Well, who would have thought.....Trump on Rise With Women as Hillary's Numbers Sink!

Obviously not from Trump's statements.

Do you want to give up on manufacturing jobs?

What is your answer?
certainly not Love made in USA items and don't mind paying a bit more for them BUT not double or more Let repubs get educations that will enable them to get good AVAILABLE jobs

The issue is that there are not ENOUGH good jobs available.

Encouraging individuals to improve their skills is a good competition strategy for those individuals VS OTHER JOB APPLICANTS.

But it does not increase the number of good jobs.

It is not a national policy to protect and advance the interests of the Working and Middle Classes.
People need educations to be better able to handle the way things are now and how they're going to be. The new age of robotics is handling 100's of jobs that people used to do

Short term, education isn't the answer for a national policy, for reasons I stated above.

Long term, yes Robots are a problem. But for NOW, we should be doing better with manufacturing jobs.

We are talking the lives and livelihoods of millions of working class Americans.

Not bothering because someday the robots will do it anyways, it not a good answer.

Price a pair of shoes made in america vs an import care

Those shoes were made in a Trade Environment that can be changed.

We can do better with manufacturing jobs.
There have been talks of a Megan Kelly Trump interview, but no dates set.

I predict that Trump wants to wait on this till it gets down to him and Hillary so that he can hit her Anti-woman claim a death blow.

If there is an interview, expect Kelly to be on her best behavior, and Trump to turn the Charm up to eleven.
Who the f--- cares ?The whole fn world dreads a pos trump presidency All except some double digit IQ ah republicans

If wanting to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs, leads to dread in the hearts of the world, maybe the problem is the world, and not Trump.

Trump will bring back manufacturing jobs he himself send to China? Fucking priceless. :lol:

That's his Platform. IMO, he's the one most likely to do so. DO you have anyone in mind who is more likely to do it?

Why is an actual offender the one you think is most likely to do it? He did it to line his own pockets. Same reason he gave money to Democrats for decades. Trump is in this for Trump.
It certainly didn't hurt Trump, taking the Transgender shit off the table with his remarks... The scumbag left and the Hildebeast's MSM thought they've found a way to hurt trump.. with Social issues - if he answers outside of some bounds it can potentially hurt his business, and give the Hildebeast "TALKING POINTS which the MSM would MAGNIFY all out of proportion in the upcoming general and use that in a major way to foster their PHONY narrative that Trump HATES WOMEN! Now all they have is a handful of shit, and trying to get CONSERVATIVES riled up over his remarks. Honestly, He's THINKING ON HIS FEET, not of the present, but WAY IN THE FUTURE, as he will absolutely destroy that lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch, Hellary!

Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." "So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump. "That is correct," Trump said..... Sorry Hildebeast, and DemoRATS, he JUST KILLED your SOCIAL ISSUES TALKING POINT agenda for the Nov. election!

He also had a great comeback on the Tubman $20.... Give her a special buill all of her own...We currently have a $2 bill in circulation (which NO ONE has seen in years!) that has Jefferson on it...Now if anything Jefferson OWNED SLAVES, and even FATHERED CHILDREN with at least ONE slave that history knows of! Replace old "Randy Tom" with Tubman, and I'd bet that a $2 bill with her portrait onit, would be circulated all over this country!

Newsmax ^ | April 20, 2016 | Bill Hoffmann
Women are warming up to Donald Trump — and with Hillary Clinton's poll numbers steadily ebbing, chances are better than ever the billionaire developer could trounce her in a general election, Rep. Diane Black tells Newsmax TV. In Tuesday's New York primary, Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which the MSM turned into a sexist attack. "The women in New York appreciate what he's saying, when he's talking about the economy getting better," Black, a Tennessee Republican, said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime." "Women represent 52...

Unfortunately MOST Conservatives, and I do include myself JUMP to conclusions before sitting back and looking at the BIG PICTURE.



