Jon Stewart Nails Fox's Phony Outrage Over The War On Women

War on Women aside, Jon Stewart is a great comedian and thats the point here, he is a comedian, good for a laugh or two. As for the entertainers at Fox News, their opinions and positions make them no different than any other news entertainers these days. If it increases the audience share then do it. I hope that no one confuses Fox News, MSNBC, or any of the cable news networks for actual journalist? So it's no surprise then that a comedian like Jon Stewart would use material from any of these sources.

Jon Stewart is as much "journalist" as anyone you find on Fox or MSNBC.
At least he's REALLY funny

The left started the stupid fucking war on women then it backfired in their stupid faces and now they're screaming "there is no war on women." but the other day i posted at least 12 of them yapping about the "GOP's war on women."

This is about Fox hypocrisy but women will decide if there is a war on women and who waging the war.

Actually it's about the left's attitude about're only viewed as a viable woman by them if you are pro-choice and have a career. If on the other hand you are pro-life and have chosen to be a stay at home mom...then you are fair game for abuse. That was made painfully obvious by Hilary Rosen when she "drew back the curtain" to reveal that mindset of progressives...and every left winger running for office in 2012 scuttled away like so many roaches.
Fox is not news, that was great. The silliness of Fox in all its silliness. It seems most of the righties watch fox?

'STUDY: Watching FOX News Makes You Stupid'

World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation."

Read more: STUDY: Watching FOX News Makes You Stupid - Business Insider
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War on Women aside, Jon Stewart is a great comedian and thats the point here, he is a comedian, good for a laugh or two. As for the entertainers at Fox News, their opinions and positions make them no different than any other news entertainers these days. If it increases the audience share then do it. I hope that no one confuses Fox News, MSNBC, or any of the cable news networks for actual journalist? So it's no surprise then that a comedian like Jon Stewart would use material from any of these sources.

Jon Stewart is as much "journalist" as anyone you find on Fox or MSNBC.
At least he's REALLY funny

Thus the word entertainer!! in my post. and I agree, he is funny.
War on Women aside, Jon Stewart is a great comedian and thats the point here, he is a comedian, good for a laugh or two. As for the entertainers at Fox News, their opinions and positions make them no different than any other news entertainers these days. If it increases the audience share then do it. I hope that no one confuses Fox News, MSNBC, or any of the cable news networks for actual journalist? So it's no surprise then that a comedian like Jon Stewart would use material from any of these sources.

Jon Stewart is as much "journalist" as anyone you find on Fox or MSNBC.
At least he's REALLY funny

Yeah, but looks aren't EVERYTHING!
The left started the stupid fucking war on women then it backfired in their stupid faces and now they're screaming "there is no war on women." but the other day i posted at least 12 of them yapping about the "GOP's war on women."

This is about Fox hypocrisy but women will decide if there is a war on women and who waging the war.

Actually it's about the left's attitude about're only viewed as a viable woman by them if you are pro-choice and have a career. If on the other hand you are pro-life and have chosen to be a stay at home mom...then you are fair game for abuse. That was made painfully obvious by Hilary Rosen when she "drew back the curtain" to reveal that mindset of progressives...and every left winger running for office in 2012 scuttled away like so many roaches.

Exactly right. The way the left committed wholesale disrespect and outrageous treatment of Sarah Palin and her family was deplorable. Even "respected" journalist like Charles Gibson - who can forget his interview? Looking down at her with obvious disgust...questions dripping with sarcasm.
But then a left-wing feminist like Fluke shows up, and despite her views are chock filled with lies - they treat her like the queen of the nile.
It is the left that has committed a war on women. Any woman who dares to be pro-life - or God forbid pro-life and calls herself a Christian??? Oh...hell...
Jon Stewart examined Fox News' outrage over what it calls a made up war on women - and found that women are the only ones Fox has not labeled the victims of war. Well, except for conservative women, of course. Warning to Steeve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity and more - you are the ones who come out looking like lying hypocrites.

Very funny and right on point!

Jon Stewart Nails Fox's Phony Outrage Over The War On Women - NewsHounds


I love Jon, regardless. He always makes me laugh, no matter who he's pointing at and yes; Obama has been aimed at, too.
The left started the stupid fucking war on women then it backfired in their stupid faces and now they're screaming "there is no war on women." but the other day i posted at least 12 of them yapping about the "GOP's war on women."

This is about Fox hypocrisy but women will decide if there is a war on women and who waging the war.

Actually it's about the left's attitude about're only viewed as a viable woman by them if you are pro-choice and have a career. If on the other hand you are pro-life and have chosen to be a stay at home mom...then you are fair game for abuse. That was made painfully obvious by Hilary Rosen when she "drew back the curtain" to reveal that mindset of progressives...and every left winger running for office in 2012 scuttled away like so many roaches.

Good point and we all know conservatives true feelings and desire to blow up buildings and kill innocent people when Timothy McVeigh revealed the mindset of cons.
War on Women aside, Jon Stewart is a great comedian and thats the point here, he is a comedian, good for a laugh or two. As for the entertainers at Fox News, their opinions and positions make them no different than any other news entertainers these days. If it increases the audience share then do it. I hope that no one confuses Fox News, MSNBC, or any of the cable news networks for actual journalist? So it's no surprise then that a comedian like Jon Stewart would use material from any of these sources.

