Jon Stewart Nails Fox's Phony Outrage Over The War On Women

Jon Stewart examined Fox News' outrage over what it calls a made up war on women - and found that women are the only ones Fox has not labeled the victims of war. Well, except for conservative women, of course. Warning to Steeve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity and more - you are the ones who come out looking like lying hypocrites.

Very funny and right on point!

Jon Stewart Nails Fox's Phony Outrage Over The War On Women - NewsHounds


So we have a bigot expressing bigotry and you cheer...............

LOW LIFE............

What the hell you talking about? Stewart is a bigot?
The left started the stupid fucking war on women then it backfired in their stupid faces and now they're screaming "there is no war on women." but the other day i posted at least 12 of them yapping about the "GOP's war on women."

This is about Fox hypocrisy but women will decide if there is a war on women and who waging the war.[/QUOT

It is not really about Fox, it is about some of you guys on the left can dish out, but can't take it when it comes right back at you. :lol:

Take it ? I love the hypocrisy at Fox, it is lol funny.
Just watched the video. Hysterical as always, especially the bit about war on everything BUT women. Good times. Thanks for the share.
This is about Fox hypocrisy but women will decide if there is a war on women and who waging the war.

Actually it's about the left's attitude about're only viewed as a viable woman by them if you are pro-choice and have a career. If on the other hand you are pro-life and have chosen to be a stay at home mom...then you are fair game for abuse. That was made painfully obvious by Hilary Rosen when she "drew back the curtain" to reveal that mindset of progressives...and every left winger running for office in 2012 scuttled away like so many roaches.

Good point and we all know conservatives true feelings and desire to blow up buildings and kill innocent people when Timothy McVeigh revealed the mindset of cons.

Timothy McVeigh no more represents mainstream conservativism than the New Black Panther Party represents mainstream African Americans or the Weather Underground represented the Left back in the 60's, RDD. Mainstream conservatives want fiscal sanity returned to this country...they don't have a "blow up buildings and kill innocent people" mindset. To even try and make that point is insulting.
From what I have seen (and admittedly, I am not a regular Fox viewer), the majority of their programming is 'comment', not news. I don't know why so many people struggle to understand the straightforward difference between a 'commentator' and a 'journalist'. But it appears that it is extremely difficult for some people to differentiate.

Good point and repped - and I think that's because we have so very few (journalists) or newsmen. American News went clear to the lowest common denominator when they went for outraged and outrageous commentary, vs just saying what happened in the news and letting people decide without slanting it so hard it fell neatly off the board.

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I don't think it's necessarily a 'bad' thing to have comment programs. As long as the audience is clear that it's comment, not necessarily 'news'. Comment can be useful... if it's balanced between differing views. I lose patience with the programs where there are several people all talking over each other - it's rude and pointless.... but I have no issue with people like O'Reilly (who I think is very funny and quite clever and rational) but Hannity bugs the crap out of me with his blatant spin on facts.

Bill O is a regular on Stewarts show and they go back and forth. It's actually funny to watch them too. Now I might get into trouble saying this, but to make my point Bill Maher appears on Bill O's show from time to time as well. The point being, they are all in different venues for making commentary be it for comedy or politics it's in the end to entertain. It has little to do with journalism. All of these show's Hannity, Schultz, you name them have moved to the point where someone is trying to talk over the other person to make some point. You have to give Hannity credit though for a college drop out he's not doing so bad in terms of his salary for show. Although I can't imagine anyone taking him or any of these other hosts like him no matter what the network too seriously in terms of real news. These day's the best place to get your news is to seek it out on your own, I will admit though I do watch Bill O, have for years, like the guy, and I also watch from time to time Rachel Maddow because she seems to be pretty impressive and generally its not a free for all. Anyway, let us hope that a little journalistic bent is put back into these networks one day rather than the national media arm of the political parties .. take your pick.
Jon Stewart, like Bill Maher have an unbeatable dual position: they act like journalist, the sets of their shows are clearly geared to have that effect. They report on current events and politics just like editorial opinion shows on other networks - and they also clearly accept that role - until they are wrong. Then they pull out a "get out of jail card" and claim to be a comedian.
They can't lose...their fans and supporters do the exact same thing...and they know it.
Actually it's about the left's attitude about're only viewed as a viable woman by them if you are pro-choice and have a career. If on the other hand you are pro-life and have chosen to be a stay at home mom...then you are fair game for abuse. That was made painfully obvious by Hilary Rosen when she "drew back the curtain" to reveal that mindset of progressives...and every left winger running for office in 2012 scuttled away like so many roaches.

Good point and we all know conservatives true feelings and desire to blow up buildings and kill innocent people when Timothy McVeigh revealed the mindset of cons.

Timothy McVeigh no more represents mainstream conservativism than the New Black Panther Party represents mainstream African Americans or the Weather Underground represented the Left back in the 60's, RDD. Mainstream conservatives want fiscal sanity returned to this country...they don't have a "blow up buildings and kill innocent people" mindset. To even try and make that point is insulting.