I can just see him in the first debate giving her a "FALCON PUNCH" after the first question....figuratively speaking

Trump didn't run against Hillary Clinton in NY.
Trump's numbers with women have nowhere to go but up. lol
It certainly didn't hurt Trump, taking the Transgender shit off the table with his remarks... The scumbag left and the Hildebeast's MSM thought they've found a way to hurt trump.. with Social issues - if he answers outside of some bounds it can potentially hurt his business, and give the Hildebeast "TALKING POINTS which the MSM would MAGNIFY all out of proportion in the upcoming general and use that in a major way to foster their PHONY narrative that Trump HATES WOMEN! Now all they have is a handful of shit, and trying to get CONSERVATIVES riled up over his remarks. Honestly, He's THINKING ON HIS FEET, not of the present, but WAY IN THE FUTURE, as he will absolutely destroy that lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch, Hellary!

Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." "So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump. "That is correct," Trump said..... Sorry Hildebeast, and DemoRATS, he JUST KILLED your SOCIAL ISSUES TALKING POINT agenda for the Nov. election!

He also had a great comeback on the Tubman $20.... Give her a special buill all of her own...We currently have a $2 bill in circulation (which NO ONE has seen in years!) that has Jefferson on it...Now if anything Jefferson OWNED SLAVES, and even FATHERED CHILDREN with at least ONE slave that history knows of! Replace old "Randy Tom" with Tubman, and I'd bet that a $2 bill with her portrait onit, would be circulated all over this country!

Newsmax ^ | April 20, 2016 | Bill Hoffmann
Women are warming up to Donald Trump — and with Hillary Clinton's poll numbers steadily ebbing, chances are better than ever the billionaire developer could trounce her in a general election, Rep. Diane Black tells Newsmax TV. In Tuesday's New York primary, Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which the MSM turned into a sexist attack. "The women in New York appreciate what he's saying, when he's talking about the economy getting better," Black, a Tennessee Republican, said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime." "Women represent 52...

Unfortunately MOST Conservatives, and I do include myself JUMP to conclusions before sitting back and looking at the BIG PICTURE.



I can just see him in the first debate giving her a "FALCON PUNCH" after the first question....figuratively speaking

Trump didn't run against Hillary Clinton in NY.

BUT he will, and even though there are 2 Special needs DemoRATS to every registered Republican, Trump's RISING numbers will be a real threat as the Hildebeast fades....and we are now getting stories like this...

  • Feminist Camille Paglia asks if (Clinton's) constant cough is masking more serious problems
    DailyMail ^ | 4/21/2016 | Nikki Scwab
    Philadelphia-based feminist Camille Paglia won't be voting for Hillary Clinton in next week's Pennsylvania primary, even going as far as suggesting something shady is going on with the former secretary of state's hacking cough. 'My tentative theory is that Hillary may have sporadic flare-ups of goiter, worsened under stress. Coughing is a symptom,' Paglia wrote in a column taking down the Clinton candidacy on Salon.com. Clinton has had a noticeable cough throughout the primary season explaining to a New York radio host this week that it was due to 'allergy season.' Camille Paglia wrote a scathing column for Salon.com suggesting...
I know exactly what is the matter with the Beasty, she's STONED most of the time.... caught it from hanging with Barry!

It certainly didn't hurt Trump, taking the Transgender shit off the table with his remarks... The scumbag left and the Hildebeast's MSM thought they've found a way to hurt trump.. with Social issues - if he answers outside of some bounds it can potentially hurt his business, and give the Hildebeast "TALKING POINTS which the MSM would MAGNIFY all out of proportion in the upcoming general and use that in a major way to foster their PHONY narrative that Trump HATES WOMEN! Now all they have is a handful of shit, and trying to get CONSERVATIVES riled up over his remarks. Honestly, He's THINKING ON HIS FEET, not of the present, but WAY IN THE FUTURE, as he will absolutely destroy that lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch, Hellary!

Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." "So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump. "That is correct," Trump said..... Sorry Hildebeast, and DemoRATS, he JUST KILLED your SOCIAL ISSUES TALKING POINT agenda for the Nov. election!

