Josh Moore (R): Im Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders Nipples If They Use Them In Public


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Josh Moore (R): Im Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders Nipples If They Use Them In Public
A New Hampshire state Rep. Josh Moore (R), who describes himself as a “pro-family” conservative, made an alarming comment on Facebook regarding the nipples of breastfeeding mothers if a law banning women exposing breasts in public did not pass. The comment was made in a squabble over proposed legislation that would make it a crime for women to expose their nipples in public. Currently in New Hampshire, both men and women are free to go topless, reports Slate. A bill sponsored solely by Republican men would change that, if it becomes law.

Namely, Moore took to Facebook to argue that “if women who want to breastfeed their children in public are allowed to expose their nipples, then I am also allowed to grab their nipples and play around with them.” When asked why he would perceive an otherwise normal and accepted practice of breastfeeding as “alarming” and “offensive,” Moore told media outlets that “it’s not about breastfeeding as an activity, it’s about the principle.”

“You know, why should I, or any other citizen of this great country, be forced to watch babies feeding in public? And when I say that, I emphasize that it’s not about the feeding itself, but the manner in which it is done. Breastfeeding in general doesn’t bother me at all, I consider it quite normal. However, breastfeeding in public infuriates me, because it means women have to bear their chest and nipples to do it, and that causes a distraction and sets a bad example for people, and especially, small children. We can’t have that, we just can’t,” the New Hampshire Rep. said.

Rep. Josh Moore (R): “I’m Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders’ Nipples If They Use Them In Public”

Now this is what Sexual assault looks like...Not some words By Bill. WTF is wrong with this guy? A mother needs to be able to feed her baby.
Sounds like a great way to get your lights knocked out. What a creep!
This story is a couple years old as well. Still creepy, though.
Josh Moore (R): Im Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders Nipples If They Use Them In Public
A New Hampshire state Rep. Josh Moore (R), who describes himself as a “pro-family” conservative, made an alarming comment on Facebook regarding the nipples of breastfeeding mothers if a law banning women exposing breasts in public did not pass. The comment was made in a squabble over proposed legislation that would make it a crime for women to expose their nipples in public. Currently in New Hampshire, both men and women are free to go topless, reports Slate. A bill sponsored solely by Republican men would change that, if it becomes law.

Namely, Moore took to Facebook to argue that “if women who want to breastfeed their children in public are allowed to expose their nipples, then I am also allowed to grab their nipples and play around with them.” When asked why he would perceive an otherwise normal and accepted practice of breastfeeding as “alarming” and “offensive,” Moore told media outlets that “it’s not about breastfeeding as an activity, it’s about the principle.”

“You know, why should I, or any other citizen of this great country, be forced to watch babies feeding in public? And when I say that, I emphasize that it’s not about the feeding itself, but the manner in which it is done. Breastfeeding in general doesn’t bother me at all, I consider it quite normal. However, breastfeeding in public infuriates me, because it means women have to bear their chest and nipples to do it, and that causes a distraction and sets a bad example for people, and especially, small children. We can’t have that, we just can’t,” the New Hampshire Rep. said.

Rep. Josh Moore (R): “I’m Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders’ Nipples If They Use Them In Public”

Now this is what Sexual assault looks like...Not some words By Bill. WTF is wrong with this guy? A mother needs to be able to feed her baby.
You can't argue against his logic
i dont understand all do not have to expose your breast in public to breastfeed....simply toss a light blanket over the baby and your shoulder...
Where does the left find this stuff? Suddenly the obscure facebook rants from an obscure state representative in an obscure state becomes a federal case when Soros's tax exempt Media Matters works overtime.
i dont understand all do not have to expose your breast in public to breastfeed....simply toss a light blanket over the baby and your shoulder...

Yeah, I tried that. I had a particularly squirmy baby. It was NEVER one bit comfortable for me to nurse in public. I am very modest, so that meant I would go hide in the car.
Josh Moore (R): Im Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders Nipples If They Use Them In Public
A New Hampshire state Rep. Josh Moore (R), who describes himself as a “pro-family” conservative, made an alarming comment on Facebook regarding the nipples of breastfeeding mothers if a law banning women exposing breasts in public did not pass. The comment was made in a squabble over proposed legislation that would make it a crime for women to expose their nipples in public. Currently in New Hampshire, both men and women are free to go topless, reports Slate. A bill sponsored solely by Republican men would change that, if it becomes law.

Namely, Moore took to Facebook to argue that “if women who want to breastfeed their children in public are allowed to expose their nipples, then I am also allowed to grab their nipples and play around with them.” When asked why he would perceive an otherwise normal and accepted practice of breastfeeding as “alarming” and “offensive,” Moore told media outlets that “it’s not about breastfeeding as an activity, it’s about the principle.”

