Jordanian-palestinian Politician: ‘don’t Refer To Isis As An American Product. Isis Is Pure Islam. Q


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
If a Jordanian-Palestinian politician claims that ISIS is Islam, who are we to argue with him?

Jordanian-Palestinian Politician: ‘Don’t refer to ISIS as an American product. ISIS is pure Islam. Quran and the Sunna constitute their ideology, doctrine, and conduct.’
Posted on September 26, 2014 by ADMIN4 Comments

5 Votes

Hm, yeah. Let’s not insult ISIS and refer to them as unIslamic shall we? Muslims all over the globe insist they are pure and unadulterated 100% Islam. In other words, the perfection of prophet Mohammed and heroes in the eyes of other Muslims.


Jordanian-Palestinian Politician: There Is No ISIS Ideology – It’s Islam; Syrian Soldiers Deserved to Be Slaughtered

Palestinian-Jordanian politician Muhammad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi recently defended ISIS, saying that its doctrine “stems from the Quran and the Sunna.” The Syrian soldiers recently killed at the Tabqa airbase “deserved to be slaughtered 100,000 times over,” said Al-Tamimi, a member of the Jordanian Umma movement. According to Internet reports, the show was not broadcast by the Jordanian ANB TV channel that had produced it, but it was posted on the Internet by ANB TV on August 31, 2014.

Interviewer: What is our position, here in Jordan, with regard to ISIS and the ISIS ideology?


Muhammad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: I reject the use of the terms “ISIS” and “ISIS ideology.” It sounds like you are talking about a Satanic weed or a Satanic ideology, which has come from out of nowhere.

Interviewer: But isn’t that true?

Muhammad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: No, it is not. The problem with the analysts and the TV commentators who talk about the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is that what they say is completely off-track. They have accused ISIS of being an Iranian product, an American product, the product of the Syrian regime, the product of all the world’s devils…But it has become evident that ISIS is waging an all-out war against each and every one of these players. It is waging war in Iraq against Iran. Yesterday, it made incursions into Iranian territory in the province of Azerbaijan, where it took over seven towns. Now it is crushing the Nusayri Alawite regime in Syria, shattering the backbone of its military forces: the 17th Division, the 93rd Brigade, and the Tabqa military airbase. ISIS is on the march against the Nusayri Alawite regime in Syria, and against Iranian influence in Iraq. The ISIS doctrine stems from the Quran and the Sunna. The Quran and the Sunna constitute their ideology, doctrine, and conduct. If we want to tell the truth, we must cross the t’s and dot the i’s, and analyze this phenomenon…it is no longer just a phenomenon, but a fact on the ground…Today, the whole world is divided into two camps – one led by America and its satellites and the other led by the Islamic State. The war is raging between these two camps and everybody leans towards one camp or the other. This is true especially of the Muslims of the world. They support the U.S. and its collaborators and Iran and its Safavid agenda, or else they support (ISIS)…There is no such thing as “ISIS ideology” – it’s Islam.

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Jordanian-Palestinian Politician 8216 Don 8217 t refer to ISIS as an American product. ISIS is pure Islam. Quran and the Sunna constitute their ideology doctrine and conduct. 8217 The Muslim Issue
sally----you know it----I know it----and hundreds of millions of delighted muslims know it----ISIS is islam. HOWEVER----the islamo Nazis on who post on this board will continue to deny that fact just as they, in the 1930s, blamed the filth of their hero , adolf hitler on DA JOOOOOOS
give poor Obama a break----he is kissing up to some of his supporters------as for the claim that
ISIS was "created" by the USA-------in order to understand this mindset----you have to be familiar with the Nazi literature of the 1930s, and SINCE. Muslims did not actually invent it all by themselves.
So now an Islamic terrorist group is not Islamic? WTF?

Gravity, habibi. be nice. our friends are
engaging in polite and genteel conversation.
Think of your self----sitting on a cushion in the
sheik's tent-----sipping tea. -------just watch your back as you leave
100% of the Christian posters here claim that the Westboro Baptist Church has nothing to do with Christianity even though they preach Jesus and the Bible. . :cool:
100% of the Christian posters here claim that the Westboro Baptist Church has nothing to do with Christianity even though they preach Jesus and the Bible. . :cool:

so? they openly repudiate that evil ----whilst
muslims have embraced the stink and filth
of SHARIAH (which is isis) for more than 1000 years and still do
100% of the Christian posters here claim that the Westboro Baptist Church has nothing to do with Christianity even though they preach Jesus and the Bible. . :cool:

The thing is, if Muslims treated ISIS the same way Americans regarded the Westboro Church, ISIS would have fizzled out months ago. Westboro Church has almost no open support from any other Christians.
The thing is, if Muslims treated ISIS the same way Americans regarded the Westboro Church, ISIS would have fizzled out months ago. Westboro Church has almost no open support from any other Christians.
Have you heard of any American Muslim groups voicing their support for ISIS ? ... :cool:
The thing is, if Muslims treated ISIS the same way Americans regarded the Westboro Church, ISIS would have fizzled out months ago. Westboro Church has almost no open support from any other Christians.
Have you heard of any American Muslim groups voicing their support for ISIS ? ... :cool:

I do not talk to American muslim GROUPS
-----and now---going to the mosque for the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling is
very UNINFORMATIVE ------I am lucky----I got to witness khutbah jumaat feces flings ---
DECADES ago----and I talked to muslims----before 9-11-01--------SHEEEEH ---anyone want to see SUDDEN INHIBITION?----well--its too late----it happened 13 years ago.