He also had a great comeback on the Tubman $20.... Give her a special buill all of her own...We currently have a $2 bill in circulation (which NO ONE has seen in years!) that has Jefferson on it...Now if anything Jefferson OWNED SLAVES, and even FATHERED CHILDREN with at least ONE slave that history knows of! Replace old "Randy Tom" with Tubman, and I'd bet that a $2 bill with her portrait onit, would be circulated all over this country!

Newsmax ^ | April 20, 2016 | Bill Hoffmann
Women are warming up to Donald Trump — and with Hillary Clinton's poll numbers steadily ebbing, chances are better than ever the billionaire developer could trounce her in a general election, Rep. Diane Black tells Newsmax TV. In Tuesday's New York primary, Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which the MSM turned into a sexist attack. "The women in New York appreciate what he's saying, when he's talking about the economy getting better," Black, a Tennessee Republican, said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime." "Women represent 52...

Unfortunately MOST Conservatives, and I do include myself JUMP to conclusions before sitting back and looking at the BIG PICTURE.



I can just see him in the first debate giving her a "FALCON PUNCH" after the first question....figuratively speaking


Here's another CNN poll for you. Odds of Donald Trump being the next POTUS 15%, odds of HIllary Clinton being the next POTUS 75%.

So in your wildest dreams. Trump has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in history. I never believed I would see the day, that someone beat Jimmy Carter for that title, but Trump did it.

You won't win with that one--LOL
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
It certainly didn't hurt Trump, taking the Transgender shit off the table with his remarks... The scumbag left and the Hildebeast's MSM thought they've found a way to hurt trump.. with Social issues - if he answers outside of some bounds it can potentially hurt his business, and give the Hildebeast "TALKING POINTS which the MSM would MAGNIFY all out of proportion in the upcoming general and use that in a major way to foster their PHONY narrative that Trump HATES WOMEN! Now all they have is a handful of shit, and trying to get CONSERVATIVES riled up over his remarks. Honestly, He's THINKING ON HIS FEET, not of the present, but WAY IN THE FUTURE, as he will absolutely destroy that lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch, Hellary!

Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." "So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump. "That is correct," Trump said..... Sorry Hildebeast, and DemoRATS, he JUST KILLED your SOCIAL ISSUES TALKING POINT agenda for the Nov. election!

He also had a great comeback on the Tubman $20.... Give her a special buill all of her own...We currently have a $2 bill in circulation (which NO ONE has seen in years!) that has Jefferson on it...Now if anything Jefferson OWNED SLAVES, and even FATHERED CHILDREN with at least ONE slave that history knows of! Replace old "Randy Tom" with Tubman, and I'd bet that a $2 bill with her portrait onit, would be circulated all over this country!

Newsmax ^ | April 20, 2016 | Bill Hoffmann
Women are warming up to Donald Trump — and with Hillary Clinton's poll numbers steadily ebbing, chances are better than ever the billionaire developer could trounce her in a general election, Rep. Diane Black tells Newsmax TV. In Tuesday's New York primary, Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which the MSM turned into a sexist attack. "The women in New York appreciate what he's saying, when he's talking about the economy getting better," Black, a Tennessee Republican, said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime." "Women represent 52...

Unfortunately MOST Conservatives, and I do include myself JUMP to conclusions before sitting back and looking at the BIG PICTURE.



I can just see him in the first debate giving her a "FALCON PUNCH" after the first question....figuratively speaking

Trump didn't run against Hillary Clinton in NY.
If Trump was actually beating Hillary in NY right now we could declare him president tomorrow.
It certainly didn't hurt Trump, taking the Transgender shit off the table with his remarks... The scumbag left and the Hildebeast's MSM thought they've found a way to hurt trump.. with Social issues - if he answers outside of some bounds it can potentially hurt his business, and give the Hildebeast "TALKING POINTS which the MSM would MAGNIFY all out of proportion in the upcoming general and use that in a major way to foster their PHONY narrative that Trump HATES WOMEN! Now all they have is a handful of shit, and trying to get CONSERVATIVES riled up over his remarks. Honestly, He's THINKING ON HIS FEET, not of the present, but WAY IN THE FUTURE, as he will absolutely destroy that lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch, Hellary!

Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." "So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump. "That is correct," Trump said..... Sorry Hildebeast, and DemoRATS, he JUST KILLED your SOCIAL ISSUES TALKING POINT agenda for the Nov. election!

He also had a great comeback on the Tubman $20.... Give her a special buill all of her own...We currently have a $2 bill in circulation (which NO ONE has seen in years!) that has Jefferson on it...Now if anything Jefferson OWNED SLAVES, and even FATHERED CHILDREN with at least ONE slave that history knows of! Replace old "Randy Tom" with Tubman, and I'd bet that a $2 bill with her portrait onit, would be circulated all over this country!

Newsmax ^ | April 20, 2016 | Bill Hoffmann
Women are warming up to Donald Trump — and with Hillary Clinton's poll numbers steadily ebbing, chances are better than ever the billionaire developer could trounce her in a general election, Rep. Diane Black tells Newsmax TV. In Tuesday's New York primary, Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which the MSM turned into a sexist attack. "The women in New York appreciate what he's saying, when he's talking about the economy getting better," Black, a Tennessee Republican, said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime." "Women represent 52...

Unfortunately MOST Conservatives, and I do include myself JUMP to conclusions before sitting back and looking at the BIG PICTURE.



I can just see him in the first debate giving her a "FALCON PUNCH" after the first question....figuratively speaking

Trump didn't run against Hillary Clinton in NY.
If Trump was actually beating Hillary in NY right now we could declare him president tomorrow.

New York is a blue state, in the General it's going to go for Hillary Clinton. In New York She accumulated 1,054,083 votes to Trump who got 524,932 votes.
It certainly didn't hurt Trump, taking the Transgender shit off the table with his remarks... The scumbag left and the Hildebeast's MSM thought they've found a way to hurt trump.. with Social issues - if he answers outside of some bounds it can potentially hurt his business, and give the Hildebeast "TALKING POINTS which the MSM would MAGNIFY all out of proportion in the upcoming general and use that in a major way to foster their PHONY narrative that Trump HATES WOMEN! Now all they have is a handful of shit, and trying to get CONSERVATIVES riled up over his remarks. Honestly, He's THINKING ON HIS FEET, not of the present, but WAY IN THE FUTURE, as he will absolutely destroy that lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch, Hellary!

Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." "So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump. "That is correct," Trump said..... Sorry Hildebeast, and DemoRATS, he JUST KILLED your SOCIAL ISSUES TALKING POINT agenda for the Nov. election!

He also had a great comeback on the Tubman $20.... Give her a special buill all of her own...We currently have a $2 bill in circulation (which NO ONE has seen in years!) that has Jefferson on it...Now if anything Jefferson OWNED SLAVES, and even FATHERED CHILDREN with at least ONE slave that history knows of! Replace old "Randy Tom" with Tubman, and I'd bet that a $2 bill with her portrait onit, would be circulated all over this country!

Newsmax ^ | April 20, 2016 | Bill Hoffmann
Women are warming up to Donald Trump — and with Hillary Clinton's poll numbers steadily ebbing, chances are better than ever the billionaire developer could trounce her in a general election, Rep. Diane Black tells Newsmax TV. In Tuesday's New York primary, Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which the MSM turned into a sexist attack. "The women in New York appreciate what he's saying, when he's talking about the economy getting better," Black, a Tennessee Republican, said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime." "Women represent 52...

Unfortunately MOST Conservatives, and I do include myself JUMP to conclusions before sitting back and looking at the BIG PICTURE.



I can just see him in the first debate giving her a "FALCON PUNCH" after the first question....figuratively speaking

Trump didn't run against Hillary Clinton in NY.
If Trump was actually beating Hillary in NY right now we could declare him president tomorrow.