And you don't see the irony in claiming that Hilary Rosen speaks for all "progressives"? Honestly?
Good point and we all know conservatives true feelings and desire to blow up buildings and kill innocent people when Timothy McVeigh revealed the mindset of cons.

Timothy McVeigh no more represents mainstream conservativism than the New Black Panther Party represents mainstream African Americans or the Weather Underground represented the Left back in the 60's, RDD. Mainstream conservatives want fiscal sanity returned to this country...they don't have a "blow up buildings and kill innocent people" mindset. To even try and make that point is insulting.

And you don't see the irony in claiming that Hilary Rosen speaks for all "progressives"? Honestly?

I didn't say that Hilary Rosen speaks for all progressives. What I said was that Hilary Rosen pulled back the curtain and revealed what the majority of progressive women feel about stay at home that they are somehow "less" than a woman who has a career outside of the home.

I find it rather amusing that the Left is now complaining about a "war on women" from the GOP when for years now they have themselves waged an unspoken war on any woman that wanted to be a stay at home mother or was pro-life on the abortion issue. THAT is acceptable according to the Left's playbook...but when conservatives try to restrict tax dollars from being spent on abortion clinics then they are labeled as attacking women. I'm pro-choice but I see that as ridiculous.
Jon Stewart examined Fox News' outrage over what it calls a made up war on women - and found that women are the only ones Fox has not labeled the victims of war. Well, except for conservative women, of course. Warning to Steeve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity and more - you are the ones who come out looking like lying hypocrites.

Very funny and right on point!

Jon Stewart Nails Fox's Phony Outrage Over The War On Women - NewsHounds


Who the fuck is Jon Stewart?
Timothy McVeigh no more represents mainstream conservativism than the New Black Panther Party represents mainstream African Americans or the Weather Underground represented the Left back in the 60's, RDD. Mainstream conservatives want fiscal sanity returned to this country...they don't have a "blow up buildings and kill innocent people" mindset. To even try and make that point is insulting.

And you don't see the irony in claiming that Hilary Rosen speaks for all "progressives"? Honestly?

I didn't say that Hilary Rosen speaks for all progressives. What I said was that Hilary Rosen pulled back the curtain and revealed what the majority of progressive women feel about stay at home that they are somehow "less" than a woman who has a career outside of the home.

I find it rather amusing that the Left is now complaining about a "war on women" from the GOP when for years now they have themselves waged an unspoken war on any woman that wanted to be a stay at home mother or was pro-life on the abortion issue. THAT is acceptable according to the Left's playbook...but when conservatives try to restrict tax dollars from being spent on abortion clinics then they are labeled as attacking women. I'm pro-choice but I see that as ridiculous.

And why does Hilary Rosen "speak for a majority of progressive women" but Timothy Mcveigh doesn't speak for a majority of anti-tax small government conservatives?

You don't see that as a double standard?
Quote I didn't say that Hilary Rosen speaks for all progressives. What I said was that Hilary Rosen pulled back the curtain and revealed what the majority of progressive women feel about stay at home that they are somehow "less" than a woman who has a career outside of the home. End quote

The quote is from a meat head who has no idea what progressive women think about such matters. I have worked with many progressive women, and they have been quite protective of women who stay at home. They defend that right and they don't decry it. Hilary Rosen, in my opinion, spoke for a very small minority who think like her.
Jon Stewart examined Fox News' outrage over what it calls a made up war on women - and found that women are the only ones Fox has not labeled the victims of war. Well, except for conservative women, of course. Warning to Steeve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity and more - you are the ones who come out looking like lying hypocrites.

Very funny and right on point!

Jon Stewart Nails Fox's Phony Outrage Over The War On Women - NewsHounds


wow a liberal attacking conservatives, WOW what a stretch. The phony war on women is from liberals who think they have the only answer. Pay for your own birth control, it's not that hard. If you cant afford it, quit going to the scrip club.
It's called..."God, we can't run on our record...because it really sucks! How about if we run on a platform of making the rich pay more in taxes...and that the GOP are a bunch of mean people who want to take all of your rights away, oh and by the way...they really hate women?"

What's really pathetic is that the left has been waging a veritable "jihad" on conservative women for years now but THAT'S OK because...well...because they're conservatives!

It's called..."God, we can't run on our record...because it really sucks! How about if we run on a platform of making the rich pay more in taxes...and that the GOP are a bunch of mean people who want to take all of your rights away, oh and by the way...they really hate women?"

What's really pathetic is that the left has been waging a veritable "jihad" on conservative women for years now but THAT'S OK because...well...because they're conservatives!

Stewart isn't running for president and his record is full of funny.
but he is likely to be my write in vote this november.

Notice I did not capitalize november or but? It is my own war on capitalization.
With some squirmishes on spelling as well ;)
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I've heard Stewarts ratings are in the his opinion means nothing to me
I've heard Stewarts ratings are in the his opinion means nothing to me

Ahh the follow the crowd mentality.

Lots of people are doing that so I want to do that too?

Well there is a war on ratings going on as well!
Jon Stewart should stick to comedy, not that it is that hard to make fun of other's standards when you have none at all for yourself.

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