I do not speak Arabic ----and neither does
hubby Urdu might work if the other guys
think the Urdu speaker is a muslim----but we
don't do Urdu either
The thing is, if Muslims treated ISIS the same way Americans regarded the Westboro Church, ISIS would have fizzled out months ago. Westboro Church has almost no open support from any other Christians.
Have you heard of any American Muslim groups voicing their support for ISIS ? ... :cool:

I do not talk to American muslim GROUPS
-----and now---going to the mosque for the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling is
very UNINFORMATIVE ------I am lucky----I got to witness khutbah jumaat feces flings ---
DECADES ago----and I talked to muslims----before 9-11-01--------SHEEEEH ---anyone want to see SUDDEN INHIBITION?----well--its too late----it happened 13 years ago.

I do not speak Arabic ----and neither does
hubby Urdu might work if the other guys
think the Urdu speaker is a muslim----but we
don't do Urdu either

The local Mosque here throws a chicken shawarma party every Tuesday, I wear a dishdasha and go to that.
The thing is, if Muslims treated ISIS the same way Americans regarded the Westboro Church, ISIS would have fizzled out months ago. Westboro Church has almost no open support from any other Christians.
Have you heard of any American Muslim groups voicing their support for ISIS ? ... :cool:

I do not talk to American muslim GROUPS
-----and now---going to the mosque for the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling is
very UNINFORMATIVE ------I am lucky----I got to witness khutbah jumaat feces flings ---
DECADES ago----and I talked to muslims----before 9-11-01--------SHEEEEH ---anyone want to see SUDDEN INHIBITION?----well--its too late----it happened 13 years ago.

I do not speak Arabic ----and neither does
hubby Urdu might work if the other guys
think the Urdu speaker is a muslim----but we
don't do Urdu either

The local Mosque here throws a chicken shawarma party every Tuesday, I wear a dishdasha and go to that.

I do not believe you. ----sorry gravity----unless maybe it is some kind of weird newfangled "LET's ATTRACT THE KAFFIRIN JOINT" dishdasha? is
that a DASHIKI (spelling?) when I was
young (and beautiful) dashikis (spelling?)
were a kind of African garb popular amongst
the Malcolm X crowd As far as I know it is not "Islamic".... muslims wear long dresses and dye their beards red (please do not dye your beard red-----its scary)
The little crocheted 'kufis" are cute
100% of the Christian posters here claim that the Westboro Baptist Church has nothing to do with Christianity even though they preach Jesus and the Bible. . :cool:

The thing is, if Muslims treated ISIS the same way Americans regarded the Westboro Church, ISIS would have fizzled out months ago. Westboro Church has almost no open support from any other Christians.

Come on, man. Don't you know that Westboro Baptist has conquered large swaths of Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska, and is setting their sights on Missouri and Iowa even as we speak?
100% of the Christian posters here claim that the Westboro Baptist Church has nothing to do with Christianity even though they preach Jesus and the Bible. . :cool:

The thing is, if Muslims treated ISIS the same way Americans regarded the Westboro Church, ISIS would have fizzled out months ago. Westboro Church has almost no open support from any other Christians.

Come on, man. Don't you know that Westboro Baptist has conquered large swaths of Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska, and is setting their sights on Missouri and Iowa even as we speak?

The thing is, if Muslims treated ISIS the same way Americans regarded the Westboro Church, ISIS would have fizzled out months ago. Westboro Church has almost no open support from any other Christians.
Have you heard of any American Muslim groups voicing their support for ISIS ? ... :cool:

I do not talk to American muslim GROUPS
-----and now---going to the mosque for the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling is
very UNINFORMATIVE ------I am lucky----I got to witness khutbah jumaat feces flings ---
DECADES ago----and I talked to muslims----before 9-11-01--------SHEEEEH ---anyone want to see SUDDEN INHIBITION?----well--its too late----it happened 13 years ago.

I do not speak Arabic ----and neither does
hubby Urdu might work if the other guys
think the Urdu speaker is a muslim----but we
don't do Urdu either

The local Mosque here throws a chicken shawarma party every Tuesday, I wear a dishdasha and go to that.

I do not believe you. ----sorry gravity----unless maybe it is some kind of weird newfangled "LET's ATTRACT THE KAFFIRIN JOINT" dishdasha? is
that a DASHIKI (spelling?) when I was
young (and beautiful) dashikis (spelling?)
were a kind of African garb popular amongst
the Malcolm X crowd As far as I know it is not "Islamic".... muslims wear long dresses and dye their beards red (please do not dye your beard red-----its scary)
The little crocheted 'kufis" are cute
muslims wear long dresses and dye their beards red (please do not dye your beard red-----its scary)
The little crocheted 'kufis" are cute[/QUOTE]

very cute-----I am so glad that you did not dye
your beard red. ----I have been told that mosques do not have kitchen facilities-------
uhm---they are not synagogues ------how do you cook your shawarma? how do you heat up your pita? -----where do you store stuff? --------I prefer the little crocheted kufis-------why is your thumb black?
muslims wear long dresses and dye their beards red (please do not dye your beard red-----its scary)
The little crocheted 'kufis" are cute

very cute-----I am so glad that you did not dye
your beard red. ----I have been told that mosques do not have kitchen facilities-------
uhm---they are not synagogues ------how do you cook your shawarma? how do you heat up your pita? -----where do you store stuff? --------I prefer the little crocheted kufis-------why is your thumb black?[/QUOTE]

I usually buy my shawarma from outside, I haven't actually tried to cook any myself yet.

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