guest to make sure he does his level best to sort of shout him down.

By contrast when Upchucky Fraud asked lying bug eyed pencil neck Schiff a pre-canned “question,” Chuck never interrupts.

Lots of these talking head fake “journalists” in the left wing DNC Ministry of Propaganda use that same technique.
You can go back on your partisan cable cocoon and talk about media bias all you want, I understand it's part of your identity, Ron Jon

Todd ignored the comment that Hunter hired prostitutes from sex trafficking people. That's criminal.
Note when Upchucky Todd asks his “questions” of Sen. Johnson, the moment his interview guest starts to substantively ANSWER the question, Chuck Fraud interrupts. Always. Constant habit. He talks over his guest to make sure he does his level best to sort of shout him down.

By contrast when Upchucky Fraud asked lying bug eyed pencil neck Schiff a pre-canned “question,” Chuck never interrupts.

Lots of these talking head fake “journalists” in the left wing DNC Ministry of Propaganda use that same technique.
Yes, that's a leftist tactic and I have seen it many times. Just rudely talk over a person you disagree with so he can't get his point across. On top of that, Todd comes off as an arrogant asshole.
Get asked a tough question, play the victim, pivot, attack, be a hero in MAGA world.

This just isn't a serious time, and it really needs to be.
Get asked a question, answer it and get talked over by a rude piggish asshole like Todd. OR receive a cowardly laughing face.

Yes, that's a leftist tactic and I have seen it many times. Just rudely talk over a person you disagree with so he can't get his point across. On top of that, Todd comes off as an arrogant asshole.
That’s because he is an arrogant asshole.

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