Judge Roy Moore Scores KKK Endorsement!

Stormfront was started by a former Grand Wizard of the KKK who sought to join Nazis and KKK together because of the waning power of each. Combined, they call themselves "White Nationalists".

No lie. All true.

What is the difference between Stormfront and ThinkProgress, other than the latter is a hate group you agree with?
Stormfront has real live cave chimps.
Imperial Wizard Brent Waller of the United Dixie White Knights, the Mississippi branch of the Ku Klux Klan, shared the group's support for Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in a statement published on theUDWK's website and the white supremacist forum Stormfront on Tuesday.

Stormfront is a forum for Nazis and Klansmen to join together in brotherly, Christian love.

"The Mississippi Klan salutes Alabama's chief justice Roy Moore, for refusing to bow to the yoke of Federal tyranny," Waller wrote. "The Feds have no authority over individual States marriage laws. The fudgepackers from Hollywood and all major news networks are in shock that the good people from the heart of Dixie are resisting their Imperialist, Communist Homosexual agenda!"

Hmmm. The Nazis and KKK are attacking the Left? But Glenn Beck sez Nazis are Lefties! I'm so confused!

And they are supporting a right wing judge? Gosh, I am feeling some serious cognitive dissonance! Could the retards who believe Nazis are left-wing be...WRONG!?!?!

Waller urged Klansmen and other white nationalists to support "the Christian community's protests that are surly [sic] coming against tyranical [sic] Federal judges," but asked them to leave out "any insignia, colors, shirts" that represent the KKK.

KKK, the bestest of the best Christians. In your churches and your rhetoric, operating all sooper sekrit. Cover up them "88" tattoos and put away your red shoelaces, boys, we can't let the rubes know we are behind the hate.

I sure hope every Christian on the planet makes a public statement telling us the KKK are not REAL Christians, or else I will have to conclude all Christians support the KKK and Nazis.


Honk if you love Liberals!
Liar. SF quite clearly says what it is.

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. Yet we are demonized as "racists."
We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!
SF is a community of cave chimps and cowards.
Sure thing there boy.I am sure any of them care what you or any other groid has to say.
Of course you cave chimps care what I say. You cant stand we are taking your women and stomping on your gene pool. I've read some of the posts on SF. Its a hoot.
Actually we don't. Any white female that lowers herself to marry,date,have sex etc outside of their race is a female of low morals and defective thinking therefore not worthy of a white mate.

Imperial Wizard Brent Waller of the United Dixie White Knights, the Mississippi branch of the Ku Klux Klan, shared the group's support for Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in a statement published on theUDWK's website and the white supremacist forum Stormfront on Tuesday.

Stormfront is a forum for Nazis and Klansmen to join together in brotherly, Christian love.

"The Mississippi Klan salutes Alabama's chief justice Roy Moore, for refusing to bow to the yoke of Federal tyranny," Waller wrote. "The Feds have no authority over individual States marriage laws. The fudgepackers from Hollywood and all major news networks are in shock that the good people from the heart of Dixie are resisting their Imperialist, Communist Homosexual agenda!"

Hmmm. The Nazis and KKK are attacking the Left? But Glenn Beck sez Nazis are Lefties! I'm so confused!

And they are supporting a right wing judge? Gosh, I am feeling some serious cognitive dissonance! Could the retards who believe Nazis are left-wing be...WRONG!?!?!

Waller urged Klansmen and other white nationalists to support "the Christian community's protests that are surly [sic] coming against tyranical [sic] Federal judges," but asked them to leave out "any insignia, colors, shirts" that represent the KKK.

KKK, the bestest of the best Christians. In your churches and your rhetoric, operating all sooper sekrit. Cover up them "88" tattoos and put away your red shoelaces, boys, we can't let the rubes know we are behind the hate.

I sure hope every Christian on the planet makes a public statement telling us the KKK are not REAL Christians, or else I will have to conclude all Christians support the KKK and Nazis.


Honk if you love Liberals!
Liar. SF quite clearly says what it is.

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. Yet we are demonized as "racists."
We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

That is not exactly true, now is it? Your organization doesn't simply promote the white race. It advocates the killing of every other race.
I am not on SF...I am not a member of a group. Creativity is a religion. Its my religion.

Well what I stated certainly holds true for your "faith".