“You know, why should I, or any other citizen of this great country, be forced to watch babies feeding in public? And when I say that, I emphasize that it’s not about the feeding itself, but the manner in which it is done. Breastfeeding in general doesn’t bother me at all, I consider it quite normal. However, breastfeeding in public infuriates me, because it means women have to bear their chest and nipples to do it, and that causes a distraction and sets a bad example for people, and especially, small children. We can’t have that, we just can’t,” the New Hampshire Rep. said.

Rep. Josh Moore (R): “I’m Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders’ Nipples If They Use Them In Public”

Now this is what Sexual assault looks like...Not some words By Bill. WTF is wrong with this guy? A mother needs to be able to feed her baby.

More fake news from the liberal nutters. Thank Matt, you still hate blacks?
Josh Moore (R): Im Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders Nipples If They Use Them In Public
A New Hampshire state Rep. Josh Moore (R), who describes himself as a “pro-family” conservative, made an alarming comment on Facebook regarding the nipples of breastfeeding mothers if a law banning women exposing breasts in public did not pass. The comment was made in a squabble over proposed legislation that would make it a crime for women to expose their nipples in public. Currently in New Hampshire, both men and women are free to go topless, reports Slate. A bill sponsored solely by Republican men would change that, if it becomes law.

Namely, Moore took to Facebook to argue that “if women who want to breastfeed their children in public are allowed to expose their nipples, then I am also allowed to grab their nipples and play around with them.” When asked why he would perceive an otherwise normal and accepted practice of breastfeeding as “alarming” and “offensive,” Moore told media outlets that “it’s not about breastfeeding as an activity, it’s about the principle.”

“You know, why should I, or any other citizen of this great country, be forced to watch babies feeding in public? And when I say that, I emphasize that it’s not about the feeding itself, but the manner in which it is done. Breastfeeding in general doesn’t bother me at all, I consider it quite normal. However, breastfeeding in public infuriates me, because it means women have to bear their chest and nipples to do it, and that causes a distraction and sets a bad example for people, and especially, small children. We can’t have that, we just can’t,” the New Hampshire Rep. said.

Rep. Josh Moore (R): “I’m Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders’ Nipples If They Use Them In Public”

Now this is what Sexual assault looks like...Not some words By Bill. WTF is wrong with this guy? A mother needs to be able to feed her baby.
He was using hyperbole to try to make a point. Are you so fucking stupid you didn't realize that or just a dumb fucking troll?
Josh Moore (R): Im Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders Nipples If They Use Them In Public
A New Hampshire state Rep. Josh Moore (R), who describes himself as a “pro-family” conservative, made an alarming comment on Facebook regarding the nipples of breastfeeding mothers if a law banning women exposing breasts in public did not pass. The comment was made in a squabble over proposed legislation that would make it a crime for women to expose their nipples in public. Currently in New Hampshire, both men and women are free to go topless, reports Slate. A bill sponsored solely by Republican men would change that, if it becomes law.

Namely, Moore took to Facebook to argue that “if women who want to breastfeed their children in public are allowed to expose their nipples, then I am also allowed to grab their nipples and play around with them.” When asked why he would perceive an otherwise normal and accepted practice of breastfeeding as “alarming” and “offensive,” Moore told media outlets that “it’s not about breastfeeding as an activity, it’s about the principle.”

“You know, why should I, or any other citizen of this great country, be forced to watch babies feeding in public? And when I say that, I emphasize that it’s not about the feeding itself, but the manner in which it is done. Breastfeeding in general doesn’t bother me at all, I consider it quite normal. However, breastfeeding in public infuriates me, because it means women have to bear their chest and nipples to do it, and that causes a distraction and sets a bad example for people, and especially, small children. We can’t have that, we just can’t,” the New Hampshire Rep. said.

Rep. Josh Moore (R): “I’m Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders’ Nipples If They Use Them In Public”

Now this is what Sexual assault looks like...Not some words By Bill. WTF is wrong with this guy? A mother needs to be able to feed her baby.

And to think, it only took you two years to get offended and upset by this story...

And until today, you'd probably never heard of Josh Moore...

You should check out Disir's link, while still a stupid thing to say, at least it gets a little context from Snopes...

I'll be looking for you to start a thread, Matthew, the next time a Democrat says something stupid or offensive...

Wait, what am I saying? I'll be looking forward to your thread about something stupid or offensive a Democrat said two years ago...

Fucking hack.
Josh Moore said that a man's inclination is to grope women who are breastfeeding in public.

Moore said that women who breastfeed in public are just as bad as men who flash their genitals.

On 30 December 2015, New Hampshire state representative Amanda Bouldin objected to a bill that would allow cities to outlaw women from showing their nipples, except for when they are breastfeeding. Bouldin’s colleague Josh Moore responded to her comment, saying that women who were inclined to expose their breasts in public should know that men will be inclined to stare and grab at their breasts:

Who doesn’t support a mother’s right to feed? Don’t give me the liberal talking points, Amanda. If it’s a woman’s natural inclination to pull her nipple out in public and you support that, then you should have no problem with a man’s inclination to stare at it and grab it. After all .. it’s ALL relative and natural, right?

