Journalist kidnapped by Israelis after shooting in head (West Bank)

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Concerning Moaz Amarna, the detained journalist by the occupation in the WestBank, Moaz revealed the following to his lawyer:

-He suffered severe head injuries but was denied medical attention or medication.
-When officers learned about the bullet in his head, they intentionally hit him on the head, breaking his glasses.


-Since his arrest, he has been sleeping on the floor without blankets or pillows due to overcrowded conditions.
-He has been denied the opportunity to shower since the day of his arrest.
Almost daily, all detainees in the room have faced attacks.

This war crime was in West Bank, not Gaza.

[Quds news]
Concerning Moaz Amarna, the detained journalist by the occupation in the WestBank, Moaz revealed the following to his lawyer:

Uh, that was freaking four years ago!

Palestinian photographer loses sight in eye hit by Israeli bullet
Following the incident, photo journalists from around the world posted on social media photos of themselves with one eye covered by a patch.
NOVEMBER 19, 2019 14:33

A Palestinian photographer has lost his sight in one eye after he was hit in the eye with a bullet fired by an Israeli border policeman.

Muad Amarna was wearing a bullet-proof vest with the label “Press” and a helmet while covering a demonstration in a Palestinian village near Hebron on Friday.

"Contrary to the allegations made and as can be seen in the footage, the security forces operated in the area in front of dozens of rioters, some of them masked, who threw stones at officers and burnt tires," the Police Foreign Press Spokesman said in a statement on Tuesday.

So tell me, what exactly is "current" about something that literally happened four years ago?

This entire thread needs to be flushed. That is the problem when people rely on social media for their "news", and can't even bother to look up any facts for themselves.
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Concerning Moaz Amarna, the detained journalist by the occupation in the WestBank, Moaz revealed the following to his lawyer:

-He suffered severe head injuries but was denied medical attention or medication.
-When officers learned about the bullet in his head, they intentionally hit him on the head, breaking his glasses.

View attachment 859307
-Since his arrest, he has been sleeping on the floor without blankets or pillows due to overcrowded conditions.
-He has been denied the opportunity to shower since the day of his arrest.
Almost daily, all detainees in the room have faced attacks.

This war crime was in West Bank, not Gaza.

[Quds news]

Your story reeks of false hood. Why the concerns about a shower, blankets, a pillow???? if he has a bullet in his head? number one concern if this was real, would be getting medical attention.
Uh, that was freaking four years ago!

So tell me, what exactly is "current" about something that literally happened four years ago?

This entire thread needs to be flushed. That is the problem when people rely on social media for their "news", and can't even bother to look up any facts for themselves.

He still hasnt had a shower in 4 years??
He still hasnt had a shower in 4 years??

Oh, he was not even in jail or incarcerated. He was taken to a hospital, and then when released he actually met President Mahmoud Abbas.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets with journalist Moaz Amarna in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, on December 24, 2019. Photo by Thaer Ganaim

This is why I encourage everybody to "vette their sources", and not just take something as the truth just because you want to believe in it. If people used a bit more common sense and bothered to research things before posting them, a lot of the stupid posts in here like this would not happen at all.
So, war criminals have been attacking him on daily basis for years..

Another horrible war crime, not less horrible than attacking hospitals.

Even this Palestinian website which is BIASED, does not agree with you. It says he received a shard of metal in his eye, which anyone who knows anything meand it was a piece of shrapnel. Said he was immediately given medical treatment.

Oh, he was not even in jail or incarcerated. He was taken to a hospital, and then when released he actually met President Mahmoud Abbas.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets with journalist Moaz Amarna in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, on December 24, 2019. Photo by Thaer Ganaim

This is why I encourage everybody to "vette their sources", and not just take something as the truth just because you want to believe in it. If people used a bit more common sense and bothered to research things before posting them, a lot of the stupid posts in here like this would not happen at all.
So, he met famous Israeli agent?
Concerning Moaz Amarna, the detained journalist by the occupation in the WestBank, Moaz revealed the following to his lawyer:

-He suffered severe head injuries but was denied medical attention or medication.
-When officers learned about the bullet in his head, they intentionally hit him on the head, breaking his glasses.

View attachment 859307
-Since his arrest, he has been sleeping on the floor without blankets or pillows due to overcrowded conditions.
-He has been denied the opportunity to shower since the day of his arrest.
Almost daily, all detainees in the room have faced attacks.

This war crime was in West Bank, not Gaza.

[Quds news]

If you dont want to be seen as nothing more than a shill for the Terror group Hamas. You should stop making these things up.
So, he met famous Israeli agent?

How about you take your propaganda and shove it.

I am actually rather neutral on this topic, just as I am about the conflict in Ukraine. However, I am a strong believe in the truth, and not bullcrap propaganda.

The very fact that you posted a 4 year old event as if it is current shows you can not tell truth from propaganda. And I also notice, you have given absolutely no retraction or admitted it is 4 years old, you are still trying to push it even though it has unquestionably been busted.

So take your biased opinion and shove it.
Concerning Moaz Amarna, the detained journalist by the occupation in the WestBank, Moaz revealed the following to his lawyer:

-He suffered severe head injuries but was denied medical attention or medication.
-When officers learned about the bullet in his head, they intentionally hit him on the head, breaking his glasses.

View attachment 859307
-Since his arrest, he has been sleeping on the floor without blankets or pillows due to overcrowded conditions.
-He has been denied the opportunity to shower since the day of his arrest.
Almost daily, all detainees in the room have faced attacks.

This war crime was in West Bank, not Gaza.

[Quds news]

Why do you post Gaza propaganda? You're a fraud. You're no lion, you're a weasel rat fuck liar.
If your someone from the M.E. why dont you just try discussing things honestly? Your not going to win anything by using deception.
I tell ya what, Iranians aren't deceptive shitbags like that at all.

This particular set of humans are the shitrats of humanity.
So, war criminals have been attacking him on daily basis for years..

Another horrible war crime, not less horrible than attacking hospitals.
God does not like those that bear false witness against others.

You're setting yourself up to have a bad time on the earth he created.

That Allah Moon God stuff is all fake. Many people know the real history of this earth.

The God that created this world sees everything Muslims do, no matter what time of day it is, or wherever they are.

It's a law written into the mechanisms of this world: You don't get away with anything.
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How about you take your propaganda and shove it.

I am actually rather neutral on this topic, just as I am about the conflict in Ukraine. However, I am a strong believe in the truth, and not bullcrap propaganda.

The very fact that you posted a 4 year old event as if it is current shows you can not tell truth from propaganda. And I also notice, you have given absolutely no retraction or admitted it is 4 years old, you are still trying to push it even though it has unquestionably been busted.

So take your biased opinion and shove it.
Maybe the original poster had the timeline mixed up. You do realize the Israeli government lies all the time. Like how they lied when they try to say they didn’t kill a Palestinian America Journalist they use Doctored “forensic” footage to try and do it. An Israeli sniper killed a Palestinian American Journalist about two years ago.
I gather from the OP we're supposed to hold a pity party for some vermin Hamas propagandist out to aid his fellow terrorists or something. Doesn't seem like anybody can name the 'press' he works for, either.
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Maybe the original poster had the timeline mixed up. You do realize the Israeli government lies all the time. Like how they lied when they try to say they didn’t kill a Palestinian America Journalist they use Doctored “forensic” footage to try and do it. An Israeli sniper killed a Palestinian American Journalist about two years ago.

None of the OP post makes any sense. Cant you see that when you break it down? You talk about Israeli lies? sure they have lied like every government does, but Hamas uses lies as an every day tool to build resentment against Israel around the world. Its a war tactic.

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