Joy Behar to dems: don't tell voters ahead of time before seizing their gunns


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The View host Joy Behar warned Democrats to cool it with broadcasting their intention to overturn the Second Amendment, saying they must wait until they take back power first.
Joy Behar to Dems: Don’t Tell Voters ‘Ahead of Time’ Before Seizing Their Guns

Virtual Signaling pussies.
Like we said a nation of pussies will end up just like Europe you pussies are going to hate what you begged for sadly you skinny jean wearing cowardly fkn morons are really phuken stupid....

Screw you bitch!! america isn't dumb enough to go full blown EUROPE style....... u dumb ...ts believe the ms . lmfao....

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The View host Joy Behar warned Democrats to cool it with broadcasting their intention to overturn the Second Amendment, saying they must wait until they take back power first.
Joy Behar to Dems: Don’t Tell Voters ‘Ahead of Time’ Before Seizing Their Guns

Virtual Signaling pussies.
Like we said a nation of pussies will end up just like Europe you pussies are going to hate what you begged for sadly you skinny jean wearing cowardly fkn morons are really phuken stupid....

Screw you bitch america isn't dumb enough to go full blown EUROPE style....... u dumb ...ts believe the ms . lmfao....

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Their star player, Beto, bowed out.
In other words lie your ass off can that be good for us? be led by dishonest people....maybe Joy doesn't care because she thinks she is rich and untouchable...but the middle class should care deeply about liars and thieves in the democrat party....

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