I am guessing those born in, or descended from, the Middleeast are your sworn enemies too?
Jews yes. Muslims are a useful ally for the time being.
Imperial Wizard Brent Waller of the United Dixie White Knights, the Mississippi branch of the Ku Klux Klan, shared the group's support for Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in a statement published on theUDWK's website and the white supremacist forum Stormfront on Tuesday.

Stormfront is a forum for Nazis and Klansmen to join together in brotherly, Christian love.

"The Mississippi Klan salutes Alabama's chief justice Roy Moore, for refusing to bow to the yoke of Federal tyranny," Waller wrote. "The Feds have no authority over individual States marriage laws. The fudgepackers from Hollywood and all major news networks are in shock that the good people from the heart of Dixie are resisting their Imperialist, Communist Homosexual agenda!"

Hmmm. The Nazis and KKK are attacking the Left? But Glenn Beck sez Nazis are Lefties! I'm so confused!

And they are supporting a right wing judge? Gosh, I am feeling some serious cognitive dissonance! Could the retards who believe Nazis are left-wing be...WRONG!?!?!

Waller urged Klansmen and other white nationalists to support "the Christian community's protests that are surly [sic] coming against tyranical [sic] Federal judges," but asked them to leave out "any insignia, colors, shirts" that represent the KKK.

KKK, the bestest of the best Christians. In your churches and your rhetoric, operating all sooper sekrit. Cover up them "88" tattoos and put away your red shoelaces, boys, we can't let the rubes know we are behind the hate.

I sure hope every Christian on the planet makes a public statement telling us the KKK are not REAL Christians, or else I will have to conclude all Christians support the KKK and Nazis.


Honk if you love Liberals!
Liar. SF quite clearly says what it is.

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. Yet we are demonized as "racists."
We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

LOL...Wait, you expect racist to SAY they are racist?
Racist is a word invented by a jewish communist...SF'ers are white nationalists/kosher conservatives. Anti Racist is codeword for anti white.

There is no code. It is plain english. You judge people based solely on their race. That, by definition, makes you a racist.

You want one race (conveniently, your race) to murder all other races and you demand loyalty to race. That, again, by definition, makes you a racist.

Just as it does for anyone of any race who think that way.
Oh there is a code...White Genocide is a real thing and "anti racists" want the elimination of the white race course they say that right after they get done ranting that their is no such thing as race...they are a bunch of morons.
Imperial Wizard Brent Waller of the United Dixie White Knights, the Mississippi branch of the Ku Klux Klan, shared the group's support for Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in a statement published on theUDWK's website and the white supremacist forum Stormfront on Tuesday.

Stormfront is a forum for Nazis and Klansmen to join together in brotherly, Christian love.

"The Mississippi Klan salutes Alabama's chief justice Roy Moore, for refusing to bow to the yoke of Federal tyranny," Waller wrote. "The Feds have no authority over individual States marriage laws. The fudgepackers from Hollywood and all major news networks are in shock that the good people from the heart of Dixie are resisting their Imperialist, Communist Homosexual agenda!"

Hmmm. The Nazis and KKK are attacking the Left? But Glenn Beck sez Nazis are Lefties! I'm so confused!

And they are supporting a right wing judge? Gosh, I am feeling some serious cognitive dissonance! Could the retards who believe Nazis are left-wing be...WRONG!?!?!

Waller urged Klansmen and other white nationalists to support "the Christian community's protests that are surly [sic] coming against tyranical [sic] Federal judges," but asked them to leave out "any insignia, colors, shirts" that represent the KKK.

KKK, the bestest of the best Christians. In your churches and your rhetoric, operating all sooper sekrit. Cover up them "88" tattoos and put away your red shoelaces, boys, we can't let the rubes know we are behind the hate.

I sure hope every Christian on the planet makes a public statement telling us the KKK are not REAL Christians, or else I will have to conclude all Christians support the KKK and Nazis.


Honk if you love Liberals!
Liar. SF quite clearly says what it is.

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. Yet we are demonized as "racists."
We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!
Yes...I'm sure you are a fine member in good standing there.

Liar. SF quite clearly says what it is.

Stormfront was started by a former Grand Wizard of the KKK who sought to join Nazis and KKK together because of the waning power of each. Combined, they call themselves "White Nationalists".

No lie. All true.
First part true,2nd part not true. White Nationalism and National Socialism are 2 totally different things.Some Klans won't associate with National Socialists as the Klan sees its self as all american and against them evil nazis...

