Josh Hawley says he’s uncovered an ALARMING pattern with Biden’s SCOTUS nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

You are the one making the claim, so prove your case or is it just more of the same racist bullshit. You right wing, racist want to keep the Court lily white.

Basically, you are full of shit here.

The Court right now isn't "lily white" with the tremendous Clarence Thomas seated. Thomas is the SCOTUS' Jackie Robinson, performing fantastically with one of the greatest percentage of Correct votes in all history. If there was a Supreme Court Hall of Fame, he'd be destined for it.

No one has a problem with Sleepy Joe nominating a black chick. But the country would be better served if he nominated Candace Owens , or Diamond and/or Silk to the seat. Someone with actual integrity.

Jackson can prove me wrong, but right now it looks like she doesn't have the legal brains to try and chicken thief here in Mercer County, PA.
No you do.
Perhaps we should come to terms on terms. "The Big Lie" is the official designated term for the theory pushed by team trump that they actually won the election, but were just too stupid, ineffectual and legally coward to find proof or even to charge it in court without proof for the entire two months after the election until time ran out on their effort, which did not stop them from selling it without courtroom proof to the gullible minion trumpers. Now here we are about a year and a half, later and team trump has still not found proof to carry into court, but don't need to, as "the big lie" still remains popular to rabid trumpers.
Not at all, but keep in mind they are just that, "guidelines". Even the Repubs questioning her did not claim she went outside of the guidelines, just that she was on the lighter side of them
Well, here's a few examples...

"One of the cases in question includes U.S. v. Cooper, in which Judge Jackson sentenced Ryan Cooper to the lowest sentence allowed, 60 months, for his conviction of distribution of child pornography.

Federal sentencing guidelines had called for Cooper to be imprisoned for 151 to 188 months. He had posted nude photos of young boys on his Tumblr accounts, including images of three boys performing oral sex. He also had about 600 images of child pornography on a laptop."

And this....

"In U.S. v. Stewart, Mr. Hawley said, Judge Jackson sentenced a man to 57 months in prison on his conviction of possessing thousands of images of child porn and attempting to travel across state lines to abuse a 9-year-old girl. The guidelines called for a sentence of 97 to 121 months."

And this...

"In U.S. v. Sears, where the guidelines called for 97 to 121 months for a man convicted of distributing 102 child porn videos and photos of his 10-year-old daughter, Judge Jackson gave him 60 months."

This seems to be a pattern to me....And that she won't address it, at least to my satisfaction gives me pause as to what she will do when on the court...
I am still waiting to see where she is soft on pedophiles
Leftism is a mental illness and erodes all faculties of the brain. The same line of thinking that views any disparity as being the result of white supremacist legacies is identical to the view that a pedophile is simply misunderstood. In both cases, personal responsibility is replaced by a victim mentality. It should go without saying that the real – and only – victim of pedophilia is the child.
Everyone pay attention to those Red senators crying the most about pedophiles and child exploitation in this hearing.

We've all seen this dance before.

We all know how it ends up with those making the most noise.
Everyone pay attention to those Red senators crying the most about pedophiles and child exploitation in this hearing.

We've all seen this dance before.

We all know how it ends up with those making the most noise.
God, if I were one of those disgusting pedos, I would want Kentaji to be my Judge.
This woman fits right in with the evil people in the deep state.

After these reveals how can anyone in the Senate support her? If they do it will out them too.

Senator Josh Hawley tweeted tonight that he’s found an alarming pattern in the opinions, advocacy and judicial decisions when it comes to sex offenders and those preying on children.​
Hawley says he’s seeing a “pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes.”
He also notes that she’s advocated for getting rid of “existing mandatory minimum sentences for child porn” and says she’s argued that some people found with child porn are NOT pedophiles, that they are only in it for the collection or are “looking to find status in their participation in the community.”
As far as her judicial decisions, Hawley writes “In every single child porn case for which we can find records, Judge Jackson deviated from the federal sentencing guidelines in favor of child porn offenders.” He demonstrates the she’s deviated quite drastically, I might add.​
There’s much more so check out the full tweet thread below. It’s somewhat long but it’s important:​


This woman fits right in with the evil people in the deep state.

After these reveals how can anyone in the Senate support her? If they do it will out them too.

Senator Josh Hawley tweeted tonight that he’s found an alarming pattern in the opinions, advocacy and judicial decisions when it comes to sex offenders and those preying on children.​
Hawley says he’s seeing a “pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes.”
He also notes that she’s advocated for getting rid of “existing mandatory minimum sentences for child porn” and says she’s argued that some people found with child porn are NOT pedophiles, that they are only in it for the collection or are “looking to find status in their participation in the community.”
As far as her judicial decisions, Hawley writes “In every single child porn case for which we can find records, Judge Jackson deviated from the federal sentencing guidelines in favor of child porn offenders.” He demonstrates the she’s deviated quite drastically, I might add.​
There’s much more so check out the full tweet thread below. It’s somewhat long but it’s important:​


Democrat Politicians are for child porn and pedophilia. From Clinton's fun on the Island to Biden's sniffing little girl's necks, they have a thing for this sort of thing.
Leftism is a mental illness and erodes all faculties of the brain. The same line of thinking that views any disparity as being the result of white supremacist legacies is identical to the view that a pedophile is simply misunderstood. In both cases, personal responsibility is replaced by a victim mentality. It should go without saying that the real – and only – victim of pedophilia is the child.
More babble that doesn't amount to a hill of beans, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
The problem is many liberals don't see a big problem with child porn, think it is a victimless crime. They don't understand that in the making of the pictures, a child has to be abused, and if there were no demand for it there would be no industry. Some of this stuff is so sick it is unspeakable.


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