Joni Ernst wore breadbags over her shoes. Rows and rows of breadbags.

Joni had Willard write her speech.

Republicans intend to do everything, they just never say how they intend to do it.

And which direction is that?
Away from whatever the Democrats shoved through, obviously. You guys had to lie and cheat to pass Obamacare. The People called you on your deceit and gave the Congress to the GOP. Possibly for decades if not forever.. We will never trust Democrat controlled government again.
And Joni's come a long way. Check out her shoes. I love love love them.

She gave a wonderful response and on top of that...she has a beautiful smile.

Can you believe what she is saying?
We will do good.
We will think,up good ideas.
We will fight bad people overseas.
We will stop things we don't like.

And we will make Washington understand that too.

Should she go back to castrating hogs????

Fox said she didn't get into specifics. She didn't have time. But she is pointing the country into another direction.

Just another clueless rd thread, all bs no substance.
Here they are worry about Joni's shoes when.....


You really should read the results of all those republican investigations that said there was nothing there. That is unless you think all those repubican politicians are secret democrats.
Does Rdean object to a woman being in power or a woman being a combat veteran? He's old school Democrat, so we'll never know.

Can you believe what she is saying?
We will do good.
We will think,up good ideas.
We will fight bad people overseas.
We will stop things we don't like.

And we will make Washington understand that too.

Should she go back to castrating hogs????

Fox said she didn't get into specifics. She didn't have time. But she is pointing the country into another direction.

Just another clueless rd thread, all bs no substance.
You said: all bs no substance

Kind of like the GOP explaining their policies. No, EXACTLY like the GOP explaining their policies.
The repub response can be summed up like this:

America good, America Strong, lets stay strong, beware terrorist, stop terrorist, lets be awesome...together.

Can you believe what she is saying?
We will do good.
We will think,up good ideas.
We will fight bad people overseas.
We will stop things we don't like.

And we will make Washington understand that too.

Should she go back to castrating hogs????

Fox said she didn't get into specifics. She didn't have time. But she is pointing the country into another direction.
send her back to the hogs the senate she has no idea what she's doing or saying ... when Iowa see they have a Michelle Bachman out the door she goes
Anyone watch Paul Ryan right after Joni? Hilarious. We have lots of proposals Obama won't look at. Then didn't name a single one.
They're trying hard to come up with reasons to resist the narrative of "doing the right things for the American middle class"...without looking like that's the last thing they want to happen before a possible Republican president in 2016
I'm watching Fox and that is certainly the impression they seem to be giving. Republicans complaining about unemployment because of lack of education and wage disparity and yet their policies promote exactly that outcome.
ain't that the truth ...
Here they are worry about Joni's shoes when.....


You really should read the results of all those republican investigations that said there was nothing there. That is unless you think all those repubican politicians are secret democrats.

You should realize that ALL TESTIMONY wasn't given, and that that scumbag bitch has lied many times.... "WE WAS DIRT POOR WHEN WE LEFT THE WHITE HOUSE!!"... But then, an obuma sycophant can't find his dick when going to the bathroom!

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