White Nationalists believe in the supremacy of the white race. Their desire is to separate all the races, with the white races possessing North America and Europe.

Some believe this separation should be forceful, while others believe the darkies in American and Europe should be "encouraged" to sell all their belongings and move to some darkie country where they have never been.

Still other WNs are excited at the prospect of RaHoWa. Racial Holy War. They can't wait to start shooting darkies in the streets in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In 2008, when Obama was elected, some WNs were thrilled. They figured the negro would fuck things up so badly, that enough white people would finally wake up and start tossing darkies out of the country. Thus was born the belief that Obama can do nothing right. This emanates from the extreme right nazis.

Other WNs, though, are resigned that the darkies have won and that their White Nation will never be a reality. So they just seethe. And seethe, and seethe.

They like to sport "88" tattoos. The letter H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 = HH = Heil Hitler.

Yeah. That's how juvenile an intellect we are talking about here.

And yet the WNs will deny they are Nazis. BWA-HA-HA-HA. Hey, don't mind the 88 tattoos and the black and red color scheme of the web site and the Nazi avatars!
Partly correct. White SUPREMACISTS see the white race as superior White NATIONALISTS do not.
RaHoWa is a slogan of The Creativity Religion/movement. As a whole its not used by WN.Also Creators are not christians they are Creators we do not believe in jesus,god,heaven any of that shit.
The 88 tattoo is correct,I have one on my wrist. From my youth I intend to get it covered with more mainstream stuff eventually simply because I am not a National Socialist.
White Nationalists are not National Socialists. The are 2 entirely separate things. Oh and the website isn't black and red and you go right ahead and try using ANY pro NS avatars on SF...they will tell you to change it,if you don't you get your avatar completely deleted and not allowed to use another one.They aren't allowed.

We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

That is not exactly true, now is it? Your organization doesn't simply promote the white race. It advocates the killing of every other race.
WNs cannot openly advocate murder on Stormfront. The government would shut them down if they did. They have the most oppressive censorship on their site imaginable to keep their thugs on the down low.
They are extremely oppressive there. Part of the reason I left.
We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!

That is not exactly true, now is it? Your organization doesn't simply promote the white race. It advocates the killing of every other race.
WNs cannot openly advocate murder on Stormfront. The government would shut them down if they did. They have the most oppressive censorship on their site imaginable to keep their thugs on the down low.

That would explain why Odium is not on SF. His "religion" is all about the complete slaughter of every race except whites.
I am not on SF because I was banned after my posts kept getting deleted. Its a very pro christian and IMO pro jewish forum even though they say they aren't. I had posts deleted for answering a question about what to do about jews,also had one deleted when I said the Front National was being used by Jews to harm real Nationalists in France.I told a moderator to go fuck himself and it got me banned...banned right as I was asking for my account to be disabled. There are other forums I use that I can be more open on and am not censored.
Your an idiot. BP were started to protect the community from police. KKK was started because be feral white cave chimps couldnt take life without keeping people enslaved.

Actually retard, the KKK was started to drive WHITE Republicans out of the South, the so-called "carpet baggers."

But then you are just a Feral Baboon, so flinging shit it the only thing you can do...
So they attacked Black people to drive white Republicans out of the south? I knew those monkeys were dumb but thats really stupid.
I am not on SF because I was banned after my posts kept getting deleted. Its a very pro christian and IMO pro jewish forum even though they say they aren't. I had posts deleted for answering a question about what to do about jews,also had one deleted when I said the Front National was being used by Jews to harm real Nationalists in France.I told a moderator to go fuck himself and it got me banned...banned right as I was asking for my account to be disabled. There are other forums I use that I can be more open on and am not censored.

Have you met Asslips?

You two are two peas in a rotted pod.

You should get married - the racist event on the decade!
Stormfront is a forum for Nazis and Klansmen to join together in brotherly, Christian love.

Hmmm. The Nazis and KKK are attacking the Left? But Glenn Beck sez Nazis are Lefties! I'm so confused!

And they are supporting a right wing judge? Gosh, I am feeling some serious cognitive dissonance! Could the retards who believe Nazis are left-wing be...WRONG!?!?!

KKK, the bestest of the best Christians. In your churches and your rhetoric, operating all sooper sekrit. Cover up them "88" tattoos and put away your red shoelaces, boys, we can't let the rubes know we are behind the hate.