From what I have seen (and admittedly, I am not a regular Fox viewer), the majority of their programming is 'comment', not news. I don't know why so many people struggle to understand the straightforward difference between a 'commentator' and a 'journalist'. But it appears that it is extremely difficult for some people to differentiate.
This is about Fox hypocrisy but women will decide if there is a war on women and who waging the war.

Actually it's about the left's attitude about're only viewed as a viable woman by them if you are pro-choice and have a career. If on the other hand you are pro-life and have chosen to be a stay at home mom...then you are fair game for abuse. That was made painfully obvious by Hilary Rosen when she "drew back the curtain" to reveal that mindset of progressives...and every left winger running for office in 2012 scuttled away like so many roaches.

Good point and we all know conservatives true feelings and desire to blow up buildings and kill innocent people when Timothy McVeigh revealed the mindset of cons.

:lol: Yea, that's absolutely accurate... if by 'accurate' I mean complete fucking gibberish.
War on Women aside, Jon Stewart is a great comedian and thats the point here, he is a comedian, good for a laugh or two. As for the entertainers at Fox News, their opinions and positions make them no different than any other news entertainers these days. If it increases the audience share then do it. I hope that no one confuses Fox News, MSNBC, or any of the cable news networks for actual journalist? So it's no surprise then that a comedian like Jon Stewart would use material from any of these sources.

From what I have seen (and admittedly, I am not a regular Fox viewer), the majority of their programming is 'comment', not news. I don't know why so many people struggle to understand the straightforward difference between a 'commentator' and a 'journalist'. But it appears that it is extremely difficult for some people to differentiate.

Never have understood that , but then again it might confuse some when your moniker has the word "News" in it. It tends to confuse some that there may be some actual journalist there rather than editorial commentary. The same can be said for the other networks as well, why even use the word if your not going to actually report it. It's why I call them entertainers , you see Jon Stewart is not much different than say a Sean Hannity or Ed Schultz in terms of being an entertainer , they just work in a different venue.
Fox is not news, that was great. The silliness of Fox in all its silliness. It seems most of the righties watch fox?

'STUDY: Watching FOX News Makes You Stupid'

World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation."

Read more: STUDY: Watching FOX News Makes You Stupid - Business Insider

Then watching MSNBC must REALLY make you stupid. THAT's what's wrong with liberals! It all makes sense now!

have you ever even WATCHED Fox News? here's a newsflash. In the mornings, it is news, pure and simple, just like every other station, the same information: tornadoes, bank robberies, dogs rescued from creeks, all manner of "newsy" things - just like our ABC and NBC and NW Cable news. Except that NW Cable News repeats the same stories over and over.

On the evening shows like O'Reilly or Greta - just talking. They bring on people from both sides to discuss topics of interest. It usually gets into a screaming match, but same thing on the other networks. You've likely never watched it, don't know a thing about it. But I'll tell you what - O'Reilly is independent. He does NOT like "big oil", he is against the death penalty, and all kinds of kind of "lefty" things. But he doesn't sugar coat stuff. He welcomes e-mails from all over the world. He donates millions to charities. Greta you know used to be on CNN, she switched. I lilke her too. You would lik to shut Fox News up. Why? What is it you don't want the rest of us to hear? If YOU don't like it, don't watch it. The truth will come out. don't worry about it. We routinely watch ALL TV news and have absolutely no desire to shut down MSNBC at all -- you see we have freedom of speech here. And again, the truth will come out. Besides I lke Dateline on MSNBC, especially "To Catch a Predator".
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War on Women aside, Jon Stewart is a great comedian and thats the point here, he is a comedian, good for a laugh or two. As for the entertainers at Fox News, their opinions and positions make them no different than any other news entertainers these days. If it increases the audience share then do it. I hope that no one confuses Fox News, MSNBC, or any of the cable news networks for actual journalist? So it's no surprise then that a comedian like Jon Stewart would use material from any of these sources.

From what I have seen (and admittedly, I am not a regular Fox viewer), the majority of their programming is 'comment', not news. I don't know why so many people struggle to understand the straightforward difference between a 'commentator' and a 'journalist'. But it appears that it is extremely difficult for some people to differentiate.

Good point and repped - and I think that's because we have so very few (journalists) or newsmen. American News went clear to the lowest common denominator when they went for outraged and outrageous commentary, vs just saying what happened in the news and letting people decide without slanting it so hard it fell neatly off the board.

[ame=]Don Henley - Dirty Laundry (Studio Version) - YouTube[/ame]


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Jon Stewart examined Fox News' outrage over what it calls a made up war on women - and found that women are the only ones Fox has not labeled the victims of war. Well, except for conservative women, of course. Warning to Steeve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity and more - you are the ones who come out looking like lying hypocrites.

Very funny and right on point!