Moore deleted the above-displayed comment from Facebook, but the remark has been welldocumented by several web sites.

While Moore really did post those words to Facebook, several people reading about the incident have encountered an exaggerated version of the representative’s statement. On 1 January 2016, the fake news web site Politicalo posted a hyperbolic version of Moore’s comment:

“See, the equivalent of that would be if every single man who is sexually aroused by a female walking by would be allowed to take his pants and underwear off and show his erection to his potential mate. And where would that lead us? Imagine hordes of men in the streets getting naked and walking around with erections, exposing themselves to small children. We have a name for people who do those things, and it’s sexual predators. We put people in jail for doing that, for Christ’s sake.”

“So, if we’re not going to put moms in jail for breastfeeding their babies in public, the least we can do in the best interest of equality is allow the men to come up to them and play around with their exposed nipples and areolas, BUT ONLY once the babies are finished feeding,” Moore opined. “We wouldn’t want to disturb the little ones’ eating habits, which are important for their growth. That being said, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am going to start fondling away as soon as this interview is over.”

While Rep. Josh Moore did respond to a comment by his colleague Amanda Bouldin on Facebook by writing that if she supported a woman’s inclination to expose her nipple in public then she also supposed a man’s inclination to stare at it and grab it, the comments attributed to him comparing women who breastfeed to sexual predators are completely fictional and were originally published by a fake news web site:
Josh Moore (R): Im Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders Nipples If They Use Them In Public
A New Hampshire state Rep. Josh Moore (R), who describes himself as a “pro-family” conservative, made an alarming comment on Facebook regarding the nipples of breastfeeding mothers if a law banning women exposing breasts in public did not pass. The comment was made in a squabble over proposed legislation that would make it a crime for women to expose their nipples in public. Currently in New Hampshire, both men and women are free to go topless, reports Slate. A bill sponsored solely by Republican men would change that, if it becomes law.

Namely, Moore took to Facebook to argue that “if women who want to breastfeed their children in public are allowed to expose their nipples, then I am also allowed to grab their nipples and play around with them.” When asked why he would perceive an otherwise normal and accepted practice of breastfeeding as “alarming” and “offensive,” Moore told media outlets that “it’s not about breastfeeding as an activity, it’s about the principle.”

“You know, why should I, or any other citizen of this great country, be forced to watch babies feeding in public? And when I say that, I emphasize that it’s not about the feeding itself, but the manner in which it is done. Breastfeeding in general doesn’t bother me at all, I consider it quite normal. However, breastfeeding in public infuriates me, because it means women have to bear their chest and nipples to do it, and that causes a distraction and sets a bad example for people, and especially, small children. We can’t have that, we just can’t,” the New Hampshire Rep. said.

Rep. Josh Moore (R): “I’m Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders’ Nipples If They Use Them In Public”

Now this is what Sexual assault looks like...Not some words By Bill. WTF is wrong with this guy? A mother needs to be able to feed her baby.

More fake news from the liberal nutters. Thank Matt, you still hate blacks?
He used to refer to them as porch monkeys back when he pretended to be a Republican. Then as soon as he exposed that he was a liberal liar his racism suddenly vanished.

Anyone else see the CLEAR motive?
Josh Moore (R): Im Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders Nipples If They Use Them In Public
A New Hampshire state Rep. Josh Moore (R), who describes himself as a “pro-family” conservative, made an alarming comment on Facebook regarding the nipples of breastfeeding mothers if a law banning women exposing breasts in public did not pass. The comment was made in a squabble over proposed legislation that would make it a crime for women to expose their nipples in public. Currently in New Hampshire, both men and women are free to go topless, reports Slate. A bill sponsored solely by Republican men would change that, if it becomes law.

Namely, Moore took to Facebook to argue that “if women who want to breastfeed their children in public are allowed to expose their nipples, then I am also allowed to grab their nipples and play around with them.” When asked why he would perceive an otherwise normal and accepted practice of breastfeeding as “alarming” and “offensive,” Moore told media outlets that “it’s not about breastfeeding as an activity, it’s about the principle.”

“You know, why should I, or any other citizen of this great country, be forced to watch babies feeding in public? And when I say that, I emphasize that it’s not about the feeding itself, but the manner in which it is done. Breastfeeding in general doesn’t bother me at all, I consider it quite normal. However, breastfeeding in public infuriates me, because it means women have to bear their chest and nipples to do it, and that causes a distraction and sets a bad example for people, and especially, small children. We can’t have that, we just can’t,” the New Hampshire Rep. said.

Rep. Josh Moore (R): “I’m Allowed To Grab Breastfeeders’ Nipples If They Use Them In Public”

Now this is what Sexual assault looks like...Not some words By Bill. WTF is wrong with this guy? A mother needs to be able to feed her baby.
Nothing but socialism on a State basis from the right wing. Laissez-fair in domestic policies, right wingers!

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