I sure hope every Christian on the planet makes a public statement telling us the KKK are not REAL Christians, or else I will have to conclude all Christians support the KKK and Nazis.


Honk if you love Liberals!
Liar. SF quite clearly says what it is.

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. Yet we are demonized as "racists."
We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!
SF is a community of cave chimps and cowards.
Sure thing there boy.I am sure any of them care what you or any other groid has to say.
Of course you cave chimps care what I say. You cant stand we are taking your women and stomping on your gene pool. I've read some of the posts on SF. Its a hoot.
Actually we don't. Any white female that lowers herself to marry,date,have sex etc outside of their race is a female of low morals and defective thinking therefore not worthy of a white mate.
I think what you meant is that you feel your inferiority complex is validated so any such white female that rises to the occasion and takes control of her fantasies and seeks out a Black man is forever ruined for you being such a little dick feller.
Your an idiot. BP were started to protect the community from police. KKK was started because be feral white cave chimps couldnt take life without keeping people enslaved.

Actually retard, the KKK was started to drive WHITE Republicans out of the South, the so-called "carpet baggers."

But then you are just a Feral Baboon, so flinging shit it the only thing you can do...
So they attacked Black people to drive white Republicans out of the south? I knew those monkeys were dumb but thats really stupid.
Are you seriously attacking the Klan when you don't even realize they attacked whites as well as negro's? Wow...more ignorant than I thought.
I am not on SF because I was banned after my posts kept getting deleted. Its a very pro christian and IMO pro jewish forum even though they say they aren't. I had posts deleted for answering a question about what to do about jews,also had one deleted when I said the Front National was being used by Jews to harm real Nationalists in France.I told a moderator to go fuck himself and it got me banned...banned right as I was asking for my account to be disabled. There are other forums I use that I can be more open on and am not censored.

Have you met Asslips?

You two are two peas in a rotted pod.

You should get married - the racist event on the decade!
No thanks.

Liar. SF quite clearly says what it is.

Welcome to Stormfront.
We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. Yet we are demonized as "racists."
We are the voice of the new, embattled White minority!
SF is a community of cave chimps and cowards.
Sure thing there boy.I am sure any of them care what you or any other groid has to say.
Of course you cave chimps care what I say. You cant stand we are taking your women and stomping on your gene pool. I've read some of the posts on SF. Its a hoot.
Actually we don't. Any white female that lowers herself to marry,date,have sex etc outside of their race is a female of low morals and defective thinking therefore not worthy of a white mate.
I think what you meant is that you feel your inferiority complex is validated so any such white female that rises to the occasion and takes control of her fantasies and seeks out a Black man is forever ruined for you being such a little dick feller.
I said what I mean and mean what I said. Any white woman that taints her body like that is disgusting and I wouldn't touch with a 50 foot pole. They lower themselves and destroy thousands of years of superior genes to breed with an animal they must have serious problems.I would never lower myself to that level...I married a beautiful white woman who is proud of her French/Irish heritage and wanted to pass it on as we have done so. She would never consider even LOOKING at a nonwhite we discussed that before marriage was even brought up hell before we even went on a date. Its unfortunately a matter that must be discussed in such a society as we live in.
Your an idiot. BP were started to protect the community from police. KKK was started because be feral white cave chimps couldnt take life without keeping people enslaved.

Actually retard, the KKK was started to drive WHITE Republicans out of the South, the so-called "carpet baggers."

But then you are just a Feral Baboon, so flinging shit it the only thing you can do...
So they attacked Black people to drive white Republicans out of the south? I knew those monkeys were dumb but thats really stupid.
Are you seriously attacking the Klan when you don't even realize they attacked whites as well as negro's? Wow...more ignorant than I thought.
I am not on SF because I was banned after my posts kept getting deleted. Its a very pro christian and IMO pro jewish forum even though they say they aren't. I had posts deleted for answering a question about what to do about jews,also had one deleted when I said the Front National was being used by Jews to harm real Nationalists in France.I told a moderator to go fuck himself and it got me banned...banned right as I was asking for my account to be disabled. There are other forums I use that I can be more open on and am not censored.

Have you met Asslips?

You two are two peas in a rotted pod.

You should get married - the racist event on the decade!
No thanks.