New York is a blue state, in the General it's going to go for Hillary Clinton. In New York She accumulated 1,054,083 votes to Trump who got 524,932 votes.

There are 50% fewer Republican registered voters that DumboRATS, that should be about right when they both are facing opposition from their respective parties.
It certainly didn't hurt Trump, taking the Transgender shit off the table with his remarks... The scumbag left and the Hildebeast's MSM thought they've found a way to hurt trump.. with Social issues - if he answers outside of some bounds it can potentially hurt his business, and give the Hildebeast "TALKING POINTS which the MSM would MAGNIFY all out of proportion in the upcoming general and use that in a major way to foster their PHONY narrative that Trump HATES WOMEN! Now all they have is a handful of shit, and trying to get CONSERVATIVES riled up over his remarks. Honestly, He's THINKING ON HIS FEET, not of the present, but WAY IN THE FUTURE, as he will absolutely destroy that lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch, Hellary!

Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." "So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump. "That is correct," Trump said..... Sorry Hildebeast, and DemoRATS, he JUST KILLED your SOCIAL ISSUES TALKING POINT agenda for the Nov. election!

He also had a great comeback on the Tubman $20.... Give her a special buill all of her own...We currently have a $2 bill in circulation (which NO ONE has seen in years!) that has Jefferson on it...Now if anything Jefferson OWNED SLAVES, and even FATHERED CHILDREN with at least ONE slave that history knows of! Replace old "Randy Tom" with Tubman, and I'd bet that a $2 bill with her portrait onit, would be circulated all over this country!

Newsmax ^ | April 20, 2016 | Bill Hoffmann
Women are warming up to Donald Trump — and with Hillary Clinton's poll numbers steadily ebbing, chances are better than ever the billionaire developer could trounce her in a general election, Rep. Diane Black tells Newsmax TV. In Tuesday's New York primary, Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which the MSM turned into a sexist attack. "The women in New York appreciate what he's saying, when he's talking about the economy getting better," Black, a Tennessee Republican, said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime." "Women represent 52...

Unfortunately MOST Conservatives, and I do include myself JUMP to conclusions before sitting back and looking at the BIG PICTURE.



I can just see him in the first debate giving her a "FALCON PUNCH" after the first question....figuratively speaking

Trump didn't run against Hillary Clinton in NY.
If Trump was actually beating Hillary in NY right now we could declare him president tomorrow.

New York is a blue state, in the General it's going to go for Hillary Clinton. In New York She accumulated 1,054,083 votes to Trump who got 524,932 votes.

There are 50% fewer Republican registered voters that DumboRATS, that should be about right when they both are facing opposition from their respective parties.

It's not Rocket Science, Hillary Clinton will win New York. It's a blue state. There are more Democrats in that state than there are Republicans. Same with California.

Trump is going to get is ass kicked on election night. The only way he wins, if dogs and cats are allowed to vote. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.
It certainly didn't hurt Trump, taking the Transgender shit off the table with his remarks... The scumbag left and the Hildebeast's MSM thought they've found a way to hurt trump.. with Social issues - if he answers outside of some bounds it can potentially hurt his business, and give the Hildebeast "TALKING POINTS which the MSM would MAGNIFY all out of proportion in the upcoming general and use that in a major way to foster their PHONY narrative that Trump HATES WOMEN! Now all they have is a handful of shit, and trying to get CONSERVATIVES riled up over his remarks. Honestly, He's THINKING ON HIS FEET, not of the present, but WAY IN THE FUTURE, as he will absolutely destroy that lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch, Hellary!

Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." "So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump. "That is correct," Trump said..... Sorry Hildebeast, and DemoRATS, he JUST KILLED your SOCIAL ISSUES TALKING POINT agenda for the Nov. election!

