Judaism and other religions in the Israel/Palestine MB and the Religion Ethics Board


Active Member
Feb 25, 2012
I would like this discussion to be non heated and non flamed. I would also like to keep it on track, anything the responders can do help me achieve that goal will be appreciated.

It seems as if whenever anyone brings up any topic that has to do with the Jews, the poster is usually respectful and polite unless they are provoked. However this seems to be a one way street as when Catholics or Muslims are brought up the knives come out and more often then not we are beset with hate fests that are almost primal in nature. I would like to get peoples opinions on why this is such a common occurrence.
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I would like this discussion to be non heated and non flamed. I would also like to keep it on track, anything the responders can do help me achieve that goal will be appreciated.

It seems as if whenever anyone brings up any topic that has to do with the Jews, the poster is usually respectful and polite unless they are provoked. However this seems to be a one way street as when Catholics or Muslims are brought up the knives come out and more often then not we are beset with hate fests that are almost primal in nature. I would like to get peoples opinions on why this is such a common occurrence.

Some examples would be nice.

No it wouldn't. No hate speech in the CDZ please.
Noooooooo. Nice try, but this kind of crap will not be acceptable here. There is no need to show examples of hate speech in this place, I'm pretty sure we all know what it is.
It is not a one-way street, people on all sides of this issue have strong feelings about it that quickly come to surface. Same for politics, race, religion, some topics hit closer to home than others.
You want a list of the religions from two other forums on this Message Board?
I don't think I understand the topic of discussion here.
Noooooooo. Nice try, but this kind of crap will not be acceptable here. There is no need to show examples of hate speech in this place, I'm pretty sure we all know what it is.

thank you. i wasn't sure. i apologise.

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