SF is a community of cave chimps and cowards.
Sure thing there boy.I am sure any of them care what you or any other groid has to say.
Of course you cave chimps care what I say. You cant stand we are taking your women and stomping on your gene pool. I've read some of the posts on SF. Its a hoot.
Actually we don't. Any white female that lowers herself to marry,date,have sex etc outside of their race is a female of low morals and defective thinking therefore not worthy of a white mate.
I think what you meant is that you feel your inferiority complex is validated so any such white female that rises to the occasion and takes control of her fantasies and seeks out a Black man is forever ruined for you being such a little dick feller.
I said what I mean and mean what I said. Any white woman that taints her body like that is disgusting and I wouldn't touch with a 50 foot pole. They lower themselves and destroy thousands of years of superior genes to breed with an animal they must have serious problems.I would never lower myself to that level...I married a beautiful white woman who is proud of her French/Irish heritage and wanted to pass it on as we have done so. She would never consider even LOOKING at a nonwhite we discussed that before marriage was even brought up hell before we even went on a date. Its unfortunately a matter that must be discussed in such a society as we live in.
Irish? 150 years ago they were not considered white.
they didn't learn a damn thing with being kicked out of congress in only six years under their tyrant Obama. and now here they are letting hate site like hufferpufferpost lead them down the same path on why they lost

I say good
Your an idiot. BP were started to protect the community from police. KKK was started because be feral white cave chimps couldnt take life without keeping people enslaved.

Actually retard, the KKK was started to drive WHITE Republicans out of the South, the so-called "carpet baggers."

But then you are just a Feral Baboon, so flinging shit it the only thing you can do...
So they attacked Black people to drive white Republicans out of the south? I knew those monkeys were dumb but thats really stupid.
Are you seriously attacking the Klan when you don't even realize they attacked whites as well as negro's? Wow...more ignorant than I thought.
I am not on SF because I was banned after my posts kept getting deleted. Its a very pro christian and IMO pro jewish forum even though they say they aren't. I had posts deleted for answering a question about what to do about jews,also had one deleted when I said the Front National was being used by Jews to harm real Nationalists in France.I told a moderator to go fuck himself and it got me banned...banned right as I was asking for my account to be disabled. There are other forums I use that I can be more open on and am not censored.

Have you met Asslips?

You two are two peas in a rotted pod.

You should get married - the racist event on the decade!
No thanks.

Sure thing there boy.I am sure any of them care what you or any other groid has to say.
Of course you cave chimps care what I say. You cant stand we are taking your women and stomping on your gene pool. I've read some of the posts on SF. Its a hoot.
Actually we don't. Any white female that lowers herself to marry,date,have sex etc outside of their race is a female of low morals and defective thinking therefore not worthy of a white mate.
I think what you meant is that you feel your inferiority complex is validated so any such white female that rises to the occasion and takes control of her fantasies and seeks out a Black man is forever ruined for you being such a little dick feller.
I said what I mean and mean what I said. Any white woman that taints her body like that is disgusting and I wouldn't touch with a 50 foot pole. They lower themselves and destroy thousands of years of superior genes to breed with an animal they must have serious problems.I would never lower myself to that level...I married a beautiful white woman who is proud of her French/Irish heritage and wanted to pass it on as we have done so. She would never consider even LOOKING at a nonwhite we discussed that before marriage was even brought up hell before we even went on a date. Its unfortunately a matter that must be discussed in such a society as we live in.
Irish? 150 years ago they were not considered white.

Just goes to show you that it's far above your limited little finger pointing of one group of people.
Your an idiot. BP were started to protect the community from police. KKK was started because be feral white cave chimps couldnt take life without keeping people enslaved.

Actually retard, the KKK was started to drive WHITE Republicans out of the South, the so-called "carpet baggers."

But then you are just a Feral Baboon, so flinging shit it the only thing you can do...
So they attacked Black people to drive white Republicans out of the south? I knew those monkeys were dumb but thats really stupid.
Are you seriously attacking the Klan when you don't even realize they attacked whites as well as negro's? Wow...more ignorant than I thought.
I am not on SF because I was banned after my posts kept getting deleted. Its a very pro christian and IMO pro jewish forum even though they say they aren't. I had posts deleted for answering a question about what to do about jews,also had one deleted when I said the Front National was being used by Jews to harm real Nationalists in France.I told a moderator to go fuck himself and it got me banned...banned right as I was asking for my account to be disabled. There are other forums I use that I can be more open on and am not censored.

Have you met Asslips?

You two are two peas in a rotted pod.

You should get married - the racist event on the decade!
No thanks.