He also had a great comeback on the Tubman $20.... Give her a special buill all of her own...We currently have a $2 bill in circulation (which NO ONE has seen in years!) that has Jefferson on it...Now if anything Jefferson OWNED SLAVES, and even FATHERED CHILDREN with at least ONE slave that history knows of! Replace old "Randy Tom" with Tubman, and I'd bet that a $2 bill with her portrait onit, would be circulated all over this country!

Newsmax ^ | April 20, 2016 | Bill Hoffmann
Women are warming up to Donald Trump — and with Hillary Clinton's poll numbers steadily ebbing, chances are better than ever the billionaire developer could trounce her in a general election, Rep. Diane Black tells Newsmax TV. In Tuesday's New York primary, Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which the MSM turned into a sexist attack. "The women in New York appreciate what he's saying, when he's talking about the economy getting better," Black, a Tennessee Republican, said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime." "Women represent 52...

Unfortunately MOST Conservatives, and I do include myself JUMP to conclusions before sitting back and looking at the BIG PICTURE.



I can just see him in the first debate giving her a "FALCON PUNCH" after the first question....figuratively speaking

Trump didn't run against Hillary Clinton in NY.
If Trump was actually beating Hillary in NY right now we could declare him president tomorrow.

New York is a blue state, in the General it's going to go for Hillary Clinton. In New York She accumulated 1,054,083 votes to Trump who got 524,932 votes.

There are 50% fewer Republican registered voters that DumboRATS, that should be about right when they both are facing opposition from their respective parties.

It's not Rocket Science, Hillary Clinton will win New York. It's a blue state. There are more Democrats in that state than there are Republicans. Same with California.

Trump is going to get is ass kicked on election night. The only way he wins, if dogs and cats are allowed to vote. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS.
Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly,

i know one female who said once, actually many times, "someone should slap that little bitch right out of that chair" :up: ...... :lmao:
Trump does best in states he can't win in November. That's because they're states overweighted in RINO's on the GOP side.
It certainly didn't hurt Trump, taking the Transgender shit off the table with his remarks... The scumbag left and the Hildebeast's MSM thought they've found a way to hurt trump.. with Social issues - if he answers outside of some bounds it can potentially hurt his business, and give the Hildebeast "TALKING POINTS which the MSM would MAGNIFY all out of proportion in the upcoming general and use that in a major way to foster their PHONY narrative that Trump HATES WOMEN! Now all they have is a handful of shit, and trying to get CONSERVATIVES riled up over his remarks. Honestly, He's THINKING ON HIS FEET, not of the present, but WAY IN THE FUTURE, as he will absolutely destroy that lying, corrupt, criminal, murdering bitch, Hellary!

Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." "So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump. "That is correct," Trump said..... Sorry Hildebeast, and DemoRATS, he JUST KILLED your SOCIAL ISSUES TALKING POINT agenda for the Nov. election!

He also had a great comeback on the Tubman $20.... Give her a special buill all of her own...We currently have a $2 bill in circulation (which NO ONE has seen in years!) that has Jefferson on it...Now if anything Jefferson OWNED SLAVES, and even FATHERED CHILDREN with at least ONE slave that history knows of! Replace old "Randy Tom" with Tubman, and I'd bet that a $2 bill with her portrait onit, would be circulated all over this country!

Newsmax ^ | April 20, 2016 | Bill Hoffmann
Women are warming up to Donald Trump — and with Hillary Clinton's poll numbers steadily ebbing, chances are better than ever the billionaire developer could trounce her in a general election, Rep. Diane Black tells Newsmax TV. In Tuesday's New York primary, Trump took 59 percent of the female vote despite his war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which the MSM turned into a sexist attack. "The women in New York appreciate what he's saying, when he's talking about the economy getting better," Black, a Tennessee Republican, said Wednesday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime." "Women represent 52...

Unfortunately MOST Conservatives, and I do include myself JUMP to conclusions before sitting back and looking at the BIG PICTURE.


he he he….

Bernie got a quarter of a million votes more than Trump in NY. Sell crazy somewhere else.

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