Jon Stewart Nails Fox's Phony Outrage Over The War On Women - NewsHounds


So we have a bigot expressing bigotry and you cheer...............

LOW LIFE............
Jon Stewart examined Fox News' outrage over what it calls a made up war on women - and found that women are the only ones Fox has not labeled the victims of war. Well, except for conservative women, of course. Warning to Steeve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity and more - you are the ones who come out looking like lying hypocrites.

Very funny and right on point!

Jon Stewart Nails Fox's Phony Outrage Over The War On Women - NewsHounds


So we have a bigot expressing bigotry and you cheer...............

LOW LIFE............

Do you support Rush?

Case closed.
War on Women aside, Jon Stewart is a great comedian and thats the point here, he is a comedian, good for a laugh or two. As for the entertainers at Fox News, their opinions and positions make them no different than any other news entertainers these days. If it increases the audience share then do it. I hope that no one confuses Fox News, MSNBC, or any of the cable news networks for actual journalist? So it's no surprise then that a comedian like Jon Stewart would use material from any of these sources.

From what I have seen (and admittedly, I am not a regular Fox viewer), the majority of their programming is 'comment', not news. I don't know why so many people struggle to understand the straightforward difference between a 'commentator' and a 'journalist'. But it appears that it is extremely difficult for some people to differentiate.

Never have understood that , but then again it might confuse some when your moniker has the word "News" in it. It tends to confuse some that there may be some actual journalist there rather than editorial commentary. The same can be said for the other networks as well, why even use the word if your not going to actually report it. It's why I call them entertainers , you see Jon Stewart is not much different than say a Sean Hannity or Ed Schultz in terms of being an entertainer , they just work in a different venue.

Well, I regularly watch BBC News 24.... and I can tell the difference between their 'comment' parts and the 'news' part. :lol: I don't accept that people can't differentiate... I think they don't want to differentiate. Lazy or partisan... or a bit of both.
War on Women aside, Jon Stewart is a great comedian and thats the point here, he is a comedian, good for a laugh or two. As for the entertainers at Fox News, their opinions and positions make them no different than any other news entertainers these days. If it increases the audience share then do it. I hope that no one confuses Fox News, MSNBC, or any of the cable news networks for actual journalist? So it's no surprise then that a comedian like Jon Stewart would use material from any of these sources.

From what I have seen (and admittedly, I am not a regular Fox viewer), the majority of their programming is 'comment', not news. I don't know why so many people struggle to understand the straightforward difference between a 'commentator' and a 'journalist'. But it appears that it is extremely difficult for some people to differentiate.

Good point and repped - and I think that's because we have so very few (journalists) or newsmen. American News went clear to the lowest common denominator when they went for outraged and outrageous commentary, vs just saying what happened in the news and letting people decide without slanting it so hard it fell neatly off the board.

[ame=]Don Henley - Dirty Laundry (Studio Version) - YouTube[/ame]

I don't think it's necessarily a 'bad' thing to have comment programs. As long as the audience is clear that it's comment, not necessarily 'news'. Comment can be useful... if it's balanced between differing views. I lose patience with the programs where there are several people all talking over each other - it's rude and pointless.... but I have no issue with people like O'Reilly (who I think is very funny and quite clever and rational) but Hannity bugs the crap out of me with his blatant spin on facts.
From what I have seen (and admittedly, I am not a regular Fox viewer), the majority of their programming is 'comment', not news. I don't know why so many people struggle to understand the straightforward difference between a 'commentator' and a 'journalist'. But it appears that it is extremely difficult for some people to differentiate.

Good point and repped - and I think that's because we have so very few (journalists) or newsmen. American News went clear to the lowest common denominator when they went for outraged and outrageous commentary, vs just saying what happened in the news and letting people decide without slanting it so hard it fell neatly off the board.

[ame=]Don Henley - Dirty Laundry (Studio Version) - YouTube[/ame]

I don't think it's necessarily a 'bad' thing to have comment programs. As long as the audience is clear that it's comment, not necessarily 'news'. Comment can be useful... if it's balanced between differing views. I lose patience with the programs where there are several people all talking over each other - it's rude and pointless.... but I have no issue with people like O'Reilly (who I think is very funny and quite clever and rational) but Hannity bugs the crap out of me with his blatant spin on facts.

Comment programs abound. We need NEWS. No spin, no chop-n-feed, nada. News. I don't think such a channel exists.
Actually it's about the left's attitude about're only viewed as a viable woman by them if you are pro-choice and have a career. If on the other hand you are pro-life and have chosen to be a stay at home mom...then you are fair game for abuse. That was made painfully obvious by Hilary Rosen when she "drew back the curtain" to reveal that mindset of progressives...and every left winger running for office in 2012 scuttled away like so many roaches.

Good point and we all know conservatives true feelings and desire to blow up buildings and kill innocent people when Timothy McVeigh revealed the mindset of cons.

:lol: Yea, that's absolutely accurate... if by 'accurate' I mean complete fucking gibberish.

So you don't like generalizations?

Why didn't you call out Oldstyle for doing the same thing.

I know, because you're a partisan hack.

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