SF is a community of cave chimps and cowards.
Sure thing there boy.I am sure any of them care what you or any other groid has to say.
Of course you cave chimps care what I say. You cant stand we are taking your women and stomping on your gene pool. I've read some of the posts on SF. Its a hoot.
Actually we don't. Any white female that lowers herself to marry,date,have sex etc outside of their race is a female of low morals and defective thinking therefore not worthy of a white mate.
I think what you meant is that you feel your inferiority complex is validated so any such white female that rises to the occasion and takes control of her fantasies and seeks out a Black man is forever ruined for you being such a little dick feller.
I said what I mean and mean what I said. Any white woman that taints her body like that is disgusting and I wouldn't touch with a 50 foot pole. They lower themselves and destroy thousands of years of superior genes to breed with an animal they must have serious problems.I would never lower myself to that level...I married a beautiful white woman who is proud of her French/Irish heritage and wanted to pass it on as we have done so. She would never consider even LOOKING at a nonwhite we discussed that before marriage was even brought up hell before we even went on a date. Its unfortunately a matter that must be discussed in such a society as we live in.
Why would I not attack the klowns because they attacked other whites? You cave chimps must frequently lose cognitive skills due to the proliferation of fleas and ticks on your furry backs.

I got some bad news for you. Your genes are not superior. If anything they are inferior from inbreeding. At least thats what science says. I think white women know this instinctively and look for the better more diverse gene pool found in the Black race. BTW thats what all the married white women tell their husbands. I know from experience.
Your an idiot. BP were started to protect the community from police. KKK was started because be feral white cave chimps couldnt take life without keeping people enslaved.

Actually retard, the KKK was started to drive WHITE Republicans out of the South, the so-called "carpet baggers."

But then you are just a Feral Baboon, so flinging shit it the only thing you can do...
So they attacked Black people to drive white Republicans out of the south? I knew those monkeys were dumb but thats really stupid.
Are you seriously attacking the Klan when you don't even realize they attacked whites as well as negro's? Wow...more ignorant than I thought.
I am not on SF because I was banned after my posts kept getting deleted. Its a very pro christian and IMO pro jewish forum even though they say they aren't. I had posts deleted for answering a question about what to do about jews,also had one deleted when I said the Front National was being used by Jews to harm real Nationalists in France.I told a moderator to go fuck himself and it got me banned...banned right as I was asking for my account to be disabled. There are other forums I use that I can be more open on and am not censored.

Have you met Asslips?

You two are two peas in a rotted pod.

You should get married - the racist event on the decade!
No thanks.

Sure thing there boy.I am sure any of them care what you or any other groid has to say.
Of course you cave chimps care what I say. You cant stand we are taking your women and stomping on your gene pool. I've read some of the posts on SF. Its a hoot.
Actually we don't. Any white female that lowers herself to marry,date,have sex etc outside of their race is a female of low morals and defective thinking therefore not worthy of a white mate.
I think what you meant is that you feel your inferiority complex is validated so any such white female that rises to the occasion and takes control of her fantasies and seeks out a Black man is forever ruined for you being such a little dick feller.
I said what I mean and mean what I said. Any white woman that taints her body like that is disgusting and I wouldn't touch with a 50 foot pole. They lower themselves and destroy thousands of years of superior genes to breed with an animal they must have serious problems.I would never lower myself to that level...I married a beautiful white woman who is proud of her French/Irish heritage and wanted to pass it on as we have done so. She would never consider even LOOKING at a nonwhite we discussed that before marriage was even brought up hell before we even went on a date. Its unfortunately a matter that must be discussed in such a society as we live in.
Why would I not attack the klowns because they attacked other whites? You cave chimps must frequently lose cognitive skills due to the proliferation of fleas and ticks on your furry backs.

I got some bad news for you. Your genes are not superior. If anything they are inferior from inbreeding. At least thats what science says. I think white women know this instinctively and look for the better more diverse gene pool found in the Black race. BTW thats what all the married white women tell their husbands. I know from experience.

LOL...you must think you are talking to some backwoods redneck that doesn't seem to understand yer trying to piss him off...LOL...lets just say between my wife being young when I met her and growing up in a VERY SMALL ALL WHITE town...I know for a fact I am the only man she has ever been with. SOME people still have morals in this country...you want some trashy white whore...be my guest. The more the bad genes and defective braindead white whores we get rid of the better.

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